Blood Ties (Helluva Boss x Re...

By Baryan_KuramaSeal

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During a rainy night, the prince of the Goetia, Stolas, was doing a casual stroll until he came upon a box. C... More

Reader's Bio
S1 Murder Family
Loo Loo Land
The Harvest Moon Festival
Sibling Recovery Time

Spring Broken

758 39 10
By Baryan_KuramaSeal

Driving down the streets of the city was the I.M.P mini van. Blitzo was in the driver seat with Y/n in the middle between him and Loona while Moxxie and Millie sit in the back.

Blitzo: I love this song! *poorly singing along with "Mustang Dong" on the radio* ♫ You were a spicy little- uh- Demon with the- uh- bleach blonde haaaair! ♫

Loona is shown sitting in the passenger seat next to Blitzo, looking mildly annoyed at his singing. Moxxie covers his somehow non-existing ears in the back while Millie rolls down her window and smiles.

Blitzo: ♫ Fieeendin' for that semen when I caught your stare... ♫

They drive into an old crowded parking lot.

Blitzo: ♫ Thooought it might be love, but you went--♫

A pink car pulls into the remaining parking space.

Blitzo: Oh, shit! Fu-

Blitzo slams onto the brakes and the van skids to a stop. Blitzo turns off the radio and glares at the person in the pink car. He glances at the license plate, which reads "SUCKS-4-LIFE".

Blitzo: Oh, you "suck for life", do ya?!

Blitzo pulls out a megaphone and yells into it.

Blitzo: Listen up, you unoriginal pink cum dump! You have three goddamn seconds to get your tits out of my parking spot!

The passenger steps out of her front car seat with high heels. Blitzo lowers the megaphone, shocked.

Blitzo: Oh, shit! Verosika!

Verosika blows a bubble of pink gum before it pops.

Verosika: Blitz-o.

Blitzo: I should have known you'd be here. I could smell fish for miles, which is odd. Because, I believe the nearest ocean is...

Blitzo falls and faceplants onto the ground before standing up.

Blitzo: ...three Rings DOWN!

Verosika: And I should have known you'd be here when I heard the Amber Alerts.

Blitzo: Oh, yeah? I'm surprised they let your fat ass outta rehab. I can see you're still a drunken whore, clutching onto that Beelzejuice bottle like it's the last cock in Hell!

Verosika flips her long hair back dramatically.

Verosika: They let me out because I'm still famous. And rehab is for sad, loser wash-ups.

Verosika takes a drink from her bottle and wipes her mouth with her thumb.

Verosika: So, your sister says "Hi".

Blitzo angrily steps in front of Verosika.

Blitzo: Why are you parkin' here?! This is the ONLY parking spot my company has! So take your tampon race car somewhere else!

Verosika: Actually, prick. It has my name on it.

Verosika points down to her name written in purple spray paint by their feet. I.M.P is crossed out on the ground.

Verosika: I'm doing a bit of freelance for one of the infinitely more successful companies in the building...

Loona: *watching from the van* No way...

Verosika: ...and they wanted to have me come in this week to lead their team during spring break.

Blitzo: A WEEK?! No, no, you are NOT parking here for a fuckin' week!

Verosika: *removes her sunglasses* Awww, you mad, Blitz-o? You gonna run off, leaving someone else to pay for the hotel room, steal their car and run...

Blitzo and Verosika: three rings to Wrath and max MY credit cards on shitty horse riding lessons?!

Blitzo: Goddamn it whore, you will NOT let that go!

Verosika: Choke on a sandpaper cock.

Verosika flips him the bird and walks away while Loona fearfully lowers her head in the van.

Blitzo follows Verosika.

Blitzo: HOLD ON! You better move that pussy wagon right now, or I'm gonna...

A towering muscular Hellhound appears behind Blitzo and growls.

Hellhound: You'll what?

Blitzo: *glances around and stutters in fear* Or I'll... uh... uh, I- I'll call Y/n!

