One's Promised (Castiel x Win...

By StylesImagines444

25K 503 42

Castiel, Angel of the Lord, discovers two things one day. One, he has a Soulmate. Two, her name is Nevelyn Wi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Five

436 5 0
By StylesImagines444

"Thanks, Sam."

Neve smiles, happily accepting the sandwich he had offered her. Dean slides his laptop over to her.

"Here. A nest of Werewolves that just entered town. If we leave in an hour, we can get them."

He says and Neve nods, turning to Lucifer, who nods as if bored. Castiel kisses the top of Neve's head with a smile. This is what he wanted.


Yet, another month passes. With Neve working united with her Brothers, they manage to wipe out all Werewolves that posed a threat to Grace, and even most of the Witches.

However, one Witch continued to elude them. Everytime they get to her location, she had just left. She always seemed to be one step ahead.

Neve grew more frustrated every day as this Witch is all that stands in the way of bringing her Daughter home.

Currently sat with Rowena, they hoped to have this Witch found by the time Sam and Dean returned from a hunt. Castiel had gone up to Heaven to ask Chuck for help.

Lucifer, having grown bored with the lack of bloodshed, decided to part ways.

Grace is two months old today and Neve wonders about all she has missed with her Daughter.

Did she look any different? Has she shown any of her powers? Has she smiled? Did she miss her parents?

"Ok. The best I can do is give you her current location, you send someone to check if she is there and I do another locator spell while that is happening. That way, if she moves, I'll have the location."

Rowena says, breaking Neve from her thoughts. She looks at what the Witch had done and smiles.

"You did it, Rowena. When the others get back, we'll put this plan in action."

She says and Rowena nods with a smile, happy to help the Winchesters.

Neve hears the ruffle of feathers and turns, seeing Castiel and Neve standing behind her.

"This Witch isn't a Witch. She's a Cambion."

The Angel says and Neve is taken aback. The Witch they have been hunting is a half Human, half Demon being?

"The Witch you killed at the abandoned building at the start of all this was her Mother."

He explains and Neve sucks in a huge breath, taking to the nearest chair. Jack steps forward.

"Grandfather has cloaked Amara and Grace."

He says and Neve nods. This isn't about her Daughter as she had thought. It's about her. It's personal. Her first act as a Nephilim made her an enemy.

The door to the bunker opens and Sam and Dean enter.

"We're back!"

Dean calls out, hearing no reply despite seeing the ground of people at the map table. He frowns as he and Sam make their way down the stairs.

"What's happened?"

He asks, looking between Neve and Castiel. Neve sends a nod to the Angel, who turns to the older Winchester.

"The Witch we have been hunting is actually a Cambion. She isn't after Grace, she's after Neve. The Witch she killed that day was her Mother."

He explains. Sam and Dean look to Neve, who feels guilty for taking someone's Mother from them, but torn because she knew it was to save her own child.

"My first act as a Mother was to take another's from them."

She scoffs and Dean sighs, moving closer to his Sister. He places a hand on her shoulder.

"You did what you had to do, as you will now."

He says and Neve sighs heavily and closes her eyes. When she opens them, she has determination. She squeezes Dean's hand in thanks and stands, making her way to Rowena.

"Rowena has a plan. It's a good plan. I wanna see if I can defuse the situation without further bloodshed before we go in all guns blazing."

She says. If there is a chance that she didn't have to kill this woman, she will take it.


"Ok. Sam, Dean, Cas. You guys get in. If she's there, prey for me. If she isn't, Cas will bring you back and Rowena will relocate her."

Neve says. Her Brothers nod. Castiel spares her a look before he takes Sam and Dean by the arm and disappears with them.

Neve sucks in a huge breath and turns to Rowena. She hoped this went off without a hitch.

This chapter has been edited.

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