πŸ”ž SHARKCO x Reader/Character...

By Exc1ss10N

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{It's coming!} Just a oneshot/shipping book with SFW and NSFW. It could be reader x Sharkco character... OR... More

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❀️ πŸ• Valentines Was Strangely Intimate // M!Pagos x M!Pizza Guy
MUST READ! Introducing A New Former PROJECT
You Got Mail - πŸ€–

πŸ• Oh Pizza Guy!!! // M!Pagos x M!Pizza guy

268 11 2
By Exc1ss10N

Alright, getting some things clear so that you're not confused as hell: this oneshot chapter is somewhat unrelated to the lore of Sharkco made by the developers themselves, but it is what is for now. Maybe some other oneshot will be like... entirely the same as the original, so uh... yeaahhh!!! Also, this chapter is starting out slow to prepare some things. It's a roller coaster - you'll probably be bored at first, but soon it gets interesting so trust in the process 🙏

(Also don't mind this one being a little gay. Everyone likes em, and everyone loves them straight characters too! Win-win? 🙂)



Oh Pizza Guy!!!

A true work of arts and literature! Not intended for minors!!! LEAVE IF YOURE A MINRO INHATE THEMW ASO MUCH! GRAQHHAQ!!1!1!1

Featuring primarily!

Male!Pizza Guy
(He does have a name but I'll allow you guys to assume it as I use "[Pizza Guy]" as a replacement)

If you were interested in lemon, sadly there won't be any in this chapter, but if this one is liked abundantly (maybe like 5? 7?) then it goes for a second part with lemon.

Enjoy reading I guess?

[5500~ Words]

Most of what everyone knows is that the Entities are the assistants to humans, not pets nor slaves (though the crimes of trafficking still applies to them. What a cruel world, I know). Rarely, some of them are independent by themselves or when put aside with other fellow Entities. They're sentient, intelligent, literally humans 2.0. More to say, there's variations of them; like a candy store's chain, there's different candy options (Kaither, Tiger Shark, Kurutta, and more) from different brands (the creators) with different buyers (humans as CEOs or managers willing to pay for their assistance), and yet the same common stereotypical flavoring (the persona for example: Tiger Sharks are sharks obviously - yet they're also known for having a docile nature!) are added to the candies.

Within a mall in the middle of downtown New York, P.P.P. was just another random fast food restaurant that sold their products to both humans and Entities. Surprisingly you'd find P.P.P. as the most warm-colored but inconspicuous restaurant offered in the East sector of the mall's second floor, located directly in the middle of other busy anchor stores or restaurants serving more than them.

A huge imprint on the cashiers desk of P.P.P. with a large and emphasized red warning slab read:

[Pizza Guy] wipes over the plastic covered note with a moist white rag, soon making it over to the edges of the counter in a circular motion.

Done this here, done this that. For how many years? No count has been actually tracked, [Pizza Guy] has no ambitions to move on from this life. He's already satisfied with the way he's living. Business was usually secluded, which is one reason why he decided to stay there. But often times in crisis of boredom, he whistles every now and then to keep himself entertained.

Silence in this way is peaceful...

"[PIZZA GUY]!" Coworker from the back screams [Pizza Guy]'s name in a crazy banshee-like volume.

The corners of his mouth bends down into a tiny frown.

"Yeees?! John?!" Yelled back at his worker like his mom was calling for him. He snapped around and stared into the kitchen through its open window.

"Yu've got deliveries coming'n, and they're not go'in to be done with you half ass'in every single wipe! So tsk-tsk! Act like yu're feet's on fire!" The European accent makes it so much irritating than it has to be. John pops his head out into the the frame of [Pizza Guy]'s view where not only one but TWO devastating glares would continue to make each other feel more sick of each other.

"Yeah, whatever! Fetch me one of the orders you pale bastard..." [Pizza Guy] waves off at John.

John ducks down to below and reappears with an average sized pizza box in his hands.

Now into a wizard's voice... "Pleased to grant ya with yu'r quest! Happy travel'in young adventur'a!" John lays the order on the window frame, clearly in reach to [Pizza Guy]. Amidst of doing that, John slowly sinks down from where stood, disappearing magically ✨

"Alright, let's see what kind of pizza lover we got here," [Pizza Guy] snatches the box. His other hand pulls the lid open, and without any more hesitation or whatsoever, "Huh? Some simple bastard ordered the plain pepperoni pizza? You could've gotten something else other than this, I mean.. come on... we've got...?"