Hellhound: Who?

Suddenly the hellhound gets frozen stiff as he feels steel pointed at the back of his neck. Turing his head slightly, he sees Y/n, with Ace drawn, behind waiting to pull the trigger.

Y/n: Sorry you seem like a nice guy, but you know how it is.

Verosika: Who the?

Blitzo: How do you like that bitch! This is my best employee, Y/n!

Verosika: Y/n you say?~ Hey kid?

Y/n: Hmm?

Verosika: Why don't you ditch this limp dick loser and join me. I can make it very enjoyable for you~.

Y/n: Kind offer, but I'll have to pass. I promised my dad I'd give him a week report of the workplace, plus there's some other shit going on, but I'd rather not say.

Verosika: Well if you ever change your mind~....*pulls a card from her boobs* don't be afraid to call~.

Y/n: Uhm thanks?

Verosika: It's my pleasure~. Vortex! Let's go. *flips off Blitzo* Ta-ta, fuck stain.

Blitzo: Ugh, I wasted so much time with a bag of holes like that.

Loona: *kicks van door open and steps out* You know Verosika Mayday?!

Blitzo: Huh...? Oh, yeah. Her, yeah. We dated.

Millie: Was it before or after she became a pop star?

Moxxie: *opens the van door and steps out* You dated a pop star?!

Blitzo: Okay, why are you all acting like that's such a shock?

Loona: Hellooo, it's Verosika Mayday?

Millie: It's you?

Moxxie: I just... *scratches his head* Is she blind?? Suffering some form of brain damage?

Blitzo: Okay, look, you are all making this into a way bigger deal than it needs to be. I don't pry into your stupid personal lives.

Moxxie: You do that all the time, sir!

Y/n: Yeah, it's very, very annoying.

Millie: Come on, you kinda do that.

Loona: You totally do that.

Millie grins mischievously, eyelids lowering.

Millie: What was sex with her like?

Moxxie: *taken aback* Millie!

Millie: Whaaaat?! It's a pop star! You'd wanna know what sex with Michael Crawford was like.

Moxxie: *about to scold Millie but changes his mind* ...Touché.

Blitzo: Okay, look, let's just drop it! Millie, j- find a temporary spot for that truck. *tosses the keys to Millie, who gleefully catches them and runs to the driver's side* Okay, Loonie, Moxxie, N/n, let's go handle this shit.


Loona, Y/n, Moxxie and Blitzo stepping out of an elevator. Loona walks nervously forward.

Loona: Do you think they saw me? Fuck! I did my makeup shitty today!

Blitzo smiles at her with shining eyes.

Blitzo: Oh, you look perfect, Loonie! Like always~

Loona narrows her eyes and scowls.

Loona: Shut UP, da—

Blitzo looks at her with adoration on his face. Loona catches herself almost referring to Blitzo as "dad" and shoves him aside.

Loona: Urgh! Blitzo!

Loona checks her face in a handheld mirror, stepping over Blitzo before accidentally bumping into Vortex. She looks up in embarrassment.

Loona: Oof! Oh. Woah...

Vortex glances down at Loona. Blitzo smiles at Loona before he gasps in shock. Loona blushes and wags her tail. Blitzo then moves between Loona and Vortex, his arms out.

Blitzo: Hiiii, big man. Where's your bitch bag of an employer?

Vortex mentions to a nearby room with neon pink hearts over double doors. "V" and "M" are spray-painted on the door windows across from the I.M.P. office room.

Vortex: She's in her office. There wasn't room on the second floor, so they rented one here on this one. It's cheaper.

Blitzo: Oh, COME ON!

Vortex: *scoffs* Sorry, man.

Y/n: Hey, hellhound.

Vortex: Yeah?

Y/n: Look sorry about what happened earlier. Just doing my job is all.

Vortex: I get it. No hard feelings here man. I get it.

