"Family? I have a family?"

By Ant357627

48.4K 735 384

What if Summer & Tai adopted another kid in their lives. Or more? More

Chapter 1
What they look like
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
What the siblings look like now
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
What happened during their childhood
Chapter 15
Fun Facts!
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 16

735 16 10
By Ant357627

It's been a few weeks since Team JNPR, Team CTRN, Team BBBR, Team RWBY, Team CEMN, Y/n, Winter, Adam, and Roman had joined Beacon and they had to admit, it was pretty interesting to say the least. Y/n, Adam, Yang, and Cinder were glad that Ruby was becoming more like a leader and Weiss was there with her supporting her at every step. Even though there still some ups and downs but they can handle it.

Right now, Y/n, and the rest of the Rose/Xiao-Long family were currently training in the gym. Riot was teaching Ruby, Weiss, and Neo hand to hand combat while Mercury and Yang were sparring. Emerald, Cinder, Ilia, and Winter were currently training with weapons, and Roman and Adam were working on their aura control.

By the door window watching(Mostly Y/n) the Rose/Xiao-Long family was Bleiss drooling at Y/n, the man's muscles flexing with his movements.

Bleiss: Damn. He's [Beep!]ing hot.

Blake: Agreed.

Bleiss jumped not realizing she was standing next to her.

Blake: Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.

She looks back at the gym watching the Rose/Xiao-Long family.

As Blake and Bleiss watch the training session, they can't help but notice the intensity and dedication with which Y/n, Ruby, Weiss, and Neo are practicing hand-to-hand combat techniques. The sounds of grunts, punches, and footwork echo in the gym as Mercury and Yang engage in a lively sparring match, their movements fluid and precise.

Emerald, Cinder, Ilia, and Winter are also fully immersed in their training, each honing their skills with their respective weapons under Riot's watchful eye. Meanwhile, Roman and Adam focus on refining their aura control, their expressions determined as they concentrate on mastering this crucial aspect of combat.

Bleiss continues to gaze at Y/n, her admiration evident in her eyes as she watches his every move. Blake notices her fascination and can't help but smile knowingly.

Blake: He's quite the sight, isn't he?

Bleiss nods, her gaze still fixed on Riot.

Bleiss: Yeah, he's... impressive.

Blake: Indeed. But don't get too distracted. Remember, we're here to train and improve ourselves.

Bleiss nods determinedly, her attention returning to the training session as she watches Y/n's movements with renewed focus. Together, they continue to observe the Rose/Xiao-Long family's training, inspired by their dedication and commitment to becoming stronger Huntsmen and Huntresses.

Timeskip to the next day~

Port: And so, despite me being surrounded and having a dastardly stomachache, I managed to...

Professor Port's teachings once again turned into blah-blah-blahs as Team RWBY, Team CMEN, Team BBBR and the rest of the class were suffering from yet another boring class of Grimm Anatomy. Like always, Rang and Wake was paying attention, Blake and Cinder were reading their books, Yang, Bleiss and Mercury was daydreaming and surprisingly, Ruby, Bluby and Weiss was actually wide awake, trying to jolt down good notes but...we all know why they can't do that since they can't separate what was facts and what was fiction in Port's story.

Fortunately, they had the Y/n and Adam factor on their side. Or in better understanding words, Y/n and Adam were also in the class. So finding good notes from the heavily sugar-coated story was a synch. After a terrible ordeal for some of the students, the poor souls.

Port: And then, by using nothing but bubblegum, duct tape and some ingenuitive thinking, I managed to trap the dastardly Ursa and slay it, receiving praise and worship from the village.

He takes a bow as Y/n claps in praise for the man getting raised eyebrows from students.

Port: Thank you, Y/n. Now, then. You all know what I'm about to ask next. Who here thinks that they are the personification of a true Huntsman? Or Huntress, if you will.

Immediately after he said that, Weiss raised her hand with a big grin.

