~ ♡Ranfren x Socially anxious...

By IheartWAffLESSS

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This is my first story so I'm not too good at this, but I really love writing so I'll try my best to deliver... More

☆ INFO ☆
♡ Chapter 1 ♡

♡Chapter 2 ♡

340 10 6
By IheartWAffLESSS

He immediately shifted his eyes from Luther towards me. When we made eye contact I immediately averted my gaze and hid behind Luther. "You brought in a friend for me? Well hello there~", he said with a huge grin, turning completely around to face us. He then stood up from his coffin? and walked towards us.

"Randal, stop being that way", Luther said. So they were brothers. I'm also catching that the boy's name is Randal...that has to make him..Randal Ivory?

"I'm just excited is all. So brother, does this mean I can make them into another of my pets? They can join Sebastian".

Pet? Sebastian? What? This is...not right...

"Oh no, you're not. I would let you if it was your birthday, but it's not. They are here because they needed help. Don't be too much of a burden to them."

In my head, I was thanking Luther with all my might. He's such a life saver.

"Ah, well then I guess they can just be my friend!", he grins. "Well~ stop hiding! My name is Randal Ivory~", he stepped closer and peeked behind Luther to look at me.

I looked back at him with a slightly nervous face. "Why do you look like that? Come here!". He took my wrist and yanked me towards him. "You look like you've seen a fucking ghost. Do you have a name?". Luther looked at us with his usual blank expression. However, I could tell he was getting quite annoyed by Randal's behavior.

"No they don't", Luther spoke. Randal looked at his brother with an amused face and then grinned. He looked back at me. He inspected my face features with his eyes. "Hmmm...I'll call you Y/N", he said as he clasped his hands and smiled. Oh great..

"What? Are you deaf? Can you speak? Cat caught your tongue?", he teased and laughed. Gosh he talked a lot. I only felt as if I was being humiliated. I felt my anxiety levels turn increasingly high. This was bad.

Randal only grinned wider when he saw that I was on the verge of tears. "Don't cry! I have another pet...meet Sebastian!~", Randal moved out of the way. There was a guy who had orange curly hair. He was pale and had freckles. He was wearing a black and white jester or clown like costume. He definitely seemed uncomfortable and scared. Was there finally a normal person?!

"Well, I think first we can get you some nice clothes...hmm, brother. What do you think?", Randal looked over at Luther.

Luther looked back at him and then at me. "No...first we should consider their position.", Luther scratched the side of his face, thinking.

"Oh, as in ranking? So they're living with us?", Randal's smile only grew when he realized that I was a new target for him to mess with.

"Yes. But, they are gonna be helpful. You get into trouble way too much. I think you should have someone to look out for you.", Luther said as if his idea was the best ever said. Randal only stayed quiet for a bit. It was obvious that he didn't like the idea.

"Fuck no. I already have Satoru...but he is only in the dream world...", Randal's words wandered off knowing that Luther was probably right. "Exactly. I have my catmen, you can have them to assist you as well." Randal's smile grew into a grin when he realized that he'd have someone to do things for him.
"Maybe your ideas aren't so bad after all brother." "They never are.", Luther replied.

What the hell was I getting into? I didn't want this. I never did. But...I mean it isn't so bad. Maybe I just need more time to get comfortable with these people.

"You need some nice clothes.", Luther turned my way. "I'll be back..", he left Randal's room, leaving us in the quiet for a bit.

I tried so hard to avoid Randal. I averted my eyes awkwardly to the side. Sebastian was in the corner sitting on the floor. He was just minding his own business, sometimes glancing at us.

Randal stepped closer towards me. "My brother isn't here...hehe..you know...". I looked up at him slowly. That's when he grabbed me all of the sudden, putting a knife up to my neck. "You seem uncomfortable...If you're thinking of leaving, I should at least have a piece of you before you leave..", he said with a huge grin on his face.

My face went pale. It's like my soul had just left my body. My eyes went wide and I didn't move an inch. My eyes just followed the knife and then shifted to his eyes. "I..I'm..not leaving...", I shut my eyes tight, waiting for my neck to get sliced. However, the cold metal feeling left my neck. I opened one eye and then the other.

