In My Rearview Mirror, JACK.H...

By newyorkintheair

30K 326 131

Following a breakup with her ex-fiancΓ©, Morgan Carter relocates to New York to live with her brother, Cedric... More

Characters & Playlist
First Chapter


380 5 5
By newyorkintheair


Now it's about me and Braden. Just us. It's crazy how things finally click when you strip away all the noise and distractions. Should've been like this from the get-go, but hey, better late than never, right?

I sit there, in this bustling skate shop, brand new pair of figure skates on my feet, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. "He said not to move my feet for at least 10 minutes," I quip, trying my best to follow the instructions while Braden's off on his own little adventure.

Braden's scanning the shelves like a kid in a candy store, eyes lighting up at every glimmer of sparkle. "Look at these, they've got some serious bling," he exclaims, before reality slaps him in the face with that price tag. "A thousand bucks?!" His reaction is priceless as he hastily returns them to their spot on the rack.

I chuckle, shaking my head. "Yeah, figure skating's not exactly a cheap hobby. And those? Definitely not beginner-friendly."

But figure skating... it's been my passion since forever. Took lessons until I hit twelve, not aiming for the Olympics, just reveling in the elegance and challenge of the sport. I was alright, you know? Good enough to hold my own, but never destined for stardom. Just a regular on the ice, making memories one twirl at a time.

And tonight, well, tonight's the big show. Skating at Madison Square Garden for the season finale. Playoffs may be looming, but whether the Rangers make it or not, this is our moment. Just me and Braden, gliding under those bright lights, leaving everything else behind. It's gonna be one hell of a ride, and I wouldn't want anyone else by my side.

As Braden returns the pricey skates to the shelf, I can't help but tease him a little more. "You sure you don't want to be the next ice princess, Braden?"

He chuckles, shaking his head. "Nah, I'll leave that to you, Morgan. You were always the graceful one."

I give him a playful shove. "Oh, so now you're saying I'm a princess?"

Braden wraps an arm around me, pulling me close. "You're my princess, that's for sure."

As Braden's hand reaches out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear, a flutter of anticipation dances in my chest. "I'm excited for tonight," he murmurs, his voice soft and warm, "It's going to be fun. Plus, I won't be alone."

His hand gestures in a mock plea, and I can't help but laugh at his dramatics. "No worries, I'll be right there beside you, your girlfriend," I reply, feeling a rush of boldness surge through me. Did I just say that? The words hang in the air, both terrifying and exhilarating.

Braden's expression shifts, his eyebrows furrowing slightly before a soft smile curves his lips. "Your girlfriend?" he echoes, the words carrying a weight I hadn't anticipated.

I shrug, my gaze dropping to my new skates, suddenly feeling the weight of the moment. "I mean, we've been practically inseparable lately, haven't we? It just feels... right."

There's a moment of silence as Braden processes my words, and I hold my breath, waiting for his response. Finally, he speaks, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and tenderness. "Yeah, it does, doesn't it?" He reaches for my hand, intertwining our fingers as a warmth spreads between us, melting away any lingering doubts. "I guess I've been hoping you'd say that for a while now."

I wince as the worker's voice interrupts our moment, pulling me back to reality. "It's been fifteen minutes, my dear," she says with a hint of amusement in her tone.

I offer her a sheepish smile, feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief. "Thanks for the reminder," I mumble, crunching down to help her remove the skates from my feet.

As the tightness loosens, a wave of relief washes over me, and I let out a grateful sigh. Gently flexing my toes, I revel in the sensation of regaining feeling in my feet, the numbness dissipating with each movement.

Braden chuckles beside me, offering a hand to help me up. "Ready to hit the ice, princess?" he teases, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

I roll my eyes playfully, but a smile tugs at the corners of my lips. "Absolutely, let's show them how it's done."

Braden and I make our way to the counter, ready to settle the bill for my new skates. The cashier gives us a warm smile as we approach, her fingers flying across the register keypad.

"Alright, let's see here," she says, tapping away as she rings up the purchase. "That'll be $675 for the skates."

I reach for my wallet, but Braden beats me to it, sliding his card across the counter with a grin. "I got this one, Morgan. Consider it a gift."

I protest, shaking my head. "No, Braden, you don't have to do that."

But he waves off my objections, his eyes softening as he meets my gaze. "I want to, okay? Consider it an early birthday present."

I bite my lip, feeling a surge of gratitude welling up inside me. "Thank you," I whisper, reaching out to squeeze his hand.

The cashier hands us the receipt and Braden's card with a smile. "Enjoy your skates, you two. And good luck out there tonight!"

We thank her and make our way out of the shop, the weight of the skates in my hand a tangible reminder of the night ahead. As we step out into the crisp evening air, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement building in the pit of my stomach. Tonight's going to be unforgettable, I can feel it. And with Braden by my side, I know I can tackle anything that comes our way.


As we approach Madison Square Garden's entrance, a familiar mix of excitement and nerves washes over me. It's been ages since I last stepped onto the ice. Funny how I practically live in arenas year-round, yet skating feels like a rare treat.

