Strike It Right (Louis Tomlin...

By CarolmSimon

86.2K 1.5K 127

Did you ever fall for someone you know you shouldn't, Tried hard to fight your feelings but you just couldn't... More

Strike It Right
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
*Finale* Chapter 33
The Sequel : My Lucky Strike
The Soundtrack

Chapter 25

1.9K 37 1
By CarolmSimon

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
I binded my hair into the pony tail and got out of the room. I locked it and waited in the corridor for Xavier. Like always we will got together to have breakfast.
“Navishaa!” I heared the voice and rolled my eyes. Ronaldo… “How do you feel?” he asks and rushes to me
“Good.” I responded
“Listen… I know that you’re angry with me but you need to listen to me. We need to talk about everything sincerely and then I bet you will change your opinion about me.” He says and looks begging at me “Come to my room after your training in the evening.” He says and smiles and I just glared at him.
“Why don’t you talk now?” I asked
“Because I want everything to make special.” He says softly and takes my hands but I withdrew it from him.
“Navishaa, are you ready?” I heared Xavier’s voice and I nodded and followed him.
“Yeah. Let’s go.” I said
We passed by, Xavier and also I notice that we pass by Zayn also who is strangely looking at me and I just frowned uncomfortably… What is his problem?

>>>>Louis< <<<
Navishaa and Xavier come to breakfast table and she doesn’t even look to my side. I thought that after yesterday we will communicate normally… but probably I was wrong. I got nervous and start eating.

 Zayn finally comes to the table too. He sits in front of me and looks at me strangely.
“What is wrong with you?” I asked and he shows me to move my head closer to him and I bend over the table.
“Navishaa is going to Ronaldo’s room tonight.” He says and I frowned.
“What? How do you know that?” I asked
“I heard how Ronaldo was suggesting her.” He answers.
“And what did she answer?” I asked impatiently.
“She didn’t at all. But do you want to risk?” he asks and looked at him nervously and bite my lip. I looked at her and see her happily talking with Xavier and I got more nervous. So with him she can be normal and with me… no?
“I don’t care. She can do whatever she wants.” I said nervously and Zayn looks at me confused.
“Geez, Louis… your opinion changes too often…” he says surprised.
I waited till Jessica will pick up the phone. I hope that her voice will help me to forget about Navishaa…
“Hello?” I heared her sweat voice and smiled.
“Hey, honey.” I said.
“Oh, hi, Louis!” she says happily and I chuckled. She’s so sweat and soft…
“How are you doing?” I asked looking through the window.
“Good. Today I saw the doctor.” She said
“Something happened?” I asked nervously.
“Not really. Just my head aches a lot these days. I don’t know why… maybe because I’m too nervous about these articles.” She says and sigh and I sighed also.
“Well… then just don’t read them.” I suggest a bit carefully.

“It should be hard not to read it. Everything has now totally changed. When you played your first match in there people were so angry with federation and that Navishaa. They hated her so much that even I though that they would burn her doll… The situation was something like that. But now… now everyone loves her. Her pictures are on the tops of the journals, everybody writes about her. Even a T-shirts line with her picture had appeared and people are buying those clothes like crazy.” She says a bit nervously but I smiled.

“But who cares…” she says and instead of Jessica I imagined Navishaa’s face talking with me. I smiled “…she will go back to her home when you come back and we won’t see her ever again.” She says and I keep thinking about Navishaa but then quickly realized that and shook my head to get those thoughts away “Right?”
“Y-Yeah… sure.” I said a bit unbalanced and rubbed my forehead

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
My part of the training is already over and now like always I give the power to Mr. Garcia.
“Today we will try something new.” He says and I sigh nervously. That’s great… sarcasm of course “There you can see the zone of obstacles.” He says and shows us with the finger to a small part of the stadium “One of you will be with blind fold and you won’t see anything. Your partner will be closely next to you and will tell to you where to go and where to turn. If you rely on your partner then everything should be easy and okay.” He says and gives a blind fold to each pair.

