Take Courage, My Heart

By valentina7writer

7.1K 541 58

If he had known danger, death and vampires would follow, he would have asked for disownment. *** Jesse Parke... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One

Chapter Forty-Two

89 7 0
By valentina7writer

Indistinct yelling woke me up hours later, with Fiona still tucked in my arms. I rubbed my eyes with one hand and lifted my head right as the door opened. The sound of it and the burst of sounds coming from around the cabin made me cringe, still too groggy to control my reflexes. Fiona let out a displeased grumble and burrowed her face further into the pillow and I pulled my arm underneath her free in order to sit up properly.

The yelling stopped as soon as the door was opened, Adam and our Mom coming into the room, looking distressed and on edge. Leander was following close behind them, his jaw clenched, and his arms crossed before his chest.

"What is–"

"Hey, Fi," Adam said, ignoring me and sitting on the edge of the mattress, gently shaking our younger sister awake. She made another grumbling sound and slowly turned around with a yawn splitting her face. Adam's eyes scanned her entire form, his hands both set firmly on either of her shoulders, and once he was done looking her over he set his gaze on me. "Did you hurt her?"

I jerked back in surprise, Leander immediately walked further into the room with a scowl on his face.

"I wouldn't–"

"You almost bit Caleb last night," Adam cut me off and I blinked at his sharp tone. "Did you hurt Fiona in your sleep?"

"I wouldn't have left them alone if I thought Jesse posed any danger to her," Leander told Adam.

"You say that as if I have any reason to trust that you care," Adam snapped back and my eyes went round, never having seen my brother like this.

"You are being mean," Fiona said, shaking Adam's hands off and scooting back until she was pressed against my thigh. The frown on her sleepy face was cute but pointed and defensive. "Jesse would never hurt me."

"Not intentionally," our Mom told her, standing off behind Adam and giving Fiona her characteristic caring look. "You really scared us by disappearing like this."

"I didn't disappear," Fiona replied, folding her arms before her chest. "I always cuddle with Jesse."

"Fiona–" Adam started with a sigh, and I cut him off with a click of my tongue.

I wrapped one arm around Fiona's frame and leaned over her shoulder with a smirk.

"I am pretty sure I hear someone making pancakes downstairs, why don't you go grab a bite?" I suggested, booping her on the nose. Her eyes went comically wide, not whining about the booping like she normally did.

"You can hear that?!" she exclaimed, and I chuckled.

"I can also hear your grumbling stomach. Go eat," I said and let go of her and straightened up.

With a bothered huff, she inched off the bed and walked out of the room, our Mom following her. I looked at Adam with a disproving frown, my arms folded before my chest.

"What's wrong?" I asked, hearing Leander shuffle his weight from one leg to the other.

"Nothing. We couldn't find her and freaked out," he replied, standing up and backing away from the bed. I raised an eyebrow at him. "We are leaving today."

"I figured. Adam, I wouldn't have let her come in last night if I thought I could hurt her," I told him.

"I know," he said with an exhausted sigh. He raised a hand to his short hair and ran through it, before shaking his head and looking back at me. "We'll leave after breakfast, so pack up your things..."

A mix of emotions passed through me, making my expression twitch and spasm with it. I had evidently missed quite a number of things including whatever the fuck Adam had been told by our parents. Because I couldn't imagine what exactly had caused this sudden snappiness and dismissal.

"I am not coming with," I said just as Adam started to retreat towards the door. He stuttered to a stop and tilted his head to the side, his eyes narrowed and calculating. I glanced at Leander, who still stood at the foot of the bed, closest to me. "Why would I come with? There's nothing for me in Maine."

"What do you mean– your family is in Maine!" he said with a shake of his head, his gaze turning sharper and angrier.

I scoffed and at last got out of bed, standing up and going up to the dresser. Ezra was the one making the pancakes and they smelled delicious. As all of my siblings were downstairs and everyone was saying they would leave after breakfast I wanted to at least spend a little more time with them, now while I still could.