But after snagging those new skates and enjoying some much-needed downtime at my brother's apartment, I'm ready to take on the challenge. Especially with Dad in town for the occasion.

"So, Dad, you ready for this?" Ced asks, his voice brimming with anticipation as we stride toward the entrance, skates in hand.

"I've been waiting for this day all season long, son," Dad replies, his eyes shining with pride. "I'm more than ready."

I can't help but smile at the sight of them, feeling a surge of gratitude for having these two by my side. Dad might not have been a hockey player himself, but his passion for the sport has always been contagious. It's why he pushed my brother to pursue hockey, hoping to see his dreams come to life through Ced's successes.

 Normally, this rink would be buzzing with the energy of a packed crowd, fans cheering and chanting in support of their favorite team. But today, it's different. Today, it's just us – the team members – and a select few family members.

It's a strange feeling, skating in this iconic arena. The absence of the roaring cheers and thunderous applause leaves a noticeable void, yet there's a sense of intimacy in the air, as if we're sharing a private moment with those closest to us.

I enter the locker room, the familiar scent of sweat and adrenaline enveloping me as I scan the room for familiar faces. There's Braden, already lacing up his skates with a smile that lights up the room. I return the grin and make my way over to him, grateful for his silent invitation to join him.

As I settle in beside Braden, I wave to Laffy across the room, who's busy helping his girlfriend with her skates. The camaraderie in the air is palpable, each of us focused yet relaxed, ready to have fun on the ice.

I smile warmly at Brodzinski's little girl, her bright eyes sparkling with excitement as her dad helps her lace up her skates. "Wow, Lucy, your skate almost looks like mine," I remark, pointing to the similarity between our skates.

Lucy's face lights up with delight, her cheeks flushing pink with happiness. "Really?" she exclaims, her voice filled with wonder.

I nod enthusiastically, reaching over to give her a gentle high-five. "Absolutely! We're going to be twinning out there on the ice."

Her giggle fills the room, a melody of pure joy that warms my heart. It's moments like these that remind me of the simple pleasures in life – the innocence of childhood.

As Lucy's dad finishes lacing up her skate, she hops off the bench with a skip in her step, eager to join her dad on the ice. But before she goes, she turns to me with a radiant smile. "Thanks, miss!" she chirps, her gratitude infectious.

I return her smile, feeling a sense of warmth and contentment wash over me.

With my skates snugly laced up and my gloves securely in place, I'm ready to hit the ice and let loose. As I stand up, a grin spreading across my face, Braden's voice cuts through the air, drawing my attention.

"Wow, you look taller in those skates," he remarks, towering over me with a playful twinkle in his eye.

I can't help but giggle at his observation, feeling a surge of excitement coursing through me. "I guess they do add a few inches," I reply, bending my knees slightly to get a feel for the blades beneath me.

As I take my first tentative steps onto the ice, the familiar sensation of gliding across the smooth surface washes over me, filling me with a sense of exhilaration. With each graceful turn and twist, I lose myself in the rhythm of the music playing softly in the background, the worries of the world melting away with each fluid movement.

Beside me, Braden matches my pace, his laughter echoing mine as we skate in perfect synchrony. In this moment, surrounded by the ones I love and doing what I adore most, I couldn't be happier.

As I glide across the ice, a silent mantra repeats in my mind like a broken record: "Do not pick boom, do not pick boom." The last thing I need is to face-plant in front of everyone – it would be the cherry on top of a cake made of embarrassment.

I know Ced would probably get a kick out of it – he's always been the mischievous one, hoping for a good laugh at my expense. But tonight, I'd rather not be the punchline of his joke.

Buying these skates on the same day wasn't my brightest idea. They're stiff as a board, and breaking them in is proving to be a challenge. But hey, they'll have to do the job for tonight's skate.

Braden's smile offers a reassuring glimpse of support as he glides effortlessly beside me. His presence calms my nerves, grounding me in the moment and reminding me that I'm not alone out here.

Suddenly, Ced zooms past me, his speed leaving a gust of wind in his wake. I can't help but chuckle at his antics, even as I focus on maintaining my balance and avoiding any potential "boom" moments.

As I glide across the ice, I steal a glance at Dad, who seems lost in his own world, his movements fluid and graceful. There's a distant look in his eyes as he takes in the grandeur of Madison Square Garden, perhaps lost in memories of his younger self and the dreams he once held dear.

I can't help but feel a swell of pride and gratitude as I watch him, realizing just how much this moment means to him. For Dad, stepping onto the ice at MSG is more than just a game – it's the culmination of a lifelong dream, a testament to his unwavering passion for the sport.

I remember the countless hours he spent teaching us how to skate, patiently guiding us through each step and celebrating every small victory along the way. His love for hockey runs deep, and seeing him out here tonight, gliding with such ease and joy, fills me with a profound sense of admiration.

