Mystic Hotel Messenger ( Myst...

By 335kokosan

91 4 0

In the fiery depths of Hell, where the cacophony of tortured souls echoes through the abyss, our protagonist... More

Given Information about Mystic Messenger
Some information about the main characters
Chapter 3: The Gospel
Chapter 4: The Unholy Trinity Reigns

Chapter 2: Redemption Inn

19 1 0
By 335kokosan

".. -. / - .... . / ... .... .- -.. --- .-- / --- ..-. / .-.. .. ..-. . .----. ... / ... - --- .-. -- ... --..-- / ..-. .. -. -.. / -.-- --- ..- .-. / ... ..- -. ... .... .. -. . / .-- .. - .... .. -. .-.-.- / . ...- . -. / .. -. / - .... . / -.. .- .-. -.- . ... - / ...- .- .-.. .-.. . -.-- ... --..-- / .-.. . - / - .... . / .--- --- -.-- / --- ..-. / -.-- --- ..- .-. / .... . .- .-. - / -... . / .- / - . ... - .- -- . -. - / - --- / - .... . / ... - .-. . -. --. - .... / - .... .- - / -.-. --- -- . ... / ..-. .-. --- -- / .- -... --- ...- ."

In the dark and eerie atmosphere, a sinister figure with demonic features can be seen viciously attacking another demon with a sharp knife. The sound of metal clashing against bone echoes through the air as the assailant relentlessly stabs their victim. Someone suddenly catches their attention, causing them to cease their attack momentarily.

Jumin muttered to himself, "What was the script again?" His eyes widened as the words flooded back into his memory. "Oh, right! Well, well! Greetings, you wayward Sinner! Are you one with a penchant for blood, violence, and a touch of depravity in the more intimate realms? Of course, you are – that's precisely why you find yourself in Hell! But, what if I told you there's a haven free from all that chaos? Allow me to unveil the Mystic Hotel Messenger, a slightly misguided yet well-intentioned path to redemption! Just born into existence five days ago, crafted by none other than Lilith's delightfully ambitious servant, V, also known as Jihyun Kim!"

As the camera starts rolling, the focus seamlessly transitions from the Mystic Hotel Messenger to V, who greets it with contagious enthusiasm, offering a friendly wave. Just as V breaks into a wide grin for the lens, Zen pulls off a playful entrance, cunningly slipping two fingers behind V's head for a mischievous and well-timed prank.

"Allow his seasoned expertise to shape the course of your future, navigating not only your path but also grappling with his own personal challenges. Through this shared journey, there lies the potential for mutual healing and growth," Jumin suggested, his eyes scanning the script that now bore the embellishments of Zen's added lines.

V delves into a captivating interview with Kaylee Killjoy, culminating in a poignant moment where tears stream down his face. He turns away from his master, Lilith, bathed in a spotlight from an unexpected angle. This emotionally charged sequence seamlessly evolves as V passionately unveils his intricate plan through a carefully crafted poster, leaving the crowd bewildered and confused by his earnest presentation.

Jumin cleared his throat, his voice commanding attention, "Enter a realm of enchantment where our staff, though somewhat functional, ensures an experience steeped in whimsy. With round-the-clock pest control to ward off any unwelcome guests, savour the indulgence of custom rooms. Immerse yourself in the opulence of our uniquely charming parlour, where captivating conversations unfold with our singular resident. Witness the wonders of the Mystic Hotel Messenger – embark on your ultimate, audacious journey towards salvation, commencing right at this doorstep!"

To someone else, Jaehee, a whirlwind of energy, joyously launching the bomb into the sky. Meanwhile, Yoosung, the diligent hotel butler, embarks on an intense pursuit of a bothersome bug, brandishing a knife with determination. The spotlight then shifts to Zen, a support beam teetering dangerously close to Elizabeth the 3rd, the demon cat, who startles before making a hasty escape. In a moment of defiance, Zen flips Jumin off, punctuating the chaos. The scene concludes with a comically inaccurate rendering of the hotel before the curtain falls on this eccentric commercial.

Jumin switches off the television, his expression a mix of disbelief and amusement at the chaotic spectacle that had just unfolded on the screen.

