Yan!Hazbin Hotel x Fem Reader

By Twinsieslol

29.7K 853 425

'She's my idea of an angel.' Y/n, an angel, the sweeted and most beautiful one you ever seen, what happens wh... More

4.~ GIFT
5.~ HELL


3.9K 123 49
By Twinsieslol



The H/c haired angel woke from her slumber, her E/c eyes fluttering open slowly and tiredly. Her hands made their way up to her face rubbing her eyes as she slowly sat up. She looked around noticing the room she was in, where was she?

Memories from a couple hours ago flooded her head, a sigh coming out of her mouth before her lips curved into a small smile as she remembered her old friend was also here.

She climbed out of her comfy bed, and walks towards the body mirror that was placed on a wall by Alastor. She looks at herself noticing the white long gown that she wore, that had a slit at the knee down, she admired the gold jewelry that laid upon herself and the clothes she wore, her wings stood out she really did look like an angel.

she frowned her eyebrows as she noticed the small spects of dirt on her all white gown, she looked slightly dirty and she didn't like it. She would shower but she had no clothes, nor products to shower with. She also realized she had slept with her pure gold stared heels on, her feet starting to feel uncomfortable.

She walked away from the mirror and towards the door of her room, walking out she heard the voice of the demons she had just recently met. Following the voices she found herself at the lobby one again, she noticed everyone but Charlie.

"-A video camera" she heard vaggie say with an annoyed sigh.

The sound of Y/ns heels clicking on the stairs drew the attention of the others onto her.

"Oh finally, Toots is awake. I was getting a bored having to listen to Vagina here rant!" She heard Angel dust say with a smile as he patted to the side of him on the couch.

Y/n heard Vaggie growl in annoyance at Angel dust words.

Y/n sat in the middle of the couch, Angel dust to the left of her and Husk to the right while Niffty was behind her smelling her hair, sighing in satisfaction as she sniffed one more time.

Y/n not knowing what to do just stayed still, she didn't really know these demons, other then Alastor and she didn't want to get on their bad side.

"Niff stop it." Husk said annoyed causing Niffty to whine again before hopping onto Y/ns lap hugging her clingingly.

Y/n smiled at this not minding the closeness at all anymore.

She looked up towards vaggie who had a video camera in her hand.

"What are we doing?" Ask the H/c angel.

"Oh-um while charlies out in a meeting were recording a commercial for the hotel." As vaggie spoke Y/n nodded her head, charlie was at a meeting?

"You won't be doing anything my dear, can't let Hell knowing there's an Angel on the loose!" Alastor said with a chuckle.

"Can't believe I'm saying this but Alastors right Y/n, if Hell knew that there's an Angel in Hell, Satan knows what they would do." Y/n held a small frown at Vaggies words but agreed, she did want to be apart of this commercial to show how Grateful she was for charlie taking her in.

"Alright in positions!" Vaggie yelled out to Angel dust and Husk.

"Hm..what position do you want me in whiskers? I prefer the back, rough and hard" Angel dust said with a wink as Husk held a disgusting face.

"Thats fucking gross and Dont call me whiskers you-!"

"Enough now get into place!"

With an angry huff Husk pulled out the script and went over it before vaggie yelled action.

"Welcome to the Hazbin hotel, how can I help you?" Husk said in a robotic voice stuffing his face into the script as he read.

Y/n held in a giggle at the sight, she felt a presence behind her causing her to tilt her head up noticing Alastor towering over her.

"Hey Al" Y/n said with a smile quietly as she didn't want to ruin the commercial.

Alastor just smirked at the sight of Y/n, though it was cut short as they heard Angel dust moan.

Y/n noticed Vaggie slowly getting irritated by the two and then yelling cut.

Y/n made her way back to the couch and sat down looking at her clothes reminding herself she needed to get new ones.

She frowned slightly as suddenly Adam entered her mind, what was he doing right now?


Meanwhile Adam was Rambling about some stupid shit no one cares about to Charlie who just had to sit and wait till he was done.

"And then I told her 'I'm Adam, the original dick!, im the main dick in this bitch, why the fuck would you rather have someone else's dick when you could have the original one!?' Then she had the audacity too call me one of her best friends-like I don't want to fucking be friends I want to fuck you!? I even told her that-Then I had to go and exterminate those little cunts of yours-! Then I jerked myself off to her and it was Awesome, though id prefer the really thing. Anyway how was your weekend?" Adam said as be rambled about a certain H/c angel while eating sloppily at the ribs he ate.

"Wait-your name is Adam? As in the-Ohhhhh that explains so much..." Charlie says leaning back.

"I know I fucking rock" Adam says confidently, with a smirk.

"Well uh..Adam, Sir adam, sir..Mr Adam sir-" though Charlie was cut off by the first man himself.

"Call me Dickmaster." Adam said with a smirk.

"Adam. You seem like a cool smart very stand up guy and well-"

"Uh huh.." Adam poked at his teeth as he sat bored, his mind running with thoughts about Y/n.

