The Second Incarnation of the...

By Gladion_Official

1.3K 7 0

Haruto a seemingly normal average 16 years old high schooler was suddenly transported into another world. Wi... More

Into a new world
New desire!
Awakening in another world!
Magic and Element
A day in the capital
Before their arrival
Day of arrival
Alberta's affairs
What's yet to come?
Start of the banquet
Challenge in the banquet
Royal dance
Contract, and an unexpected visitor
Starting of the duel
Clash between fire and wind!
Fierce battle!
Strange dream?
Turmoil, and introduction
Back to the academy
Choosing a partner
First kill!
Death storm
Return of legends!
Useless sacrifice
Alberta's third strongest!
King of shadows!
Through the forest of Deki!
Trouble in the village of Yao!
We kill, only if necessary!
You made a wind spirit mad!
Why should I show mercy?
Green goddess
Haruto vs Gael (1/2)
Haruto vs Gael (2/2)
A request
A promise
Sudden change
Peerless beauty!
Blessings of the silver fox
The exiled princess of ice
Alya vs Nikita
Force choice
Mona's Melancholy
Declaration of war!
Truth and Lies?
Hidden core
Hidden guilt
News of war!
Meeting of old friends
A kings ambitions!
Leaving the village
The kingdom of Albanian
Bewitching beauty
Bone chilling killing intent
Allow me to pay in kind
One against fifteen
Ice empress armour
Conclusion of the battle
Another dream? And unknown entity
Gods of the universe


29 0 0
By Gladion_Official

The king and Queen both had a smile on their face knowing that their beloved daughters will be back within four days.

Similarly, Scarlett also had a bright smile on her face as she brought her teacup elegantly to her mouth.

However, I was still clueless about the other royal siblings, I originally thought Scarlett was an only child as she never mentioned anything about her other sisters.

"Umm... I didn't know there were other princesses."

I said as I felt awkward being the only one in the room left clueless.

"Ah... I forgot to tell you there are three princesses in this kingdom, Scarlett over there is the second princess of this nation."

He said with a broad smile on his face.

I see so that means Scarlett is the second oldest of the royal sisters, I wonder how different the other sisters are compared to Scarlett. I'm really curious about them why are the other princesses outside the kingdom while Scarlett is still here it would be rude to pry into matters that don't concern me, so I'll put that question on hold for now.

"Hey, Scarlett what are your sisters like?"

I Inquired curiously.

"Hmmm... my older sister is called Hinata she is the one who will inherit the throne someday, she is known as a prodigy as she is skilled in magic, also she is really intelligent. as for my younger sister she well... she is short tempered and is a bit arrogant, but she cares deeply about her family."

Scarlett said answering my question with a gentle smile on her face, for a moment I was mesmerize by her smile. It felt as if my heart would leap from my chest at any moment.

"Umm.... Haruto are you okay... your staring?"

Scarlett said with a blank look while tilting her head curiously.

"Oh... I see I can't wait to meet them."

I said with a smile though I was slightly flustered, but I didn't want to admit it.

"Fumu, don't worry you'll be able to meet them soon I'm sure they will take a liking to you."

The Queen said with a small chuckle. It seems she knows why I was so flustered, but I pretended not to notice.

I then gave a gentle smile at her words. I hope we get along I got along well with Scarlett though my socializing skills needs work i guess it isn't too bad.

"I think we should celebrate their return what do you think?"

Scarlett suddenly jumps from her seat with a bit of enthusiasm.

"That sounds like a great idea."

The Queen was the first to respond to Scarlett sudden request and nodded in agreement.

"So, what Kind of celebration are we going to do?"

I asked curiously.

With that question everyone went into deep thought the room became silent for a brief moment. I patiently waited for them to come up with some ideas while I brought my cup to my mouth.

"I know!"

Scarlett was the first to speak. The eyes of everyone naturally gather on her.

"What if we keep a banquet? we could even invite some of the kingdom nobles."

She said as her eyes lit with excitement.
The King for a moment went into deep thought before giving his own opinion.

"Hmmm... I don't think there's anything wrong with having a banquet, in fact it has been a while since we last had one."

He said in a humble tone.

The Queen also nodded at his word.
Well, I guess were having a banquet I am excited for this as I've never been invited to anyone's party before so it will be a new experience.

I thought.

However, If the kingdoms nobles are going to be present then I need to work on my mannerism a bit more. with Scarletts help I guess that won't be a problem.

"Well, I guess that wrapped up our discussion."

The King said as he slowly got up from his seat. the Queen followed his lead.

"I will inform the maids about the banquet."

She said with a gentle smile.

With that, the King and Queen both left the reception room closing the door behind them. leaving only Scarlett and myself inside the room.

"So, Haruto what will you be doing for the rest of the day?"

Scarlett asks while she brought her cup to her mouth elegantly. I ponder for a while before giving my response.

"I'll go practice my magic for a bit."

I said while scratching my cheek I still haven't gotten the hang of my fire magic, while my wind magic was abnormally powerful, I don't know the full extent of my other elements.

"Wait you're going out!? but we were just attack remember, I think it would be best to rest easy for a while."

She said with a troubled look.

"Well, I understand what you're saying but, I need to get stronger in case I go up against any other powerful foes in the future."

I said, while smiling lightly.

I could really understand her concern, after all that demon was really powerful, I know he wasn't really trying to kill me but what if I were to go up against someone that strong again. the current me was too weak though I hate to admit it. the more battles I experience the stronger I'll be in return I need more power.

Originally, I only saw this world as a game or perhaps a dream but that was until I felt that pain. the sensation of my burning chest the wetness of my own blood. the fear of death gradually creeping up on me.

Originally, I thought I was actually going to die. part of me wanted to give up and just except death however, another part of me wanted to live.

In that moment my head was filled with contradiction was it okay to just except death? was it okay to fight death? I didn't know I felt scared. It would be scary to just disappear without anyone knowing you were gone.

I felt scared to know I wouldn't see my parents again. I also felt intense anger it was like my heart would be consume by hatred.

My head was filled with conflicted thoughts.
I didn't want to feel that fear ever again, I didn't want to feel that pain ever again. I wanted to live, I wanted to see my parents again.

It was at that moment something awakened inside me the thirst for power I finally saw this world as reality I needed power to survived. so that I never have to experience that feeling ever again, I will find a way home someday but for now I needed to survive.

I thought to myself.

"Well, I guess I won't be able to change your mind, be careful and don't overdo it okay."

Seeing that I had already made up my mind, she sighed with resignation.

"Don't worry I'll be fine."

I said with a soft reassuring smile.

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