Shaded Soldiers || Gay MxM ||...

De ShadedSin

162K 9.4K 2.7K

Riley Steele, an omega soldier, is ready to do whatever it takes to get accepted into a special unit in the a... Mai multe

1. Warm Welcome
2. Bitch Lace
3. Check Up [R]
4. Hope
5. The Headquarters
6. Partners
7. House Rules
8. Long Day
9. Fall of True Order
10. Pheromones
11. Warming Up
12. First Mission
13. Silenced
14. Watched Over
15. Awaking the Wasps
16. Lost Tracks
17. Friday Night Carnage
18. In the Past
19. Comfort and Secrets
20. Nothing to Endure
21. Glimmer of Hope
22. Gifts Fit For Elites
23. Restless Night
24. The Pictures
25. To Train the Assassin
26. Friends in the Making
27. Elite Games
28. His Promise
29. Still Good
30. Small Situation
31. Large Situation
32. Guard Duty
34. Ruined Lives
35. Unspoken Name
36. His Words Heard
37. So It Begins
38. A Busy Week
39. Preparing for Battle

33. Runaway Partner

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De ShadedSin

I'd thought that sleeping with ten alphas in such a small, confined space would be too much for me and my omega, but I eventually learned that that wasn't the issue. They simply were so fucking loud it was hard to fall asleep. Chandler was the worst. I was so goddamn happy I wasn't his partner. And I was so goddamn happy Reid was a quiet sleeper.

At least the bed compartments had folding doors made of black wood that muffled a lot of those sounds, and after I covered it with my spare blanket and pillow, I was finally able to ignore the rest of the noise.

And I had to admit, this little compartment was actually really nice. The bed was just as nice as it was back at home, and wide enough to roll around a bit without hitting the walls. There was no room to sit up, not even close, but using the pillows as a backrest, I'd be able to use a laptop, for example. There was a folding tray against the wall for that, and a cupholder right next to it.

On top of that, it really pleased my omega. It was like a little nest. Safe, secure, and comfortable on all sides, and there was one of our favorite alphas sleeping right below us. It just needed a little bit of styling, maybe a bit nicer sheets, maybe some little lights and extra pillows, and it would be perfect.

In the end, I slept like a baby without waking up once. When I did wake up, the first thing I noticed was how oddly quiet it was in the truck. I spent a moment listening, but couldn't really hear a thing, so I grabbed my phone to see what time it was.

"Crap..." I mumbled. It was almost twelve in the morning.

I pushed my spare blanket and the pillow out of the way, then opened the door, letting the bright daylight in. I had to blink a few times to get used to the light and then looked around. The truck was pretty empty, but I heard the sound of a keyboard at the back.

It was Captain...

"Morning," I told him, and he turned around to see me. "Have you slept at all?"

He smiled a little and stood up, then walked to me and rested his arms on my bed.

"I did," he said softly. "Did you sleep well?"

"Like a baby," I muttered, and rested back down on my side to look at him.

"That's a good boy," he mumbled. "And how are you feeling? You're not angry at me, are you?"

"Of course not," I whispered. "You saved a lot of people. I'm happy about that. And... about the rest of what you did."

His smile grew warmer, and he slowly moved his hand to hover it above my arm. I shifted a little closer to him to let him know I was fine with it, so he carefully placed his hand on my arm and rubbed me gently.

"You're a good boy, Riley," he murmured and watched me closely.

"So... You're not mad at me for making you take me on this mission?" I asked him.

"No," he said. "You did really well, and I'm proud of you."

I smiled a little and shifted a little closer again. "It felt so good to be back at work."

"I'll... I'll let you come with us more often now. On easier missions, at least," he promised, but it was clear he didn't really like the idea.

"I just want to do my job," I told him.

"I understand," he said softly.

I nodded, then hesitated before asking, "Did you find Nico yet?"

"I'm getting close," he said, and glanced at the monitors at the back. "I found his trail last night, but I still need a few more hours."

"That's good," I said, and he turned back to me.

I wanted to ask him what he was planning on doing once he'd find his partner, but his entire body twitched suddenly. I assumed he had the hiccups, but the next time it happened, he let out a weird little grunt.

"You all right?" I asked with a frown.

"I believe your partner would like some attention," he said, then stepped back to look into the compartment below mine. "Why are you poking me, boy?"

Reid let out a small, grumbling growl.

"Is that so...?" Captain replied with a chuckle and got a louder growl as a reply. "Haven't gotten enough attention, huh? You poor, poor boy..."