Y/n: Well that's good. Wanna grab some drinks after all this is over?

Vortex: Are you even old enough to drink?

Y/n: I've got connections.

Vortex: Heh heh, you're cool little man. I'm Vortex, but my friends call me Tex.

Y/n: I'm Y/n, Y/n Ars Goetia.

Vortex: But, you're an Imp.

Y/n: Yeah, I get that a lot. More times than I'd like to admit to be honest.

Vortex: So like did your dad fuck an Imp or...?

Y/n: Uh no, I'm adopted.

Vortex: Ohh, that makes more sense.

Y/n: The fucks that supposed to me?

Vortex: Uh...I was just saying that...Well you don't...Uhhh.....

Y/n: Hahaha! I'm just fucking with you!

Vortex: Ha, you dick. You almost had me. I think you'll make this place a little more fun for me.

Y/n: Same here. See ya around Vortex.

Vortex and Y/n slips past each other and walk to their respective bosses as Y/n sees Moxxie yapping and Blitzo spacing out.

Moxxie: Sir... how about you let me go in and try to reason with her? I don't really listen to what's classified as "pop genre" music, so her status to me is name recognition alone...

Blitzo tunes Moxxie out with a glare.

Moxxie: In my opinion, her music is a bit derivative of-

Blitzo: Moxxie, shut the fuck up!

Moxxie: *heads over to Verosika's office* Alrighty, then.

Moxxie pushes open the doors and goes inside. The silhouettes of Moxxie, Verosika and her gang of demons are seen through the glass window.

Moxxie: Hello, Miss Verosika, was it? I work for I.M.P, and it is actually rather important for us to retain the singular parking space we were assigned, because-

Coco: *points to Moxxie* Aw, look at the little one. He's got a wittle bow tie!

Moxxie: Please don't condescend me, ma'am. I—

Josh: Want a kissy, little guy?

Moxxie: A kind offer, but... I'm married.

The gang of demons surround Moxxie.

Verosika: Hey... why don't you send a little message from me back to your limp-dick... boss?

The demon silhouettes bare their fangs over Moxxie to sexually assault him.

Moxxie: *screams* Don't touch that!

Blitzo races and presses his hands against the window.

Blitzo: Moxxie, don't let her access any of your holes!

Moxxie races back into the hall, panting with his back against the door. He walks past them, battered and shaken with red lipstick kisses all over his face.

Moxxie: *stuttering and shaken* I... I gotta go lie down... now.

Blitzo: Oh, this won't STAND!

Blitzo kicks both doors open, causing Verosika and her gang to notice.

Blitzo: Alright...! *bleep* THAT'S IT!

Blitzo stomps toward Verosika.

Blitzo: If you're gonna be shitty to my employees, then I challenge you to a fuckin'... challenge! *to himself* Fuck, I said that twice.

Kiki: Mmmm... Is this imp boy starting a demon duel?

Verosika: *chuckles* I think he is!

Verosika leans in toward Blitzo.

Verosika: What's the game then, Blitz-o?

Blitzo: Every year, you STD spreaders go up topside for easy pickin's while spring break is a prime time for crime of all kinds! So I bet... you succu-bitches can't fuck as many people as we can off by the end of the day.

The succubi laugh. Blitzo glares in determination. They stop laughing.

Verosika: Oh, you're serious?

Blitzo: Oh yeah! And if you win, I'll let you do whatever you want to Y/n!

Y/n: *outside the door* WHAT?!

She leans in close to Blitzo's face, speaking in a low whisper.

Verosika: Game on... bitch. Hope the kids got stamina.


Later at I.M.P Headquarters, Blitzo stands in front of the whiteboard. Behind him is an easel with drawings on papers. The other I.M.P members sit at a table and listen.

Blitzo: Alright, shut your assholes! Here's how we're gonna do this shit! First, we find a fuck ton of clients.