As I skate alongside him, I can't help but feel a sense of connection, a shared bond forged through our love of the game. In this moment, surrounded by the electric energy of the arena and the warmth of family and friends, I'm reminded of the power of dreams – and the incredible journey that brought us here.

I skate a little closer to Dad, matching his pace as we circle the rink together. And as we glide beneath the bright lights of Madison Square Garden, I silently thank him.

I spot Addison stepping off the ice, making her way towards the bench, and I can't help but stop near her, curious about her sudden departure.

"What are you doing?" I inquire, a hint of teasing in my voice as I approach.

Addison lets out a sigh, her expression a mix of frustration and self-deprecation. "Oh, I hate skating. Seriously, I'm terrible at it. Just look at you," she says, pointing in my direction.

I chuckle, rolling my eyes at her dramatics. "Oh, come on, Addison. You're not that bad," I reply, trying to offer a bit of encouragement.

But Addison shakes her head, a wry smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Trust me, Morgan, I'm a hazard on the ice. It's better for everyone if I just stick to the sidelines."

As I turn to follow Addison's gaze, my breath catches in my throat at the sight of Krandre gracefully gliding across the ice, their son cradled securely in their arms. There's a sense of serenity in the way they move, a seamless dance between parent and child that fills me with awe.

"I love them so much," she says with a giant smile on her face. As we continue to watch in awe, I can't help but feel grateful to be a witness to such a beautiful display of love and affection. "They're amazing," I reply, my own smile mirroring hers.

"Look, Braden is skating with your dad," she says pointing at them on the other side of the ice. 

It's a heartwarming sight, watching Braden and my dad connect on the ice, their movements fluid and synchronized. There's a bond between them, forged through shared experiences and mutual respect, and seeing them skate together fills me with a sense of gratitude and happiness.

But then, I hear Addison's giggles behind me, and I turn to look at her, a curious smile playing on my lips. And then, before I can stop myself, the words tumble out.

"I might have made things official with him earlier today," I burst out, the words rushing out in a flurry of excitement and nervousness.

Addison's eyes widen in surprise before her face breaks into a wide grin. "Finally!" she exclaims, her excitement echoing through the arena and drawing the attention of everyone around us.

I can feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment as heads turn in our direction, but Addison's infectious enthusiasm quickly washes away any lingering self-consciousness.

"Yeah, Braden is my boyfriend," I say, my voice filled with pride as I finally speak the words aloud.

The declaration hangs in the air, a moment of truth and vulnerability, and I can feel the weight of it settling on my shoulders. But there's also a sense of liberation, a feeling of freedom in finally owning my truth and sharing it with the world.

Addison's eyes light up with excitement, and she throws her arms around me in a tight hug. "I'm so happy for you!" she exclaims, her words filled with genuine joy.

I return her hug, feeling a sense of gratitude for her unwavering support and friendship. In this moment, surrounded by the love and acceptance of those closest to me, I know that I am exactly where I'm meant to be.

"Hey, girl, what's going on here?" Laffy's girlfriend asks, a playful grin on her face as she joins our little group.

I turn to greet her, a smile spreading across my face. "Just sharing some exciting news," I reply, unable to contain my enthusiasm.

Addison chimes in, her excitement matching mine. "Morgan finally made it official with Braden!" she exclaims, her voice filled with delight.

Laffy's girlfriend's eyes widen in surprise before she breaks into a wide grin. "No way! That's awesome!" she exclaims, her excitement contagious.

I nod, feeling a sense of pride and happiness wash over me. "Yeah, it feels pretty great," I admit, my voice tinged with excitement.

As I glance across the ice, I spot Ced playing with the little kids, his infectious laughter filling the air as he joins in their playful antics. It warms my heart to see him so carefree and joyful, his presence adding an extra layer of magic to the evening.

Meanwhile, the media team buzzes around us, capturing the moments of joy and camaraderie shared between teammates and friends. I catch sight of them snapping a picture of me and Braden as we embrace, our smiles radiant with happiness and love.

As the flash of the camera illuminates the ice, I can't help but feel a surge of gratitude and contentment. Finally assuming our relationship feels like shedding a weight off my shoulders, embracing our love with open arms and without reservation. 



Liked by Addison.clark, Ced.Carter , Olivia_Allen and thousand of others

Morgan.Carter Life recently. Love. Love. Love. 

Plus a little throwback to the charity event. 💙🤍❤️

Addison.clark : I've been waiting for this one!

Load 786 comments.

Ced.Carter : Now that it's official, I'm not sure if I agree about you and Braden. Lol. 🥲

Olivia_Allen : Good thing he doesn't have Insta

User1 : WAIT. Official?!

User2 : right, I almost thought she was with Jack. A win is a win for us ladies.  🗣️

Eva_Jones : You guys are so cute I can't. 🤌🏻

- Jackhughes blocked Morgan.Carter on instagram


Well, that's awkward...

Only four chapters left to this book. By the way, the last chapter is 10,000 words... WHAT DO I DO? Do I cut it in half? I don't know, I'm still working on it.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the storyline. Just trust me.

Much love, xxx.

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