I had a smile on my face as I listened to them. Captain reached into Reid's compartment, and I assumed he was giving my partner a light shoulder rub as well. It was clear Captain needed closeness right now, and I understood he had to be scared, even though he wasn't showing that. He was the captain, after all. He couldn't show his fear.

But my partner seemed to be good at cheering him up with his playful grunts and growls.

"Who's a good boy?" Captain asked quietly, and Reid growled just as quietly back at him. "That's right. Reid is a good boy... My sweet little baby boy... Did you have a fun mission with your new partner?"

Reid let out an almost silent grunt this time.

"That's good. You're such a good partner..."

This time, Reid didn't reply to him. They both stayed silent for a short moment, but then Captain let out a content breath, and stood back up.

"You two should eat breakfast. You're not on duty today so you get to rest," Captain said, giving me a stern glance.

I chose not to defy him this time.

"Yes, sir," I mumbled, but I was feeling too lazy to get out of bed just yet. "Any news on Mercer?"

Captain's expression dropped, and he shook his head. "Still alive. There were complications during the night, but he pulled through. But... It's still too early to say if he'll make it."

"Right..." I muttered.

"I'm sure he'll make it though. That old bastard doesn't know how to give up," Captain said, and grinned a little. "He's stubborn as fuck. Even you could learn a thing or two from him."

I chuckled a little. "Well, he better make it so I can learn his ways."

"May the lords above help us all," Captain said, and patted my arm.

The computer at the back let out a beep, and he turned to see the monitors. "Got you now..." he whispered, then turned back to me. "Go eat. I may need your assistance later."


"In case my partner still refuses to speak with me, I'm going to need someone to negotiate on my behalf," he said, and retreated a little.

"Gotcha," I said and tossed my covers aside.

"You too, Reid," Captain told my partner, and went to sit behind his computer.

I climbed down from my compartment, then stepped aside to give Reid room to get out of his. I was amazed that such a big alpha could move so nimbly in such a tight space. Even I had trouble getting out without hitting my head on the ceiling, and I was five inches shorter than him. And Reid was shorter than half of the team... Not to mention Chandler the mountain.

"So? Breakfast?" Reid asked me once he was up on his feet, and gestured at the kitchen.

"Let me put some clothes on first," I muttered, feeling chilly already.

"Well, you know where my bag is, you thief," he said, grinned, and walked away.

I chuckled after him, but grabbed my own thermal pants instead.

...And his hoodie.

We tried to keep the noise down as we made our breakfast and ate it so Captain could focus. I assumed he was tracking down Nico, and the atmosphere coming from the back of the truck gave me the feeling he was really close now.

Ryan and Ethan came to take a small break a little while later, but they didn't really have any news for us. Not good, but at least not bad, either. Mercer was still fighting for his life, and there hadn't been any suspicious activities going on around the hospital or in the city.

"How's the search going?" Ryan asked us after he'd peered at Captain, who hadn't bothered to come hear his report.

"I think he's really close now," Reid told him.

"There's no hiding from Captain," Ethan said with a chuckle. "But Nico better stand his ground."

"We'll make sure of that," Reid said. "We're apparently going with him to get Nico back home."

"Good," Ethan mumbled. "Because Nico deserves to be treated like a mate."

Reid and I nodded, but Ryan... I saw that small glimpse he gave to his partner before he looked away. His expression stayed neutral, but that little look carried a lot of unresolved issues.

And I immediately decided to keep what I saw to myself. Ryan still scared me a little, so I didn't want to go putting my nose into his private matters.

Ryan and Ethan had their lunch and went back to work. Reid and I were talking about going for a little walk around the area, but we never even got up from the couch when Captain suddenly appeared from his lair. He wasn't smiling exactly, but he was happy. Happy like a predator who'd finally caught his prey.

"I've found your brother," he declared. "Let's go get him back home."

But Reid shook his head and stood right in front of him. "No. You found your mate."

"Go get dressed," Captain told him, looking a little unhappy with him. "We're leaving immediately."

"Yes, sir," Reid said, his tone neutral, and gestured for me to follow him.

I went to get the pants and the jacket of my uniform, and gave Reid his hoodie back. A minute later, we joined Captain by his Jeep, and I headed to the closest backseat, but Captain stopped me.

"Reid, you'll be driving," he told my partner, and turned to me. "I need to set up my gear at the back, so you get in front."

"Yes, sir," I said, and went to climb in next to Reid.

"So where is he?" Reid asked while firing up the car.