He'd look up at the menu above him and see the label glowing in neon red, 'TRY OUR NEW CRUST PIZZA. NO TOPPINGS, NO SAUCE, NO CHEESE, AND NO REFUNDS'

"Oh." The lid drops down.

"Yeah! 'Oh.'! Now go get a' assistant! There's a Rainfest for-"

"'Get this! Get that!' Why's this a mandatory rule? We're independent, John!"

John doesn't have an answer for once. He stayed relatively quiet before reemerging from his position. His hands shot up into the air beside his shoulders.

"Do what ya what. I don't give one single hot take about yu and these 'Entities'." He shrugs and walks away, presumably to the oven to start baking more pizzas.

[Pizza Guy] turns around and walks through the opening next to the counter, his head slouched down as he got further enough, "...'I don't give one single hot take about yu and these Entities'..." he mimicked mockingly.

He turned around again and flipped off the entire restaurant, then proceeded to return back to his 'journey'.

As he read the receipt on the box's lid, the address that was stated was outside of the mall somewhere in the first floor of an apartment complex called 'Stay-N-Out'.

Making his way through the second floor of the mall, then taking the escalator down and into the first floor where he then pushes through crowds to make it out of the maze.

The doors slid away from each other and the bright light radiated into [Pizza Guy]'s eyes, blinding him for a streak moment; he shrieked at the top of his lungs, and everyone stopped and stared at him... He coughed into his arm, excusing himself for what's he done.

Much wasn't said after that embarrassing performance done by no other than [Pizza Guy] himself, hm-hm!

Buuuuut shortly after, witnesses went on and minded their own business again with the memory of some strange pizza delivery guy who yelled at the top of his lungs because he was hit by the sun's rays after not exposing himself to it for who-knows-how-long. Ah yes, generations will tell this event for years and decades...

[Pizza Guy] stumbled into the light and continued on the sidewalk this time until he was met by a striking yellowish-beige 12 story building with the name he was looking for; but looking at it as he got closer, the building was in rags and it was deteriorating away. Trash laid around like they were decorations for it (a nice touch). The signs however were already out of its time period - an 80's super-neon display with one of the lights burnt out and so it seemed like the apartment building was actually trying to inform the people to 'STAY OUT'.

It is what it is now. Not much to mind today too. [Pizza Guy] took in nothing and made his entrance into the building's lobby.

"CUSTOMER!" A robotic voice from the door announced for the workers... if there was any. The register at the other end of where [Pizza Guy] stood, approximately 14 feet away, was trashed and left with no one behind. A man or woman was supposed to be there. Even there was a door behind the desk counter, but it was barricaded with wooden planks for some reason.

No one needs those guys though. They're useless.

The door room he was supposed to find was 'A-27', which luckily enough to his left was a hallway with the doors all labeled from 'A-#' (so convenient, right?)

[Pizza Guy] began to strut past each door.



























"A-" He immediately stopped.

Right there! It ended there! At 'A-26'!

"What the-?"

He turns around, to see if there were more halls leading to any extra A rooms.

Left, no it was another wall-Right-Right, Pagos in the way......... Pagos in the way?

"Hey-?" His eyes narrowed down onto the creature, but before he could react the Pagos would reach over and grab onto the pizza box with a slight tug following afterwards towards their scaly chest. Thankfully [Pizza Guy] had a good grip on it as well, but he also tugged back.

"Hey-?!" His voice raised a little. The Pagos would again, pull it towards themself but this time stronger than last time.

And then it was like a tug going back and forth in repeated successions: each tug getting faster and rougher than the last time.

"Get.... off!" [Pizza Guy] yanks the box even harder.

"That's... mine! Go! Go... away!" Pagos spoke, frustrated and angry.

"This isn't yours.... Idiot!"

"It is-s!" The lizard blepped its tongue at [Pizza Guy]

They'd continue to grunt back and forth at each other like rabid animals fighting for a chunk of meat.

But when both of them pulled at the same time, the most hurtful sound of the box tearing 'RIIIPPP!' and Pagos clumsily falling backwards was all in a comedy show. One half of the box was in [Pizza Guy]'s hands while the other half was on the ground, and in slow motion the pizza was falling down.... Sooooo... sloowwww.... Until it hit the ground with a splat.