Louis takes it and handles it to me. I looked at him confused.
“You will be with it.” He explains to me.
“Why me?” I asked nervously.
“Because I don’t want to die already.” He says and I just grimace to him. Stupid…
I put the blind fold on my eyes and tighten it.

>>>>Louis< <<<
“Do you see anything?” I asked.

“No.” she answers in her always nervous tone, but I decided to try her. I silently walked a few  steps closer to her and when I’m next to her I softly put my hands on her shoulders and she winces scared. I laughed and withdrew my hands.

“You moron. You scared me so much!” she said and wanted to hit me but she does that quite unsuccessful. Well… she isn’t lying. She doesn’t see anything.

“You can start already.” Says Mr. Garcia and I came closer to her and put my arm on her back that if she goes not there I could lead her correctly. Navishaa winced again just this time a bit differently. I smiled and keep looking at her. She feels so unsecured now when she doesn’t see anything. We start slowly walking and we reached the first stand.

“To the left.” I said to her but she puts a step to the right and I pushed her to other side.
“Hey.” She says nervously and I just chuckled.
“It’s not my fault that you don’t know where the left side is.” I said to her.
“I was walking on the le…” she says but suddenly shuts up and blushes so hard…. But looks so cute. I smiled softly and kept looking at her. I could look at her all day.
We are going further and she suddenly trips on something but I quickly catch her grabbing her with my arms.

“Thanks for telling me this.” She said to me when she straightens up. I looked around and didn’t see any obstacles around us.
“There was nothing to tell.” I said to her and she nervously takes off the fold of her eyes.
“You’re the worst partner ever!” she says to me nervously and I frowned confused. She looks around and doesn’t see anything… like I said and she gets embarrassed again. She quickly puts the fold back on her eyes and crosses her arms on her chest.

>>>>Zayn< <<<
When we entered the bus I sat in my seat and looked at guys passing by me. When I saw Gerard I quickly caught his hand and sat him next to me. He looks at me confused.
“We need to do something.” I said and Gerard looks at me more confused.
“About what?” he asks and I just sighed.
“When we come back after the training Navishaa will go to Ronaldo’s room because he wants to ‘talk’.” I said to him and he keeps looking at me the same and I sighed desperately “We need to stop that for Louis.” I said to him the main point.

“Does Louis know that?” he asks.
“What?” I asked and this time he sighs.
“That she will go to Ronaldo’s room?” he asks again.
“Yes. But he says that he doesn’t care and won’t do anything. And we both now that it’s obviously not true.” I said and Gerard nods but still doubting.
“What if Louis tries to not to think about her?” he says and I look at him like at a moron.

“He dreams her at nights, he all the time is thinking about her. He’s melting when he’s looking at her. Did you see how he was looking at her when she was with that blind fold during the training?” I asked and he shakes his head… Obviously, he’s not such a good spy like I am.
“Okay…” he says slowly and trying to understand the information “…What if Navishaa doesn’t feel for him anything?” he asks and I smirked. I showed him to move his head closer to mine.

“The night after the match when I had to sing ‘We are the champions’…” I whispered “…I heared in the room how during the sleep Navishaa was whispering Louis's name.” I finished gossiping and Gerard looked at me suprised
“Really?” he asks and I noded “Then I think we can do something.”
“Great.” I said excited “I have a plan.”
“Tell me everything.” Says Gerard curiously and I start telling him my plan…

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
I got through the corridor to my room and when I almost reach it I hear someone scared calling my name. I looked over my shoulder and see Zayn running to me.

“Navishaa!” he shouts catching his breath and stops.
“What happened?” I asked nervously and got closer to him.
“Louis! Something happened. I don’t know what.” He says scared and my eyes explode.
“What?” I said scared “Go and say that to Xavier.” I quickly said and ran to their room. I closed the door behind me and quickly run in the middle of the room. I looked around and didn’t see anything in here and I frowned nervously.

