Karma - Bellamy Blake

By thegirlinallwhite

7.4K 230 25

Lucinda Kane was one of 100 prisoners exiled to Earth for their crimes in the sky. Relying on her beauty, int... More

1. Down to Earth
2. Freedoms Dawn
3. Forging Alliances
4. On the Hunt
5. Daddy Issues
6. Goodbye Girlhood
7. King, Queen, Princess
8. Power Struggle
9. Radio Riots
9. Search Sacrifice
10. Poison Veil
11. Torture for You
12. Shadows of Regret
13. Sudden Impulse
14. Gin and Jealousy
16. About Last Night
17. Viral Warfare
18. Ready, Set, Shoot
19. Betrayed and Broken

15. Drunken Desires

338 14 1
By thegirlinallwhite

"What if he's written 'mine' on my upper thigh. Only in my mind? One slip and falling back into the hedge maze. Oh, what a way to die. My bedsheets are ablaze. I've screamed his name. Building up like waves. Crashing over my grave. Without ever touching his skin. How can I be guilty as sin?"

Guilty as Sin? - Taylor Swift

Once I made me way out of the camp walls, trying my best to escape Bellamy, I leant back against the wall that surrounded the camp. The chill of the night air brushed against my skin, a stark contrast to the heat of adrenaline coursing through my veins. I inhaled deeply trying to make sense of my thoughts through the rush of alcohol clouding my mind. 

Suddenly, a shudder ran through my body, my muscles seizing as I lurched forward until my hand leant against a nearby tree. My stomach wrenched with pain as I doubled over and emptied the meagre contents of my stomach into a nearby bush. Gasping for air, I clung to the tree for support, the world spinning dizzily around me as I struggled to regain my composure.

"Classy as always queen." I heard a voice chuckle from behind me as I turned to spot Finn watching me with raised brows in amusement. I shot him a deadly glare over my shoulder, my irritation heightened at his mockery. 

"Oh, fuck off." I muttered under my breath, turning away and placing my hands on my knees as my head hung heavy as I tried to regain my composure by focusing on my spinning senses. 

"Did you find her? Oh, you've got to be kidding me..." I heard a familiar voice sigh in frustration before I looked up to spot Clarke beside Finn with her arms crossed in irritation. 

"Bring the whole camp to watch me throw up why don't you." I mocked bitterly, the sarcasm heavy in my voice as I straightened up, causing Finn to chuckle while Clarke groaned and made her way toward me.  

"Lucinda, you need to get it together. I need you, it's important." Clarke's urgent plea cut through the lingering haze of my alcohol haze. Despite my lingering nausea and the throbbing ache behind my eyes, I straightened up, determined to push through the fog of intoxication that clouded my mind. With a groan, I pushed myself upright, leaning back against the rough bark of the tree beside me. "Finn set up a meeting with the grounders and I need you to come."

"Wait, what? Can't you just take Bellamy? I'm sure he'd love a chance to take control like usual." I replied bitterly, my voice thick with disdain as I rolled my eyes in frustration, still reeling over his actions.

"They don't want Bellamy. Lucinda, they only requested you." Finn spoke up as my eyes locked on his. Confusion knit my brows together as I processed Finn's words, a mix of surprise and apprehension flooding my senses. The grounders' specific request for my presence only heightened my curiosity towards the meeting. 

"When are we leaving?" I groaned with a deep sigh, straightening myself up while Finn and Clarke exchanged knowing glances. 

"Right now." Clarke announced firmly, her voice cutting through the quiet of the forest. With a nod, I fell into step beside her, Finn trailing close behind. Despite my attempts to suppress the rising unease in my chest, an unsettling feeling gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. But with the fate of the hundred hanging in the balance, there was no room for hesitation. I pressed on through the night, the importance of the meeting driving me forward even as uncertainty clouded my mind.

"I'd love for you to be right about this, but did you ever consider that it might be a trap?" Clarke's voice cut through the silence, her doubt echoing through the crisp night air. She glanced back at Finn and me, her expression a mixture of scepticism and concern.

