Love & War

By Uniquelywritten86

60K 3.6K 2.5K

King and Queen Pin of streets this was all that Zac and Fatima ever knew. One was born into this life while... More

Fatima's Introduction
Zac's Introduction
How We Met
Caught Slipping
Unstoppable Together
Playing With Fire 🔥
You Made Your Bed Now Lay In It
Tag Team
Fall In Line
Fighting Demons
Getting Down To Business
Finally Giving In 😍
Bad For Business
Talking To Much
We Have A Fucking Problem
Cleaning Up Their Mess
You Know What You Need To Do
No Loyalty
They Plotting
Too Eager
Up To No Good
One Step Closer
Everybody Can't Be Trusted
Lights Out
What Are You Hiding
Come Clean
Saving Layla
Better Luck Next Time
2nd Chances
You Gone Respect Us
They Coming For Us
You Done Fucked Up Now
New Location
Wrong Move
Making Our Rounds
Cash Losing It
Who Is Brooke
Old Flings
Pull Through Layla
Everyone Wants T
It's A Setup
You Fucked Up
What The Fuck Is Going On
Bye Bitch
Connecting The Dots

Young and Dumb

1K 83 54
By Uniquelywritten86

Zac and Fatima had went their separate ways but was on the phone talking the entire time. 

Zac: Looks like they are following right behind me, they are pretty stupid because they following to close 

Fatima: Young and dumb, what are you planning on doing 

Zac: I am about to take them on a wild ride show them around then we gone have some fun 

Fatima: I would have lite they ass up right there in traffic 

Zac: For everyone to see

Fatima: I like the excitement 

Zac: No you like to live on the wild side 

Fatima: That too. I didn't tell you Tip and Draya are an item now 

Zac: How you know that 

Fatima: Tip was at the lab early in the morning like I didn't see his car parked across the street. He came out when we were walking back into the lab and said he was just bringing in boxes

I seen the damn hickey on his neck that he tried to cover up 

Zac: Damn you peep everything 

Fatima: I have to shit or someone gone catch me slipping 

Zac: You gone say anything 

Fatima: No long as they ass can keep it professional and don't bring they drama into our business I'm good. Hell I just don't need another Layla situation. 

Zac: Naw I feel you 

Fatima: Their cute for each other 

Zac: Speaking of Layla has she reached out to you 

Fatima: No why she said something to you 

Zac: No just asking I think she trying to give you your space she don't know if you really giving her a second chance

Fatima: I am not gone do nothing to that girl if I wanted her dead I would have killed her soon as Stitch told me where she was. I am a woman of my word she just better not fuck up 

Zac: I am sure she learned her lesson 

Fatima: Alright let me get off here Fabio is calling me 

Zac: Alright 

Dom & Kev

Kev: Man why yo ass trailing so close behind him you gone get us caught 

Dom: Man shut the hell up I know what I am doing just call Monet to see if he want in on this job 

Kev: Aye yo Monet we got this rich nigga we about to pop you want in on it.

Monet: Hell yeah drop your location I will pull up now 

Kev: Alright bet 

Kev sent Monet his location 

Dom: Make sure yo ass ain't on no shit being greedy we almost got killed last time because yo ass was being greedy 

Kev: Nigga you always bitching we ain't doing this for no chump change we taking every fucking thing. You just made I grabbed the better shit 

Dom: You heard what I said I'm gone leave yo ass I'm the driver 

Kev: Damn you foul if you do some shit like that 

Dom: I ain't about to get caught up we in and out 

Kev: Okay stop all that yapping 

They parked down the street in sight where they could still see Zac 

Kev: This about to be like taking candy from a baby. They looked around and didn't see anyone in sight Kev tucked his gun in his waist 

Monet pulled up right behind them and hopped in the car with them 

Monet: Who we hitting 

Dom: That rich nigga across the street 

Zac had just got out of the car and turned around slowly. Zac was giving them a show while he was acting like he was on the phone 

Monet: Awe fuck naw do y'all know who the fuck that is 

Dom & Kev: Hell no just look like your basic rich nigga to me 

Monet: You niggas both goofy if y'all from New York and don't know who that is

Dom: Tell us nigga 

Monet: You know what y'all on y'all own I want no parts and I value my fucking life. Before y'all do this shit ya'll better do your research.

Monet got out the car and slammed the door then sped off like he was never there 

Kev: He just fucking with us he probably just got cold feet 

Dom: Naw did you see the look on his face when the man turned around 

Kev: Look do you want to do this or not we need to make a fucking move now before people start showing up 

Dom: Nigga come on 

They waited until they got closer to the door to pull down their ski mask. they went around room to room looking for Zac

Zac was already prepared for them. His men told them they were making their move he informed them to stand back and let him handle them but they were ready to bust through the doors if needed 

Zac was sitting at his desk with his feet kicked up smoking on a cigar 

Zac counted down 3,2,1

They kicked in the door 

Don't fucking move 

You move a fucking muscle I will blow your fucking head off

Zac: Took you little niggas long enough and the only things moving is the smoke from my cigar

Kev: Through clenched teeth see I told your ass you were trailing to close to him 

They were so busy arguing they didn't see Zac grabbed his gun from out the drawer 