“Louis?” I asked nervously not understanding where he is.
“I hear you saying my name for the first time.” I heared him saying and quickly looked over my shoulder and find him going out of the bathroom.
“What happened? How do you feel?” I quickly asked and got to him. He looks at me confused and I kept looking at him scared.
“I feel good.” He says strangely “And you?” he asks and I frown and move further from him.
“Zayn said that…” I try to put everything in its places and frowned nervously “…you feel bad...and…”

“And you came here as quickly as you can?” he asks with a smirk on his face and I blushed but quickly shook my head.

“N-no…” I said and turned my look away “…he asked me to look for you till he will come back with Xavier…” I said nervously “…but as I see you’re totally fine and I can go out of here…” I said quickly, turned around and tried to open the door but it’s locked. I tried again but nothing.
“It’s locked.” I said nervously and tried to open it harder.

“Let me. You’re strange today. I won’t be surprised if it’s not locked for real…” he says and softly pushes me away and tries to open it by himself but it’s locked…
“You’re right.” He says a bit surprised but mostly calm and I laughed nervously.
“If it’s a joke it’s not funny at all.” I said putting a palm on my forehead. I don’t want to be stuck in one room with him…
“What? Are you afraid of being alone with me?” he asks and looks at me strangely smiling but I just crossed my arms on my chest and I turned my look

“I don’t like to be with people who I don’t like and who doesn’t like me as I well.” I said and took a deep breath.
“Well sometimes life is not like we want.” He says and sits on the bed totally calm. I laughed nervously while he takes the journal in his hands.
“So? Aren’t you going to do anything?” I asked nervously and he just looks at me.
“And what should I do? Break the door?” he asks and laughs.
“I-it would be ok.” I said with a bit shaking voice and he just laughs.
“What is wrong with you today, Navi?” he asks and softly looks at me but I just frowned nervously and turned my look away.
“Nothing… I’m totally normal.” I said nervously and sighed “Where’s phone in your room? I will call room service.” I said and looked around the room but can’t see it.
“It should be on the…” he says and shows at the night table “…night table.” He says confused but there’s nothing on there and I just sunk into the armchair.
“Well… unfortunately for you, we will spend some time together.” He says…

>>>>Louis< <<<
I closed the journal and threw it on Zayn’s bed. I looked at Navishaa uncomfortable laying in the armchair and playing with her shirt.
“How are you doing?” I ask chuckling.

“Don’t talk with me, Tomlinson.” She says angrily and I laughed.
“What I’ve done to you that you hate me so much?” I asked and she glares at me.
“I don’t know…” she says sarcastically “What I had done for you that you hated me so much at the start of the month?” she asks and I sigh sadly. Well… she has a point in this.
“Sorry about that… but I wasn’t the only one who…” I start saying but then stop.
“Hated me? You shouldn’t be scared of this word.” She said
“But you still are not treating me like with others.” I said to her a bit nervously.
“In football I treat with you the same like with others.” She says “In personal life I don’t have to like you.”
“But I don’t want you to hate me.” I said and she looks at me confused. Then she turns her look and head to the other side and doesn’t say anything.
“Hey!” I shouted “I’m talking with you!”
But she’s not responding. I took the pillow from my bed and threw at her.

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
I tried not to pay attention to him. Suddenly another pillow hits me and I took the first one and threw at him.
“What do you want from me?” I asked and he just keeps looking at me smiling.
“That you would be at least a bit happier.” He says and I just sigh and come back to my laying position.
“If you want then be happy as you want.” I responded to him
“What happened to your mother?” he suddenly asks and I look at him confused.
“How do you know about her?” I asked
“Newspapers.” He simply responds and I remembered those who made my life not so sweet.
“I don’t like to talk about this.” I responded to him sadly.
“Do you like to talk with me about anything?” he asks and I just look at him and he’s still smiling and I can’t do anything just smile too.
“No.” I respond trying to hide my smile but I can’t.
“You look beautiful when you’re smiling.” He says and I blushed.
“What are you trying to do, Louis?” I asked him
“What do you mean?” he asks.
“At first you kissed me then you’re saying such things…” I said to him a bit unbalanced.
“I didn’t say anything bad. I just said what I think.” He answers simply and I just sighed
“Don’t say such things to me or I might think that you...” I want to say further but stop.
“That I like you?” he asks and I uncomfortably cough and didn’t answer him. Suddenly I heared a telephone ringing. Someone is my hero.

