Mafia's collateral (M Book2)

By Chick_ennugget

55.5K 2.9K 1.4K

Seraphina Allen has been struggling through life, trying to make ends meet. But the more she lives, the more... More

Crashing Down
Into the waves
Art work
Cold bastard
The pain in me
What to think of it all?
Trouble is never far
A Job
Unknown fear
The feeling of shame
The pain of my wolf
A softer side
Burning apartment
Trust your guts
His place
Stolen Item
The shadow at the window
The kid shouldn't be isolated
Special Event
His Broad Back
The heartthrob
Kindergarten problem
Of all the thing that could happen
Special service
Gut feeling
First Attack
One save
Reminder of what he is
Think again
Between rogues
Between rogues-Fight
Am I a pervert?
Bringing her back
Clean up
Crushed hope
Broken Heart
Broken Mind
Nothing but despair
My wolf
Can I say it?
Only Hope
Big things
How to seduce?
I think it might work
Something sweet
Secret helpers
Be Assertive
Missing Door
The surprise
A little bit of suspicion
The picture
He's gone
Feeling lost
Bad Decisions
Let's make a deal
Looming Threats
He was using me
Rescue Mission
Into the sea
Talk it out
Find the sister
His past
Pleasant days
The death of my first love
The Ghost of Sarina
The Death of A Demon
The Handover
The peace I always wanted
The last of my problems
My Peace
Happy Birthday

Brother figure

653 31 8
By Chick_ennugget


I looked at Eris in shock.

She had her eyes down and was looking away in shame. Does she think she's in the wrong here? Because she fought back?

I rolled my eyes.

This is the problem with people who have only been oppressed. I'm sure Seraphina apologized to the other party each time Eris did something and the actions made this little kid feel that she's wrong every time.

"Right," I looked at the owner, "But you said it wrong Samantha," I looked at the teacher, "You have to fire her,"

Eris's face rose up in curiosity. She looked at me with her big round eyes, then followed my gaze and looked at Samantha.

"What?" The teacher looked at me with ferocity, "Fire me?"

"Ah right," Samatha agreed, "I have to fire her," She smacked her forehead playfully, "Where was my mind?"

"Headmistress??!?!" The teacher was baffled.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Samantha replied, "I told you not to favor your own kid and you failed."

"Her kid?" I nodded, "I had a feeling there was favoritism being done, so that twit is yours. It's no wonder you kept spewing bullshit."

"Excuse me!?" She was offended and I liked that my words were getting to her.

"Since you're fired, might as well take that twit with you." I pointed at the brat hiding behind her.

"What gives you the right to talk like that?" She raised her voice

"Well what gave you the right to talk to my little sister like an ass?" I replied. My words made Eris chuckle.

I glanced at her

It seems she's relaxed a little

"That's not your sister," The teacher accused me, "You have no relationship with her."

I shrugged, "What do you know?" I paused, "Ah, you know how to act like an idiot, but that's besides the point." I looked at Samantha, "When are you kicking this nuisance out?"

"Excuse me, Madam Samantha, you can't be serious about this! That girl injured my son!"

Samantha let out a sigh, "Tell me why did Desmond start the fight?"

"Throwing water isn't starting a fight." She protested.

"He made the girls cry, if that's not starting a fight, what is?"

She was taken aback by Samantha's words, "B-but still,"

"The fact that you're defending the wrong side and the wrong thing is proof enough that you need to be fired." Samantha shook her head, "Plus you gave me your word you won't let the fact that you are Desmond's mother get in the way of treating all the kids equally." There was immense disappointment in her eyes, "And yet here we are."


"You're fired." The headmistress gave the order, "And your son is expelled too."

"What?" Desmond was shocked, "B-but," He looked at his mother, "Mom!"

The teacher was furious, I could see her face getting red, "Fine!!" She grabbed the brat's hand and turned to leave, "I don't need this stupid job either!!"

"Mom!!" The boy started crying again, "But my friends!"

"To hell with your friends! You can make more in another place!!" She dragged him out but we all heard them argue and fight as they walked away.

"But you said you'd take care of it!"

"This is all your fault! Can't you behave decently anywhere!!"


"I lost my job because of you!"

Their voices eventually faded away and I turned to look at the owner.

"Good work," I passed her a smile.

"Hah," Samantha sat down on her chair, "With the amount of things I get from your club,this was nothing." She took out her cigar, "Good thing that idiot is gone. I was never in favor of having a parent and kid work and be a student in the same place. I needed an excuse to kick her out. So this was good."

"Samantha," I covered Eris's eyes, "There's a kid in front of you." Eris didn't try to remove my hands and quietly sat on my arm with one hand on her thigh and the other on my collar.

"Oh, right," She was about to light her cigar but brought it down and put it in the drawer, "Sorry,"

"It's okay," Eris answered even though I was still blocking her view with my hands, "I don't mind."

Samantha and I both looked at her. I removed my hand and she looked at me, "Did your father smoke in front of you?"

She nodded, "And he drank," She answered, "Sera always told me to," She brought her index finger to her lip, "Shhh," She shook her head, "Not to make any sound." She nodded at me, "And she said I'll be okay,"

I stared at her with slightly wider eyes.