"Family? You mean the parents who shipped me off to a behavior modification facility and then just a few weeks ago told me I wasn't welcomed back home?" I snapped back, opening a drawer and pulling out a pair of black jeans. Adam huffed out annoyed from behind me, but I didn't turn to look at him. Instead, I opened another drawer and took out a velvet button-up shirt.

"I mean your siblings. And yes, our parents fucking suck but believe me they miss you too," Adam said as I put on the jeans.

"I don't believe you," I mumbled and took off my shirt.

"Jesse can–" Leander started to say but he was immediately cut off by Adam.

"Did I fucking address you? This is between me and Jesse, so can you leave?"

"Adam, what the fuck?!" I yelled while turning around. Adam gaped his mouth in response, no words coming out, and I barreled on. "I don't know what I missed exactly. Fi mentioned you two have been fighting–" Adam's eyes drifted away from mine and his face went slack, his fight visibly bleeding out of him– "what?" I snapped and folded my arms before my bare chest.

"What happened to you?" Adam asked breathlessly, looking down at my body, horrified.

My arms slowly fell to my sides, and I glanced down, though I was aware of what Adam was asking about. Most of the bite scars I had were located on my neck and thighs, but there were quite a few on my abdomen. As my arms went down though, Adam's eyes went wide and with two large strides, he came and grabbed my arm that had the razor-wire scar.

"I caused this one... everything else came from the vampires from the nest," I told him. I wasn't sure which ones were from Vincent, Jonathan, Seraphina, and Duke specifically. Most were overlapping bumps of scar tissue, while some had healed better and were just barely noticeable discolorations.

"You caused– did you try to kill yourself?" Adam asked, his voice coming out thick with emotion.

"No," I replied, freeing my hand, and grabbing the shirt I had taken out. "I had to climb over razor wire in order to escape that facility Mom and Dad sent me to. I had to jump out of the fourth-story window."

"What the fuck– are you insane?!" Adam exclaimed but I didn't lift my eyes, continuing to button up the shirt.

"I had to get out," was all I said.

"Falling from that high can kill you! Climbing over razor wire can kill you. Jesse–"

"I had to get out," I repeated more sternly, lifting my gaze, and scowling at him. "They locked me naked in a room with no food for days. Adam, I had to get out, even if it killed me."

"And it did," Adam muttered, his face pale and slack.

I turned my gaze to Leander and smiled at him apologetically. No words had to come out of my mouth, he simply smiled back and slipped out of the room, closing the door with a soft click. It was feigned privacy, he as well as the rest of the vampires in the cabin would still be able to hear some of what Adam and I said if they really focused, but it would have to do.

"What's going on?" I asked after I heard Leander make it to the end of the hallway.

"I should be the one asking that," Adam replied, pacing away from me, and stopping by the bed but not making a move to sit down. "What is it with that guy?" he asked, scowling at the door as if Leander was standing on the other side of it and would somehow be able to feel the glare.

"What do you mean? Why have you two been fighting?"

"I don't like him," Adam huffed with a start, bringing up his arms and folding them before his chest. "He's pretentious and condescending. Like, I mean I get it he's attractive, I see what you are seeing in him, but that's not nearly enough to make up for everything else. He is old as well. Too old for you."

"I am not with Leander because of his looks," I replied, taking one of his points and going with it. "Sure, that's what drew my attention first, but it was everything else that made me fall in love with him. I don't– I am not sure how exactly you got pretentious and condescending from him, I don't know what happened after you guys got out. Can you please tell me exactly why you don't like him?"

"He didn't do anything," Adam said and plopped down on the bed, his jaw clenched, and arms still crossed before his chest. When I tilted my head at him in question he exhaled and let his shoulders at ease. "I don't care what he's been through, he knew you were held captive and that you were in pain, and he did nothing. He almost managed to stop Keisuke from coming to help you– was adamantly against it."

