[Complete] Restless mind, Emp...

By Rose_Romantica

511 1 0

Luna Reina is a twenty-three year old woman, who has had to deal with raising and taking care of her sister L... More



6 0 0
By Rose_Romantica

When the two of them got back to the dorms, things went back to 'normal' as they could. A few of the males got Reina a gift as she didn't say a word to any of them until she gave them her gifts that she had gotten for each one of them. Those who hadn't gotten her a gift felt a bit guilty that they didn't have anything to return the kindness that Reina had.

After the party Reina stayed up for a bit longer, which Masato saw and sat by her as she watched the snow fall. "Are you alright Reina?"

"No...I'm not alright. The woman who killed my mother fooled my second family and almost fooled me. Had I not done the research on my mother, I would have been completely freaked out about the issue that had arisen." She said before she looked up at him sadly "Is it bad that I acted how I did?"

Masato pulled her closely to him before he kissed the top of her head softly. "No, it's not. You did well. Had you freaked out that entire show would have been compromised. You would have been in more danger than you were just being around that woman. Not to mention that woman would have done everything she could to kill anyone close to you that had the same name as your mother."

She shut her eyes as she leaned against Masato, she listened to his words before she looked up at him with her eyes opened. "I guess you're right with that."

"You should try to get some sleep Reina, we have a lot to go over come tomorrow for the twenty seventh."

Reina let out a sigh as she stood up straight as she turned herself to look at him. "Yeah...I know. Just my mind is so buzzing with what had happened, I needed time to really think about it all."

"You've had a crazy day that's for sure. You could have been in real danger had you not acted like you had. Though it does make me wonder-other than then, have you ever acted around us?"

She shook her head no. "It was my first time trying."

"Well it was a rather good first try, you had all of us convinced that you thought that woman was your mother figure."

Reina sheepishly smiled at Masato as she scratched the side of her face. "R-Really?"

"Yes, It's not every day something like that happens on live TV. I hope you realize we're going to have to clear things up during one of the days that we do the broadcast about it. That way people aren't going to be confused on what has happened."

Reina nodded her head. "I'm aware, I was thinking about doing that on the day of my birthday. Be it a by-pass thing that I say."

"Will you say that before or after you open the box that Wuu left for you?"

"Probably before, that box is going to get me so darn emotional. It'll be the first and last thing that man has ever given to me." Reina said as she frowned as she held onto her left arm sadly "It still gets me that he's gone...at times I still find myself crying because of his death. He might not have been there a lot of the time..but he was still my father in the end and proved it too."

Masato pulled her into him and hugged her tightly which stunned her before she hugged him back before she broke down crying against him as she took her glasses off of her face. Her body shook with each hard sob she made against him until her body couldn't hold it anymore. Once she stopped crying, he took her back inside and gave her hot chocolate so she could warm up from being in the cold for so long. 

Once she was done with her hot chocolate and she was calm enough to go to bed the two of them went their separate ways. Reina fell asleep looking at the box that was on her night stand as she placed a hand on the side of it. When she woke up she knew she'd felt like crap, she show it too with what she wore that day-which was a baggy sweater and a pair of sweatpants. She also kept her hair down that way as she kept her hood up as she went to eat. 

The males saw that she wasn't dressed up like she usually was in the past and looked towards her with sympathy. "Reina, will you be alright. I know last night was a roller coaster of emotions for you." Ren asked concerned

She let out a sigh before she slid her hood off of her head. "In time I'll be fine...just this month has been just too much for me to deal with." She said as she looked at Ren.

"Do you have an idea of what you'll be doing with Ren and Masato?" Reiji asked her curiously

"Yes actually, I talked it over with Haruka a while back. It's just a matter of talking with the two males after breakfast and sorting out the minor details with them about what will happen." Reina said with a nod of her head

Both Ren and Masato looked at her curiously, they had no idea that she had talked with Haruka about what would happen with them. So they were curious on what was spoken about between the two females. 

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