Back To Square One


250 10 8

Donghyuck has moved on. Hate replaced love and anger replaced infatuation... Yet the hardest step to take is... Еще

Chapter 1 - Best Friends vs. Best Friends
Chapter 3 - Seatmates
Chapter 4 - Date To Busan
Chapter 5 - Vulnerable
Chapter 6 - Extra
Chapter 7 - Mishaps

Prologue - The Onset of War

74 2 2

One year ago

“I don’t date losers like you.”

Donghyuck sighed for the nth time, his 2 years of unrequited love has to end now. He just confessed… but unfortunately, he was rejected. And not just rejected, he was even insulted!

Since he’s still in school, he tried his best to hold back his tears, to smile despite the pain and humiliation he’s feeling.

After the nerve-wracking confession, all he wanted was to go home, but there was some activity in the music club he had to attend. After it finished, he decided to wait for his Taeyong hyung who’s a member of the student council which is currently having an assembly.

*Oh maybe, maybe*

Donghyuck’s inner sentiments were interrupted when he heard his phone’s ringtone. The caller was his best friend.

“Haechan, finally! So how was it?”

His tears filled up the corner of his eyes just by hearing Jaemin’s voice. The latter sounded excited, contrary to his gloomy aura. He’s trying to stifle his sobs, afraid that the Student Council meeting will abruptly end and his Taeyong hyung will catch him crying.

“Jaemin… I feel stupid.” He cried. “I shouldn’t have—I shouldn’t have told him he—”

“He rejected you?!”

“Yes…” He sniveled. “Not just that. H-He even insulted me.”

“Worse than the way I do?”

Jaemin’s insulting jokes are waaay better because they never hurt him emotionally.

He bit his lip as he recalls how rude Mark Lee was, he even pushed him hard and told him to hate him because it will be the only way for them to have mutual feelings. He wondered why he was so mad at him—disgusted even, and even the way he looked at him during the confession, it was as if there was something else… a hidden reason why he hurt him the way he did.

Mark even had the guts to deliberately hit him by the shoulder as he walked away, pushing him aside.

“He said I should stick to my level and that he doesn’t date losers like me—”

“Bitch ass overrated motherfucker.”

Donghyuck winced when his friend muttered a string of curses.

“What’s so good about him anyway?!” Jaemin groaned then it was followed by a long sigh, seems like he was trying to calm down. “Lee Donghyuck, do you want to hear a joke?”

He knows his friend just wants to cheer him up. “Okay.”

His friend giggled at the other line. “Knock, knock!”

He smiled, although his eyes are still teary. “Who’s there?”


“Tss… what is it?”

Jaemin cleared his throat and went on singing.

“Haechan-ah naega hal mariI isseo
Haechan-ah, naega noereul joahae
Imankeum, imankeum, imankeum, imankeum
Naega neoreul joahae?”

It was the ever popular aegyo song, he changed ‘itjanha’ to ‘Haehan-ah’ and he couldn’t help but to laugh at how cringey it was.

“Yahhh, Jaemiiin! You’re so cringey… thank you.” He added, sincerely touched.

“You’re welcome cringe-sucker.” Jaemin laughed. “Now, cheer up. Dumbass like him doesn’t deserve pretty boys like us anyway. We’ll get—huh?!” Jaemin made a surprise yelped. “Haechan, I just received a message from class B’s group chat, Mark’s doing some stupid shit.”

Stupid shit? And wait, how does Jaemin have access to the other section’s group chat when both of them are in Class A?

“How are you even in their group chat?” He asked, genuinely confused. “What is he doing?”

“I have my ways…” He can hear how proud Jaemin was from the other line. “Anyway, you know that abandoned Science building at the back of the Student council room? He sent some photos to the GC, he was vandalizing.”

Donghyuck frowned. What?

“Class B had a bet, whoever lost the game was dared to make the principal upset… y’know, for the sake of laughs. They’re all laughing about it in the GC and the whole class swore to keep mum about it.”

While Class A consists of mostly girls, and only six boys, the other class is full of boisterous boys, with only few girls in the room. Class B is very chaotic and often the talk of the faculty room. In short, they are every professor’s nightmare and this explains why.

“Min, is he still there?”

“I think so.”

Donghyuck’s smug grin was back on his face. “I’ll talk to you later, then. Bye!”

He ended the call and took a glance at the window of the student council room. The people inside are still busy discussing.

He then started walking the path to the back of their school, to the abandoned Science building. True to Jaemin’s word, there was indeed a small light coming from inside, it means Mark’s still there.

Donghyuck went inside, trying to be as quiet as possible. He put on his camera on record and focused it on the clueless idiot who was painting his magnum opus.

With the way Mark mocked him this afternoon, he seems like he may do it again and Donghyuck would need a blackmail material to counter him.

He sneered as he watched Mark Lee, the latter was even taking some photos of his mess, probably to send to their group chat.


“The heck…” Donghyuck muttered under his breath when he heard some rustling noises.

