By EnLilly93

468 14 7

Who is Jay hyung to Yang Jungwon? Read to know more More

Chapter one
Chapter two

Chapter three

96 4 0
By EnLilly93

Jungwon's flash back POV:

It was during the first day as a trainee in hybe, I was at the railway station to buy a ticket to my grandmother's house to stay there at the weekend after the class. But when I reached the ticket counter, I found out that I had just missed the train and I was devastated, moreover I was afraid.  Either I should go back to the dorm and stay there alone for two days or go to my uncle's place which is a bit distant but is walkable. So I called my uncle through a payphone with the last money I had but unfortunately he and his family were out of town.  The next train would be in the morning. So I decided to wait there until morning to catch the next train.

I sat at the railway station, not knowing what to do and I can't stay at the dorm, it's too scary there! I really wanted to see my grandma but everything was not going okay for me.
"What happened?"
Someone asked me and I raised my head to see a boy same as my age standing infront. Sun rays from behind kind of made it hard for me to clearly see his face but the voice I heard just then was familiar. Slowly the boy moved a bit closer revealing his clear face and sharp jawline.
" Why are you here with a sad face?" He asked me.  I was flabbergasted. He was the Hyung who was the talk of the trainee class. He came from a very wealthy family in the US.  His dad is the CEO of a big travel company.  He looked so intimidating and I was kind of scared of him.
"I missed my train ! I was going to visit my grandma" I reluctantly said, to which he replied me asking a question, " When is the next train?"
" Huh!" I was confused.
" I asked when is the next train?"
" It's tomorrow morning!" I said
"Here you go," he lended me a handful of money just like that for me to book a taxi to my grandma's place.

Back to present day:

" Wow" Ni-Ki exclaimed hearing the story,  "Jay hyung is great! He gave you 80000 won on the first day of training"
"Yes he did!" Jungwon smiled and looked at Jay who was in the front seat of the van sleeping, "He might look so cold and distant, but he is a gentleman. As good as one comes!"
Ni-Ki scratched his head. He wasn't able to understand a single word that came out of jungwons mouth just then. But someone was catching all the bits and pieces of situation happening there.  And as usual it was....................... JAKE! (boy can't escape from all the drama).
Jake was sitting beside Jay who was dead asleep.  Jake with his doggy radar sensed something suspicious happening between Jungwon and Jay.  'Is it similar to what's that was with Heeseung and Sunoo? No, this time, it's different! I need to dvelve into it more or should I!? ' he thought.

Their Spotify live was next and the crew members prepared and started the live exhibition of their new album. The new PR manager was a headache. She, during the live, wanted Jungwon to deliberately come in between Heeseung and Sunoo or he had to tag Sunoo along with him.  She stood behind the cameraman and instructed him to avoid any HeeSun moments on the live.  Jungwon was really struggling. He couldn't do this.  Eventually as he was about to give up, Jay came up between Sunoo and Heeseung. He didn't budge and didn't allow any interactions between the couples. Heeseung was visibly furious at him but because it was a live, he calmed himself down.

And after all those struggles, the live shoot was somehow successfully completed and it was heard that the viewership count was huge about 100 millions in number.  As the shoot was over, the entire Belift  team along with Enhypen were invited to have a celebratory dinner at the executive lounge complete with cocktail bars and even waiting staffs and sous chefs.  So they all went into the room. It was so large decorated with extravagant figurines, chandeliers, shining Wall mirrors and gilded walls.  There were different sections of seating arrangements. Each sections had two lawson sofas facing each other with a small glass table in the middle. There were ten such sections.  Jungwon. Sunghoon and Niki were invited by some of the Spotify crew members and they were in one section.  Jay, Jake, heeseung and Sunoo were in another section. 

Heeseung would smile and talk with Sunoo and Jake, but didn't even bat an eye on Jay. On the contrary,  Sunoo was really talkative with Jay. He would say something and Jay would tease him which would make him laugh. None of this was sitting well with Heeseung who gritted his teeth looking at Jay.  Meanwhile Jake who has been observing these all of a sudden diverted his attention to Miss park (PR manager) who was speaking something with Jungwon in a secluded section. Jungwon's face looked slightly worried.

The dinner was over and the members reached their dorm rooms. Jake saw a chance and grabbed Jungwon aside to the living room.
"What did miss Park say to you?" He asked, "You seemed nervous!"
Jungwon was feeling really stressed out and wanted to tell someone about his predicament. When Jake asked those questions, Jungwon felt a relief too.
" She is saying that our popularity in Korea is going down and even though we have become huge internationally, Belift needs a bigger Korean fanbase. "
"So?" Jake asked.
Jungwon gulped and answered, "She thinks that our popularity is declining in Korea due to Heeseung Hyung and Sunoo hyung's relationship being public. She wants them to showcase a fake breakup and restrain from showing any affection on public platforms."
"She is being unreasonable. Engene doesn't care about all these. They all have accepted their relationship. We have all seen how they have been supporting them." a bit of anger was in Jake's voice.
"Most of the revenue of company comes from our album sales mostly and it's record sales happens due to the platinum, diamond and gold spoon engenes, she said. And most of them don't like the relationship." Jungwon continued, " And she is asking me to convey this to Heeseung Hyung and Sunoo Hyung rather than she herself doing it! Always making me do the dirty works!"
Jake couldn't say a word. Suddenly someone came into the living room and it was Jay. He seemed a bit tired and still he sat beside Jungwon keeping his one arm on his shoulder.
" Jungwonah, Dont worry! I will take care of it!" Jay said.
" No hyung, you can't tell these to Heeseung Hyung!"
" Trust me!" Jay said and stoop up. He walked away after bidding goodbye to both Jake and Jungwon.

In Heeseung's room, Sunoo was spreading the bed sheets and making bed for sleeping. Heeseung was sitting on the chair in a corner in deep thought. He was really irritated by Jay's behaviour at the live shoot.  Jay was constantly posing a physical barrier between him and Sunoo. And that was on purpose. He couldn't understand the reason behind Jay's actions!
"Hyung!" Sunoo sweetly called Heeseung who was distracted. But upon hearing Sunoo's voice, Heeseung snapped out of his thought.
"What, Sunooyaah!?" He asked in a very soft tone.
" You seem very distracted! Is anything bothering you?" Sunoo asked with concern.
" Nothing! I was just curious about Jays behaviour in today's live!"
" Hmm. I too noticed! But he may have his reasons. Don't think too much into it. Come here, I'm feeling sleepy." Sunoo said as he tucked himself into the bed and tapped on the space beside him for Heeseung.

Heeseung slowly got up from his chair and walked towards the bed. He opened up the comforter and slid himself into the bed beside Sunoo. He held out his right hand for Sunoo to rest his head on. Sunoo kept his head on Heeseung's arm and laid on the bed facing his hyung.  Heeseung also turned slightly towards the younger. The latter looked up and running his big round eyes on Heeseung's face he said, " Jay hyung yesterday said to me that the new PR Manager wants us to fake a breakup and act as just team members in the public! If she ask you to do it, will you do it!?"  Sunoo anxiously looked at Heeseung.

Hearing this and seeing his lover's anxious face, Heeseung became upset, his feelings clearly showing on his face. He suddenly pulled Sunoo towards his chest and nuzzled him with a forehead kiss and a tight hug. Somehow Heeseung's body heat calmed the young boy and he slowly closed his eyes to sleep.

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