Port: Miss Rose, you have already shown us that you are a remarkable Huntress-in-Training during the first class. Do you wish to prove yourself once again?

Weiss: Not quite, Professor Port. The main reason I raised my hand is because I would like to suggest another individual that I believe has fulfilled the qualifications needed to be a True Huntsman.*quietly* Or Beacon Academy's Guardian.

Port: Oh? Then, pray tell if I may ask! Who is this individual you speak of!?

Weiss:*smiles* The person I'm referring to is naturally the Guardian of Beacon Academy and my big brother, Y/n Rose Xiao-Long.

Murmurs began flowing in and out from the classmates as Y/n eyed Weiss to see her intention. He saw that she was serious about what she said since there was no malice coming from her. She firmly believed that Y/n was someone that represents the qualities of a true Huntsman. That...and the fact that she probably wanted to see him in action again.

He was about to refuse until a rough voice was heard booming from behind him.

Rough Voice: Get real! There's no way a giant no brain like him has the potential to be a Huntsman!

Laughter was heard from behind him as he turned around and saw Team CRDL's leader, Cardin Winchester was the source along with his teammates, Russel Thrush, Dove Bronzewing and Sky Lark laughing with him. He raised his feet onto the table as he looked down on Riot.

Cardin: So what if he did okay during the Initiation? That's just a fluke or he may have cheated! Hey, Snow Angel! You should have suggested a man with real potential here! I don't know, somebody like me?

Emerald:*upset* Did you not see him just take down two large Grimm?

Cardin: So what? Could've been a bunch of fakes.

Rang: Someone like you? What, for the circus? Great idea, after all, you know how to make people laugh with how pathetic you are Cardin.

Cardin: Excuse you?!

Blake: Well, he is a clown. And almost everything he says makes him look like a joke.

Yang and Mercury wheeze and laugh as Cardin stood up, his hands balled up in fists.

Cardin: Listen here! I've been training since I was a little boy and I am more than capable of handling anything that comes my way!

Cardin had a cocky smirk on his face but it quickly disappeared as he was startled and fell to the ground when he heard something being crushed all of the sudden. The rest of the class turned and saw Adam grabbed a part of the table and brutally crushed it. He then smiled at him as he raised the broken part of the table he crushed for everyone to see.

Adam: Sorry. It's just that I may have heard somebody trash-talking my brother like he's some sort of joke. Maybe I may have misheard it, hmmm?

Adam's smile grew even wider as he held another part of the table and crushed it with brute force. This made Team -RDL quickly became pale along with some of the classmates. Cardin too was also intimidated but he quickly became angered due to his stupid pride and his one cell brain.

Cardin: Oh, yeah!? Well, then! This shows that he's still an dumbass since he needs his animal brother to defend him!

Adam's smile disappeared and was replaced with a nasty growl as he, Yang, Cinder, Mercury, Neo, and Emerald quickly stood up. They were about to walk up towards Cardin and beat the living soul out of him but Y/n stopped them.

Y/n:*stoic* Guys, it's okay.

Adam, Yang, Cinder, Mercury, Neo, and Emerald was visibly gritting their teeth and clenching their fists as they really wanted to sock in Cardin's teeth but they decided to obey their older brother's wishes as they knew that it might not end well for the siblings. Besides, a nasty idea popped up inside Yang, Cinder, and Mercury's head. One that gave them an evil grin which made Emerald feel dread at what's about to come.

Cinder: Since you're so cocky that my Big Brother can't do jack, how about you, Yang, and I have a little wager?

This immediately got Cardin's attention as he quickly got up and sat down on his chair.

Cardin: Proceed...

Yang: If Y/n can't kill the Grimm with one strike using nothing but his fists, Cinder and I'll go on a date with you. Hell, you can even kiss our lips and fondle our boobs if you like.