"In Virginia," Captain said while opening his laptop. "We have a three-hour drive ahead of us."

"Of course he chose Virginia," Reid said with a chuckle, and turned to me. "We like Virginia."

"What's in Virginia?" I asked.

"That bootcamp I mentioned is held there. Governor Wilson has a training fort up in the mountains. We all love that place. It's like an amusement park for us soldiers."

"I can't wait to see it," I said truthfully, based on the dreamy smile on his face.

"I guess I should book us a weekend soon," Captain muttered absentmindedly.

"Or, you know, a whole week," Reid said tentatively. "Or two."

Captain chuckled lightly. "Let's focus on finding Nico."

"Fine..." Reid muttered. "You have his address?"

"Not yet, but I have his general area," he said. "Just keep heading toward Charlottesville."

"Yes, sir."

The drive sure was long, and we didn't talk a lot because Captain was still concentrating on locating Nico. I didn't really mind the silence. The car was nice and warm, so I made myself cozy in the front seat and just watched the views. I was actually excited to see the world a little, even if it was just the neighboring state. We'd traveled a little with... with the people who'd bought me... but that was ages ago, and I couldn't remember much.

Therefore, I spent most of those three hours with my nose practically glued to the window. We did stop once to grab something to eat and drink, and again when we were crossing the state borders, but the soldiers checking the vehicles quickly let us keep driving after we showed them our IDs.

But it wasn't until we were getting close to Charlottesville that Captain finally found a possible address for us to check first.

"It's an Airbnb," Captain told us after giving the address. "He may be there. There are no security cameras I can access in that area, so I can't be sure, but it's a place to start."

"How did you follow his trail?" I asked.

"When he left, I was able to track his car until he abandoned it at the train station," Captain explained. "He changed his clothes there, but he didn't take a train. It took me a moment to spot him entering a cab instead. I was able to follow it until they arrived at the college campus, where I lost his trail for a few hours. I had to watch through a lot of footage before I spotted him leaving the building with a group of students. He was so close to fooling me... Using the students was a really good idea because he blended in so well... But I know my partner when I see him."

I chuckled lightly at the pride in Captain's voice while he talked about his runaway partner.

"He avoided the cameras really well, but I found him taking a bus away from the city. Then he took another cab to another train station, and from there, he headed to Richmond. He stayed the night there and lost me again, but this morning I found him heading to Charlottesville."

"And you saw him arriving at Charlottesville?" I asked.


I frowned. "So... You're sure he's here?"

"I'd say so, yes," he said shortly.

"And this Airbnb? How did you come to that conclusion?" I asked.

"It was booked this morning, and only for one night," Captain explained. "There were others as well, but this one is the only one he can get to without getting spotted on the cameras."

"That's it?" I asked. "How do you know he's not staying at a hotel or heading to North Carolina?"

Captain shrugged and looked out the window. "I know my partner," he said quietly.

There were a thousand other places where Nico could be, but I had the feeling Captain was right about this Airbnb. I wanted to believe he was right, because if he was wrong, it would mean he didn't know his partner as well as he thought. And that would hurt.

We arrived at the Airbnb almost a half an hour later. It was a nice, small house with a pretty garden in a quiet suburban area. We all peered at the dark windows and the surrounding houses, but there was no sign of our teammate. Reid and I waited in silence for our captain's orders.

Eventually, he let out a short, agitated growl and opened the door, his eyes fixed on the house. I glanced at Reid, who shrugged, and together, we followed Captain as he made his way to the front door. He didn't waste a second before knocking on the door. He stepped back with his arms crossed, and he glared at the handle like he wanted to rip it off.

My omega told me there was someone approaching the door, so I held my breath. I couldn't hear anything. Seconds passed, and nothing happened, but I trusted my omega's instincts. Someone was right behind that door.

And suddenly, it flung open. I hid my smile when Nico stood in the doorway, crossing his arms as well to stare at Captain.

"Told you I'll find you," Captain said quietly.

Nico gave Reid and me a short glance before turning back to him. "You brought backup?"

"I brought negotiators. In case you're too mad to talk to me," Captain said.

Nico stared at him, then sprung around and walked away, but at least he left the door open. Captain followed him at a slower pace, and since he, too, left the door open, Reid and I figured we were allowed to follow them.

The house was decent with simple furniture, but way too barren for my taste. I suppose for an Airbnb it was fine. And since I wasn't there to rate the house, I went to find Captain and Nico instead.