The animated drawings on the paper show Blitzo, Loona, Y/n, Millie and Moxxie standing together. A bunch of imps and clients surround them with bags of money.

Blitzo: We portal up.

Blitzo drawing snaps his fingers. The I.M.P figures fall down.

Blitzo: We have our fun murder time as per usual.

The I.M.P drawings kill off human drawings with guns.

Blitzo: We pile all the bodies into a big fuckin' canoe.

The human bodies are tossed into a canoe that reads "S.S. Cum Gutter".

Blitzo: We push said canoe into some water.

Blitzo drawing kicks the canoe full of bodies away from the dock.

Blitzo: We light it on fire to attract the sharks and eagles 'n shit. Maybe a goose, too! Fuck it!

Animated drawings of sharks, snakes, eagles and creatures eat the bodies set on fire in the canoe. A large octopus chomps the entire ship and the animals.

Blitzo: They come and eat the bodies, we win the bet...

The I.M.P drawings cheer and the Loona figure wears a party hat.

Blitzo: We rub it in that sloppy bitch's drunken whore-ass face...

The I.M.P. members give a Verosika drawing several middle fingers. The Verosika drawing bursts into tears. The scene cuts back to the meeting.

Blitzo: Do you have... any questions? *throws pointer stick through a window*

Moxxie: Uh, yeah. Why was that nonsense?

Blitzo: *walks over to Moxxie* That wasn't a question.

Moxxie: That wasn't a plan.

Y/n: He's right Blitz. That's not exactly a plan. It's just you coming up with some nonsense. We have to actually think about this.

Blitzo: I'm sorry, but that was a flawless presentation of what we should do. Plus, it's not my fault Mox's got a smooth little brain upstairs.

Moxxie: A what now?

Blitzo: I'm callin' ya slow, Moxxie. God, why don't you learn to take criticism, you *begins poking Moxxie in the chest* talentless baby dicked troll?!

Moxxie: *climbs onto table in anger* Well, why don't you *points at Blitzo and points at him* take an art class?

Blitzo: *grabs Moxxie and throws him back in his chair* Why don't you see how EXPENSIVE they are?!

Y/n: Alright, enough! If we want to win this demon duel, we have to work together!

Loona: Hey, is there a way I can come with you guys this time?

Blitzo: Absolutely not, I forbid it. Not gonna happen. Sorry, sweetie. Spring break is no place for young, vulnerable goth girls. You know the kind of FREAKS up there who'd drool all over you!

Blitzo, Y/n, Moxxie, Millie, and Loona simultaneously break the fourth wall by glaring disapprovingly at the camera.

Loona: Well, I can blend in with humans easy enough. Just let me tag along.

Blitzo: Wait, say that again.

Loona: I can... blend in...?

Loona shrugs as she inquisitively tells Blitzo that she can disguise herself.

Millie: Do you have a human disguise?

Loona: Yeah. Don't you?

The imps nervously look at each other, eyes side to side.

Loona: You four have been screwing around on Earth this whole fucking time... without human disguises?!

Y/n: I mean I have one.

Blitzo: You do! Why didn't you say anything?!

Y/n: Uh, cuz you didn't ask?

Blitzo: Okay, new plan!

Blitzo quickly scribbles on a piece of paper and hangs it on the easel. It shows Loona and Y/n surrounded by humans with hearts around them.

Blitzo: Loonie and Sparks can help lure the humans to us, and we'll take care of the rest. Okay, how about that?

Millie: Flawless logic.

Moxxie: I think you're missing the biggest issue, sir. Isn't it crucial to have a client who demands enough kills to win this bet? We aren't just going up to massacre!

Blitzo: I got that covered, Mox.

Later, Blitzo puts up a ratty flyer reading "Spring Break Victim, 50% Off!" with drawings of Blitzo, a dead victim and horses. Blitzo walks to Moxxie.

Blitzo: Now... we wait.