‘Telephone!” I said happily and stood up from the armchair and got there where I heared the telephone ringing. I opened the draw of the night table and find it there.

“Hello?” I quickly picked up with a hope in my heart that I will get out of this room.
“Is this Louis's room?” I heared a woman asking confused.
“Yes.” I say a bit confused too.
“And who I’m talking with?” she asks the same.
“Navishaa Marie.” I answered and heared her nervous laugh.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Jessica.” She says angrily and I frowned confused.

>>>>Louis< <<<
I keep looking at her talking with the phone.

“Jessica?” she says confused and my eyes explode and I quickly stood up from the bed and took the phone from her.
“Jessica, it’s me.” I said through the phone.
“What is she doing with you?” she asked
“Nothing. She just is in my room and we’re talking about football.” I lied to her but for a good reason so it shouldn’t be very bad…
“And why you didn’t pick up the phone by yourself?” she asks angrily “Listen, Louis. I’m sick of your games with me.” She shouts in the phone and all I heared after this is only beep.
I sighed and threw the phone on the bed.
“It was my girlfriend… probably now ex-girlfriend.” I said but probably not as sad as I wish…
“Sorry…” she says strangely but sincerely and I just looked and poorly smiled. I took back the phone into my hands and looked at her.
“I’m not mad or anything. Just now…” I said and showed her the phone “…because I probably lost my girlfriend I won’t let you to meet Ronaldo. You won’t get out f this room till morning.” I said to her.

“Are you crazy?” she asked nervously “You have no right to kidnap me. It’s not my fault that your girlfriend is too jealous.” She says and comes closer because she wants to take the phone from me. I moved my hands behind the back and she wants to take it so she kind of wraps her hands around me. Her face is so close now and I feel her scent bumping to my nose. I looked at her and smirked. She feels so uncomfortable when she’s close to me and I like that.
“And you said that you don’t like me.” I whispered and noticed how she blushes and chuckle “If you don’t like me you wouldn’t be so close to me.” I said and she quickly withdraws her body from mine and goes to the other corner of the room.
“You’re stupid, do you know that?” she asks nervously and I just laughed.
“Stupid or not, but you won’t get out of this room.” I said and shrugged my shoulders. That’s the reality, dear Navishaa.

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
I tried to hold my eyes opened but it’s so hard… They are getting down every second and I don’t have strength to fight anymore. I closed them and smiled. Finally I will get some sleep. Doesn’t matter if it were in the armchair.
“Navishaa.” I heared a whisper and soft nudge but just shook my head a bit and tried to sleep further.
“Navishaa.” The same whisper again
“What?” I moaned not opening my eyes.
“I will give a  T-shirt that you could sleep into them.” I heared whispering again and just shook my head again
“I don’t need it. I’m good.” I said
“Then at least go to bed.” The same whisper appears
Suddenly I felt how I rose in the air and in a minute I’m on something soft again. I smiled and hugged a pillow.

>>>>Louis< <<<
“Thank you, Louis” She says totally sleepy and I smiled softly. She hugs strongly the pillow and she looks so cute. Like a child.
I softly took off her shoes and let her sleep calmly. She needs to rest. I keep looking at her and bit my lip. I cursed my heart million times that it feels something for her and drives me crazy. I frowned desperately and sighed…
I closed my eyes and softly kissed her forehead.
“Goodnight.” I whispered and got to the bathroom.

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