Now this immediately got Cardin's full attention as the hamster inside his small pea brain went running into max. Yang and Cinder were arguably two of the hottest girls in the school. They were literally on the top three hottest besides Pyrrha and Coco Adel from Team CFVY. Not to mention that Yang had the largest chest in the whole school. Glynda's chest could beat hers, but boy, oh, boy would anyone would want to fondle those. And those lips on Cinder... Many boys dreamed of kissing those lips.

Cardin immediately imagined the perverted NSFW stuff he'll do and he had a dumb smile on his face. Before he knew it, he immediately agreed to the deal, not noticing the devil's grin on the three's faces as Yang and Cinder played him like a damn fiddle.

Somewhere, Raven and Qrow smiled.

Cardin: Alright!

Mercury: Good! But, if he can kill the Grimm with one shot, you have to give us all the cash you and your team has on right now and...you have to kiss my boots on the ground.

This made Cardin a little bit worried now. He hated to admit it but he knew that Y/n was actually a tough guy and if what was shown on the screen during the Initiation was true, then he's arguably the strongest guy here in this Academy. Probably all of Remnant. Fortunately for the three, his ego was only matched by his stupidity so Cinder decided to give it a little kick.

Cinder: You could just back off now. No one's going to mad with you. Just that you admit that our big brother is tougher than you.

Cardin:*angry* Like hell I'll back down! Better keep your lips and tits comfortable, babes, 'cause I'm going to enjoy every second with them.

Yang, Cinder, and Mercury's evil grin grew even wider as they immediately gotten a few bucks richer and they can get payback on Cardin. They then turned their attention towards their beloved older brother, who had closed his eyes and gave out a sigh as he immediately stood up.

Y/n: It seems that now, I must not lose if I have to protect my sisters' maiden virtues again.

Wake: Wait, again?

Bleiss:*holding a camera* Shut it! I need to film this for later~

Bluby, Rang, and Wake: Oh Oum, no...

Ruby, Weiss, Neo, and Emerald had a bright smile on their faces while Adam, Yang, Cinder, and Mercury gave him a smile and a look saying that he got this. Y/n gave them a nod as he walked down the stairs. He immediately shocked everyone as instead of going out to get his weapon and battle attire, he was now standing in the middle of the class while still in his school uniform and cape.

Port: Mr. Rose Xiao-Long. Shouldn't you be preparing your battle attire and getting your weapon?

He was about to quote some words of wisdom but unfortunately, a Red Bull and Red Hood beat him to it.

Adam and Ruby: 'A true warrior must always be ready to fight regardless of the situation. The enemy does not wait for them to prepare to fight back.' Right, Riot?

After they said that, the whole class except for Weiss, Yang, Cinder, Mercury, Neo, Adam, Emerald and Y/n were looking at Ruby like she's won the million Lien lottery. Withering under their stares, Ruby blushed as she tried to apologize to Riot.

Ruby: S-sorry, Big Bro. But you know that's one of my favorite quotes. I mean, you were really cool when you first said it that one time.

Y/n gave Ruby a gentle pat on the head.

Y/n: Don't worry, Ruby. I'm proud that you remembered my words.

Ruby immediately blushed from the pat as she looked away.

Port: Well, I believe it's remarkable! Such confidence and mentality! You greatly reminded me of myself when I was at the prime of my youth, Mr. Rose-Xiao Long!

Y/n: Thank you, Professor Port.

Port: Courteous and polite as well! You're definitely one of my star students here, young man! Now, this one is a little tougher than the average Beowolf or Ursa you all had battled before at Emerald Forest.

He brought out a humongous cage that's roughly twice his size and whatever is inside was definitely violent as the cage was still rattling. He then turned to Y/n with a very serious look on his face.

Port: Mr. Rose-Xiao Long. This is your last chance to back away. This Grimm is the only one I caught for today and it's one of the toughest Grimm to face for Huntsmen. There's no shame in quitting.

Y/n didn't answer back towards his question. Instead, he rolled his sleeves, cracked his neck and stared at the cage with a serious look on his own. This made a couple of students spine chill.

Bleiss:*taking pictures* Oh yeah~

Port:*smiles* That's the spirit, young man!

