Fourth King of The Fourth Kin...

Af TaraFondale

23.3K 459 19

Larry's daughter MaryJane agrees to take the night job at the museum after being beaten by dead ends. She mee... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

New Story!

49 0 0
Af TaraFondale

Hi guys!!! I really wanted to get the word out about this new story I've been writing!

It's called 'Ancients' and if you are a Harry Potter fan or a Hogwarts Legacy fan, you will LOVE this story! Full of romance and adventure! Here's a little excerpt.

I wave my wand, letting the vibration control me. My wand picks up a wooden box, sitting on the side, and throws it at the troll.

"What was that?!" Natty asked astonishingly.

"A taste of its own medicine" I laugh, continuing to throw objects at the troll.

The more spells we hit with it, the weaker we can tell he's getting. When I see him on his knees, ready to give out. I throw another object, fully killing him. When I can finally catch a breath, I feel like I could pass out. Natty walks to me, patting my shoulder.

We both are heavily breathing trying to calculate what just happened.

"Did I just see you take down a fully grown troll all by yourself?" We turn to see Officer Singer. I straighten myself out and face her. I nod and she exclaims. "Trolls in Hogsmade? I never seen a thing. Well I'm glad you two are alright" she bows her head in goodbye.

Natty looks at me. "Still up for some butterbeer?"

"Oh you know it."

We finally head to the three broomsticks. Before we make it to the tavern, we hear whispers coming from the alley behind.

"You said you could get to the child once she got to Hogsmade, that all you need was a distraction. I gave you that distraction!" Ranrock voice is heavy with anger. His voice seems to make him more ferocious since his vulnerable size.

Natty and I crouch, careful to not be seen, while we listen to the conversation.

The wizard stands tall. His eyes flushed with annoyance.

"I just watched a student take down your distraction" he says with a fierce tone.

"Who is this child? What are you not telling me?" The dark wizard asks.

"All you need to know is if you can't get me the child, thank you are no value to me.." Ranrock whips backs.

Natty accidentally leans on me to hard and we fall a bit, making a noise. The three look up our way, and we run to the three broomsticks, careful not to be seen.

"What do they want with you?" Natty asks as we move a bit away from the three.

I sigh trying to comply what just happened. "They were looking for something I found at Gringotts.." I starts to explain. Before I go any further I see the Dark wizard and his friend looking for us in the road.

"Let's go, quickly." I say pushing Natty to the Tavern.

We enter the Three Broomsticks with heavy breaths. As I walk in my eyes are met with a small goblin who trails me as I walk to the bar.

"What could I get ya girls" Sirona, the barkeep, asks.

"Two butterbeers"

"On the house for the defender of Hogsmade. Heard you took down a fully grown troll" she continues.

Wow word travels fast.

"Single handedly!" Natty finishes, raising her cup. I smile at everyone's praises and raise my cup with them. I could revel in this, I am after all the defender of Hogsmade apparently. Pride is a bit in my blood. Accomplishments like this come once in a lifetime.

Our celebration is cut short when the same dark wizard and what I presume is his sidekick, come into the tavern.

"Sirona, I've seen you been talking to Lodgok" the wizard announces.

Sirona comes from behind the bar to face him and stands proudly. "What's it any of your business." She asks. The wizard leans back mockingly.

"Seems you've set a low bar for wizards coming through.." he sneers.

"I can assure when you leave my clientele will greatly improve." She sasses back. The other wizard reaches behind his pants for his wand.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Theophilius.." she warns. The dale wizard stops his friend and speaks once more.

"Come now. No need for theatrics." He whims.
"I'm only here for this one anyway.." he points over to me and the patrons look in my direction. I stand with Natty behind me facing the wizard

"My friend is enjoying a well earned butterbeer." Sirona chimes in between.

"Only a quick word." He starts to move towards me but Sirona steps in his way and I take out my wand, along with the other patrons of the bar.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me. I said my friend is busy."

He steps back and sneers.

"One would think you've had enough bloodshed for one day" he beams.

"Come Theopilius, the Three Broomsticks is not what it used to be, let's take our galleons else where."

"Can't drink butterbeer forever." He mocks to me, leading his friend away from the crowd out of the tavern.

My heart was beating out of my chest to the ground. I felt as if I could faint by the quick interaction. I thought i was going to fight without that knowledge, nor my new magic developed.

Siriona turns around to me in worry. "It seems you've made a rather unfortunate enemy. Watch your back, Rookwood and Harlow are worse than any troll you may encounter" she warns.

"Ranrock, and now Rookwood and Harlow are after you? What is going on?" Natty finally speaks and I turn forgetting for a moment I was with her.

"I will explain everything, but it's best if we don't do it here." I explain.

She sighs but nots her head in defeat.

"We should head back" I speak wanting to just be alone again with my thoughts.

If you liked this little part there is so much more to the story! Please check it out!!

Thank you all for the reads!!!!

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