"WHAT THE FUCK, MAN!?" [Pizza Guy] takes a step backwards, devastated by the tragedy of pizza on the ground!!! The blood and the pepperonis were scattered all over! Holy!

"Great! Now none of us can have pizza!" Pagos slaps their forehead, also traumatized by this massacre.

"THATS NOT YOUR PIZZA!" the man yells back in outrage.

"No crap! That's why I'm freaking stealing it!" The Entity replies back confidently.

"I'm calling the cops!" (You see the reference there and here, hm? Hm?)

Pagos springs up to their feet from their seated position on the ground. Already, their face was covered in anxiety.

"No! No! Don't call! Don't call! I beg of you-hoo-hoo!!!" Their hands clasp together and start shaking, begging for spareness. They got closer, almost invading [Pizza Guy]'s boundaries.

"Oh!! So what kind of Entity do you think you a-"

But the Pagos looked so melancholic and remorseful for what they've done. They made eye contact - Pagos looks more like a puppy with the white gleam in their eyes which had persuaded [Pizza Guy] to be less judgmental about the situation.

"You- Stop that!" [Pizza Guy] takes a step back and points with an Ace Attorney stance.

"You just tried to steal from me!"

"I was hungry, alright?! Please!" Pagos cries back

"You're a thief!"

"But I was hungry?"


Pagos looks stunned from that insult. They shifted their weight onto one foot, staring.. no, examining [Pizza Guy] for one good second.

"I don't appreciate your honesty!" Pagos turns their head away and crosses their arms over their chest. But after a while, grief struck them.

"He-hey?!" [Pizza Guy] stands there, holding a stern and concerned expression on their face as they watched.

"I can't believe you'd say that-that! I've got nowhere else to go-ho-ho! Where would I get food! Blahhh!" Crying was not enough; they fell onto the ground and banged their hands on the blue carpet floor.

The guilt just became real guys.

"Why?! Why?! I'm so lonely and scared, I don't know what to do-hoo-hoo!" More complaining!

And words let out from [Pizza Guy], "Oh, come... come on, dude? It's-" He was going to say something similar to 'it's not hard to live life, just get a job man!' but then the conditions he's under slaps him back hard.

"Shit... uh..."

Pagos continues to tear up.

The longer this went up for, the more fucked up this had been.

Maybe there was one solution to this after all to make up for it? Not the most reliable solution... but it might help?

[Pizza Guy] clears his throat of saliva, preparing to risk his dignity, "Why-? Oh, god dammit... Why-why don't you come with me back to my... uh... Christ... you wanna live... fuck!.. I got an apartment, you can follow me back, or not?" He leaned over Pagos and the Entity quickly turned onto their back, face all cleared up of tears and expressing a hint of a little smile of gratitude.

"Now? Now?!"

For once, he'd thought he was going to regret his decision.

~ An hour later ~

A brown-painted oak door opens to a nicer looking apartment room than the ones in Stay-N-Out.

"Don't go inside yet-" [Pizza Guy] permits but the Pagos dashes over into the small living room where they stood in awe.

"Sick! So sick! You got tv! And-and this!" Pagos picks up a red pillow from the charcoal gray three-seater couch.

"Just don't-" He tried speaking but Pagos had kept skipping around and checking this-that-woah that's his underwear.

"Hey-No! Don't touch that!" [Pizza Guy] slams the door shut after walking through and yanks his underwear out of the foul beast's hands. The beast looks back at him with their head tilted to one side of their shoulder.

"Listen! Don't touch anything unless I give you permission, and don't-DON'T go into my room, alright?! You hear?" He clears his throat and chucks the piece of clothing at the laundry basket beside his bedroom door - it successfully lands in, what a hoop shot!

"Got'cha! I won't! I promise you! I won't let you down! I-!"

"That's enough."

Pagos grins widely at [Pizza Guy]. He skitters back to the couch and lands on it, taking up nearly two spots on the gray couch. The Entity was smaller than expected (a good 5'1?).

"Gotta go. I'm probably going to be fired, soo? Streets are one thing, maybe that god awful hotel or... apartment-whatever is not so bad after all." He moves over to the exit of his apartment.

"And remember! Don't. Touch. Anything! Or you're going back into that shithole again if I'm not losing my job this time!

The Pagos stretches across the couch, followed by a simple hand gesture to shoo [Pizza Guy] away.