"So, what are your impressions?" Jumin inquires, casting a scrutinizing gaze at the two individuals seated on the couch.

Seated upon the plush couch, V and Saeran locked eyes in a shared moment of astonishment, their expressions mirroring a blend of surprise and disbelief. The television screen flickered with a commercial that not only misled but also showcased a noticeable lack of production quality, casting an unexpected shadow over the room. The details of the advertisement, from its misleading content to its notably subpar execution, played out before them, leaving an indelible impression of incredulity on the faces of V and Saeran.

"I'm sorry, but seriously, what the fuck was that?" Saeran exclaimed, clearly agitated.

Saeran sports a cascade of white hair with a captivating touch of frosted pink gracing the ends, resembling the soft hues of a sunset. His eyes, reminiscent of fresh mint leaves, add a mesmerizing depth to his overall appearance, creating a unique and striking combination that draws attention with every glance. 

Saeran is clad in a black and white hoodie, with the predominant colour being black. He wear a large, leather jacket over the hoodie, giving off a monochromatic vibe. A black choker adorns their neck, complemented by a spiked bracelet on the right wrist. The leather jacket is casually draped off his right shoulder, revealing a distinctive eye symbol tattooed on the upper arm. Just below the eye motif, there is a half-moon design. The accessories include black crosses on the hair, with a striking contrast provided by a single golden cross positioned prominently on the forehead

"Um, yeah. So, Juju, big shoutout for whipping this up—it's seriously impressive," V remarked with a somewhat awkward smile. "But, uh, here's the thing. I was kinda thinking, maybe the tone feels a bit... off? I mean, we're aiming for people to be excited about coming here, you know? This might give the impression of, like, not the best quality or being a bit misleading. I'm not totally sure, just tossing it out. What's your take on it?"

V is a tall and lanky character with striking turquoise eyes and hair that now ties into a short ponytail, sweeping slightly to the left and just barely covering one eye. He's dressed in a stylish fitted red tuxedo jacket that complements his vibrant hair and brings a touch of sophistication to his appearance. His grey dress pants and grey boots complete the ensemble, giving him a sleek and polished look. V wears an open silver suit, and around his neck is a silver necklace that adds a subtle yet elegant touch to his overall attire.

With a mischievous grin on his face, Zen sauntered over to the couch, taking confident strides as he approached it. As he stood in front of it, he scanned the surface with a critical eye. His expression turned sour as he began to speak, his tone dripping with disdain. "This is simply atrocious. It's not just awful, it's also cheap, crummy, dreadful, lousy, poor, rough, and sad. Frankly, it's unacceptable."

Zen possesses a distinctive hairstyle, featuring a low ponytail that gracefully extends down his back. Zen's hair is a striking blend of black and white strands, creatively adorned with contrasting musical notes; the black notes on the white section, and vice versa. His eyes captivate with a mesmerizing shade of pinkish-red, elegantly almond-shaped.

His wardrobe showcases a harmonious fusion of black and white, echoing a music-themed aesthetic. Adorned in a stylish ensemble, Zen wears a sleek black turtleneck, accompanied by snug-fitting pants that seamlessly complement his unique sense of style. A black jacket, adorned with white musical notes, adds a touch of rhythm to his overall appearance. Completing the ensemble, he steps into formal black shoes, embodying a sophisticated yet musical persona.

Saeran turned his head towards Zen and gave him a quick look. After a moment of contemplation, he spoke in a matter-of-fact tone, "If I were to describe it, I'd say that it's just plain bad."

" To be honest, I think the commercial I made by myself is bad and it makes me cringe," Jumin admitted and he is ready to face some criticism

"It completely missed the mark by not explaining how we're on a mission to save demons from extermination, which is, like, the whole fucking point," Saeran placed his fingertips gently on his temple as if trying to alleviate a headache or a lingering thought.

Jumin appeared to be upset as he stared at the television screen. "I apologize," he said. "I've been away from hell for quite a while. I resided in the Joseon era of Korea when I was still alive, and people mostly recognised me from my radio show. I believe it is the proper medium to truly express oneself. It's the only technology I've personally liked, especially since the advent of this so-called 'new generation.' Yet, despite my preference, you insisted on this noisy picture box advertisement." 

