Hidden Pathways (BOOK 1)

By Re_andra

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The story, far from a mere clash of powers, delves into the intricate layers of morality and consequence. Wha... More

Full Map
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 1
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 2
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 3
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 4
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 5
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 6
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 7
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 8
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 9
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 10
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 11
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 12
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 13
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 14
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 15
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 16
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 17
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 18
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 19
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 20
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 21
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 22
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 23
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 24
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 25
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 26
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 27
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 28
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 29
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 31
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 32
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 33
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 34
Covert Expedition - Chapter 35
Covert Expedition - Chapter 36
Covert Expedition- Chapter 37
Covert Expedition - Chapter 38
Covert Expedition - Chapter 39
Covert Expedition - Chapter 40
Covert Expedition - Chapter 41
Covert Expedition - Chapter 42
Covert Expedition - Chapter 43
Covert Expedition - Chapter 44
Covert Expedition - Chapter 45
Covert Expedition - Chapter 46
Covert Expedition- Chapter 47
Covert Expedition - Chapter 48
Covert Expedition - Chapter 49
Covert Expedition - Chapter 50
Covert Expedition - Chapter 51
Covert Expedition - Chapter 52
Covert Expedition - Chapter 53
Covert Expedition - Chapter 54
Covert Expedition - Chapter 55
Covert Expedition - Chapter 56
Covert Expedition - Chapter 57
Covert Expedition - Chapter 58
Covert Expedition - Chapter 59
Covert Expedition - Chapter 60
Covert Expedition - Chapter 61
Covert Expedition - Chapter 62
Covert Expedition - Chapter 63
Covert Expedition - Chapter 64
Covert Expedition - Chapter 65
Covert Expedition - Chapter 66
Covert Expedition - Chapter 67
Covert Expedition - Chapter 68
Covert Expedition - Chapter 69
Covert Expedition - Chapter 70
Covert Expedition - Chapter 71
Covert Expedition - Chapter 72
Covert Expedition - Chapter 73
Covert Expedition - Chapter 74
Covert Expedition - Chapter 75
Covert Expedition - Chapter 76
Covert Expedition - Chapter 77
Covert Expedition - Chapter 78
Covert Expedition - Chapter 79
Covert Expedition - Chapter 80
Covert Expedition - Chapter 81
Covert Expedition - Chapter 82
Covert Expedition - Chapter 83
Covert Expedition - Chapter 84
Covert Expedition - Chapter 85
Covert Expedition - Chapter 86
Covert Expedition - Chapter 87
Covert Expedition - Chapter 88
Covert Expedition - Chapter 89
Covert Expedition - Chapter 90
Covert Expedition - Chapter 91
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 92
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 93
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 94
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 95
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 96
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 97
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 98
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 99
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 100
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 101
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 102
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 103
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 104
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 105
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 106
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 107
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 108
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 109
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 110
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 111
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 112
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 113
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 114
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 115
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 116
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 117
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 118
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 119
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 120
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 121
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 122
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 123
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 124
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 125
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 126
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 127
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 128
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 129
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 130
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 131
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 132
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 133
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 134
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 135
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 136
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 137
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 138
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 139
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 140
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 141
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 142
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 143
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 144
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 145
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 146
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 147
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 148
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 149
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 150
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 151
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 152
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 153
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 154
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 155
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 156
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 157
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 158
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 159
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 160
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 161
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 162
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 163
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 164
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 165
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 166
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 167

Tactical Triumph - Chapter 30

10 5 4
By Re_andra

As the gentle murmur of morning conversations reached the confines of the tent, Ruby'ck stirred from her slumber. With a languid yet purposeful movement, she rose from her makeshift bed and gracefully emerged into the daylight filtering through the fabric of the tent.

Stepping into the open, Ruby'ck found herself instantly greeted by the lively ensemble outside. Positioned around the campfire, everyone sat comfortably on two logs arranged in a circle, their faces illuminated by the flickering flames that cast a warm glow in the crisp morning air.

 Nert, in his characteristic calm tone, offered a warm "Good morning, sleepy head," setting the tone for the day. 

Following suit, Yzavynne and Leeani echoed the sentiment with cheerful "Morning Ruby" greetings.