He quickly put down his phone and looked around, worried that someone had seen him recording, but all he saw was a scarf hanging loosely on a foundation tie. Someone was here… and what more? It’s a Prada scarf.

He explored his eyes again, but he couldn’t find the person who left it, and so he just turned to leave—

Only to come face to face with Mark Lee, who’s now eyeing him as if he would spit fire anytime.

“Are you stalking me, Lee Donghyuck?”

His face automatically contorted, the fuck? He’s not here to throw him goo-goo eyes. “I’m not—” he averted his gaze. “I was just having a walk.”

“Walk, huh?” Mark crossed his arms and looked at him under a scrutinizing gaze. “Here? In an abandoned building? In the dark?”

“Wh-What’s the matter?!” Donghyuck tried to sound as sassy as he could. “Maybe I love the dark, have you ever thought about that?”

“Why would I even think about you anyway?”


Donghyuck grunts. “Whatever!” He turned away, wanting to leave immediately, yet Mark was quick to grip on his wrist. “What do you want?”

“Did you see what I was doing?” Mark’s face was dead serious, .


“Keep it a secret, or I swear, you don’t know what’s in store for you.”

Donghyuck looks down, he just rejected him a few hours ago, and now he’s threatening him. “This is stupid, I’m going.”


Donghyuck swears, he never told anyone about what Mark was doing, he kept the video limited to only him and Jaemin. So, imagine his shock when two days later, Mark blocked his way to the classroom to drag him in a corner. His face was grim, eyes were painted with anger.

“Do you know what the fuck you did?”

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

But Mark just kicked the wall behind him, making him flinch. “I’m suspended, and what’s worse? I would have to help the janitor clean the whole campus all week.”

Donghyuck’s eyes rounded. “It wasn’t my fault, you should’ve thought of the consequences before doing that… a-and I swear, I didn’t tell anyone.”

“Then who else would do that? All my classmates promised they didn’t.” He then noticed the phone in his hand. “Give me your phone.”

“Why would I—yah! Mark Lee!”

Donghyuck wasn’t able to do anything when the boy managed to take it from him.

“You didn’t, huh?” Mark scoffed. “Then why on Earth did you record it if you don’t have any intention of showing it to the school principal?”

He felt afraid of the anger he was seeing from Mark, but he tried to remain calm. “I-I was just trying to get some… I thought I needed to have something against you but… someone else was there. Maybe it was—”

“You really make my life miserable, do you know that?”

Donghyuck felt a pang inside, he bit his lip, wanting to stop himself from tearing up. He never did anything against him, but why does Mark hate him so much? Even with how much he thinks and thinks, he can’t really point out a time when he did something that could make him mad.

“I didn’t do anything… I promise.” He said, almost defeated.

“You did. You did a lot of things… I wish I could forget them like you did.”

“What do yo—"

“You should just fucking leave me alone.” That before Mark tossed his phone back, which he wasn’t able to catch. It landed on the floor and Donghyuck swears he heard it shatter.

“Shit! Shit!” Literal shit because it took him 2 months of part-time job before he was able to buy a phone. He knelt on one knee to take it and felt thankful to the heavens to see that it’s still working. Although the screen is full of cracks.

Cracks… just like how he broke his heart.

Donghyuck felt like crying, but he didn’t. He won’t give him that satisfaction!

“Fuck—I didn’t mean—”

But before Mark can even finish his words, Donghyuck already lunged at him. He jumped on Mark’s back, caged him into a hug then *BITE

“Argh!” They caught a few students’ attention with Mark’s cry of pain but Donghyuck didn’t stop. He embraced him tighter and bit him harder.

“Oh gosh! What are they doing?!”

“Maybe, they were playing.”

“Playing?! He attacked Mark!”

“Hey, what’s happening here… Oh my gosh! Haechan!” Jaemin’s squeal was the loudest among the bunch. He immediately went to his friend’s side but it was rather hard peeling him off of Mark.

Donghyuck’s teeth were on the taller’s ear, as if he was trying to rip it off. Mark looked stunned and astounded when Jaemin successfully got Donghyuck off his back, he was staring at nowhere, eyes wide and ears red.

Jaemin sighed and looked at the few students surrounding them. “Show’s over, scatter!” He demanded and everyone had no choice but to walk away.

“I fucking hate you too, Mark Lee.” Donghyuck muttered with a venomous amount of spite, he tried to sound as firm and resolute, however when he looked at Mark’s eyes, he felt a pinch in his heart.

This isn’t the person he liked and fell for… he’s just very different now. Not that Donghyuck knows him too well before but he never thought Mark Lee could be this arrogant.

His voice broke and his eyes started to water. “Someday, I will be able to hate you properly, Lee Minhyung…”

(A/N: I posted the original version of this fanfiction several years ago as a EunHae fanfic. Now, I wanted to write a version of it for MarkHyuck. I revised some scenes and changed some plots.)

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