Silence Between Fire and Light

Shinichi2504 द्वारा

4.7K 300 92

New missions, tasks and having fun has been Boboiboy's routine in TAPOPS station. Not to mention, his element... अधिक

The Daily News
Comforting Elementals
Activity of The Day!
Hard to Fight!
Bursting the Attacks!
Explanations and Celebration!
New Feature

Between the Two

523 34 6
Shinichi2504 द्वारा

WARNING: Slight OOC on the elementals!!!








Blaze and Solar are now hiding in a nearby cave that has a big rock right in the entrance to cover them. One moment, Ying was almost got them but Solar used up all his energy to teleport to their place now and it did make Ying turn back because she couldn't find them.

"Ukh Boboiboy and his friends really have to go hard on this" said Solar while panting tiredly
"Great job on making Boboiboy too strong" said Blaze as he look away
"He asked me to make the feature so of course, as his elemental, I have to do it!"
"In the end, he slightly betrayed us, so that's just so irritating"

The light elemental was surprised to hear it from him. Blaze stood up as he tried to see the situation outside as he let Solar rest after using up his energy to teleport them earlier. After confirming that no one is around, he sits down while still looking the other way. Moments later, Taufan reaches them through the power watch and Solar quickly answers it

"Are you two okay?!" asked Taufan worried
"We're fine but I think they manage to capture Halilintar, Gempa and Thorn" said Solar serious
"What should we do now?" asked Ice
"For now, hide for a few minutes... Our best option is to focus on finding Gopal first to get that power sphere and when you think it's safe, you guys should find him too"
"That seems to be the plan then. Be careful both of you" said Taufan serious

Two elementals were about to go out but suddenly they heard that Fang and Yaya were nearby, so they quickly hide again so that the enemy team didn't find them. Little did they notice that they were unconsciously very close to each other while holding each other's arm

"Did you find them?" asked Fang
"I'm sorry Fang, but they fly so fast" said Yaya apologizing
"It's fine, we should go check on Gopal. We have to end this fast because I don't think Boboiboy could hold on any longer. I really hate it when he shows that worry and guilty look every time we attack his elementals"
"We have to think about his position too, Fang. He had to be the enemy of the ones who have been with him for years and also giving him the power that puts him in this position. Boboiboy really loves the elementals so much, and as his friends, we have to properly do our job to give a good result on this task"
"You're right... Sorry... I'm just not used to Boboiboy being behind us and taking our orders. He's the one who sometimes comes up with ideas and counterattack plans. It feels so weird that we are the ones who ordered him and he stayed silent about our plans"
"That's part of his condition, he will not give any counterattack plans. Ying tried her best to persuade him to at least warn us if there's any new attack for us to be careful"

Hearing the talk surprised Solar and Blaze as they looked down. When they think about Boboiboy's position, he's very burdened to be the opposite team of the elementals. Seconds later, they hear that Fang and Yaya already gone away, so they sigh in relief

"I misjudge Boboiboy... If I were in his position, I would be wrecked so much" said Solar as he looked away
"Yeah... You're right... What should we do now?" asked Blaze serious
"We should stay here for a while, so we don't get their attention. I need to message Taufan to be careful too"

Solar quickly typed the message while Blaze just lazily looked up at the sky. When Solar is done, he also just looks at the other side without talking to each other. Their minds are like connected to each other because this situation made them remember their fight inside the power watch which made them have this distance





It was actually just a normal time inside the power watch when Boboiboy didn't use or call the elementals. Gempa is having a serious talk with Taufan, Thorn is tending his plants, Ice is asleep, Halilintar is also taking a nap under the tree near where Taufan and Gempa are talking, and Solar is reading a book far from all of them. It was just a cozy time until Solar's focus was interrupted by a voice calling him out

"Watch out, Solar!"