The rest of the class walked down to the lower desks with Team RWBY, Team CMEN, Team JNPR, Team BBBR and Adam cheering for him.

Ruby, Emerald and Weiss: YOU GOT THIS, BIG BRO!!!!



Adam, Rang and Blake's thoughts: Which one the Grimm's or Cardin's?

Ren: Nora... But, still. May you have a good battle, Y/n.

Jaune and Bluby: Rooting for you, bud!

Pyrrha and Cinder: Good luck!

Blake and Wake: Fight on!

They and Neo waves a flag with the word 'Y/n' on it and Bleiss looks at them wondering where did they get that flag.

Adam: Go and teach that monster a lesson!

Y/n nodded as he continued to stare at the cage. Then, he started activating his silver eyes, shocking everyone who was seeing this except for Team RWBY, Team CMEN, Team JNPR, Team BBBR and Adam.

Neo:*smirks* "Looks like he's about to get a little serious."


He placed an arm behind his back while he only raised his right hand at the front.

Y/n: I'll be using nothing but a single hand. One palm, one strike. That's all I need.

Everyone except the Rose-Xiao Long siblings: WHAT!?!?!?

Cardin: Hey, freak! Don't screw around! You think that you can kill a Grimm in one strike!?

Y/n: I don't think, Winchester.

He slowly looks at Cardin and gave him a calm yet empty stare, one that actually caused Cardin to flinch but he quickly recovered.

Y/n: I know.

He turns back to Port.

Y/n: I'm ready, Professor Port.

Port:*smiles* You're definitely full of surprises, Mr. Rose-Xiao Long! If you managed to live up to your claim, then this would be a battle for the records! Now then, let the battle begin!

He swung down his weapon and sliced off the lock. Port then quickly jumped away as he narrowly dodged a sudden arm swing from the Grimm inside the cage which was now free. It was, ironically, a gorilla Grimm with extremely bulky arms and thick bone plates covering parts of its body. It gave out a deafening roar as it looked around in its new environment.

Y/n: Monke.

Bluby: W-what type of Grimm is that!?

Port: That, my dear students is a Beringel. A powerful Grimm that specializes in brute force, incredible durability and surprising quickness despite its bulky stature. It could even be classified as a B-class Grimm! It's possible for a single Huntsman to kill it but it's a long and tedious ordeal. Now, let's see if Mr. Rose-Xiao Long will be able to live up to his claim.

The Beringel kept looking around until it lay its eyes on Ruby, Weiss and Neo. Then, it began roaring while beating its chest like a typical gorilla. Although it's impossible for it to do so, the class could swore they saw hearts inside the Grimm's eyes. Naturally, this made everyone a little bit worried except for a certain someone. Why? You should know why.

Jaune:*worried* Uh...is it just me or is that Grimm staring at Ruby, Weiss and Neo?

Wake: U-unfortunately, you're not the only one.

Nora:*gasps* You don't think-

Rang and Ren: Sadly, we all do.

The rest looked at the three, who were clueless about what were they talking about and so was her sisters and brothers. They completely misunderstood the Beringel's infatuation for violent tendencies and began discussing about it.

Cinder: Say, have you three actually fought one of that before?

Adam: Yeah, 'cause it looks like it's only focused on you three. Maybe you killed its family or something in the past?

The two pointed at the Beringel while the three was tilting their heads, being deep in thought until Weiss had a bright smile on her face and gave her answer.

Weiss: Nope! I don't think we actually fought one before, although we wish we did!

The moment that Beringel saw Weiss' smile, the hearts in its eyes grew larger then it roared even louder. The Beringel started running towards the three. Naturally, this caused a slight panic and some of the students quickly got away from the area where the Beringel was heading. However, it seemed that despite the fact that a giant gorilla Grimm was running after them, they did not move at all.

Port: Miss Roses! Please move out of the Grimm's pathway!

Unfortunately, their pleas fell on deaf ears as the three still did not budge. Neo then turned towards them with a big smile on her face.