He leaves his apartment soon after, leaving the complex too with a possible man-child in his residency. Nothing can go wrong, like... think about it.

[Pizza Guy] runs back to the mall.

Being out for an hour has to be justified as well as the fact he's lost the pizza to that damn rat inside the withering complex. Not to mention that the evidence is still there on the ground, maybe hopefully some real rats find their way to the mess so he could prove one thing about his inconvenient position.

"John! John!"

And as yelled out, John comes out from the kitchen and peeks around the corner to see [Pizza Guy] making a run for it right at him.

"Slow down ya cheap-skated boy! What's happened now?" He moves out from peeking and outside of P.P.P. [Pizza Guy] slides across and goes to an immediate halt in front of his coworker.

"Turns out the room was faulty! The rats of Stay-N-Out actually ordered the pizza!" His arms waved and flitted around as he explained. John on the other hand grown more slouchy and grumpy.



John nodded his head, resilient with what's been given. Contemplating had taken a good minute for once.

"I knew it! Those fokin rats!!!" He snaps his finger and returns back into the kitchen, stomping his feet as he got in.

It seemed surreal as it was, but hey? What a pull-off from [Pizza Guy]?

"Those fockers are still alive! I thought I- Oh, an' [Pizza Guy]! Yu gotta clock out! Shifts ova' for ya!" John shouts over from the kitchen where he then leaves out a nice steaming hot pizza box, pepperoni hopefully, for [Pizza Guy] to souvenir

[Pizza Guy] scurries over and leaves behind the information for clocking out.

"See you-!"

"Now fuck off me restaurant and don't come back until Monday!" John sticks out his middle finger from the window, directed towards [Pizza Guy].

"Ha-ha. Funny!" [Pizza Guy] lays off from such an awful goodbye from his good-willed coworker. He takes the souvenir and leaves without any more explanations for John.

With the same routine, run along through the second floor and go down the escalator to the first floor, push through crowds, leave the mall and to the streets where a sunset begins. A beautiful orange shining through New York is beautiful indeed, especially when you're above the world in a fancy luxury apartment.

He makes it back to his apartment complex and opens the door to his rented room for break this time, which if I hadn't said before but it was Friday. Don't worry! The doubles he's been taking will take care of him for this long week... and maybe with a... uh... Pagos in his apartment room.

"Hey? Uh... you still here, dude?" His voice echoed into the room, but no answers transmitted back. He'd peer inside, but it was pitch black in there with the only little light source being the fading sunset through his small window.

Stepped in, lights on, and door closed. He sets the pizza box in his hand aside on a table for now.


"Pago- No, you better not have..." quickly he passes the living room and swings the door open to his compact bedroom, not slamming it of course. You wouldn't want to wake up your neighbors with a door slam, would you?

Peered inside to see... Pagos whipped across the middle of the bed with colored sheets/blankets, clothes, pillows, and random pieces of paper tossed all over his body. The hoarder has taken everything.

[Pizza Guy] couldn't use his will to make the Pagos get up and use discipline on him. Oh no, you could've guessed that. The Pagos was just... covered in random things. It's odd, but also funny and weird at the same time. Just his horns were poking out from an impaled.. pillow...

...Oh it was nothing!

[Pizza Guy] leaves the door opened, soon to collapse down onto the only gray couch, taking over all three seats; his feet dangled down from the edge of the couch's arm rest.

Minded nothing. Nothing. Slept well. Slept.
Dreams? Maybe.



What felt like a minute but was actually 6 hours, 36 minutes, and 49-50 seconds, [Pizza Guy] leaped up, gasping for his breath from a nightmare... Unbelievable as it was, it just checked him down.




Mourning dove rose up outside from a direction his window wasn't facing. The reddish-yellow sky had not changed much. And like he had been always been adjusted to, the dead of silence of morning would comfort him - slow and painfully.

His eyelids twitched, "Oh.. god-" [Pizza Guy] began coughing, "-damn.."

His left hand aimlessly patted the cushions until the Tv remote was used to turn on the television: first opening up with a short signal on the Tv displaying the manufacturer's logo, and then it finally came down to the opening of a specific channel called 'Misshaped Beaters' where a crew of random irregulars would go out there way to expose corrupt businesses, individuals, or groups that have solely abused their "assistances". The Tv was always tuned to that peculiar channel...