Moxxie: Sir... there is no way we are going to get enough clients by the end of the day with one poorly spelled, bad grammar flyer!

Y/n: Yea, no one gonna come when you're they can't understand your shit spelling.

Moxxie, Y/n, and Blitzo look to see demons lining up, including Travis, looking at the flyer. Blitzo grins smugly and elbows Moxxie. Blitzo strolls toward the other demons.

Blitzo: Now, who's first?


On a beach in the human world, People happily walk around, relax and talk. Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie and Loona hide behind coral-covered rocks under a dock.

Blitzo: Now, remember, we can't be seen, alright? And loose shots will likely cause a panic, so Loona and Y/n can help with leading targets to a better spot to off 'em. You got the list, Loonie?

Loona skims a long list in her hands and gives it a sniff.

Loona: Got it.

She hands the list over to Y/n and he does a quick skim of it and mesmerizes the targets.

Y/n: Alright, let's cause a riot.

Loona and Y/n both stand up and in a swirling flash of blue light, transforming into a human version of themselves. The imps stare in shock.

Blitzo: Ohhhhh, Loonie, Sparks, look at you. You look...downright awful!

Loona just glares at Blitzo and Y/n just shakes his head.

Blitzo: I am so proud. Now, fetch!

Y/n: Don't tell me to fetch.

Loona peers in front of her, her target humans outlined in red in her vision. Y/n uses a basic sensory spell and gets an outline of his targets. Loona smirks and strolls over to a tall man wearing sunglasses. She moves a finger toward his chest and gives him a flirtatious grin. She motions behind her and to a private alleyway. Loona leads him into the alleyway and leans against the wall. The man reaches out to grab her in lust but is shot in the head by Blitzo spying on the roof. He gives Loona a thumbs up.

With Y/n goes up to a woman with her hair in a bun. He whispers something in her eye, while grabbing her ass. This gets her excited and she follows Y/n into an alleyway, where the two begin to make out. As the woman is busy making out with Y/n, he opens his eyes and shoots her directly in the chest, killing her.

Y/n: Sorry. It's nothing personal, just business.


A blonde man runs to her in an alleyway with a hungry lustful look on his face. He is caught in a noose by Blitzo. On a rooftop, a brown haired man leans in to kiss Loona, but Millie knocks him off the roof with a kick. The man falls into a dumpster that Moxxie slams shut. Loona walks with a fat man down the sidewalk and a flower pot crashes into his head.

Y/n kills a woman with his sword, Millie kills a white haired woman with a spiked baseball bat, and another woman gets shot in the head. Blitzo and the gang put the bodies in bloodstained dark trash bags, closing them. In the background, Millie jumps on another body.

Blitzo: That's nine kills in the bag! I like to see that waily snatch orgasm that many--

Verosika: Alright, spring breakers! Y'all ready to get fucked up and make some BITCHIN' BAD CHOICES?!

The audience cheers. A fan boy rips his shirt that has her name written on his chest.

Fan boy: Verosika!

Verosika: This is your final boarding call. All aboard~

Verosika launches into "Vacay to Bonetown". "Fuck you Blitzo" appears on the screens. Blitzo growls like a rabid animal, foaming at the mouth.

Verosika: ♫ Pack your bags. Sun's out. Take a vacay, babe. Take it straight to bone town. ♫

The humans make out with others around them, they kiss, hug, and grind on each other. A disguised Milky shows a human a popsicle with semen-like saliva on it as several other succubi and incubi grin and sneak up on the humans as Verosika continues singing.

Verosika: (off-screen) ♫ V-time, free time, baby, relax. Self-care, no hair, Brazilian wax. Hornt up succu-bus to the beach. Catch some rays while catching some D. ♫

Blitzo: God DAMMIT! That bitch started her goadish mating call! Now, she's gonna win all these sex maniacs! We gotta pick things up, guys!

A vomiting blonde man is seen next to Blitzo.

Blitzo: *points to vomiting man* He on the list, Loonie?