"Hahahaha! Look at that reaction! I love those kinds of reactions! Oh, I can tell you're really fun~ If you say that you aren't leaving, then that means you'll stay with me forever? Right? You'll stay with us. It better be like that.", he grinned and licked the tip of the knife, then placing it on top of his coffin.

"Hm, looks like a bit of fear really makes you talk huh?", he giggled to himself. I only catched my breath from the scare I just had. He was definitely testing me.

After a bit, Luther had finally came back. He stepped into Randal's room. He had what seemed like black clothing folded nicely in his hands.

"I thought about something fancy.", he said blankly. I turned towards him and glanced down at the clothes. He extended the first piece which was a white sleeved shirt. The kind that you would wear under a suit. The next item was black formal pants. Then, a black suit. Yup, it was a suit. Luther takes out a tie and extends it. It was a black and white stripped tie. (I thought I'd be unique but you can just choose to have a normal black tie. Also I thought a suit would be cool since it's supposed to represent that you mean business since you'll be working for Randal)

For shoes, they were just black shoes that would go well with a suit. That was about it. I take the clothes in my hands, looking down at it for one more time. I look up at Luther. I know that he was a little surreal himself and scary, but I was thankful to say the least. "Thank you.", I said and started to walk towards the doorway, until I remembered that I don't know anything in this place.

"The bathroom is right down the hallway.", Luther pointed out. "Oh..thanks...", I mumbled and quickly made my way out Randal's room and into the restroom, a bit awkwardly.

When I went inside the bathroom, I immediately locked the door. A loud sigh escaped my lips. I leaned against the door, letting my head process all that had just happened. Something crazy had been following me and I had lost my memory. Now I ended up in a surreal house with crazy people...if they're even human.

I glanced around the bathroom. It was normal looking...I guess. The only thing was a faint smell of...

I walked towards the toilet and looked inside. Poop. My face scrunched up in disgust. "Seriously?...", I mumbled to myself. I placed my hand on the handle of the toilet and flushed it down. Gosh what is up with this place.

I decided to close the lid out of disgust. I placed the clothes on the sink counter. I started taking off my clothes and putting on the clothes Luther had gave me. They were a bit big, but comfortable enough. Once done, I looked at myself in the mirror. Wow, I looked nice to say the least. I sit on the toilet lid and put on the black shoes.

I stood up and looked at the last piece that was left. The striped tie. I had never wore a tie before. How do you put this on?

I grabbed it and tried putting it on. "Um..what the hell..", I mumbled to myself as I saw the failed results in the mirror. Yeah I was gonna need to ask for help.

I took the tie in my hand and exited the bathroom.
I looked left to right to see no one in sight. I decided to just make my way back towards Randal's room. Hopefully Luther was still there, because there was no way I wanted to talk to Randal.

I walked down the hallway and back to Randal's room. I felt a bit nervous and anxious. What if they thought I was stupid because I didn't know how to work with a tie?

As soon as I opened the door to Randal's room, I felt someone pull me inside the room and pin me against the wall. What the heck just happened?

I stood still for about 3 seconds before looking at the person who pulled me in.


"Listen to me, you made a huge mistake coming here. These people are crazy! I almost died several times..", he sounded panicked and took both my hands, pulling me with him.

"Do you want to get out together?", he looked down at me with a slightly anxious but hopeful face. I instantly felt pressured in a way. What should I say? Yes? No?

I opened my mouth to answer, but before I could someone opened the door. Me and Sebastian looked towards the doorway where Randal stood.

"Oh here you are Y/N!", Randal said with a grin on his face. He then looked at Sebastian and his face shifted to a suspicious type of look. "Sebastian? What are you doing with Y/N?", Randal asked as his eyes shifted towards our hands. I instantly realized that Sebastian was holding my hands and took them away.

"Oh..we were just..bonding?", he gave a small anxious smile. "Oh..yeah..we were..", I agreed as well. I wouldn't want someone getting in trouble because of me.

"Hm..okay then..anyways!", Randal quickly dismissed the thought and walked towards me. "Wow~ You look great..", His eyes traveled on me from head to toe. "That suit suits you well~", he gave a huge grin.

I only stayed quiet and averted my gaze. "Well, I have some things to do~ don't ask. I need to go. You be a good pet with Seb, okay?", Randal took his knife with him and walked towards the door to leave, taking one last glance at me. "Okay..", I said with a low voice.