The channel's episodes began with a catchy melody and then it stops and hits the viewers with a life or death message and reality check. And then you could have guessed or not, it goes on to expose the abusers of the Entities, primarily those that have internalized tranquility with everyone, but then yet again every Entity is not safe from humans. The episodes were about 35 minutes long.

[Pizza Guy] would turn and lay his back on the back pillow, facing the Tv alone in the shade of darkness for a while... a while... and more...


Longer than that...

And until the three last episodes had concluded the first season of 'Misshaped Beaters'. Already the sky has turned blue with the entire room being illuminated on.

The door knob to [Pizza Guy]'s bedroom rattles for a moment before it jerks open and out came a PURPLE FREAKING LIZARDD.

"Gud morning Pizza Guy!" Pagos chirps in a non-intoxicated rage.

The Entity quickly props over on the couch's arm rest beside [Pizza Guy].

Instead of replying back with a little 'hello' back to Pagos, a wave of 'holy-hell!' whiffs into his nose, "Owph! Jesus! You smell..! Gah..!" He scoots away from Pagos. The smell was like as if carp was hung up in the blazing hot sun for hours before it was launched (in a cannon to be exact) into a swamp with murky water.

"Go shower, dude! Go back in... there and-and.... Shower!!" He somehow manages to get that out but [Pizza Guy] dramatically falls back down onto the couch... -aherm- royally; meanwhile Pagos had never been able to be this dumbfounded about his cleanliness.

Pagos minds and walks back into the bedroom, then to another door presumably that led to the restroom. Yet the shower hasn't turned on.

"How does this thing work?!" Pagos shouts from the restroom.

"Turn the handle! The long handle on the wall!" some returned ACTUAL advice was told.

"Oh! Is this-?" Water was heard spewing out from the shower head, and what happened next will shock everybody-! he screamed.


Thirty minutes later, and yes that was a long time in the shower and yes that was super costly, the shower turns off. Pagos was rummaging and messing around with the bottles, cabinets, towels, and racks, acting a fool in the restroom. [Pizza Guy] had moved over to the dinner table in the kitchen and began breakfast with a cold slice of pepperoni pizza.

The noises stopped shortly after.

Going unnoticed for a bit, Pagos would slide out from the room and posed so happily proudly. Obviously he was trying to get [Pizza Guy]'s attention! But it may of took... 3 seconds before he grew impatient.

"Oh Pizza Guy!!!"


"Your favorite Entity has cleaned himself al-l alone!"

"And who's to say *munch* you're my favorite? Uh-huh?" He'd throw a bit of sass in the mix.

"Because I'm living here, free of charges mister!" Pagos adds with a bold smile.

"Really? Bite me."

The Entity wanders over to the dinner table with the tip of their tail wagging around hastily behind.

Pagos leans over the dining table, "So-o? You're going to leave this poor-starved mess watch you eat everything? Or-" but the whole pizza box was handed over.

Pagos attempts to take the whole box. Like the ENTIRE box with ALL SEVEN remaining slices of pizza, but his favorite 'Pizza Guy' had taken it back as soon as they saw what he was about to do to that whole box.


"Em... You can't just hand me all of it at once-!"

"Just take one slice you doofus. I betcha your mouth was watering for all that, huh?"

Pagos reaches over and grabs ONE slice of pizza. Gleefully it was swallowed in 4 bites. Bizarre, right? Even it's got [Pizza Guy] rethinking about the true hunger of this specimen.

"You ain't got... diseases on you, Pagos-Pagos that's your name, right?"

They gestured their head for both answers, "No sir, and yessir!"

[Pizza Guy] raised a brow with how skeptical he found this Entity to be.

"You sure? I don't want to be feeding an Entity with rabies?"

Pagos nods, "If ya want, we can-!"

"I don't wanna hear it."

Pagos nods again, "Okay then!"

The creature quickly jumps back and lands back onto the couch. Their arms stretched upwards for a bit.

"You got a nice comfy home! Are we getting kicked out still?"

"No- Well... not yet? I thiiink?" [Pizza Guy] gets up and tosses the box into the sink.

"Ah-ha! Wonderful! I don't have to worry about the weather! I don't have to worry about the weather!" Pagos repeats back mockingly to nature itself! They turned and rubbed their body against the couch, marking their forever territory to themselves.

