Tidal Wave (Luke Castellan)

By Phoenix_Ninja_3

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When I was young, I was always told that everyone loved a tragic Greek love story. Orpheus and Eurydice. Apol... More

Part 1: The Thief
The Arrival
The Tree
The Side Quest
The New Kid
The Sign
The Talks
The Storm
The Bus
The Snakes
The Arch
The Ride
The Perspective
The Casino
The Underworld
The Realization
The Betrayal
The Aftermath
Part 2: The Sea
The Party
The Shack
The Warning
The Friend
The New Brother
The Death Pigeons
The Boat
The Favorite Boy
The Switch
The Claim
The Island
The Coping
The Cyclops
The Tyson
The Deception

The Gods

262 10 4
By Phoenix_Ninja_3

 I ended up on a beach. Percy and Annabeth helped me up as I gazed around. There was a cute little beach house off to one side. The lights weren't on. The waves were pounding against the shoreline. The sky was starting to get cloudier and thunder was rumbling in the distance. We were running out of time.

"What happened? Why did you come back late?" Annabeth asked.

I looked over and saw the god we were looking for, "Later. Right now we've got to get Hades's helm back."

Ares stayed a good waze away from us but called out, "Hey, kid. You were supposed to die," his eyes flickered towards me, "And Hades didn't kill you, what a surprise."

"You tricked me," Percy took a step forward, "You stole the helm and the master bolt."

"Well, now, I didn't steal them personally. Gods taking each other's symbols of power is a big no-no. But you're not the only hero in the world who can run errands," Ares grinned.

"We know Clarisse was in on it with you. She was there at the winter solstice."

It wasn't Clarisse. The look on Ares's face confirmed it. The sinking feeling in my stomach was back. Should I tell the others my suspicion about the real thief? No, I had to wait until I got more proof. I couldn't go swinging false accusations at Luke. If I did that and he wasn't actually the thief, I didn't know if I could forgive myself. Or if he could forgive me. Luke not forgiving me was something I didn't know if I could handle.

"We know you have the helm. I have a proposition for you to get it back," Percy took out his pen and uncapped it. He raised it towards Ares in a challenge, "Single combat."

"What?" Grover, Annabeth, and I asked at once.

"What?" Ares seemed equally confused.

"Single combat," Percy repeated, "If I draw first blood, I keep the bolt and you surrender the helm."

Ares started laughing. I wanted to face palm. My twelve-year-old brother was seriously challenging the god of war to a duel. There was no way this was going to end up well. I took a deep breath. No. Sure, Percy could be a bit stupid at times, but I had to trust that he knew what he was doing. If he was challenging Ares, he had to have some sort of plan in mind. Oh who was I kidding? This was Percy, he was going to wing it. But he was going to do what he did best and wing it well.

"Just to be clear: no funeral. Any trace of you leaves a trace of my plan and we can't have that."

"But it wasn't your plan though, was it?" Percy asked.

The look on Ares's face changed. He clearly didn't like being called out as someone else's pawn. Ares was always known as this badass that nobody told what to do. For us to know that someone else had created this plan he was following was embarrassing to him. When the god of war was angry, who knew what he would do.

"After you die, say hi to your mom for me," Ares growled.

Percy readied up. Ares lunged and Percy countered. Ares got the upperhand fairly quickly. He pushed Percy down to the ground and Percy blocked the strike aimed to cut him in half. Ares bent down to pick Percy up. He lifted Percy over his head and threw him down. Percy's body hit the ground harshly. I cringed at the sight of it. Since it was single combat, Annabeth, Grover, and I couldn't interfere. That made this all even harder to watch.

The ocean stirred. The water moved further and further up the shore with each wave. Annabeth nor Grover seemed to notice it but there was something off about it. Further back, a certain wave was starting to get bigger and bigger. This wasn't the work of Poseidon though. No, this was the work of Percy. The waves were responding to his emotions. The water was reaching out on the sand, trying to help him. The wave was his building frustration with this mission, with Ares, with everything.