The light elemental looked up and saw a ball coming toward him, so he quickly dodged and then rolled down on the ground. He looked at someone approaching, who seemed to be the culprit, Blaze

"Watch where you kick that!" shout Solar angrily as he sit up
"Sorry sorry, I lost my footing just now" said Blaze as he gave an apologetic smile
"Seriously, be careful"

Blaze took the soccer ball and about to go away until Solar let out a statement that stopped his movement

"You sure have it easy there" said Solar in a low voice as he looked at his book
"Hm? What do you mean?" asked Blaze surprised as he looked back at the elemental
"Playing and sparring... You only did two of that basically"
"Well... Can't say that I'm honored. I'm not like a certain someone who can basically experiment a lot of things to kill time even though they know they would fail horribly"

Although it was just a normal statement, but Blaze used some kind of cocky voice to Solar which made the elemental slightly irritated. More or less, Solar caught it as Blaze is looking down on him

"Hm! I'm not happy hearing that from you, so you can go away now and continue playing" said Solar sighs
"Hey, you are the one who started it. Not as smart as I think since you already back down from just a few words" said Blaze giggle evilly
"I'm quite pissed hearing that, alright! What do you want to do? Sparring? I'm certain that I can win against you easily"
"Oh please, like you could handle me who is known as Boboiboy's front attacker specialist. You are more of a supporter because your powers need time to recharge. Happily remind you of that time when certain villain that once had your powers met Boboiboy for the first time and it took you a while to do your signature attack"

Solar unconsciously stands up and looks at the fire elemental seriously. That statement just hit him in as different a way as possible

It sparks anger inside the light elemental

"So what? I'm not like someone who only comes out when Boboiboy is angry or maybe stressed up. Happily remind you of a few years ago when certain someone created chaos in Pulau Rintis just because of playing his powers around town" said Solar seriously in a low voice

The same as what Solar felt a few seconds ago

It sparks anger inside the fire elemental

"Like you know anything about fun and joy! All you care about is prediction and numbers so you don't know anything about feelings!" said Blaze angrily
"More like stating facts, I don't need feelings to do what I need to find. I came out of Boboiboy's intelligence, so no feelings are needed" said Solar with a serious look
"This is why Boboiboy rarely uses you out. You never know about his feelings or even the others!"
"I can say the same as you! Boboiboy rarely uses you due to your hot-headed personality. He even gladly uses Halilintar more than you"
"What did you say?!"

They didn't realize that their voices were very high now. Only Ice who just woke up and Thorn who is taking care of his plants seeing them fighting from afar and got worried by the interaction that just happen but before they could do something, both elementals already turn their back from each other

"We don't need to continue this useless fight. Just go on our own things" said Solar serious
"I can say it the same way, I don't need to talk with someone like you" said Blaze angrily

The two quickly walk away from each other. Ice and Thorn see each other with a worried look but they don't have the courage to ask what just happen now.

"I don't get him... I just don't understand him at all!!" thought Blaze as he walk away

"In my time of studying everyone, he's the only one... He's the only one I can't understand" thought Solar serious

As the two elementals are far away from each other, they look to the front with a serious look on their faces

"I don't/can't understand Solar/Blaze" thought both of them together at the same time

Back to reality




The two just stay silent until Blaze remembers his statement, which was the trigger of the fight that still lingers in his mind. Not to mention, Solar usually lets it slide when they are having their usual bickering but this time, he didn't even talk or even look to him

Blaze for once... Try to think rationally, just like Halilintar taught him to do

Solar was originally from Retak'ka, so his statement might create some flashbacks for the youngest elemental. He realizes that he went too far, but at the same time, he doesn't have the courage to talk with Solar about it

"If I were Boboiboy... What would I do..." thought Blaze as he look away

Suddenly his mind got interrupted as Solar stand up

"They should have gone far now, we should move away from this spot" said Solar seriously
"Ah yes..." said Blaze as he stand up