"Vincent would have killed me. I don't know how Kei made it in the nest, but if Vincent had gotten wind that someone was trying to help me, he would have killed me without a second thought."

"He didn't even try!" Adam said, raising his voice and glaring up at me. "Why are you excusing him?"

"Because I asked him not to come. I made him promise to quit going after Vincent, let go of an almost century-old revenge plot, and let me get tortured and raped in order to get you and Caleb free!"

"Caleb and I were free the moment we stepped into this cabin. You were the one who told us that. That we would be protected," Adam replied, and I shook my head at him.

"You were safe, but if Vincent somehow managed to slip away you would have all been in danger. Leander couldn't risk it. I asked him not to risk it," I explained.

"You were tortured and raped, and your boyfriend did nothing," Adam breathed out.

"Don't do that. Don't blame him for what Vincent did. Not when he has been more of a victim to Vincent than I have."

"He didn't protect you," Adam said after a beat of silence and I went and sat on the bed beside him, feeling worn and emotional. I blinked my eyes rapidly, trying to get the tears to dry out before they fell and heavily exhaled.

"The only reason I could fight was because they trained me. The only reason I am breathing right now is because Leander turned me. He's done more than enough," I replied.

Another silent moment pulsed between us. Finally, Adam got up and rolled his head around, looking even more tired. He took a couple of steps towards the door and then stopped and turned to look at me.

"You really are not coming back home?" he asked, acceptance filtering in his tone. I nodded and got up as well, intending to go to the kitchen where the rest of my family was eating breakfast. "You barely know these people..."

"I know them well enough."

Adam looked at me, taking in my answer and dissecting it. I knew that look that was on his face. It was his signature 'fine, I'll trust you' kind of look. It made something warm and squirmy spread throughout me. With a click of his tongue, he opened the door and stepped out. I stepped into line with him, a smile spreading on my face as we went down the hallway and to the kitchen.

The kitchen of the cabin was a room I had arguably not been in much. Leander had shown it to me on the first day we came here and then we moved on. The only thing of value to me here were the blood bags and bottles that were stashed in the fridge.

It was quite a fancy kitchen, for a house where vampires lived. As opposed to the rest of the cabin's interior the kitchen was a bright room with white wooden cabinets and cream-colored marble countertops. The sink was on the kitchen island in the middle of the room and right behind it on the kitchen counter were two ovens, yet another overkill. With some amusement, I thought of asking Leander about it later, about whether he had bought this place or had had it built. 

My parents and siblings were seated at the dining table by the wall of windows that overlooked the forest behind the cabin. The sun was filtering in the room through the thick foliage, coming in in flickering splotches of light. Ezra and Keisuke were at the stoves, finishing up with the pancakes. Giggles and words were flying around, though everything died down when Adam and I stepped into the room.

I bit the inside of my cheek, lowering my eyes and following Adam further into the room. He went all the way to the dining table, picking up Jess's fork and shoving a piece of pancake in his mouth, butter and maple syrup dripping down on the plate. I didn't really dare approach them, sticking to the edge of the island and not letting my gaze linger on anyone.

"I'm sorry for scaring you last night," I said softly when nobody said anything. "I– uh..." I lifted my eyes and looked at Caleb, letting the regret bleed into my expression. "I am truly sorry."

Caleb breathed out and shook his head, a hesitant smile on his lips. "You don't have to apologize. You weren't in control."

"Ezra told us that getting bitten changes the way our blood tastes," Jess spoke up. My eyes moved to her, curiosity replacing the regret that had overtaken my features. The stove was shut off, but I didn't take my eyes off my sister in order to look at the other two vampires in the room.

"Our blood becomes desirable only to the vampire that has bitten us," she went on, though her tone indicated a question, so I nodded positively. A frown drew her eyebrows together and she clicked her tongue. I jerked a little when she pushed away from the table, her chair screeching against the checkerboard tile floor.