When her sister told me she wouldn't cause trouble, this is what she meant. I brought my hand to her head. The kid is already trained to be obedient.

Like I was,

No sound

No presence

Only fear,

"It's fine now," I told her, "You can make noise here."

"I can?" Her eyes sparkled, and I knew she was far better off than I was. She held hope in her because she had someone to try and make things better for her.



"Really,"I answered.

"No one will get mad?" Her expressions were full of curiosity.

"Well, I won't get mad." I replied, and she looked down to think about it. I looked at Samantha, "I'll take her home for today."

"Sure," She replied, "The day is almost ending anyway."

"Hire better teachers next time." I turned to leave,

"My bad," She waved, "But I want my usual when I visit this time,"

I smirk, "Sure," I left the office and walked out of the school, while Eris seemed lost in thought.

"Umm," Just when we were about to reach the car, she made a sound, "Mister,"

I stopped and put her down on the footpath, right by where the car was parked.

"What is it?"

"Sera will get mad about what happened today, won't she?" She was still confused, "I did something bad. I hurt the other kid." She fiddled with her thumbs as she glanced at me awkwardly.

Well, I guess the trauma doesn't just leave that easily.

"Listen kiddo," I crouched down to her level, "We don't start fights." She nodded, "We don't wish bad for anyone or do anyone bad. Understand?" She nodded her head again, "But when someone starts a fight with us." She stared at me with curious eyes, "Then we make sure to beat the shit out of them."

She blinked at me in confusion. Then she frowned, "But, that's what I did,"

I nodded, "And you did great!" I showed her my palm for a high five, "I'm proud of you,"

Her face lit up. She looked at my palm and jumped with all her might to reach it and high-five me back.

"And you can call me brother," I said

Her eyes twinkled and she jumped in excitement.

"Brother Azef!!"


>>Somi Soma

"Here," The detective handed me the report, "It came back." He smiled at me, "It's unopened. You can open it and see if the blood sample we found belongs to your son or not."

I sat in the lounge of my mansion and he was on a visit. No matter how hard we looked for Murim, there's no trace of him. So much had to be done for us to be able to get to that roadside where we found the samples from.

I opened the envelope, my heart beating erratically in my chest.

Just what happened that he went missing and my brother, Silas, got killed. They both were very close, so they were doing something together but they never told anyone what they were up to.

Murim kept Silas's secrets, he was more attached to him than his father. I'm guessing he knew the truth, but he just never said anything about it.

The main door of the house opened, catching our attention.

Who is it? No one else was supposed to come home today? I glared at the person making his way towards us, but when I saw his face, I was surprised.

Cyrus, my husband, made his way in.

"Honey? When did you come home?" I was shocked to see him, "And why did you come home?" He's been in another country for almost a year. He didn't even come back when I told him Murim had gone missing and Silas was dead.

"Right now," He walked into the lounge, "How could I not come home after learning you're looking for Murim?"

"Well, Murim I thought you wouldn't be interested."

"Why wouldn't I be interested? Murim has been missing for some time now."

Because you didn't care when I told you about it. You simply said, 'He might have gone off the radar to have some fun,'

You were never interested because he isn't your son. Although I never told him that, but I've already felt like somewhere along the way he might have known. He's never mentioned it though, so there was no need to expose myself.

"What did you find?" He took his seat on the single seater couch next to mine

I showed him the envelope, "His blood samples on the road."

"Do you think he's dead?" He asked as the detective quietly stood on the side.

"I hope not..." I replied, "I'm sure he's fine. Just lost, or kidnapped." I can not even fathom the thought of it. He's my only son! Cyrus refused to have 'more' children with me. I can't lose Murim!!

"We haven't been able to find any other clues." The detective said, "No one has seen him either. So, it might not be impossible-" He glanced at me, "To think that he is," He lowered his voice, "Dead,"

My heart fell to the bottom of my stomach.

"No!" I shook my head, "I'm sure he's fine!!"

Cyrus clicked his tongue, "I have something I want to share."

"What?" I looked at him

"I don't think anyone knew this, but Silas had a deed to a casino." He placed his elbow on the armrest and leaned sideways, "I only found out about it because I secretly saw him putting it away once."

"What deed? To what casino?"

"For RailRoad casino, there's this big rumor that there's an important treasure hidden in that casino but no one can access it unless they have the deed."

"So you mean only the owner can access it?"

"Exactly, having the deed means having the ownership."

"And what does that have to do with anything we're dealing with right now?" I glared at him. Does he think it's funny? The casino matters to him more?

"Calm down now," He wasn't irritated today like most days, I wonder why, "Silas died the same night Murim went missing. So obviously it's related." I watched him, he seemed somewhat excited, "And the deed Silas had also went missing."

"What?" I frowned, "You're telling me Silas was killed because of the deed?"

"It could be," He shrugged, "Or they had some other personal grudge and found the deed along the way." He hummed, "Whatever the reason, the thing is, I know who has the deed now," He looked into my eyes, "And those people are most likely the ones who killed Silas and took Murim."

My eyes went wide and a thrill ran through my veins.


A lead!!

Anger and curiosity rose in me together, "Who?"

"Matthew Meirikh and Azef Greer."

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