"Yep, but it's Unity Day so I decided to have hope instead." Finn chimed in with an almost childlike optimism, I couldn't help but scoff at his view of the situation. 

"So you're telling me that our lives are now resting on the magic of Unity Day?" I retorted, my tone laced with sarcasm as I exchanged a doubtful glance with Clarke. Finn just shrugged, his carefree demeanour seemingly unaffected by our growing unease. 

With a shake of my head, I turned my attention back to the path ahead, the weight of uncertainty settling around us as we continued deeper into the forest. Eventually, we reached a bridge in a clearing in the forest. As we emerged from the woods I immediately spotted Octavia. 

"Octavia," I breathed her name with relief, rushing forward to close the distance between us before embracing her tightly which she returned. 

"So that's how you set this up," Clarke remarked, her sharp gaze flickering to Octavia as realisation dawned. Her accusatory tone hung heavy in the air, directed now at Finn. 

"You helped him escape, didn't you?" Clarke's question cut through the tension, her raised brows betraying her disbelief. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of surprise that Clarke hadn't pieced it together sooner, given Octavia's fondness towards the man.

"I trust him, Clarke." Octavia replied, her voice tinged with confidence as a faint smile graced her lips. Clarke gave a subtle nod, her earlier scepticism giving way to a sense of understanding.

"There's a lot of that going around." Clarke replied before a movement in the trees from the opposite side of the bridge drew all of our attention.

Lincoln emerged from the tree line, his presence drawing the attention of us all. With determined strides, he crossed the bridge, his gaze locked on Octavia, who met him halfway before they embraced each other tightly. 

Watching their reunion unfold, a smile tugged at the corners of my lips, a surge of excitement coursing through me at the sight of Octavia's happiness. As they parted, their hands intertwined, our eyes met briefly, and I offered Lincoln a nod of solidarity which he returned.

As our attention remained fixed on Octavia and Lincoln's reunion, the silence of the clearing was distracted by the rhythmic sound of hooves pounding against the earth. Turning our gaze towards the source of the commotion, our eyes widened in astonishment as a large herd of animals emerged from the depths of the forest.

Mounted on top of the animals were the Grounders as they guided the herd towards the bridge. The sight of the animals, their powerful forms and graceful movements, left us speechless, awe washing over us. 

"Oh my god..." I murmured in astonishment, my voice barely above a whisper as I watched the scene unfold before us. Having spent my entire life confined to the confines of space, the sight of animals in the flesh was nothing short of extraordinary.

"Horses." Clarke gasped, her awe mirroring my own as we shared in the collective wonderment inspired by the animals. For a moment, the weight of our meeting faded into the background, replaced by the simple excitement of experiencing something beautiful amidst the chaos of our reality.

As the herd of horses drew closer, our initial sense of excitement gave way to apprehension when we spotted the swords strapped to the sides of the animals. The sight of the weapons immediately cast a shadow of mistrust over the others. 

My gaze fixated on a woman at the front of the group, her posture commanding respect as she guided the others with unwavering confidence. It was evident that she held authority among the Grounders, her presence radiating a sense of power and determination.

"We said no weapons," Finn spoke up, his frustration evident as he hurried to Lincoln's side, his expression a mixture of disappointment and defeat.

"I was told there wouldn't be," Lincoln responded defensively, his tone tinged with frustration. 

"Too late now," I replied with a shrug, my voice strong despite the anxiety churning within me. Despite the confidence in my posture and tone, a nagging unease gnawed at the edges of my composure. 

With a step forward from the group, I glanced over my shoulder to find Clarke still standing by Finn's side. Despite the differences between us, we were both leaders in this camp. Regardless of our disagreements, I knew I couldn't do this without her by my side.

Locking eyes with Clarke, I raised a single brow, silently conveying my unspoken plea for her to join me. With a deep breath, she nodded in understanding. Together we walked in stride across the bridge, our hearts pounding in unison as we approached the group of Grounders gathered on the opposite side.