His eyes narrowed as he spoke, his expression filled with a mix of intensity and disapproval. "But for Jihyun's sake, I'm attempting to cooperate with this so-called 'television.'" It was clear that Jumin had a strong opinion on the matter, and he was not pleased about having to participate in this particular form of advertising. Despite this, he was willing to put aside his feelings for the sake of someone else.

Saeran rises from the couch and fixes his gaze on the person standing in front of him. His expression is a mix of disappointment and anger that's hard to miss. In a tone that clearly indicates that he already knows the answer, he asks, "Did you really have to give it a shot for Jihyun's sake?"

He doesn't wait for a response before continuing, "This is not what we want to represent us. When V introduced me to you as his best friend, you made a commitment to help run this hotel because you're V's best friend. However, what you're doing now is completely different. You're not only mocking our efforts but also belittling our hard work."

Saeran's words are sharp and cutting, leaving no doubt as to his disappointment and frustration. He goes on to explain that nobody would want to come to a place that a powerful overlord like the person in front of him thinks is a waste of time. He also points out the low quality of the advertisement that they're making fun of.

Overall, Saeran is deeply disappointed with the person in front of him for not taking work seriously and not living up to the commitment.

Zen lifts his hand from the couch, capturing everyone's attention.

"What?" Saeran asked

"If you're shooting some damn commercial, how about you make better use of the damn talented celebrity you've got right here?" Zen makes a gesture directed towards himself, which Saeran does not appreciate.

"Zen, you truly are a triple threat, excelling in acting, dancing, and singing," Saeran commented in a monotone voice. He then let out a shiver as a thought crossed his mind, "But brace yourself for the impending pandemonium that's about to ensue when the audience gets a glimpse of your charm in the advertisement."

Saeran paused for a moment before continuing, "To be honest, I'd rather remain blissfully ignorant of the unsettling fans that come with this line of work. In this infernal setting, one can only imagine the range of peculiar occurrences that could take place."

"Well, that's a strategic perk for me, darling! I'll have the eeriest sinners dispatching some spine-chilling letters." Zen spoke with a tone of pride, almost as if the act of being stalked was a privilege or luxury rather than a frightening or concerning experience.

"Absolutely not on my watch! We won't be capturing your essence on film. I have no desire to invite those unsettling shitty fans to the hotel for that very reason." Saeran said in a resolute and unwavering tone of voice, conveying a sense of determination and conviction in his words.

"Why the reluctance? I guarantee if you film my rendezvous with Mr. Serious Robot Cat Lover over here, you'll have a flood of participants eager to patronize this delightfully tacky hotel." Zen looked at Jumin with a smile on his face, his gaze fixed on him.

As he was elucidating, Jumin casually materialised next to the couch, sharing a chuckle steeped in sarcasm alongside Zen.

" Quite the jest. It's a scenario that's never going to unfold." Jumin said with a stoic face

"Zen, I, uh, kind of appreciate you wanting to use your special skills to, um, maybe attract folks to the hotel, but I'm not entirely sure if I want to, you know, exploit you in that way." V is experiencing perspiration and is currently sweating.

"Oh, trust me, darling. This talent of mine was practically tailor-made for exploitation. I've got the voice that commands attention, the acting chops that leave an impact, and the dance moves that set the stage on fire. And let's not even talk about my lung capacity – it's practically limitless. I was born for this, and I'm ready to unleash my full potential" Zen then laugh as he flexes his body "Honey, check these legs out – they're the envy of the room. My voice? It's got a range that can reach the heavens, dripping with emotion and passion that'll leave everyone breathless. And let's not forget this muscle tone – it's not just for show, it's a masterpiece in the making. When I hit that stage, the girls won't be the only ones going crazy; even the guys won't be able to resist the magnetic allure"

V chuckles nervously, trying to maintain composure as the tension builds. Just when the atmosphere thickens, V's phone suddenly rings, the distinct ringtone cutting through the unease like a lifeline from Lucifer.

"Well, would you look at that," V says, they reach for the phone."Seems like Lucifer's calling just in time. Let's see what the Devil himself has to say, shall we?" V then look at the trio- Saeran, Jumin and Zen "Hold on, hold that thought! I... uh, I'll be right back,"

"I could continue throughout the entire night, baby." Zen says as he keeps flex himself

While Zen continues to showcase his physique and talent, V anxiously breathes and responds to the call.