Loona: Huh? Yeah... I- I think so.

A distracted Loona looks at Vortex guarding the stage.

Blitzo: Good!

Blitzo takes out a red and black axe.

Blonde man: Oh, whoa! What are you? A leprechaun? *laughs*

Blitzo: (off-screen) Yeah... pretty cool, huh?

Blitzo cleaves his head in half with the axe.

Blitzo: But you sure as shit ain't gonna tell nobody! Alright, next one Loonie, c'mon! Loonie? Wait, where--...?

Blitzo glances around to find Loona nowhere in sight. Her outline flashes. He panics.

Blitzo: Y/n! Have you seen Loona?!?

Y/n: Nope. Maybe she wondered off?

Blitzo: Wha-- Wha-- Wh-- *distraught, tears in his eyes* WHERE'S MY BABYYYYYY?!?!

Millie: *Points to the stage* Look!

Loona is seen walking towards Vortex. Blitzo notices, and his fatherly dread quickly turns to seething anger. Loona checks her makeup as two men French kissing fall to the ground at her feet, and someone offscreen throws their bikini top which lands on Loona's head.

The fanboy runs toward Verosika on stage as she sings the next chorus in "Vacay to Bonetown" but Vortex notices and punches him into the ground, head first. He drags the man away in the distance. Loona walks over toward Vortex, avoiding a French-kissing couple and tossing aside a bra, but is stopped by Josh, who smirks at her, eyebrows raised. She backhands him hard.

Verosika: Now, who wants a piece of this?!

Verosika tosses her Beelzejuice bottle into the ocean, creating a golden spillage. A catfish appears, which rapidly grows into a monster due to exposure to the demonic beverage.


Loona walks over nervously toward Vortex.

Loona: *nervously* Heyyyy... you...!

Vortex: Oh, hey. You're the hound workin' for my boss's freaky ex.

Loona: Yeah. *chuckles* Sorry if that's weird.

Vortex: It's cool. Her beef ain't mine. I'm not paid enough to care.

Loona: *nervously* Yeah! Yeah. I'm Loona!

Vortex: Okay. *mimics her nervous tone and smile* I'm Vortex!

Loona: That's hot... I mean, like, literally, y'know, 'cause vortexes... y'know, they give off heat. Probably. Right? *bites lip nervously*

Vortex: Uh, yeah. *chuckles* I guess, but my friends call me Tex.

Loona: Oh, yeah? I wish I had friends. *chuckles nervously* I mean... No, I mean, I don't... I... I don't have friends.

Vortex: What about the royal imp?

Loona: Who? Y/n? I mean....he's not.... I don't know.

Vortex: Well he seems cool to me.

Loona: Yeah, he is kinda cool.

Blitzo arrives and stands between them.

Blitzo: Am I... interrupting something?

Vortex: Nah, man. Just having a conversation.

Blitzo: *pokes Vortex* "Conversation" leads to HPV!

Y/n, Moxxie, and Millie hide behind metal barrels.

Moxxie: And... we've lost him. *sighs* It's looking like it's up to us handle this list.

Millie: Hell yeah! Team M, N, & M gettin' shit done, makin' the moneys!

Moxxie, Millie, and Y/n run off in the sunset and kill more people starting with the ice cream shop before jumping over the rooftop to kill some more.


Loona: Blitzo, get the fuck out of here! You're gonna get us all into shit!

Blitzo: I just wanted to see what was so important that you'd be distracted from your job.

Loona: What, I can't have a break?

Blitzo: We have a parking spot on the line!

Vortex: Hey, dude. Why don't you chill out?

Blitzo: Why don't you stay out of it?! Okay, this is our business!

Blitzo holds up a drawing with his tail that shows a diagram of himself killing a human equaling money and earning money equaling a horse.

Blitzo: Literally!

Loona: *groans in frustration, fixes bangs* Fuck, Blitzo! Why can't you stay out of my face for, like, five minutes?!