Coming to a halt halfway across the bridge, we stood face to face with the leader of the Grounders, the weight of our responsibilities hanging heavy in the air between us. Despite the tension that simmered beneath the surface, I squared my shoulders, readying myself for the negotiations that lay ahead. This was our chance to unite, to secure the future of the hundred in this new world.

"Lucinda of the sky people." The grounder addressed me, her tone carrying a mix of curiosity as I nodded firmly, though anxiety bubbled in my chest. "Lincoln tells me you're the Haiplana of your tribe."

"Lincoln's got a way with words..." I replied, trying to keep my tone steady despite the nerves creeping in. "I'm just one of our leaders. And this is Clarke, another leader among us."

"I'm Anya." She introduced herself, her voice carrying authority. A wave of relief washed over me at the realisation that the conversation hadn't taken a deadly turn, at least not yet.

Clarke extended her hand towards Anya, her expression wrought with anticipation as we stood amidst the tension, awaiting Anya's response. However, instead of reciprocating the gesture, Anya met Clarke's outstretched hand with a blank stare, leaving Clarke to draw back her hand with a resigned sigh, an air of defeat settling around us.

"I think we got off to a rough start but we want to find a way to live together in peace." Clarke broke the heavy silence, her voice carrying a hint of discomfort as she stood by my side. It was a subtle movement, but I couldn't help but notice the barely perceptible tightening of Anya's jaw before she spoke.

"I understand. You started a war and you don't know how to end it." Anya retorted sharply, her words laced with bitterness, causing me to suppress a scoff at her accusation.

"Oh, I know how to put an end to it." I snapped back, my tone sharp as I met Anya's gaze head-on, detecting a flicker of intrigue in her eyes. On earth, fear was a weakness and I wasn't about to appear weak in front of the enemy. 

"What Lucinda meant to say is we didn't start anything." Clarke retorted calmly, flashing me a frustrated glance before pressing on. "We had no intention of going to war when we came here, you attacked us for no reason."

"No reason?" Anya replied in disbelief as her head tilted to the side. "The missiles you launched burned a village to the ground."

"Wait, the flares? No, that was a signal meant for our families. We had no idea-" Clarke scrambled to explain, her words faltering under Anya's bitter gaze.

"You're invaders, you landed in our territory." Anya retorted sharply, her tone filled with resentment, triggering a surge of frustration within me.

"The last time I checked you can't invade territory you didn't know was claimed." I interjected bitterly, taking a step forward to confront Anya directly, leaving Clarke lingering behind as Anya and I locked eyes in a tense standoff.

"You knew we were here when you sent an armed raiding party to capture one of our own and torture him. These are all acts of war." Anya shot back, refusing to let down as she closed the distance between us, our confrontation reaching a deadlock.

"The acts of war started the second you sent a spear through one of our own before you strung him up as live bait." I asserted with a calm, confident tone, unflinching in the face of Anya's proximity, as Clarke moved forward to interject in the intensifying standoff.

"We need to put an end to this." Clarke intervened, gesturing towards the tense standoff between Anya and me in an attempt to defuse the situation. "We don't want to fight anymore."

"Lincoln said there are more of you coming down. Warriors." Anya questioned Clarke, who replied with a nod.

"Yes, the guard is coming down soon. But also farmers, doctors, engineers... We can help each other instead of going to war." Clarke pleaded earnestly, her voice tinged with desperation as Anya scrutinised her closely.

"Can you promise that these new arrivals won't attack us? That they'll respect the terms we agree upon?" Anya pressed, her gaze unwavering as I felt Clarke tense beside me, sensing the weight of Anya's scepticism.

"I promise that we will do everything we can to convince them to honour the terms that we set." Clarke replied though I couldn't help but wince inwardly, knowing that such assurances wouldn't fully assuage Anya's doubts.

"Why would I agree to an alliance your people can break the moment they get here?" Anya countered firmly, her determination not faltering.

"Because that alliance would offer your people protection. If you fire the first shot when they come down they won't bother negotiating." I interjected firmly before Clarke continued.