Solar holds onto Blaze's hand as he quickly uses his powers to teleport. When he's teleporting as he's looking for a new place to hide, he looks at Blaze who's holding onto Solar's hand while closing his eyes due to Solar's powers being too bright for his eyes

The light elemental has also been thinking of what he said to Blaze for a few days now and he doesn't have the courage to start talking as usual to the fire elemental. He's feeling a mix of guilt from his words and anger from Blaze's words

"Boboiboy... What would you do if you were in my situation now" thought Solar

Seconds later, they manage to find a new hiding place that is not too far from where they were separated. The two look around and sense that there is no one around so they sigh in relief as they sit down at the same time

Solar looked around just to make sure while Blaze who looked at him quickly took out a big inhale and then sigh while showing a serious look

"Solar..." said Blaze in a low voice
"Hm?" asked Solar while not looking at him
"Did you feel better... After being used by Boboiboy?"

Solar can't help to be surprised by Blaze's sudden question and his head quickly debates himself to tell what he's thinking, but then he notices Blaze's shaken hands, to which he lets out a small smile as he looks at the fire elemental

He just realized that they were still holding hands this whole time

"Yes... I think better is just an understatement to describe it. I'm very content and satisfied that the one who uses me now is Boboiboy. Furthermore, I'm sure you know about this from Tok Kasa when Boboiboy trains you, Ice and Gempa... Retak'ka was a nice person when he got me for the first time" said Solar as he looked up at the sky while resting his back on the rock behind him

The fire elemental started to sit closer to him so Solar could talk in a little lower voice to prevent anyone from knowing their hiding place. Solar could see his intention immediately and continue his story

"He and Tok Kasa used me and Gempa for doing normal things and some good deeds... Although Boboiboy has done more good deeds than him but it's still comfortable. That changed immediately when he managed to get the other elementals inside him... He started to attack many planets and kill a lot of people" said Solar as he tightened Blaze's hand
"Solar..." said Blaze worried
"Tok Kasa and Gempa manage to let us out of Retak'ka and put us inside Ochobot. After that, Ochobot gave us a new owner which is Boboiboy and I really love him as my new owner. From the start, his vision was clear... He wants to save and help people with his powers. That warmth feeling every time he uses me is just so wonderful and I pledge myself that I will do anything that Boboiboy asks me to do because I know that every favor he asks me will always benefit either him, us or others in TAPOPS"

The fire elemental smiled as Solar let out his true feelings. Blaze can't help but show a thankful look to Solar since he opened up to him for the first time

"How about you? It's not fair that I'm the one who talks, right? You should have something you can tell me" asked Solar as he let out a small smile
"Fine... Do you remember when we got out for the first time when Boboiboy lost his own energy?" asked Blaze as he looked to the front
"Yes... We are out to look after him and he did talk to us one on one..."
"He did... To tell you the truth, I have been having nightmares of Boboiboy giving up on me, erasing me as his elemental and forcing me back to Retak'ka"

Solar eyes shot up as he heard this for the first time. Blaze let out his free hand and formed a little fire around it

"You remember right that Boboiboy activated me due to his burden and stress from being Pulau Rintis's superhero... Boboiboy once resent me since I did a lot of chaos" said Blaze in low voice
"But that's out of your league since you also don't have control over those emotions that activated you" said Solar serious
"Hm! I know that, which is why it scared me so much"

Blaze's voice was shivering as he let the little fire on his hand out and Solar was surprised to hear it, so he also tightened Blaze's hand which let Blaze calm down a little as he let out a sigh

"That stress and resentment... It's the most painful feeling and I have to go through that for three years" said Blaze as he looked away
"Three years?!"