Blitzo: Because, I adopted you! And that should mean something!

Loona: Oh, what does it matter?! You're not my real dad! I was almost eighteen!

Blitzo: It still counts!

Loona: Well, it shouldn't! I didn't need you then, asshole! I don't, now!


Millie,  Moxxie, and Y/n hide behind a table with steel barrels of beer. As Y/n loads up Ace, Millie loads a crossbow for Moxxie to take it. Him and Y/n peeks over and prepares to shoot when a human man comes over and throws the beer can down.

Skool: Wooo! Yeah! Party! Let's do thiiiss!

Skool knocks the cans aside, sending Moxxie, Millie, and Y/n into the air. Moxxie lands in front of dozens of people. A woman points at Moxxie in disgust.

Woman: Eggggh! Oh my god, it's a fucking possum!

Moxxie: Oh, crumbs!

Moxxie tries to get away, but one of the partygoers catches him by the tail.

Skool: I got it!

Skool picks up Moxxie and shoves him into a barrel of beer. The group cheer about "beer possum" as they take turns volleying the barrel away. Moxxie drinks the beer inside and gets drunk.

Skool: (off-screen) Beer possum! Beer possum!

Partygoer: (off-screen) Get ready to get fucked up!

Partygoer: (off-screen) Ready to get fuuucked!

Loona tries to say something to the upset Blitzo, who crosses his arms.

Loona: Uh... Blitzo... I'm-

Blitzo: Enjoy your break, Loonie. I'm gonna go kill something!

Loona: Ugggh...

Vortex: Damn, girl. That was savage. *places a comforting hand on her shoulder* You okay?

Loona: *blushes* Yeah, I'm fine. He'll get over it. He always does.

Vortex: *chuckles* I'm glad you could stick up for yourself, at least. Mmm! Takes guts.

Loona: Thanks.

Millie runs behind a few stacks of beer kegs toward a wobbling barrel. She opens it and the barrel tips over. Moxxie burps as the beer spills out onto the ground.

Millie: Moxxie!

Moxxie: *drunk* Millieee! Hiiii! Hey. Hey, when did you get four heads? I wanna kiss 'em. *Makes smooching noises*

Millie picks up the drunken Moxxie. The fish monster emerges from the ocean. The humans and the succubus saw the monster. The monster crushes a relaxing human, sending blood everywhere. The humans scream and run away. Y/n looks at the monster with shock in his eyes as the monster fish roars.

Moxxie: *drunk* Ooooh! Fish.

The monster wraps its tongue around Moxxie, pulls him closer and closes its mouth.

Moxxie: *drunk* Hehehe... Weeeeee...

Millie spots a spring breaker with a cocktail and kills him with a knife. She lights a cloth on fire and tosses a Molotov cocktail at the fish. The fish loses balance and falls down. Millie rushes into the ocean and slices up the fish's body with her knife. She pries open the monster's mouth, seeing Moxxie punching the monster's uvula. She reaches out her hand toward Moxxie, who briefly gives her a high five.

She grabs hold of him and slices the tongue, freeing both of them. Moxxie smiles, closes his eyes and spreads his arms as he flies. He lands into Blitzo's arms. A human man celebrates after avoiding getting hit from the tongue, but Blitzo kills him with his flintlock out of annoyance. Moxxie laughs hysterically.

Moxxie: I love that woman~.

Blitzo: Oh, she totally pegs you, doesn't she?

Y/n blitz's past the two as he jumps from the edge of the beach and uses his electricity and shocks the monster fish, making it shriek in pain. Inside of the monster's mouth, Millie punches the tongue as the monster spits her out as Millie starts wrestling with it.