[Pizza Guy] glares stiffly as he made his way past the lunatic, "I gotta go change, don't be weird. Can.. can you do that for me?"

"Yes! Oh yes I can!" Pagos skittishly twists and turns.


[Pizza Guy] closes the door after him, readying himself for a loooong day with Pagos. He'd at least spend 5 minutes doing each task: showering, dressing, brushing teeth, grooming, and doing a bit of tidying in both the restroom and his bedroom... after what Pagos had did.

"Pizza Guy?" Pagos calls out from the living room.

"I've got a name, you know?" His eyes rolled.

"I prefer the nickname 'Pizza Guy', thank you very much! And... how's this thing work? I feel stupid!"

[Pizza Guy] groans irritably at his roommate, pestering him about something so important! Rather instead of organizing his room, he goes out of his way to see Pagos creeping around the Tv. Pagos turns to [Pizza Guy], blankly staring for help.

"You need a remote."

"Yeah? Ever heard of that?" [Pizza Guy] takes the remote from the arm rest and presses the power button. He displays the 'super-thingy-awesome-tool' to Pagos.

"That's so frickin' awesome..." Pagos glances back at the Tv and remote senselessly admiring them.

The Tv turns on and here returns the show, 'Misshaped Beaters'.

Pagos jolts back to the couch but unexpectedly the Tv turns off as the opening came on.

"Aw? Why'd you do that?"

"You're not going to like it, trust me."

"I'll like it! I'll force myself to like it, Pizza Guy!"

[Pizza Guy] returns to his bed to decontaminate it of any diseases or outbreaks.

"You know what? I'll blow up your Tv! I'll do it!" Pagos threatens in a non-threatening fashion.


"*Deep gasp*! Blows up Tv with mind!"

[Pizza Guy] looks over his shoulder at the door. Quite baffling to hear someone try to blow up your Tv with their mind while saying it out loud. That's crazy?

"The hell?" [Pizza Guy] mutters to himself.

"Blows up Tv with mind?" Pagos repeats again but confused as to how the TV is not blowing up or anything.

[Pizza Guy] peeks out the door and Pagos was still sitting on the couch piercing their gaze into the unblown Tv.

"Ha? Well okay there, Bill Nye?"

"Doh..." Pagos face planted into the couch, defeated...

"Fine, fine! Just give me a second and we'll watch it together. And for your information," [Pizza Guy] goes back into the room, "This isn't made for crybabies!" He swiftly returns back to the living room.

"Move over or else I'm not gonna watch it anymore."

"Oh! Yeah-yeah sorry," The Entity gets up and scoots to the other side of the couch. "This far?"

"Yeah, that'll do." [Pizza Guy] sat down on the other end and pointed the remote at the Tv, pressed the power button, and wallah ✨

The Tv plays episode one of season two, "WARNING! VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED! THIS SHOW INCLUDES GRAPHIC ACTIVITY WITH LEGAL ACTION GIVEN BY THE AUTHORITIES! DO NOT TRY TO COPY EVERYTHING FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY!" A melodic chorus plays right after with cropped scenes from season one showing the most dramatic and gruesome moments of each episode. The face of Pagos was already drawn to this, no terror or angst, just kind of... fascinated by it? On the other hand of who's watching it, [Pizza Guy] was accepting of whatever appears. It's like, 'if it happened, why should I care now?" in that sort of way?


Maybe seconds, minutes, and hours were spent. Both relaxed on the couch, watching this new 'season two' of Misshaped Beaters (I know! There's so many goddam episodes! And it's all in New York! Imagine the thousands of other land marks with these issues! Damn!); It was until the middle of the night a message sprouted on the last episode, 'Do show love and support your Entities! Give them a handshake - Pet them - Take them somewhere out to eat - Buy them something - kiss them..." it continued to list off more important 'practices'.

Pagos side-eyed [Pizza Guy] silently to see if they weren't paying attention or anything. They were, but only to the Tv.

The lizard Entity scooted over to their human companionship menacingly (insert virtual insanity slide), slithering his way over to [Pizza Guy]; the slow and deliberate movements were unnoticeable some may say as this just proves that you could put him as a stealth soldier. Well, you could've said that if he didn't have the audacity to ask for something, "You got any food? Drinks?"

[Pizza Guy] doesn't direct his attention to the Entity, but instead lets out a groggy sigh, "...I only got milk, and a honey jar. Is that something you want?"