"Greetings, Your Highness."

As V takes the phone call, transitions to Saeran, Zen, and Jumin.

"Curious minds often wonder, if the feline enthusiast across the room wields such formidable influence, why doesn't he simply command everyone to linger a bit longer in this captivating space?" Zen ask

Jumin groaned as he answered " Oh, trust me," then Saeran and Zen could feel some dark aura around them, it made the atmosphere heavy and hard to breathe" -I can."

Jaehee appeared with a casual smile and greeted with a friendly "Wassup?"

She sports a vibrant cherry-themed look, completely transforming her appearance. Her short brown hair has subtle cherry-red highlights, and her gold-ish brown eyes shimmer with a touch of cherry-colored eyeshadow. The non-prescription glasses she wears have cherry-colored frames.

Casual yet stylish ensemble. She wears a cherry-red off-the-shoulder top, paired with high-waisted jeans adorned with cherry-themed embroidery. Around her waist, a sleek cherry-red belt with playful cherry-shaped charms dangles. Completing the look, she sports cherry-red sneakers that offer both comfort and flair.

" Looks like Juju over here is giving off a bit of an overpowering vibe, eh? You lot seem like you've been forced to hold your breath underwater or something." Jaehee comment

While Jaehee casually juggles a bomb between her hands, Yoosung suddenly pops up from behind the counter, hand raised high.

"I love it when I'm being forced," Yoosung says with a grin.

He sports a classic red-pink button-up shirt with short sleeves, rolled up slightly at the cuffs. The shirt fits loosely, reflecting the casual style of the era. Tucked neatly into a pair of high-waisted, cuffed red trousers, the ensemble exudes a charming vintage flair.

Around his neck, a vibrant red neckerchief tied in a stylish knot adds a pop of colour and ties the look together. The fabric of the neckerchief is soft against his skin, accentuating his youthful aura.

To complement his outfit, he wears long, sleek black gloves that cover most of his hands and arms. The gloves add a touch of sophistication while retaining a playful charm reminiscent of the 1950s fashion.

His hair, bleached blond and slightly tousled, opts for vintage-inspired hair accessories – two cherry-red hair clips adorned with small floral motifs, forming an 'X' shape, keeping his locks neatly in place. Soft violet eyes peer out from beneath his carefully styled hair, adding to his distinctive charm.

Jaehee then laughed, throwing a bomb crashing the window " Keep those masochistic tendencies to yourself, young lad."

" So, Cherry Blitz," said Zen who is using Jaehee's well-known name " Anything interesting happens to you?"

"Nothing much" Jaehee shrugged "Last weekend, my friends and I were playing around with homemade smoke bombs we made by mixing chemicals in the garage. We headed to an abandoned lot on Hollow Street to have some fun. Unfortunately, we added too much fuel to the mix and caused an explosion that shattered windows and set off car alarms. The police arrived and found additional fireworks in our backpacks. Mixing lighter fluid and aluminium foil to create firecrackers, which we thought were harmless, turned out to be a felony. We were charged with reckless endangerment for our actions. In retrospect, it was a typical Saturday night, with some questionable decisions that led to chaos. Life is unpredictable, and we learned a valuable lesson about the consequences. NOT we didn't, this is Hell we are forever in, so why should we learn?

" That's some fun" Zen say

" I wish I could experience the explosion," Yoonsung say

Saeran exhaled audibly before addressing the room, his tone weighted with a mix of concern and authority. "Zen, Jaehee, I need to emphasize the significance of your roles in the Mystic Hotel Messenger for redemption. Zen, please avoid fueling Jaehee's pursuits in those endeavours, and Jaehee, let's steer clear of any potentially tumultuous escapades. We've willingly chosen to be part of this hotel community, not coerced. It's crucial that we maintain exemplary behaviour for the benefit of the hotel and to enhance everyone's overall experience."

Zen let out a resigned sigh, his voice carrying a tone of cynical acceptance. "I've made the conscious decision to stick around, but honestly, it all feels absurd. We're in some twisted version of hell, sweetheart. It's like we've hit the dead-end of existence, you know?"