They'd entered the living room, and while Captain had stayed by the doorway, Nico had made his way to the opposite wall, and sat down on a small desk and leaned against the wall to stare at Captain in silence. But Captain only stared back at him. My guess was that he'd been so focused on finding his partner that he forgot he was also supposed to convince him to return, and now he was at a loss for words.

Nico let out a slow sigh. "Well...?"

Captain shifted and finally made his way to him. He stopped and slowly pressed his hands against the wall, trapping Nico between his arms, then lowered his head and closed his eyes like he was defeated.

"I missed you," Captain said softly. "I need you by my side. I really need you by my side right now..."

Nico looked up at him, keeping his expression hard, but he said nothing.

"Michael is in the hospital. He may not make it. The mafia is angry, and the city is in chaos. I need my partner," Captain continued.

Nico shook his head and looked down as well. "I can't do it anymore, Tom. I can't reduce myself to being what you want me to be based on your current mood. You've told me you can't be my mate loud and clear, so this is me finally accepting it."

Captain spooked us all by letting out a loud, angry, frustrated growl while hitting the wall hard at the same time. Nico looked up at him and said nothing while Captain tried to recollect himself – and his alpha – which didn't seem like an easy thing to do.

"No!" he finally coughed. "I need you! I told you I need you by my side! You're my partner! You're...!"

I held my breath again as I watched him balling his hands into tight, angry fists against the wall as he fought himself. His entire being grew as he fought himself. Nico stared up at him, and it was clear he was dying to hear those words, that he was his mate. He desperately waited...

"But I can't..." Captain finally whispered, his voice really weak now, and his anger faded along with his strength. "I am sorry... I don't want to lose you... But I can't be..."

I breathed out in disappointment and glanced at Reid. He was shaking his head almost angrily, but we both stayed silent.

But Nico... He stared at his partner, and suddenly, his expression softened, and a small smile appeared on his lips. Captain still couldn't even look at him, but when Nico carefully placed his hand on his cheek, he finally looked up.

"Okay," Nico said gently. "I'll come home with you."

Now that turn of events shocked us all. Captain stared at Nico with wide eyes, unable to believe his ears.

"You... Will...?" he asked.

"Yeah," Nico said. "Take me home."

Captain needed three seconds to process his words, and then he pulled Nico in his arms. Nico's smile grew warmer when he wrapped himself around our captain and closed his eyes like he'd just heard everything he'd ever wanted to hear.

I turned to Reid, who raised his eyebrows at me. I spread my hands a little, silently asking him if he had any idea about what just happened, but he shrugged.

"I heard about Michael," Nico whispered, resting his hand on the back of Captain's neck to caress him soothingly. "He will make it. I know he will."

Captain hugged him tighter, and buried his head against the younger alpha's shoulder.

And for a brief moment, I could see how lost he was... Lost and afraid...

I turned back to Reid, and when he looked at me, I nudged my head toward the front door. This moment was not for us to witness. Reid followed me when I headed to the door, and once we were outside, I closed it quietly.

"That's not how it was supposed to go," Reid muttered.

"No... But..." I murmured and sighed. "I mean, if my supposed man would come to me like that after a fight, I... I would've forgiven him too."

"I guess..." Reid said, then snorted in amusement. "I mean... I don't think I could've told him to fuck off, either..."

"Right?" I said, and chuckled.

"So... Now we wait, huh?" Reid asked and went to sit on the stairs.

I sat down next to him. "Now we wait."

We didn't have to wait for too long. I was actually surprised by how soon the door behind us opened again. Just a few minutes, really. I'd thought they'd take their time to talk and make up. But at least I spotted them holding hands, though Nico let go of Captain as soon as they spotted us. He was also smiling and seemed happy, so I guess everything was fine.

"Ready to go home?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure," I said slowly, and followed Reid when he made his way to the car.

But I was dying to ask... Nico stopped next to the car, ready to take the seat behind me, while Captain and Reid walked around to the other side. I quickly leaned closer to Nico.

"Why did you forgive him? He said he can't be your mate," I asked quietly.

"But he didn't say that," Nico said softly.

I frowned a little, but then realized Captain actually never did say that out loud. He couldn't say it.

"So what did he say?"

Nico's smile grew wider when he opened the door. "Not a lot, but he said so much more without words."

"Right..." I said slowly as he climbed into the car without elaborating.

It wasn't really my business, anyway. The important thing was that he was happy now, so I counted this as a successful mission. I also had the feeling Captain wasn't going to make this same mistake again.

He wouldn't hurt his mate like that ever again.

[Ream subscribers get to read this chapter in Nico's point of view!]

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