Solar eyes shot up as he heard this for the first time. He never thought Blaze would keep those feelings up for three years, but he was also at fault for not understanding how his brothers were first activated. He only heard that Halilintar went through the most by undergoing Boboiboy's trauma, but Blaze holds almost identical feeling as what Halilintar been through

"You said three years, so it means that it's stopped now, so... Since when has it stopped?" asked Solar in low voice
"You will be surprised... It was at Boboiboy's Ujian Kental TAPOPS" said Blaze with a small smile
"The day when Api was upgraded to Blaze is when Ochobot uses up his energy to do an instant upgrade on Boboiboy's previous watch but as a result, Boboiboy activates Thorn and you without going through first form, right?"
"Yes... Because of that, the power watch was broken beyond repair, so Ochobot gave Boboiboy a new power watch"
"You should be able to grasp what happen afterward"

Solar then looked serious as he showed a thinking look trying to comprehend Blaze's words just now. It took him a few seconds to understand. The new power watch lock Blaze and Ice or their first form, Api and Air again

Boboiboy's trigger for getting Api back activated in the new power watch is not the same as the previous one

"In this new power watch, you are out due to his anger toward the enemy team and so... Before the emotion changes, you hold onto Boboiboy's stress and resentment when you are locked up inside the watch, so it means that you're still feeling those emotions for years even though Boboiboy hasn't unlocked you" said Solar seriously
"As expected from the one who got Boboiboy's intelligence, you got every word of it and because of that, I had a lot of nightmares about Boboiboy wanting to erase me during my locked phase"
"Blaze... Did Boboiboy know about this?"
"No, I haven't told him about this truth I have hidden for years, but it's fine now. Boboiboy already talked with me that time when he caught me crying after a nightmare and... It was wonderful knowing that he loves me as much as he loves the others which is a feeling that I have never experienced before. Since then, my nightmares rarely come back to me"

Solar let out a sigh of relief hearing Blaze's feelings toward Boboiboy and let out a small smile to him. Seeing that, Blaze sees that the youngest elemental seems not worried anymore about him as he smiles back before letting out a guilty look

"I'm sorry for my words in our fight before... I shouldn't say it to you since I don't know what you've been through before" said Blaze as he looked away
"I'm sorry as well for my words that day... You are right... I do have a tendency to not know about feelings since I am activated by intelligence. I would love to learn more about it starting from between us" said Solar with a small smile

Solar reached out his hand and the fire elemental smirked as he took Solar's hand as they shake hands to form a truce between them. After that, both of them stand up as they look around

"So what should we do now? Taufan and Ice haven't called us, meaning that the chances of them getting captured are high, right? How do we fight the enemy team that knows everything about our attack styles?" asked Blaze serious
"Not all of them" said Solar smirk

Blaze let out a confused look while Solar seemed to have a plan as he let out his power watch

"Just so you know... I will be taking the lead this time and also taking responsibility for Boboiboy" said Solar seriously




Time Skip~

Fang, Yaya and Gopal with Recordbot held in his arms arrive at where Boboiboy and Ying are with Taufan and Ice being held inside Yaya's gravity bubble

"Sorry, we got caught" said Taufan laughs a little
"Well... can't say I'm surprised since we are captured as well" said Halilintar sigh
"That leaves Blaze and Solar right? We can't find them" said Yaya
"Wow my luck is really good" thought Boboiboy let out a small smile

That smile was noticed immediately by Fang as he quickly pulled Boboiboy away from them, which confused the rest. Ying looked at Recordbot who seemed to be not talking at all

"Has Recordbot been like this from the start?" asked Ying
"Yes, he's been so quiet ever since he let out those cameras" said Gopal as he looked at the power sphere in his arms
"Maybe he used up his energy so that's why he's quiet" said Yaya as she held onto it
"I think so..." said Ying



On Fang and Boboiboy's side

"That explains why you agree on joining the enemy team" said Fang as he sighs
"I'm sorry but I can't help myself" said Boboiboy let out an embarrassed smile
"Seriously, you should tell us from the beginning so we can help you. Though, winning is still the priority"
"Yes yes... I know... I tried my best not to be the burden here"
"Your guilty look is already a burden to me. Trust me, seeing you like that is like I'm making a big mistake"
"I'm very sorry. I will ask Taufan to make you Donut Lobak Merah and maybe the cookie version too after this"

