๑The Button - Neil Cicierega...

By yourwhitebreadbf

383 27 101

Haha fancic get it, like cicierega and fanfic Okay so I know it's actually like terrible to write things abou... More

✿ story info ✿
the button - pt. 1
thank you - pt. 2
you work here too? - pt. 3
wait what - pt. 4
as friends - pt. 5
I wanted to be honest - pt. 7
computer fighters - pt. 8
waiting - pt. 9
happily ever after - pt. 10
little author note

sorry what was that? - pt. 6

30 3 4
By yourwhitebreadbf

-reader pov-
๑hours later๑

I got out of the shower that took me way too long because I kept giggling to myself about him.

I realized that I actually don't know that much about him, I've interacted with him like 4 times.
I mean I know he makes music but he doesn't know that I know, I kind of know that he likes to collect stuff, he knows how to pronounce French but I don't think he knows the language. And that's about it.

I blinked as I put on my mascara, staring at myself in the mirror as I waved my hands to help it dry, I already got dressed and put a few clips in my hair.

I didn't wanna be too overdressed or anything. That's just kind of stuffy

I zone out as I stare at myself. I hope this goes well.

5:47 - I get a text

'hey y/n, it's Neil'
'i realize that I haven't actually texted you before so.. I just wanted to let you know it was me'

I already had his number saved but I think its cute he was worried

'i just left, I'll be there in about 10 minutes, I live pretty close'

huh.. I didn't know that

'okay :)) I'm excited to see you'

I hope that didn't come off too strong. Ughhh
What am I doing?

'thank you again'
'for picking me up and taking me out, it's really nice of you'

'of course. It's my pleasure'

Ugh how can he get any more sickeningly cuter. I feel nauseous. I really hope I don't do something weird.


There's a knock at the door, I pause before opening the door, taking a deep breath before I turn the knob

He was looking behind him for some reason, his jawline was so prominent.

He turned to look at me, I swear I thought his eyes sparkled for a second

"You look.. really pretty- not- not in a weird way I just like the way you- look? Uh.. tonight." He puts a hand on the back of his neck, and looks to the side for a second before extending it for me to place my hand in his. Looking at me again with his big brown eyes

"Thank you.. i.." I place my hand in his and a shiver runs through me. His hands fit perfectly around mine, they feel so comfortable. I wish I could hold his hands all the time

Warmth spread from my fingertips all the way through my arm and up to my shoulder, slowly spreading to the rest of my body and rushing to my face. I shouldn't have even put on blush today because I don't need it

"You look so..." my eyes met his, it felt like he was staring right through me "handsome.. as in like- like you look um.. cool... " As much as I felt embarrassed, I physically could not stop smiling. My heart actually skipped a beat

He smiled and looked down. "Thank you"


Neil opened the door for me and I buckled myself into the passenger seat

He sat in the driver's seat, after a half minute of driving he broke the silence and handed me a cord

"It'll be a few minutes until we get there so you can uh.. have the aux." He said still staring at the road

"Okay." I plugged it into my phone, carefully avoiding any playlists with his music in them. That would be awkward.

Random songs played in the background as we talked about things that we've had to deal with and customer interactions we had over the past few weeks at work together until we eventually got there


He opened the door for me and offered me his hand again, he smiled at me like he did earlier today when he asked me about this. I love the way he smiles

He led me inside to which we got a table, he had made reservations so we didn't have to wait, it was pretty packed considering it was a Friday night

"So.. um.. we actually don't know a lot about each other." I said fiddling with the rings I was wearing underneath the table

"Right, it's been, what.. three weeks since we've met? Well then, what do you like to do?" He said pushing some hair to the side and out of his face

"Hmm.. well.. I used to read a lot and sometimes I still do but recently I've been getting into art, just drawing but it's a really nice little hobby for when I'm off work.. sometimes I listen to music when I draw too.." I look up at him from my lap

That didn't sound suspicious or like I was hinting at anything I think. We're good.

"Yeah, that's pretty cool.." he smiles at me with a softer expression than before. Somehow.

I could hear my heartbeat in my ears so I looked back down to my lap, avoiding eye contact

The waitress came by to ask for our drink orders and if we needed a few minutes

"Um.. can I have a lemonade?" I said as she smiled at me

"I think I want.. um diet coke.." Neil added quietly

Once she left we kind of... didn't talk.. we just looked at the menu, I personally hate being that person that has to look at the menu as they're taking orders, it's awkward

I tried focusing on what I wanted to get but every now and then I'd look up to see him, he was wearing a cute button down and his hair was swooped to the side, his glasses pushed down to the tip of his nose, I dont think he noticed it. I like his hair like this

I think he noticed me staring a bit because his eyes came up to meet mine then immediately darted back down. I've never actually done something like this so I don't know how it's supposed to go.

He said he wanted to take me out as friends so I'm trying not to get it into my head that he likes me like that.