Neo: "Don't worry, guys! We'll be fine!"

Blake: How could a Grimm running towards you three is considered fine!?

Jaune:*to Yang, CMN and Adam* Guys, why aren't you all convincing them to move out of the way!?

Pyrrha: They're both right! Why aren't you all helping!?

Emerald:*smiles* Relax! When she says that she's fine, she's fine! Don't tell me you guys forgotten who's sisters that Grimm is attacking?

Then, realization hit Blake, Team BBBR and Team JNPR as they remembered this was Ruby, Weiss and Neo the dumb Beringel was trying to attack. And they remembered that a certain someone was supposed to fight this thing. Instead, the dumb Grimm decided to attack the three and their important to said someone. Their fear quickly disappeared and instead of dread, they now felt sympathy for the poor gorilla Grimm.

Wake:*to the Grimm* You poor dumb bastard.

Blake: Welp... it's dead.

Rang: Agreed. It made a poor choice but what do you expect from a mindless monster that thrives on carnage and hate?

Jaune: Phew! Almost forgot about him for a while there.

Bluby: Agree. That was a little embarrassing.


Ren: Nora...

The rest of the class were slightly confused as to why they were now so calm all of the sudden. The Beringel was about to grab the three until a calm but with a slight hint of anger voice was heard behind said Grimm.

Y/n: Excuse me?

The Beringel stopped as it sensed a feeling of dread coming from behind it. It turned around and saw Y/n with a very pissed off look on his face.

Y/n: Your opponent is right here.

The Beringel felt confused as to why this creature wasn't afraid of him since the rest of the humans and Faunus in this class were afraid although the five girls and the two boys had very little fear inside them but it still sensed a minuscule amount of fear nonetheless. But this one... It could literally sense no fear inside him. Instead, it felt a silent rage inside the human.

Y/n: You tried to attack my little sisters. For that alone, you die.

Adam:*whispering to Yang* I can almost hear Mom and Aunt Raven cheering right now.

Suddenly, Y/n disappeared in thin air as the Beringel kept turning around, trying to spot him but to no avail. As it turned to the front once more...

Y/n: Goodbye.

Y/n suddenly appeared in front of the Beringel and slapped it's head clean off and was sent flying and landed in front of Port's feet. The headless corpse then fell to the ground lifeless.

The rest of the class could not believe what they saw. The man just literally killed a Grimm with only one blow and it was with a single slap. Needless to say, everyone's mind was blown away just like the Beringel although for the latter, it was literal. Cardin's jaw literally hit the floor as he couldn't believe what the heck just happened.

Meanwhile, even though they've seen it before, Blake, Team BBBR and Team JNPR were still in great shock that he can kill a Grimm one punch. Only this time, he just slapped the Grimm and it died.

Rang: No matter how many times I've seen it, that man is very overpowered.

Blake: Agreed.

Nora: YOU SLAPPED A GRIMM AND ITS HEAD WENT FLYING!!!*saddened* But...you didn't break any legs.

Y/n then simply walked back towards the headless Grimm and broke its legs. This made Nora very happy as she did a little happy dance.


Ren: Nora...

Pyrrha: Now, I really want to spar with him.

Adam and Yang: Bad idea.

Port:*shocked* T-that was...

The bell ranged to show that the class was over. However, Port was still in his shocked state.

Port:*shocked* Class... dismissed...

Y/n looked down towards the head of the Beringel he defeated.

Y/n: Nobody hurts my family... ever...

Ruby and Weiss: BIG BROOOOOO!!!!!

Ruby, Weiss and Neo jumped into the air and hugged him. They then started snuggling onto his chest. They then looked at Y/n and they had a humongous smile on their faces.

Neo: "I knew you were going to save us. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Y/n:*stoic* You're welcome.

Y/n then felt another two people hugging him as well. He turned his head to the side and saw Yang and Cinder hugging him as well.

Yang: Thanks a lot, Bro.