"With our technology, they will wipe you out." Clarke warned as Anya regarded us with a blank expression, unmoved by the threat.

"They wouldn't be the first to try." Anya replied ominously, hinting at past encounters. As she spoke, I immediately wondered what others had been on earth besides the grounders. Before I could respond a familiar cry echoed through the woods. 

"Run!" Jasper's urgent cry tore through the air. With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I turned to witness Jasper frantically sprinting with a rifle slung across his shoulder. Before I could fully grasp the situation, our surroundings quickly morphed into chaos. 

My gaze snapped back to Anya as the metallic echo of her sword unsheathing, sounded through the chaos. But before she could attack a bullet cut through the air causing Anya's form to stagger backward, her movements faltering. My gaze turned back to follow the bullet's direction when my eyes immediately found Bellamys as he lowered the gun from his position in the tree line. Relief washed over me in a wave after I found his steady gaze and the firm grip on his weapon. 

Without a second thought, I grabbed Clarke's hand and began sprinting towards our side of the bridge. The world blurred into a frenzied whirlwind around us as Clarke's hand tightened in mine. Arrows whistled through the air with their tips grazing perilously close to our heads. Bullets tore through the space around us inches from our fleeing forms. Instinctively, we ducked and weaved as we raced towards the sanctuary of the woods. As we neared the protection of the forest, Lincoln and Octavia emerged from the trees, their urgent gestures urging us onward. 

"Run! Don't stop until you're behind the walls-"  Lincoln instructed before an arrow embedded itself in Lincoln's chest with a sickening thud, eliciting a pained groan from his lips. Despite the agony coursing through him, he pushed Octavia towards us. Instinctively I reached out to grasp Octavia's hand, before we ran forward, our footsteps echoing the rhythm of our pounding hearts as we fled from the scene unfolding behind us.

Octavia, Clarke, Finn and I made our way through the woods as fast as our bodies would allow. Finn assured us the others were following from a separate route as we urged our panting bodies forward. Eventually, the camp walls came into sight as relief washed over us, the promise of safety easing our weary bodies as we slowed to a jog.

The sound of approaching footsteps sent a shiver of apprehension through us before we turned and our gazes locked onto the familiar figures emerging from the shadows. Bellamy's rugged silhouette emerged through the clearing with a mixture of determination and angst. Jasper and Raven were trailing not far behind him. 

"Got something to say?" Bellamy's voice cut through the silence, a challenge targeted towards Finn. The defiance in Finn's stance was evident as he strode forward to meet Bellamy head-on. 

"Yeah, I told you no guns!" Finn's retort was sharp, laced with a simmering anger that threatened to boil over at any moment. His gaze flickered towards Clarke, a glimmer of betrayal shimmering in his eyes, a silent accusation hanging in the air.

"I couldn't risk it. I told you we couldn't trust the grounders, I was right."Clarke replied firmly, her tone edged with determination as she defended her actions. 

"Why didn't you tell me what you were up to?" Raven's question hung in the air piercing through the tension, a plea for understanding amidst the chaos. 

"I tried but you were too busy making bullets for your gun." Finn accused with exhaustion seeping through his expression as he turned to her. 

"You're lucky she made those bullets! They came there to kill you, Finn." Bellamy intervened but Finn's retort was fast, his tone edged with defiance as he gestured towards Jasper. 

"You don't know that! Jasper fired the first shot." Finn replied with a challenge to the blame that Bellamy was trying to place. Jasper caught in the crossfire of accusations, faced Octavia's piercing glare. 

"You ruined everything." Octavia's words heavy with disappointment and sorrow, were a harsh blow for Jasper. With a hurt expression, Octavia turned and stormed towards the camp.

"Hey, I saved you! You're welcome." Jasper called out before jogging to catch up with her. 

"Well, it seems like if we weren't already at war, we sure as hell are now. You didn't have to trust the grounders, you just had to trust me." Finn spoke with a sigh before turning away and heading to camp as Raven rushed after him. Clarke turned to face Bellamy and I with a defeated expression before following the others back to camp. I moved to follow the others back to camp before Bellamy's voice stopped me in my tracks. 