Dom: Shut the fuck up we can argue later 

Where is the fucking safe at 

Zac: This is an office why would it be a safe 

Dom: Don't fucking play in my face 

Kev look around for shit 

Kev: Why the fuck you saying my name shit  

Kev started looking behind pictures and in drawers for something 

Kev: Man ain't shit here 

Dom: Monet said he in the man in New York there has to be something else 

Kev: Then you look then 

Dom: Keep yo fucking eyes on him 

Kev held the gun in his hands and kept his eyes on Zac 

His palms were getting sweaty as Zac stared him down without even blinking 

Dom was fucking up the office and still came up with nothing 

Zac jumped at Kev causing him to flinch and the gun to fall out of his hand hitting the ground 

Zac put Kev in a headlock holding the gun to his head 

Did you find what the fuck you were looking for 

Dom finally turned around to see Zac choking the shit out off Kev 

Zac shot him twice in the knees making him fall to the ground 

Screaming out in agony 

Zac: So you young niggas thought you were going to come and rob me 

Y'all should have did your fucking homework like your homeboy that sped off 

I'm Zac Fucking Taylor I run these streets 

Kev shaking we were just trying to make some quick money that's it

Zac: Well looks where that got you 

Kev: Please I won't say nothing if you let me walk away 

Zac: Now you know I can't do that you had the chance to walk away when your boy hopped out of the car 

Dom still hunched over in pain reached for his gun and aimed it at at Zac

Zac: You better make sure you got good aim lil nigga

Dom fired off one shot hitting Kev in the arm 

Kev: Awe he shot me 

You shot me 

Dom: My bad my vision getting a blurry 

Zac was getting pissed an annoyed with both of them

Kev was whining like a little bitch and Dom was acting tough but couldn't aim for shit 

Before Kev could say anything else Zac just snapped his neck 

His lifeless body fell to the ground 

Dom: You fucking killed him you crazy muthafucker 

Zac:You picked the wrong person to rob today 

Zac snatched the gun out of his hand and killed him with his own gun 

I hope my ass wasn't this young and dumb when I was coming up in the game 

Zac  calling one of his men 

Hey it's finished come clean it up please and do something with they car that's parked down the street 

Man: I'll get right on it boss 

Zac fixed his suit and headed out of the office and headed back to the grocery store 


Layla had to get out of the house or she was going to drive herself crazy. She found herself at the grocery store she roamed around looking for Zac 

Bones was in the office 

Bones: Looks who's back from the fucking dead 

Layla: I'm a hard bitch to kill just kidding I got a second chance 

I came here to see I could speak with Zac I am trying to work at the grocery store 

Bones: Why you going through Zac and not T 

Layla: He's a little bit more understanding you know T a fucking fire cracker 

Bones: She is but she gave you a second so that shows she has some type of understanding 

Layla: Yeah I hear you she just makes me so fucking nervous 

Bones: She make a lot of people nervous just do what the fuck you're suppose to and don't cross her 

Layla: Duly noted I learned my fucking lesson I almost got taken out by a wanna be T  

Bones: I heard that shit was crazy 

Layla: Well if Zac ask you for your opinion make sure you put in a good work for me 

Bones: I got you 

Speaking of the man he is right behind you 

Zac: Y'all were looking for me 

Layla: I was actually wanting to speak with you 

Bones left out the room so they could talk 

Layla: First I wanted to thank you for talking to T on my behalf I know you are part of the reason she decided to give me a second chance 

And I know she probably won't look at me the same but I am going to prove to her again that I can be loyal 

I know I can't work the streets anymore so I was wondering if I could work at the grocery store I can be another pair of eyes 

Zac: I will talk it over with T and let you know 

Layla: Okay thank you so much 

You have blood on your sleeve 

Zac: Oh just a little mess from earlier 

Zac removed the his suit jacket 

Zac: I will be in touch I got some calls to make 

Layla excused herself 

Zac phoned Fatima

Fatima: Hey you I was just about to call you and see how things went 

Zac: The mess has been cleaned up and the 2 young dummies are 6ft under 

Fatima: For a second I thought you may have spared them because you probably seen you in them when you were that age 

Zac: I wasn't that stupid 

I did have a visitor that came by the store to see if they can get a job and they wanted me to talk to you about it 

Fatima: So they came to you to talk to me why didn't they come to me 

Zac: They are a scared of you 

Fatima: Now everybody fucking scared like I'm the bad guy 

Zac: I know you are not the bad guy don't change that shit I love that about you 

Fatima: Well tell who ever came to you if they want it they can come to me 

Zac: Got it captain 

Fatima: Don't captain me 

We also got a small problem with someone trying to take over a portion of our territory I sent a small warning but I guess they did not take heed so we need to send them a message 

I am tired of people thinking I am a fucking joke when the old T resurfaces I don't want to hear shit 

I am about to be on demon time just because I been getting dicked down doesn't mean shit 

Zac: So I been putting it down 

Fatima: Not really 

Zac: Don't play with me Fatima it's okay I can show you better than I can tell you when I get to your place tonight 

I know T worked up right now but I will get y'all both right. And stop stressing over that small shit we will handle each person one by one 

We ain't a team for nothing yo shit is my shit and vice versa 

We can talk about it once I blow you back out 

Zac could tell T was blushing on the other side of the phone. And Fatima had already caved from his voice alone.

Zac: I'll see you in a bit 

Zac called Layla and told her that if she wanted the job she needed to talk with T

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