"Oh, sounds delicious. Can you go fetch me it? Pretty pleaseee?" Pagos sinks back into the cushion.

[Pizza Guy] gets up and leaves to go grab the two specialty items he has today. Some milk and honey. He in fact returns with them as promised, but looking at where Pagos was now...
"Why'd you move closer-?"

"Becauuuse I can?" Pagos kicks his feet up, grinning cheekily as usual.

"Uh-yeah? Do what you want little guy..." He hands the milk and honey over to Pagos and falls back down onto his spot.

The Entity's hands are full with each item. Matter of fact, he kinda does feel like a fatass... pity-pity for himself and the man. Instead of having the milk for himself he hands it over to [Pizza Guy].

"What, no? You can have-"
"No! Take it! Take! Take-take-take!"

The glass of milk swirls uncontrollably when Pagos pushes it over to [Pizza Guy].

Finally the milk was involuntarily snatched from a different hand, "Happy now?" his pouting was not too sharp to disgrace the Entity.

Pagos moves closer and puts his weight on [Pizza Guy]'s right arm.

"Now you're-? Ugh..." the physical touch was unnerving for the lone man. The touch was just... ew! But still, I'm sure it's not like you'll have a clingy Pagos by your side. Noo! Never!

Pagos has a nonstop session of cuddling with [Pizza Guy]'s arm. Not much to say. The silence was loud. So loud that it's not just forcing [Pizza Guy] to fluster. Something else than that. Something more personal... something more intimate...
(It's feelings...! yeahhhh I know what you were thinking about! 👎👎👎)

[Pizza Guy] shuffles over to the arm rest, attempting to get away with it. Pagos moves even closer as to proceeding to lay their chin on [Pizza Guy]'s shoulder.

"He-y, how's your day? So far?" Pagos asks gentlemanly

"Good-?" [Pizza Guy] sulks in a whisper. His right arm feels numb to this Entity. He can't move it, oh-no he can't.

[Pizza Guy] doesn't ask about Pagos's day which was both, one: very impolite, and two: encouraging to keep Pagos speaking.

"My day was absolutely perfect... wi-with you!" He giggled; his hand reaches over and wraps around [Pizza Guy]'s body, leaving no trace of affection behind. It'd feel a bit uncomfortable at first for the man, let alone for his first time since ages ago to be held passionately.

"Can you- can you turn off the Tv for a... moment?"

"Mhm..." [Pizza Guy] points the remote at Tv.

The Tv turns off. The kitchen light was dimly lit from [Pizza Guy]'s side of the room.

"You're not going to eat your honey?"

"Mm...*sniff* no..."

A few seconds later.

[Pizza Guy] looks at the milk cup in his hand, hesitant to take a swig of it, "*gulp* imagine if you... like... went all out... and started.. uh, kissing me?" He looks over at Pagos who had been dead asleep on his shoulder this whole time.

"ah, youdidnothearthat- damnit-"


The glass of milk was swigged again until all was gone. The empty cup was placed onto safe carpet, his hand retracting back to the arm rest.
Silence yet again. Always will be silence.

They both laid there next to each other (probably more of Pagos on top of [Pizza Guy] than any), one of them silently snoring, yeah. Pagos snores - well it's adorable in a way. [Pizza Guy] couldn't look away from the rascal, and the resistance he had been holding back for so long broke: his left hand came around and patted Pagos's head. Each gentle motion rustled through Pagos's purple scales. Sometimes [Pizza Guy] would caress the horns on the Entity's head, not mainly for the sake of feel he was wondering about.

Minutes pass by, and he hadn't stopped.

A few more minutes, he'd grown exhausted.

A few more minutes again, he dropped the side of his head on the couch's arm rest completely passed out.

He's only got one more day off for whatever this is, believe it or not.


Hi, hello!
I apologize if I'm taking too long with these kinds of things. Most of the time I have less than 2 hours to spare some time to write. Love doing this. I do. And I will try to do more if this community isn't dead...


Thoughts? Reviews? Suggestions? Tell me! I'm pleased to see someone commenting!

Anyways, as said before there's a VERY VERY small like goal I had on mind. It's like... 7? Yeah, 7 sounds good. And all I can promise for is that it'll include smut with these two; though I might wanna hear about it more from YOU if that's what you're interested in 👌

Alr cya losers 🦖

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