"What the hell were you thinking?" Bellamy's voice echoed through the woods before I slowly turned to face him with my eyebrows raised in disbelief. His voice held a mix of frustration and disbelief, his gaze boring into mine with an intensity that left me reeling. The bitterness simmering beneath the surface came forth, fuelling my defiant response. 

"I was thinking about how I can save this camp. When you're offered an opportunity like that you take it." I retorted, my words laced with bitterness as the heat of my rage coloured my cheeks.

"Wait, are you telling me Clarke asked you to go? You've got to be kidding me." He spoke, his irritation coming to light as he struggled to comprehend the situation. The simmering frustration within me boiled over, my patience wearing thin by his constant scepticism.

"Why do you say that like I'm not a leader of this camp? I'm as much of a leader as you are, Blake." I snapped back, feeling fed up with his constant doubt that undermined my position and power. "I can take care of myself."

"Oh really? Because from where I was standing it looked like you were one wrong word from starting a war. If Jasper didn't fire the first shot, I'm sure your temper would've." His words landed like a punch in the gut, leaving me speechless. The air crackled with tension, the exchange escalating as accusations flew like arrows in the heat of battle. 

"You can't be serious right now. You're going to give me a lecture about temper? The guy who beat a kid to the ground for no fucking reason!" My voice echoed through the clearing, charged with disbelief. My arms raised in a gesture of frustration as I confronted Bellamy head-on.

"No fucking reason? Come on, don't play that game with me." Bellamy replied with a mixture of amusement and irritation, his chuckle ringing against the tension that hung heavy in the air. 

"Oh, I'm not playing. You crossed a fucking line, Bellamy." I shot back, my arms folding across my chest in a defiant stance. But Bellamy, closed the distance between us with purposeful strides, his finger jabbing accusingly in my direction as he confronted me head-on.

"That line was crossed when that kid decided to touch you." Bellamy's voice crackled with barely contained rage, his words cutting through the air. The absurdity of his accusation left me speechless, my eyes rolling in disbelief at the sheer childishness of his argument.

"Are you serious? He was only-" I began, my voice trailing off as Bellamy's interruption cut through the air. 

"Oh you don't need to remind me, I had to watch the entire fucking thing." Bellamy snapped back as he struggled to contain the storm raging within him. Confusion knitted my brows together as I struggled to comprehend how he had become so wound up over such a trivial matter.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, my voice tinged with a hint of bewilderment as I took a hesitant step backwards, instinctively creating distance between us.

"What do you mean what am I talking about? He was all over you! Any excuse to touch you, he took!" Bellamy's voice rose, his words teetering on the edge of hysteria as he closed the gap between us with purposeful strides, his gaze burning with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. 

"Why does that bother you so much?" The frustration in my eyes met Bellamy's unwavering gaze, a silent battle raging between us as the tension thickened to suffocating levels. But before I could voice my exasperation, Bellamy's hand seized my chin with a firm grip, his touch both commanding and possessive, forcing my gaze upwards to meet his with an intensity that left me breathless.

"You don't get it, do you? No one touches you but me." His voice, a low whisper carried tones of desire and possession. The air crackled with anticipation as our proximity narrowed, the space between us shrinking with each deliberate step forward and backward until my back met the surface of a nearby tree.

Trapped between the solid barrier of the tree and the unrelenting force of Bellamy's presence, a shiver raced down my spine, the tension between us reaching its breaking point. In that charged moment, with the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air. 

"You're mine." He commanded in a whisper in the stillness, sending a jolt of electricity coursing through my veins. The frustration in my eyes clashed with the unwavering determination in Bellamy's gaze. The tension between us thickened like a fog, suffocating and relentless, threatening to consume us both in its relentless grasp. And then, without warning, his lips crashed against mine in a kiss, igniting a storm of emotions that consumed us both in its passionate embrace.