Saeran, wearing a contemplative expression, mused, "Maybe we shouldn't treat this as uncharted territory. Just because there aren't success stories before us doesn't mean we can't create our own." His mind drifted back to the time he first encountered V, reflecting, "I was sprawled on the ground, unconscious. V, however, extended a helping hand despite our status as strangers. My memories were a blank canvas, with only my name, Saeran, and a fondness for ice cream remaining. V became my beacon of hope, and now, it's my turn to reciprocate and offer him the same."

Zen gently rests his hand on Saeran's shoulder, his expression deadpan and mirrored by Saeran, creating a moment of shared understanding between the two.

"Hey, if it means I get to stay here without paying rent, I'm all for it. Beer is way too expensive," Zen quipped with a sly grin.

"V, and after the phone call, radiated genuine happiness at the news delivered by his master, Lucifer."

"Absolutely! I'm all in for it. Ready to roll and heading over there straight away. Sound good?" V exclaimed, radiating enthusiasm and excitement. His heart danced with joy, pulsating with pure exhilaration.

V hangs up the phone, a gasp of excitement escaping from deep within.

 "Yes...YES!" V exclaim

V cannot contain his excitement upon hearing the thrilling news, and his emotions spill out in an explosion of pure joy that manifests in spontaneous giggles, which escape his lips uncontrollably. He wastes no time and immediately reaches out to Saeran, his words a delightful concoction of ecstatic gibberish that reflects his unbridled enthusiasm. In his exuberance, V's gestures become a whirlwind of enthusiastic waves, so frantic and animated that Saeran, initially taken aback, finds himself caught in the whirlwind of V's infectious zeal. A mix of bewilderment and mild alarm colours his reaction as V's uncontainable joy washes over him.

"Saeran! Oh my goodness" V exclaims with uncontainable joy. The words spill out in a rush of exhilaration. His enthusiasm is infectious as he shares the thrilling news, injecting a palpable sense of excitement into the air

"Ah! what?" Saeran asked

V signals for him to approach, eager to share some thrilling news.

V beckoned excitedly, whispering, "Come here!"

Saeran sighs contentedly and makes his way toward V, who is joyfully leaping around in high spirits. Saeran joins V from behind.

"What's happening?" Saeran asked

V takes a deep breath, attempting to steady his nerves in order to explain. However, his excitement causes him to speak rapidly, making it challenging to articulate his thoughts coherently.

"My master Lucifer just contacted me, mentioning that the leader of the Angel Army wishes to meet. He inquired if I could attend the meeting in his stead." V begins to hyperventilate, grabbing Saeran urgently to draw him closer. Saeran, however, remains perplexed as the Angels had already completed their extermination, with no plans to return for another year.

"But, the extermination just occurred. What could they possibly want this soon after-" Saeran say but V cuts him off

V was eager to make progress on his hotel project, filled with hope that he would soon break into a joyful melody.

( I do change some lyrics)

"I can do this! Somehow, I know it!" V sang, "I'll get Heaven behind my plans!" He watched the window, imagining the light shining through as if it were a divine glow from Heaven itself.

Saeran sighed as he reached out to V, saying, "V, hold on..."

"There's just no way I could blow it. Not with this once-in-a-lifetime chance!" V clenched his fist, brimming with hope.

 "It's just a meeting," Saeran said

"To change their minds and touch their hearts," V said, touching his own chest. "Or... whatever angels have!"

Jumin chimed in, saying, "This could be bad..."

"Cheer up, everyone!" V exclaimed with a reassuring smile. " This could be swell! Something tells me that today will be a happy day in Hell! "

"Okay, but just don't... sing to them," Saeran remarked, with a glance at Jumin who nodded in complete accord.

Saeran barely had time to issue a warning before Zen, Jaehee, Yoosung, and Elizabeth the 3rd gathered at the window, peering out at the sight of V singing amidst the wreckage of Pentagram City. Zen, oblivious to the impending danger, turned back to Saeran, who was still casually drinking from a bottle.

"That bitch is halfway down the street!" Zen said as he drinking his bottle

" Is he—?" Saeran asked

"Oh, he's dancin'!"