We all silently watched as she walked up to me and stopped inches away from me. She let out a small, determined breath and lifted her arm, her hand in a loose fist and the inner side of her wrist facing upward.

"Bite me," she said, and I stumbled back as Adam and our parents spoke up, concerned and bewildered. It didn't phase Jess, not even when Adam grabbed her by the bicep and tried to jerk her back. "As far as I am aware no vampire has ever bitten me. And I do not wish to become some vampire's special chew toy, so bite me. Make my blood unchangeable."

"Jessica, this is insane," our Mom tried to intervene, getting up as well. Jess looked back at her from over her shoulder and then she broke free from Adam's hold.

"My body, my choice," she snapped at them scathingly. She turned back to me, and her expression softened. "Jesse won't hurt me."

My mouth opened and closed in wordless uncertainty. Jess's wrist remained up and I refused to focus too much on her pale skin. Instead, I looked over at Keisuke and Ezra, who immediately turned their eyes away.

I didn't know what to do. Contrary to what our Mother said, Jessica's ask wasn't an insane one. Vincent and his nest were no longer a threat to my family, but vampires existed and a lot of them were fucking deranged. I couldn't guarantee their safety. I couldn't be sure that my siblings wouldn't end up in a nest or under the fangs of a vampire. But biting Jessica could lessen the chances of a vampire getting attached to her.

"This is me giving you consent. Just do it, I trust you," she pressed on, bringing her arm further up. Keisuke let out a low breath and I looked back at him. With a small smile, he shrugged.

"Annerose has bitten her parents. Leander used to bite the humans he hung out with... to prevent..."

To prevent what had happened to my brothers. To Kevin. To me.

I reached up and settled my hand under her elbow, bringing her arm closer to my lips. "You are sure?" I asked once more.

"I am sure."

I nodded and opened my lips over her forearm, close to her elbow. I tried to avoid her artery, my fangs growing out and going into her flesh, blood spilling in my mouth. As soon as my fangs went fully in and my venom hit her bloodstream, I pulled away licking the puncture wounds in order for them to heal better. When I looked up Jess was grimacing at me, not in pain which could have been expected, but in disgust.

"You licked me," she whined and reached for the tap on the island. Ezra got to it first, interfering and stopping her.

"His saliva will heal you and prevent it from getting infected. You can't wash it off just yet," he explained, and she looked down at the already coagulating blood on her forearm.

"I'll get you something to dress it with," Keisuke offered and quickly made it out of the kitchen.

"Can Jesse bite me too?" Fiona asked and this time everyone voiced an objection, including me and Ezra.

Jessica was technically an adult, her choosing to get bitten by me was okay as opposed to our eleven-year-old sister. If in a few years from now, she still wanted me to bite her we could discuss it then. If any member of my family decided they wanted me to bite them,

Everyone settled down, finishing their breakfast and when Keisuke came back with the sterile dressing, my parents, Fiona, and the twins had left and gone to pack things up. They would be taking a flight in a few hours from now, so they had to get ready. Keisuke dressed Jess's wound and then she and Adam went to get ready as well. Her studies were going well but she would probably get in trouble for missing her classes. Adam thankfully had a couple more days' worth of military leave and our parents had figured things would with their work and with the twins' and Fiona's schools. This whole ordeal had caused so much trouble for all of them, but at least it wasn't about to impact their lives to a huge degree.

Ezra, Kei, and I went to the living room, where Annerose sat alongside Kevin. He looked stronger and healthier than the last time I had seen him. As soon as we entered the room, he stood up and pulled me in a bear hug. I hugged him back, slightly confused but not questioning it.

"I will be leaving with Frankie," he said when he pulled back and I blinked, completely caught off guard. "Sydney will also be coming with. Frankie had offered to help us with the turn."

"The turn? You were turned into a vampire?!" I asked, looking around at Annerose, Kei, and Ezra and then back at Kevin.

"Yeah, I mean... if I have to go face my family again I'd rather not do it while still being human," he replied, and I frowned at him.