"You weren't careful. It's time you find out who I am," Percy stood up.

The wave was the size of a two story house now. I raised my hand to move it around Annabeth, Grover, and I as it came down on Ares. He got pushed down into the sand by the force. Soaking wet, he lay there for a moment before grabbing his sword again and getting to his feet. His moves were sloppier as he came at Percy again and again. But Percy was no fool. The water had given the strength he needed to get the upperhand in this fight. He dodged every attack and when he got Ares off balance, he sliced the god of war in the back of the leg. Percy drew the first blood on Ares.

Annabeth and Grover looked at our friend in awe while I just gave him the biggest grin my face could muster. We approached him at a rather quick pace, all too excited to hold back.

"And you thought you were just a kid," Annabeth said, awe still in her voice.

Percy smiled back at her.

Ares shot Percy a glare so hot, I was sure Percy would turn into ashes on the spot, "You have made an enemy godling. You have sealed your fate. Every time you raise your blade in battle, every time you hope for success, you will feel my curse."

Ares's body started to glow. We all turned and covered our eyes to avoid looking at his true form. If we did, we would actually turn into ashes this time. There was a big clunk of metal somewhere in the middle of the light but I didn't dare look. When the light faded, I lowered my arm to see the Helm of Darkness sitting in the sand. Percy walked over and picked it up before returning to us.

I pulled him into a hug, "Good job Shrimp. Those were some impressive moves you were pulling right there."

"Thanks Cass," he pulled out of the hug with a grin. His eyes flickered past me, towards the lake house, "We've got some more company."

I glanced back to see the lights of the house on. Percy led the way up the beach. The inside of the house was quite cozy. The colors were a mix of blues, yellows, and greys. The deep brown wood really pulled the look together. Judging by the look on Percy's face, he knew this place well. With its proximity to the ocean, I understood why his mother may have brought him here.

Alecto came around a corner. She was staring Percy since he was the one holding the helm. She didn't flinch as he walked closer and held it out to her. Alecto grabbed it carefully.

"The helm as promised," Percy said.

She studied him before walking towards the door. She paused, "Good luck on Olympus."

Her wings unravelled and she flew off.

"Now for the second part," Annabeth said after we'd watched the Fury fade into the distance.

"You guys have to get to camp. Tell Chiron everything that's happened. I have to take the bolt to Zeus myself," Percy said.

"I'm going with you," I said.

"No, you should go with Annabeth and Grover," Percy argued.

"No. This is a family matter. Imagine two children of Poseidon bringing the bolt to him. The two Forbidden Children of the god he may be going to war with. What impact will that have?" I asked, "Besides, I've faced Zeus once before. If he's not in a good mood, there's a chance he might fry you on the spot. Or he might do it anyway depending on how your impertinent butt decides to push his buttons. Which, by the way, I would not recommend doing."

"Cass is right. Both of you going would be better," Annabeth decided, "And Grover and I will return to camp."

"Are you sure this isn't something you can send in an email?" Grover asked.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "We're handing Zeus the physical bolt. So no, this can't happen through an email."

"Okay then," Grover stepped forward and handed Percy a flattened tin can, "The satyrs stand behind you."

He'd definitely been hiding this can in his pocket since the beginning of the quest. It was very tattered and the edges were a bit sharp. But for him not to eat it after he'd left his bag full of tin cans on the bus before we met Medusa... that must've taken a lot of restraint. And for him to give it to Percy meant even more.

Percy realized that too, "Grover... I don't know what to say."

Annabeth stepped up next, taking off her necklace. She put it around Percy's neck. He kept his eyes on her the whole time. His eyes were soft and he was giving her a look I'd never seen him give her before. Something was definitely going to happen there later on if we survived this.

"You're going to need all of the luck you can get," she explained as she stepped back, "And reconciliation. Athena and Poseidon together."

Percy smiled, "Thanks... why are you guys only giving gifts to me? Won't Cass need luck too?"