"Ugh, no..." Saeran exclaimed, covering his face in sheer embarrassment with his hand.

V strolled down the desolate street, an oblivious melody escaping his lips, the aftermath of destruction and lifeless demon bodies surrounding him like forgotten echoes of chaos.

"There's a warm, fuzzy feeling

That wafts through the air.

Every street so revealing. It's hard not to stare!"

V approached a window revealing a scene from a surreal underworld, where a Hellhound engaged in a passionate encounter with an imp adorned in a sadomasochism mask. Startled by their unexpected audience, V awkwardly retreated, hastily resuming his song, leaving behind the bizarre tableau of demonic desires.

"It's a realm so appealing it beats anywhеre. 

If you don't mind the smell..."

V gingerly navigates the urban terrain, inadvertently stumbling upon the lifeless form of a shark demon. The cadaver exudes a noxious aroma that assaults his senses, prompting a careful sidestep to evade the unpleasant fumes. Undeterred, he forges ahead, determined to conquer the challenges that lie ahead on the city streets.

"It's a happy day in Hell!"

As V playfully signals to a demon engrossed in perusing a newspaper, the creature slowly looks up, exposing an unexpected tableau. Instead of a casual greeting, V finds himself face to face with a meth-addled demon, clutching a spoon laden with the dubious substance

Hi, mister!

Demon: Go fuck yourself!

The demon on the block unlatches his window, unveiling a scene of chaos within. The inferno within his apartment casts flickering shadows, with flames dancing menacingly as they consume everything in their path

Demon #1: There's an endless trash fire that's burning my soul 

V: Hello!

Demon #2: And a ton of barbed wire to shove in his hole!

V: Ah, excuse me!

Demon #3: Doing what is required, we all have our role. 

Sinner #1: I'm not doin' well! 

Demons: Another shitty day in Hell!

Perched atop the wreckage of a mangled car, V surveys the surroundings with a determined gaze. The twisted metal beneath serves as an improvised vantage point, offering a unique perspective on the remnants of a chaotic scene. Turning away from the immediate turmoil

"If I can show them the dream I've dreamed.

That any soul can change!"

Emerging from the enigmatic confines of the Mystic Hotel Messenger, Saeran strides purposefully into the watchtower. His presence resonates with a silent call, as if the very air beckons V to attention

Saeran: I can't speak for angels, but changing their minds seems pretty tough.

V: Then they will know everyone can be redeemed. 

From the evil to the strange!

Saeran: They're bloodthirsty and deranged!

V: I can hear all their stories. 

The lost and displaced.

And I know that they're more of an acquired taste.

But! if I open the door and I give them a place. 

At my Mystic Hotel Messenger. It'll be a happy day in Hell!

A passing truck offers V a convenient ride, allowing him to navigate through the city. From the vibrant streets to the more unconventional locales like the porn studios and Cannibal Falls Town, the journey unfolds as an adventurous exploration through the diverse and eclectic landscape of the urban environment.

 V: From the porn studio.

Where the cinephiles go.

To watch award-winning demon bukkake shows! 

To the Cannibal Falls Town. Where they don't wear a frown 'cause

V recoils in shock as a spray of blood from the cannibalized corpse catches him directly in the eye, the crimson liquid obscuring his vision

V: Holy shit! Ew, my gosh! WHY?!

And I don't give a crow that. His brain's got in my eye!

Cause I know I can spare them. From Heaven's genocide!

I can do this, I just know it!

#1: There's an endless trash fire that's burning my soul.

I'll get Heaven behind my plans!

There's just no way I could blow it.

Sinner #2: I kinda like the barbed wire that's shoved in my hole.

Not this once-in-a-lifetime chance!

To change their minds.

In the midst of the moment, a peculiar sight unfolds as a slug adorned in a stylish trenchcoat slithers into the scene. The slimy creature unabashedly flaunts its nudist form before V, sending an unsettling shiver down V's spine.

Trenchcoat Demon: And touch my parts!

V: Uh... No thank you. I'm just gonna...

Fulfill my destiny!

Trenchcoat Demon: Your loss, bitch!

I can already tell!

Today is gonna bе a fuckin' happy day in Hell!

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