"You don't have to go back to your family if you don't want to," I told him, ready to reassure him that we were here if he had nowhere to go.

"You and your boyfriend are adorable, but no; even though I don't want to I have to go visit my family. If anything, just to see the look on their fucking faces," he said and with a tilt of my head, I chuckled at him. The fact that he and his family had a complicated relationship didn't come as a surprise.

"So, you will be leaving..." I prompted.

"We will stay around until Sydney's fangs grow and then we will be taking off," he said, and we went to sit on the couch by Annerose again.

She took my hands in hers and leaned into me, her eyes getting somewhat clouded by sadness.

"I will be leaving for a little while as well," she said and I froze up, my spine straightening up and my heart rate picking up. "Everything is alright, I just want to visit my parents. It's been a few years and with our primary targets now dead Leander said we should all take a break for a while..."

I relaxed a little and looked at Ezra and Keisuke curious about them now as well.

"Just for a couple of weeks," Keisuke said apologetically.

"No, it's okay. You don't have to say it like that," I replied immediately, and he clicked his tongue.

"We won't leave right away," he pressed on. "We will all be here for you."

I nodded just once, appreciative of their consideration. I barely knew the people before me, Adam was correct, but as opposed to my family they were standing by me. They cared about me.

"Will you come to the airport to say goodbye to your family there?" Ezra asked some moments later.

"No, I think... I think it's better if we say our goodbyes here."

And we did. It was a rather emotional ordeal, everyone to some extent tearing up, even our parents. I had left them for last, so I wasn't sure if they truly were emotional from saying goodbye to me or from seeing everyone crying. Either way, it didn't matter to me. They had burned that bridge a long time ago and hadn't bothered to rebuild it. I certainly wasn't going to be one to do it.

Keisuke and Ezra took them to the airport and some minutes after they were gone Kevin went to find Frankie and Sydney, and Annerose went to train, saying that she had to relearn fighting now with the prosthetic. I left her to it and went on a search for Leander. I hadn't seen him since he had left the bedroom earlier this morning, not bothering to bid my family goodbye. He didn't really have to and knowing my family I completely understood him.

I ended up on one of the balconies on the second floor that looked out the back side of the cabin. It was rather chilly out here, but my body very quickly got used to the change in temperature. A perk of vampire venom.

"Hey, you," I said, going and leaning on the railing beside him. A sense of déjà vu made me smile; this moment familiar though in a much louder setting. Nostalgia overcame me as I thought of the penthouse in Vancouver.

"Hey," he replied, leaning to me until his shoulder brushed against mine. "Your family left?"

I hummed and closed my eyes for a moment, breathing in the clean air around us.

"Kevin mentioned leaving with Frankie and Sydney. Annerose also said she will be going to her parents. And Ezra and Keisuke will leave too," I prompted and now he hummed. "What about you?"

"Us," he corrected, and I smiled and looked up at him.

"What about us?" I asked while slipping my hand into his.

"I was thinking Europe? I mean, we will have to use a plane so I get it if you don't want to. We can pick a different destination or we can even just stay here, relax and take each other in. It's up to–"

"Leander," I cut him off, endeared by his babbling. "Shut up," I said and kissed him with a smile on my face.

He kissed me back, letting go of the railing and wrapping his arms around me. Everything became him. Everything that mattered was this moment. This instant of happiness.

We made our way back inside, him guiding me easily to our bedroom. I doubted he had had much sleep the previous night, so if anything, we would be sleeping, but that didn't stop either of us from stripping naked and getting under the covers.

Eventually, Leander fell asleep, halfway on top of me and puffing out even breaths. In the stillness of the moment, I looked around our bedroom, the book on the nightstand catching my attention. I reached out with my free hand, careful not to jolt Leander, and picked it up.

The Odyssey.

I flipped it open and went to the page I had last been on. I had never finished it. With a glance at Leander's sleeping form, I held up the book with one hand, maneuvering it so that it wouldn't fall on me, and read.

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