"And your the leader of the Angels, and your a genius a huge thinker, a revolutionary-!" Charlie exclaimed.

"I mean your words, babe-" Adam said as his already huge ego boosted.

"And who would really love to put his name on something" Charlie said nudging the air.

"Fuck yes! I love putting my name on shit! shits the best!" Adam exclaimed as he rose from his seat.

"Its the solution to our biggest problem!"

"Y/n going missing? Yeah don't worry about it babe were already looking for her" Adam said as his mind ran with thoughts of Y/n but not the original thoughts he usually had about her, he was worried and that was unlike him. He knew deep down she wasn't in heaven, he couldn't feel her presence anymore. So that ment she was in hell but where? He couldn't just show up unannounced for some reason so he would have to wait for the next Extermination to happen.

Charlie eyes widen at his words, he knows Y/n? Shit.

"Uhm..No! The other biggest problem!" Charlie said Nervously.

"Um..herpes? Yeah, thats a bitch!"

"N-no the other biggest problem..!"

"Oh..uh..Ugly people?, math! No uh..global warming? No that's earths problem..uh-" Adam kept on guessing causing Charlies eyes to twitch ever so slightly.


Y/n sat on the couch leaning on her palm as she silently watched Vaggie try to film Niffty.

Y/n looked at Niffty confused as she didn't say anything but stared into the camera

"How did I do? Did I do good! Y/n was I good!" She asked the angel.

"You didn't really say anything Nifft.." Y/n said feeling bad as she saw the maid frown.

"Yeah you actually have to say the words Niffty, let's just go again" Vaggie said pulling up the camera again though as she started to record, Niffty just stared.

Angel dust whispered something to Vaggie causing her to yell cut in irritation.

Vaggie stormed off leaving Angel dust, Y/n, husk and Niffty in the lobby while Alastor went to torment the poor girl.

"Geez what's her problem" Angel dust said.

"Shes just under stress, its normal especially since she wants Charlie to come back to a well done commercial." Y/n said glancing at Angel dust who was just checking her out.

"You know Toots, we really got to get you something else to wear.." Angel dust said changing the topic, staring at the long non revealing gown Y/n wore in disgust.

"I know its getting dirty" Y/n said looking down at her clothes.

"Not just that, it's hideous- I mean not on you of course, Which is surprising that you could pull such an..Ugly thing off..even I can't pull that off!" Y/n didn't know how to feel about his words, she actually liked the gown she wore.

"Especially in Hell Toots, we need to get you something revealing! Something that shouts 'I'm a Whore'!" Angel dust said leaning over to Y/n his face very close to hers but he then backs up.

"oh um I'm not sure-I don't really like to show a lot of skin, it makes me feel sinful.." Y/n said truthfully.

"Your in Hell Toots what do you expect? But I guess your right, I know some good shops with clothes you might like-" before he could finish Vaggie and Alastor poped out of no where and then suddenly green surrounded Y/ns body.

Suddenly instead of the white long gown, she was now wearing a gold and white low-cut flapper dress, the dress was sleeveless allowing her arms being shown along with her knees down, pearly long white pearls around her bare neck, white long silk gloves that reached just under her elbows, a white father boa that was dragged along her lower back and ontop of her elbows, a headband that contained a white feather and she wore gold and white heels. The dress was definitely tighter and few more attention to the hip area.
Her hair was pulled into a nice fancy side bun.

She looked at herself amazed. She looked up at Angel dust and the other residents noticing their clothes had changed too.

She felt as if she was back in the 1920s, oh how she missed being alive.

Her head turned towards vaggie hearing her voice ring through the hotel.

"Alright let's make a Fucking commercial"


Y/n sat on the couch, her still being in the flapper dress, not that she minded. The other residents had already changed back to their original clothing after they were done shooting the commercial, they were all now waiting for Charlie to arivve.

Once the door opening and closing from the hotel met their ears vaggie shot up and greeted Charlie with a hug.

"Charlie-! Did they listen?" Vaggie said pulling away.

"They-uh sure did..hear it.." Charlie said looking a bit down.

"Well hey-! Alastor pulled a few string and its about to air!" Vaggie said excited to show Charlie the new commercial they had made.

"Pulled a few limbs myself too!" Alastor said causing him and Y/n to laugh.

"Wait-you all made a new commercial..?" Charlie asked tearing up.

"Yep, one of my better preformences if I do say so myself" Angel said with a smile.

"Wow..thats amazing-"

"Shush its starting" Angel said shushing Charlie.

Y/n kept her eyes on the TV seeing vaggie and the other residents except her pop up.

"Welcome to the hazbin-" but before vaggie could say any more the TV changed to the '666' news causing Angel dust, charlie and vaggie to let out angry noises.

Y/n just sat on the leg of the chair Alatsor was sitting on, being between Alastor and husk. She looked at the TV confused.

"Breaking news in Hell! We just got News from Heaven that the next Extermination will happen earlier then ever before! Do you know what that means Tom?" Katie asked Tom.