On the outside, Y/n keeps his electricity to try to slow the monster down before it can cause more damage, but it only seemed to anger the creature. Using of its tail, the monster fish smacks Y/n off into the air. While flying through the air, Y/n quickly summons ōdachi into his hands. Spinning around, Y/n throws his sword towards the beast at high speeds making it spin. As it zooms past the monster fish, Y/n appears behind it with a Chidori in hand.

Y/n: I like my fish electricFried !

Y/n slams the Chidori into the beast's back, causing massive amounts of electricity to surge through the creature and with the surrounding water, well that doesn't make a good combination. At the same time, Millie, who was inside the monster fish, slices its throat open and her along with Y/n make it back to the shore.

Blitzo: Ohhhh, yeah, way to show off you two!

Millie: Is Mox okay?

Blitzo: Oh, yeah. He's fine.

Millie holds Moxxie in her arms as Moxxie grins with a doped expression.

Moxxie: *drunken* Thiiiis is funny. I'm sooooo... drinky.

Millie hugs Moxxie, happily laughing.

Blitzo: Ooookay, this is too wholesome for my liking.

Verosika: Blitz-o.

Blitzo: Oh, perfect. That must be the whores!

Verosika: That was handled rather... obvious... Don't you think?

Millie: I don't think this belonged to any of us.

Millie tosses the flask back to Verosika, who catches it, then drop-passes it to Milky.

Y/n: Wouldn't want anyone to find out about who was really behind a demon fish attack in the human realm now would you?

Moxxie: *laughs* Oh, Satan! You're gonna be so... FUUUUCKED! *continues laughing drunkenly*

Verosika: Yeah, well... you nasty-ass gremlins will be in shit for not being in disguises!

Moxxie: *faceplants into the sand* A human called me a possum. I am not a *faceplants again* possum!

Blitzo: Y'know, we could keep this little B-movie scene on the down low if you agree to let us use that parking space.

Verosika: ...Fine.


Millie: Fuck YEAH!


Verosika: *scoffs* Come on, let's get out of here. Tex!

Vortex: Well... guess it's time to bounce. But, hey, if you're ever down to party, I'll give you a ring sometime.

Loona: Really? I mean, heh...yeah. Yeah.

Vortex: Yeah! My girlfriend throws a ton of crazy hound parties.

As Vortex mentions his girlfriend, Loona's expression shifts into dejection.

Loona: *dejected* Nice. Can't wait for my first one.

Vortex: *chuckles* Let's get you some friends, girl.

Vortex gives her a playful punch before following Verosika. Loona looks downcast at seeing Vortex leave and being reminded of her confrontation with Blitzo as well as the reveal her crush already has a partner.

Blitzo: Come on, Loonie Tooney! Let's go back and park our fat fuckin' car in our fat fuckin' space!

I.M.P go through the portal. Loona falls through the portal backwards.

Blitzo jumps up and mockingly flips the double bird through the portal, making Verosika growl in anger and her eye twitch. As Veroskia  and her gang huddle together in fear as the cops surrounded them.


Verosika: Alright, sluts. *raises her hands in the air in defeat and dismay* Get ready to suck a lot of pig dick.

Her gang all sigh and groan in disgust as they raise their hands in defeat. However before things could go down, all the officers suddenly freeze.

Verosika: What the?

Y/n: You might wanna book it.

Verosika: It's you. I thought you would be celebrating with your dick-headed boss.

Y/n: Though I am glad that we won, I don't think that you should go through something like this. *gestures to frozen cops*

Apple: How'd you freeze'em like that?

Y/n: It's a time freeze spell I've been practicing.

Josh: You know spells?

Y/n: There's a couple, but I still need some more practice.

Vortex: You're so much cooler now dude.

Y/n: Thanks, but we should get moving. The spell won't last very long.

Verosika: You're just full of surprises aren't Imp boy?

Y/n: You can say that.

Verosika: Makes me wonder what else you're hiding~. But for now, I'll just leave you with this.

Verosika plants a kiss on Y/n's check, leaving a lipstick mark and a blushing Y/n with a small smile on his face.

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