Randal then shut the door behind him and left. There was an awkward moment of silence between me and Sebastian until I finally spoke up. "I-I think I'm gonna..go..", I said anxiously and made my way out the door as well.

Once I stepped outside of Randal's room and into the hallway, I thought back to me and Sebastian. He was pretty normal..maybe I'd get along better with him...maybe..

I went around the house, trying to explore myself and find someone helpful to help me with my tie. I did feel a bit safer with Luther though, so I tried to find him.

I made my way down the hallway from where I had entered it at first. I then ended up in the living room, back to where I was at first.

I looked around and to my surprise, no one was there. I started feeling anxious about the fact that I was all by myself now and didn't have anyone to rely on. Well, that was until I decided to go into the kitchen to maybe see if anyone was there.

I walked towards the kitchen slowly and cautiously, feeling my anxiety rise up. I peeked into the kitchen to see Luther himself making...what seemed like..a chocolate cake? How nice.

I was reluctant to enter and I was really debating if I should or not. I sighed to myself and stepped in slowly and awkwardly.

"Um, hey Luther..", I gave him a little wave as I stepped next to him. I was anxious, but didn't feel too uncomfortable at the moment.

He stopped what he was doing and turned to look at me with his neutral face. Gosh he was..something.
"Hello. You're back..", he said with his usual calm yet unsettling voice. He stared directly at me for a bit. I averted my eyes to the side since I hated eye contact. It wasn't until his eyes moved towards my hand where I was holding the tie. Yeah that's right...I needed help with my tie.

"You don't know how to put on a tie?", Luther looked back  at me with that blank face of his again. I almost felt as if I was being judged. "um..no..", I said in an almost mumbling voice since I was actually embarrassed that I didn't know how to.

Luther then took the tie from my hands, catching me off guard. "Turn around." I did as he said and turned around. He gently moved a bit of my hair out of the way, making me get tingles on my neck. He then wrapped the tie around my neck and started tying it from behind me, as he hovered over my shoulder. I could feel his strong presence. I felt a little shy because of how close he was to me and because he was doing something for me as well.

"There", he moved back from me. I turned around to face him and looked down at the tie that was now around my neck. I couldn't help but smile a little. "..thank you..", I looked up at him with my smile. He was the first out of this house that I had shown a different expression besides anxiety.

He gave a slight nod and turned back around to continue making the chocolate cake. I stood there for a bit. Awkward. I should just get moving..

I turned around to leave the kitchen. I walked past the living room and made my way towards the hallway. I decided to make my way towards Randal's room again since I wouldn't want to know what happened if I didn't obey him.

I stood in front of his bedroom door. I extended my hand a bit to grab the handle, but I felt this odd presence near me. I stopped and looked side to side suspiciously. Hmm how odd...

As soon as I started turning the handle to the door, someone yanked me hard from my arm making me flinch. They then pressed me against the wall, choking me in the process. What. The. Fuck.

I looked at the person. Who was this? I haven't seen them yet...but they looked similar.

They wore a black cat hat with pointy ears, a black long sleeved shirt (or sweatshirt) that read "Nevada", they wore khaki pants, and had face makeup. Two striped eyelashes under their eyes and two painted whiskers.

Was this...the other catman? This was one of Luther's catman..

"What a disturbance...let me make you into a nice puddle of blood...", he gave a sadistic grin. I was struggling to breathe. My hands reached for his hand that was around my throat, trying to take it off.

"Hey, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" It was a familiar voice...Randal..

"Leave my pet alone you bastard...", Randal grinned as he called him a bastard. The catman only looked at Randal and his grin disappeared. He gritted his teeth in annoyance. "Annoying...", he muttered under his breath.

That's when Luther had heard all the commotion and peeked into the hallway. "Nyen, put them down..", Luther said. As soon as..Nyen... heard Luther, he immediately jolted a bit and put me down. Ohh..so he was obedient...

I stumbled a bit and held myself against the wall, loosing my balance as I tried to catch some air, coughing a bit. Randal rushed to my side and helped me hold myself up. "That guy's an idiot, but you're okay..", he said with a grin. Typical of him to grin when I was about to die...

"Let's go..I have some fun activities for you and Sebastian..." Randal pulled me by the wrist and took me inside his room...

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