"No. what does that mean, katie?" Tom asked.

"It means we are all royalty fucked!" The screen changed to a hourglass that counted down 176 days and Demons Screaming in fear.

"What-!? Why?!" Angel dust exclaimed in shock while everyone not included Alastor or niffty stared at the screen in shock.

"Extermination?" Y/n thought out Loud confused.

"You didn't know? The Angels come down here and kill sinners Every year" Charlie said turning towards Y/n in confusion and shock that She hadn't known.

"What? What are you talking about? Why would we-" The H/c angel looked at the Demons in disbelief.

'Did Adam have something to do with this?' She thought back to all the times he disappeared randomly once a year.

"Hey Y/n..do you know Adam?" Charlie asked a bit hesitant.

"Oh Yes-! Me and Adam are Very great Friends, though it seems as if he sees me more then one..but yes I do." Alastors eye Twitched slightly at her words.

"Oh uh-Well i was in a meeting with him and he said that you were missing and that the angels were looking for you..are you not a fallen angel?" Charlei questioned.

"What?-of course not-! I accidentally had fallen into a portal which led to Hell, and now I am stuck." Y/n explained the thought of Adam being apart of the Extermination never leaving her mind.

"Yeah I had my doubts, I mean you still got your wings attached and fallen angels usually get their wings cut off." Angel dust said.

"Wait-so angels come down once a year to kill demons?" Y/n said bringing back the subject.

"Unfortunately yes, im surprised you don't know..I mean especially since your close with Adam-I mean he is the leader of the Extermination Angels after all-" her words made Y/ns eyes widen in shock.

'What?! Adam led the Extermination?!' She thought in anger on how she didn't know and why they would do this.

"Why? Why would we need to kill demon's? I don't see the reason why we would need too." Y/n asked wanting more information.

"Well-" Charlie started but got cut off by The radio demon.

"-i think that's Enough for today! Im sure Y/n is feeling a tad bit tired, aren't you dear?" Alastor asked Y/n who wasn't tired at all.


"I'll take her up to her room so she could rest." Husk stared at two a frown placed on his lips as he noticed how different the radio demon has been acting since the Angel had arrived.

"But i-"

"Come on dear." He linked his arm with hers and walked her up the stairs, heading towards her room.

Y/n frowned, why was he acting like this?

There was an awkward silence as Alastor walked her to her room. Finally Standing in front of her room Alastor opened the door, leading her inside.

Y/n not knowing what to say or do just smiled at the demon, nodding her head as a 'thank you'. She unlinked her arms with his, baking up to give them some space. She stood there noticing Alastor not moving an inch.

She opened her mouth to say something but alastor beat her too it.

"Darling, how about you accompany me tomorrow? I've been meaning to get my Coat/Suit Tailored, im sure your tied of being all cooped up in this hotel." Y/n let a small smile slip through at his words.

"Yes! I'd love too, I've been wanting to explore Hell, and get new clothing." Y/n said with a smile.

"Yes, though dear you must stay by My side at all times, it would be a disappointment if something had happened to you." Y/n nodded her head at his words just wanting to go out and explore.

"Goodnight my Dear."

"Goodnight Al.." With that Y/n closed the door and headed back to her bed noticing Two neat folded pair of clothes on her bed.

Her eyebrows frowned at the clothes not knowing where they had came from, maybe Alastor?

A knock on the door snaped her out of her thoughts.


She opened the door to see Charlie holding a bunch of showing products.

"Hey-Y/n! I know your new to hell and everything- And you probably don't have anything to shower or bath with so i got some of the products I brought but haven't used!"

"Oh thank you Charlie but I really shouldn't-"

"Pft its okay Y/n! I haven't used these at all and I don't plan on using them! Were friends right? So please take them!" Charlie said shoving the products into her arms.

"Okay this is the body wash, this is the conditioner, this is the shampoo, this is the scrubber, this is the body scrub, this is the-" Charlie rambled on and on about what was which, pointing to the products that were what.

"Thank you Charlie" y/n said with a smile after Charlie explained all of the products.

"No problem Y/n! Also tomorrow we will be doing some lessons on how to redeem ourselves, and I was hoping you would join-!" Charlie said Nervously.

"Of course! I would love to be part of your lessons" After that Charlie and Y/n said their goodbyes and Y/n organized the products in the shower.

She grabbed the pair of clothing that was on her bed noticing one were Pj's, she placed it on the counter in the bathroom and turned on the shower.

After the shower she got dressed into the Pj's and laid on her bed, she snuck under the covers laying warmth take over.

Her eyes slowly closing as she slowly meets with slumber.

Hey guys!!

I know its been a couple days since I've last updated and I hope you couldn't tell how I was rushing.

Like I've said before I get tired and I don't really make sense when I type.

Also if you all could tell Alstor and Adam are the only ones giving Yandere and trust when I say in the next chapter ill try to get more characters to be more Yandere!!

Anyway thats all for todays chapter!

Love yah, Muah💋

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