Jiighual, the culinary enthusiast of the group, couldn't contain his excitement. Displaying a triumphant grin, he declared, "Ruby, look what I got. Delicious fishes for breakfast," inviting her to partake in the morning feast. 

Kazaks, true to his exuberant nature, capped off the ensemble with an energetic proclamation, "GOOD MORNING RUBY!," ensuring that his vibrant greeting reverberated across the grassland surroundings.

In this harmonious exchange of morning salutations, the camaraderie of the group unfolded under the canvas of the rising sun, casting a warm and welcoming glow on the grassy expanse they called home.

"Good morning, everyone," Ruby'ck responded, her expression reflecting surprise as she discovered Leeani and Kazaks already present. Stepping towards them, she observed the group immersed in their morning meal. As she approached, Ruby'ck joined Leeani and Yzavynne on a nearby log.

With a warm welcome, she greeted them, "Welcome back, Kazaks and Leeani. I'm relieved to see you both unharmed."

Leeani flashed a reassuring smile at Ruby'ck, poised to share something, but Kazaks' exuberant voice cut through the air. "Rub--"


"Ambush!?" Ruby'ck exclaimed in panic.

"YES!" Kazaks confirmed.

"Where's Zach!?" she anxiously inquired, her face reflecting concern.

"OH CAPTAI--" Kazaks began but Leeani interjected with a calm assurance.

"Ruby'ck, Captain's behind that tree over there," Leeani gestured toward the tree. "He's sitting under that tree. I knew you'd have questions about him," she remarked.

"Oh, thanks, Leeani. I'll be back quickly," Ruby'ck expressed her intention to check on Zach, but her dash was halted by Jiighual.

"Ruby, take this. You should eat with us first before you talk to him. If you're so worried about the captain, he's alright," Jiighual suggested, rising from the log he occupied to offer her a fish-on-a-stick.

Continuing, he added, "That's a trout. It's delicious. Take it." A warm smile adorned Jiighual's lips as he handed Ruby'ck the fish-on-a-stick.

"Thanks, Jiighual. I appreciate this!" Ruby'ck expressed her gratitude before making her way toward the tree Leeani had indicated earlier.

Seated together on a log, the entire group engaged in a shared meal, relishing the sense of unity around the crackling campfire.

As they're gathered around the campfire, enjoying the warmth and camaraderie, conversations flowed naturally.

Leeani, savoring a bite of fish, remarked, "Jiighual, this trout is fantastic! Do you have a secret recipe?"

Jiighual grinned, "Ah, it's all about the seasoning and a bit of wilderness magic. I'll teach you sometime."

Kazaks, energetically savoring each bite, enthusiastically added, "I'm with you on that one, Leeani!"

Nert chuckled and quipped, "Care to spill the beans on your secrets?"

Yzavynne, wearing a pleasant smile, remarked, "Jiighual, you've truly surpassed expectations with these delightful fishes for breakfast. Don't keep us in suspense—share your secret."

Jiighual, basking in the compliments, responded but was interrupted, "You know, when it comes to food, I make it my mission to satisfy. So, the first step is to--."

"Doesn't Ruby believe in the concept of Zachy having his own space?" Yzavynne mumbled, though her words carried enough volume to reach everyone's ears and momentarily halt the ongoing conversation.

In that momentary silence, Kazaks unleashed a booming laugh that echoed through the surroundings. "HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! IS SOMEONE FEELING A LITTLE TIGHT IN THE CAPTAIN'S SPACE?" he roared with laughter.

Leeani, sporting a sly grin, added, "Yzavynne...who knew you harbored such deep emotions for the captain?" she teased.

Simultaneously, Nert and Jiighual chimed in, "You? And Captain?" as they burst into fits of laughter.

"No, no. It's not what you think! AGH! Quiet down, you guys! Stop embarrassing me!" Yzavynne protested, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Amidst the laughter of the rebels, the morning air resonated with the light-hearted banter echoing around the campfire. Yzavynne's playful remark had injected a touch of humor into the atmosphere, creating a momentary break from their usual adventures. Even as the group chuckled at the notion of personal space for their captain, the camaraderie among them strengthened, bonding them tighter in the shared joy of the moment.

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