Cinder: Yeah. For defending us.

Y/n: Your welcome. Now, if you excuse me, I need to change. I do need to take a bit of a shower after that little ordeal.

Y/n then stood up with the five still clinging on. He then gently placed them on the ground and walked towards the door.

Y/n: I'll be seeing you later.

With that, Y/n walked out of the classroom.

Mercury: Now then...

Yang, Cinder, and Mercury had an evil grin as they walked up towards Team CRDL, with their leader's jaw still on the floor.

Cinder:*smiles evilly* What was that, you said? *mocking tone* 'There's no way a giant no brain like him has the potential to be a Huntsman'? Well, guess who gets to not kiss my lips anymore? Told you that you should have backed down. Now, pay up!

Yang and Mercury stuck out their hands as Cardin begrudgingly took out all the cash he had on him and gave it to them. He tried to walk away but Cinder stopped him.

Cinder: Ahem!

He turned around and saw Yang and Mercury still sticking out their hands.

Cinder: All of it. You... and your team's cash, boi.

Cardin and Team CRDL groaned as the other three forked up all of their cash to Yang and Mercury. They thought that it was finally over until Yang and Adam grabbed all of them and started shaking them. All of their money came flying out from them as Mercury and Emerald pocketed all of it. After that, the two sent the three members of Team CRDL flying...

 ...And made Cardin kneel on the ground.

Mercury:*waving her finger* Uh, uh, uh. You still have to kiss my boots.

Cardin:*muttering* Me and my big mouth...

Cardin kneeled down and tried to kiss Mercury's shoes but he stopped him.

Mercury: Hold it. I didn't say the boots I'm wearing right now. They're too good for those dirty crusty lips of yours. No, no. I'm talking about...this!

The three's evil grins grew wider and wider as Mercury took out from behind his back...

...something that made Cardin deeply regrets making that bet he made.

A pair of 20 year old farmer boot. Oddly comfortable and easy to adjust with all the mold that is in there. Which is safe mold, not harmful mold. But don't tell the cops or hospital that.

Cardin:*gulps* I-is that moss?

Yang: Nope! Just a 15 year old fungus!

Cardin: What?! It looks like it's giving me 20 diseases just from looking at it!

Cinder: You gonna cry about it?

Cardin: W-why do you have them with you?!

Mercury: In case idiots like you decided to mess with my brothers or sisters and also, never make a bet with a Xiao-Long.

Cardin immediately started sweating profusely. These boots were so rancid, he could have sworn that he saw a bunch of maggots crawling in and outside the boots.

Mercury: Well, what're you waiting for?

Cardin started sweating like a hooker in church as he tried to get away, but Yang and Mercury had a firm grip on his head so he couldn't get away. He looked at the three and on that moment, he swore that he saw a raven and a crow on the nearby window behind them smiling.

Cinder:*sweet smile* If you can't do it, Cardy then here, let me help.

She then slowly but forcefully pushed his head towards the boots. Cardin tried to resist but the three wasn't backing down. His lips were literally hovering above the boots. Cinder used her foot for a bit and gave him one last push. On that day, a very, very loud girlish boy scream was heard throughout the whole school.

As the commotion settled down, Y/n returned to the classroom, now dressed in fresh attire. He glanced at the scene before him, his expression unreadable.

Y/n: Is everything settled here?

Yang: Oh, yeah! Everything's just peachy.

Cinder and Mercury shared a knowing glance, silently acknowledging the success of their little scheme.

Y/n nodded in approval, understanding that his siblings had handled the situation well. He turned to leave the classroom, but not before shooting a glance towards Cardin, who was still recovering from the ordeal.

Y/n: Remember, actions have consequences, Cardin. Choose your words and bets wisely next time.

With that, Y/n exited the classroom, leaving behind a group of impressed and slightly intimidated classmates. As the bell rang signaling the end of the day, Team RWBY, Team CMEN, and Team JNPR shared a laugh, knowing that they had once again overcome a challenge together.

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