The waiter eventually came back with our drinks and asked for our orders

"May I have the penne pasta?"
"Of course, and for you?" She smiled at me and turned to Neil

"Yeah, just the same thing"

She smiled again before handing us straws and leaving, taking our menus with her

I took a sip of my drink and set it down
"So, Neil, how old are you? I actually don't remember ever asking.."

"Ah, I'm 26. I don't think it's ever been brought up. What about you?"
"I'm 24. I was hoping you didn't say like... 20.. I don't know, you look younger than 26"
"Yeah, a few people have told me that actually."

"Oh by the way I saw your last name on the board at work.. cicierega? Right?"
"Yeah, you pronounced it right first try too"
"I didn't think people pronounced it wrong.."

What he doesn't know is that his name is constantly on loop in my head

"Yeah actually, some people say 'see see gara' and others uh.. Before I was homeschooled some kid used to call me 'sissy reega' like once or twice. I'm not really bothered by any of that though"

(I'm not making this up he said it in the guaranteed audio podcast)

"Awhh.. that's kind of sad but also.. I was homeschooled my entire life, when did you start??"

"Really? me and my siblings were all homeschooled by my parents when I was in fourth grade.."

"Woah.. I would have never guessed.."

With enough time I probably would have guessed.
I mean...

"What's your last name?" He said shifting in his seat just a bit

"Oh it's l/n... So.. y/n m/n l/n" I smiled at him
"That's a lovely name.. well then, miss l/n.. it's a pleasure to have you here with me tonight."

"The pleasure is all mine, Neil.. um what's your middle name.. Cicierega."

"Mm right.. it's Stephen.."
I smiled happily at him. Stephen. That's cute

(I am aware of how painfully cringe that might have been to some of you babies. I know who you are. Don't say anything.)

"So.." I took another sip of my lemonade. Normally I get lemonade instead of water. Maybe I shouldn't have this time. He probably won't notice

"What do you like to do??"
"..I collect stuff like books or um.. little noise gizmos, stuff like that.. I edit videos me and my friends make sometimes too, we even got a few of them into the Boston underground film festival actually"

"Oh Ryan and Kevin??"
"Yeah.. how did you know? Have you heard of it?" He leaned forward by an unnoticeable (if you weren't me) inch or two.

"Ah no.. yes?? Well- I've um.. seen them come in to talk to you a few times.. Ella and Avi told me their names, they also told me about 'new kids on the rock'" I smiled at him. Maybe I shouldn't have told him I know about NKotR. I did watch the first two episodes like an hour before he picked me up

He cleared his throat and smiled awkwardly

"Um yeah.. that's it.." he looked away

"Yeah, I watched a couple of the first episodes. I think they're pretty good."

"Thank you, I have fun making them.. well I mean- like not all the time, sometimes it's hard but you know.. I like it." He looked down at his hands in his lap

"Oh and you make music right?"

We both paused. I wanted to pretend like I didn't know he made music as lemon demon, I was talking about the fact that he made the music for new kids on the rock and maybe him knowing that I know isn't such a bad thing but I don't know how he would react if I sounded like a fan and I mean I am but that's was after I met him but it's been such a short time that it's basically like I'm a fan like that

He took a sip of his drink and looked up at me, I could see him fiddling with the bottom of his shirt, somewhat out of sight.

"Sorry what was that?"
"For um.. new kids on the rock and like- like the movies you make with your friends, you created the score, right??"
He blinked
"Oh, right! Yeah um.." he cleared his throat again "yeah I did actually, for a few of the episodes"

"How long have you guys known each other and you know... Been making movies for.."

"I've kind of been making things for a long time, it started with some... Flash animations.. um.. also this series I did with my sister called potter puppet pals.. I've known Kevin and ryan since elementary school.. we've all known eachother for quite a while."

Back when I was like 13 I had heard of potter puppet pals, I think I saw one of the videos. I would have never guessed, and I say that too much, that Neil made that

I was gonna say something before the waitress came out with our food

Everything kind of happened fast from then on though, the pasta was really good and we were talking about memories from our childhood and our siblings.. somehow movies were brought up again

"Oh- have you seen _____?" To be honest I didn't hear the movie name because I was staring at him. Like.. his smile and his eyes and his lips and-

"Y/n?" He smiled softly at me and tilted his head to the side slightly

"Um no sorry, I haven't. But we should definitely watch it sometime."

I might have seen it I don't know.. im in too deep I cant ask for him to repeat himself. Regardless of what movie it is, I wanna watch a movie with Neil. If I have seen it then...

"Yeah, that's a great idea... When are you free next?"

"Oh um, I'm always free." I looked up at him again as I set my fork in my empty plate and moved it to the side of the table

"Well.. what about.. tonight..?" He said quietly

He played with the bottom of his shirt again, looking down

"I actually.. would really enjoy that. Yeah.. if you'd want to." I pushed some hair out of my face and shifted in my seat

We met eye contact and I could see his eyes scanning my face..

He smiled that certain way

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thank u for reading this was a fun one to write completed ✔️