In that moment, as our lips met in a desperate union, the world around us faded into oblivion, leaving only the electrifying sensation of our connection burning amidst the darkness. While our tongues fought for dominance, I could taste the lingering moonshine that stained both of our senses. Despite the alcohol remnants that ran through my veins, I knew I not only craved him but I needed him. Desperately.

As the flames of desire engulfed us, I surrendered to my cravings, allowing myself to be consumed by the irresistible pull of Bellamy's touch. In a rush, Bellamy began to move his lips from mine towards my jawline, skillfully kissing his way down my quivering form that was overwhelmed by the sensations of his touch. The atmosphere was thick with desire, each touch and movement sending delightful shivers coursing through my body. 

Our bodies moved with frantic urgency, as if time itself was getting away from us and we needed each other as quickly as humanly possible. Every touch, every movement, was dripping with a sense of desperation, a primal need that demanded fulfilment with an immediacy that bordered on frantic. I felt his fingers quickly unzip my pants eliciting a moan from my lips at the contact. 

As he slid a single finger inside of me, my eyes immediately pressed shut as I bit down on my bottom lip. My entire body trembled when he pushed his finger in deeper, exploring inside of me in a teasing manner. With deliberate slowness, he withdrew his finger, leaving me achingly empty and craving more. My eyes opened to meet his as he brought his wet finger to his lips, devouring as much of me as he could. 

Our eyes locked in an intense gaze, each moment heavy with anticipation and desire. His movements were calculated, and deliberate, as if he were testing the waters. But my patience wore thin with the fire burning within me, I was sick of waiting.

With a sudden surge of urgency, my hand reached out, fingers curling around the nape of his neck, pulling him toward me with force. The touch was rough, fueled by my longing that could no longer be contained. Our bodies collided, a magnetic pull drawing us closer, erasing any space between us. His warmth enveloped me as he kissed down my jawline before moving towards my ear. 

"Tell me what you want." He groaned deeply against my ear and I couldn't contain the shiver that coursed through my body. 

"I-I want you to fuck me." I managed to get out between shaky breaths before he leaned back to look at me better. I could feel him taking in the rare sight of my weakness for him, my desperation. His eyebrows raised as a cheeky smirk played on the corners of his lips. 

"Please, Bell." I groaned, fed up with the anticipation before he stepped closer to me, closing the gap between us. 

"Up." He instructed, his voice was thick with desire, but, my body eagerly responded to his every command. His strong hands found their way below my butt before he lifted me off the ground. With ease, he wrapped my legs around his waist before pressing his hard member against my entrance. 

"Look at me, baby." Bellamy commanded as I had to tear my eyes away from his large protruding member towards his eyes. Before I could comprehend his actions, in a skilled movement that left me breathless, he pushed himself inside of me. Instinctively, I groaned in an anguished scream with my head hitting the tree behind me as he filled me completely. The world faded away as I was lost in the dizzying whirlwind of sensation as he moved within me. With each thrust, I felt myself edge further to the end. 

His deep whiskey-coloured eyes watched with hunger, indulging in every gasp, every moan, every tremble of pleasure he brought me too. I couldn't tear my own eyes away from him between each thrust as he pressed further and further inside of me. 

With each thrust, I unravel a bit more, my breaths becoming more uneven, my legs shaking violently, and my cries heightened. I felt my walls closing as my head leaned back against the tree. He took the opportunity to kiss down my neck but his rhythm only picked up the pace. 

I clung to him desperately, my nails digging into his skin as I surrendered to the overwhelming wave of pleasure crashing over me as he came in unison with me. The sensation left me gasping for breath, my body trembling with the intensity of our shared release.

In that moment of passion, I realised I'd never felt more alive in the arms of Bellamy who ignited a fire within me that couldn't be extinguished. 

Hey everyone!

Ahh, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! This was my first time writing proper smut so please let me know your thoughts. 🤭

Don't forget I'm always open to suggestions so if you have any ideas or plot lines you'd like to see let me know. 

Till next time x

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