Hearing the sacred food name made Fang's look change and he quickly took Boboiboy's hand to forcefully shake hands with him in agreement

"We have a deal! I'm requesting 100!" said Fang serious
"That's too many! Well... I will try my best to ask him to make a lot since my cookie supply has also run out" said Boboiboy
"Oh you mean the ones that you put in a jar beside your bed? Gopal secretly took it a lot few days ago"

Suddenly an explosion can be heard so both of them rush toward the sound and there is a surprising scene. Both Blaze and Solar have arrived and they see Blaze attack Yaya, Ying and Gopal nonstop using his fireballs while Solar uses that chance to let go of his brothers.

As the elementals are up after being held by the shadows. Yaya and Ying are about to attack them while Gopal hides with Recordbot. Both Fang and Boboiboy were also on the other side surrounding them

"What should we do?! They are surrounding us!" said Halilintar
"Not for long... Boboiboy, I'm sorry, but you might have to let us out of the watch a little longer and I will take responsibility for this" said Solar seriously
"Eh?" asked Boboiboy surprised
"Let's go Blaze!"

Both Solar and Blaze quickly jump up which grabs everyone's attention and as they use their watches, Boboiboy quickly understands their intention

"Fang! Help me get away. Yaya, Ying! Jump back away from all elementals especially those two!" shout Boboiboy as he quickly held onto Fang's shoulder
"No way... Are they going to fushion?!" shout Gopal shock

As what Gopal had said, all elementals except Solar and Blaze are surprised and getting worried. Before anyone else says anything, the two are already joining their power watch together

"Blaze! Solar! ELEMENTAL FUSHION!!!"

As a cue, the enemy team quickly jumps back away from the fushion explosion and as the mix of light red and gold resonance subdues, they see an appearance of a figure wearing a black inner short sleeve shirt with gray linings and a white sleeveless vest with a light red lining near the zipper with a light red streak on the upper vest on the half left and a gold lining near the zipper with a gold streak on the upper vest on the half right that was let unzip like Blaze's style. The vest has a hoodie on his back that he let loose on the back. He wears short pants like Blaze's style with an identical design to his vest. His left hand showed that he didn't wear gloves but a red wristband instead, while on his right hand, he wears a white glove with a mix of light red and gold streaks and a gray lining. His white hat, which has a fire-like streak with a black tip that has a gold lining was put on the front but slightly upper, just like Blaze signature hat style.



"Boboiboy... Sunburst!"

The fushion made everyone shocked by the sight as well as Boboiboy. He already predicted that the elements would do fushion, but he didn't expect that the ones who did it were actually Blaze and Solar. As the fushion appears, Boboiboy's power watch starts to blink

"System failing... System failing... Deactivate feature"

The owner of the elementals showed a serious look while looking at the new fushion in front of them right now

They really did it

Was the thought that Boboiboy had when he heard the power watch's announcement





New fanfushion appeared in this side story!

I was going to introduce this fanfushion in a future story, but I might as well put it in this series since the two elementals that were used are related to this side story. I was going to name him Sunfire but when I thought again, Sunburst sounded more powerful, so I picked that name instead. Also, I think I made Blaze a little out of character, but I can't help it, so that's why I put the warning above.

Also reminding once again because I got annoyed by someone... Although I already announce it long time ago when I'm in the middle of updating Hidden Trouble and Inside...

Yes, I know the right word and spelling is 'Fusion' but I have this habit of using 'shi' when typing the word so that's why all the Boboiboy books I wrote use the 'Fushion' word instead. More like, I already publish a lot of chapters using 'Fushion' as the word for 'Fusion', so I might as well let it flow and take it as my bad habit in writing

For the quiz in the previous chapter, I already gave a hint that is external, meaning that it's not related to the story at all. So... Go and try to answer it again in the question comments

Good luck and see you in the next chapter~

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