"The gods think you're the lightning thief," Annabeth reminded him before adding, "And Cass usually doesn't need luck. She's typically got this covered."

"Wow... thanks for believing in me guys. That makes me feel so much better about this," Percy said sarcastically but he still smiled to show he didn't mean it. He knew it was the truth.

I punched him lightly in the shoulder, "Come on Shrimp, let's go stop a war."

Right before we all left the lake house, Annabeth pulled me aside, "What do you want me to tell Luke when I get back?"

That was a good question. I couldn't allude that I had my suspicions about him being the lightning thief. I was still holding onto the idea that it wasn't true, that it was all in my mind. And that was a conversation that we'd have to have in person anyway. I couldn't have Annabeth give a message about that. Instead, I decided to lean into how much I missed him. Even though I had my suspicions about Luke, I still couldn't wait to see him. I had a huge hug waiting for him when Percy and I got back.

"Tell him I'll see him soon. And that I can't wait," I gave her a small smile.

She gave me a smile back and a nod, "You got it."

We went out and joined Percy and Grover. That's where we parted ways.

~ ~ ~

We walked into the lobby of the Empire State Building. There were so many mortals milling about, I didn't know how we were about to talk to someone who actually knew what we were talking about. At the mention of Zeus, we were likely to get weird looks. We couldn't show anyone the lightning bolt because the Mist might change it to look like a weapon.

Apparently, Percy had a plan. He walked up to the front desk, took the bolt out of his bag, and set it on the counter, "We're here to see Zeus."

Luckily the receptionist seemed to be of our world. He didn't flinch at the lightning bolt. Instead, he just looked at it with wide eyes that had recognition in them. He motioned for us to go to the elevator. Percy picked up the bolt and the two of us headed towards the elevator without another word. The receptionist stopped anyone else who tried to join us in there. When the door closed, a new button opened up on the panel. Level 600. Percy and I exchanged a look before I reached out and pressed it. The elevator moved upwards at typical elevator speed. I don't know what speed I expected for an elevator moving towards Olympus but it definitely wasn't this.

Percy and I were quiet for a bit before I piped up, "So, are you ready for this?"

"To meet the king of the gods? After the way you described him, definitely not."

"Good," I shot him a small smile, "I'd be a little concerned if you were."

"Does that mean you're nervous too? You really don't look like you are."

"Just because I don't act like I'm nervous doesn't mean that I'm not. There's been many times during this mission that I've been nervous."

"That makes me feel a little less pathetic."

"You're not pathetic at all Percy. I mean seriously, you just beat the god of war. That's a serious accomplishment. Don't sell yourself short just because you're nervous about something."

Percy smiled, "Thanks Cass."

The elevator doors decided to open at that point. The two of us stepped out to see the view of Olympus. To say it was beautiful was an understatement. It was absolutely breathtaking. There were no words to even describe it. Everything just looked so elegant. From the buildings to the beings, I felt like my head was on a swivel while trying to take everything in. Percy was the same way. Luckily, the road we were on seemed to lead us to wherever they kept the thrones.

When we got there, we walked up the steps and into a big throne room. Zeus was already waiting for us. He was sitting on his throne, his face emotionless. I tried my best not to let my fear show but this was the man who basically promised to kill me the next time he saw me. He didn't seem like he was going to kill us on the spot but you never know. His eyes went from me to Percy and finally to the bolt in Percy's hands. He didn't say anything. He just got up from his throne and walked towards us. Percy held out the bolt towards him. The bolt stopped humming once it was safely in Zeus's hand.

"I didn't steal it," Percy said, "Neither did any of my friends, including my sister. We found it. We got it back. Kronos was really the one who stole it."

Zeus didn't say anything about that and his face continued not to show any emotion. Instead, he turned and began walking back towards his throne.

Percy spoke up, "He's behind all of it. He's emerging from Tartarus... or trying to. He's gathering strength and he's coming for all of you!"

"You may go," Zeus finally spoke.

"But-" Percy tried.

But Zeus turned around and cut him off, "I know where Kronos is. I put him there. I know who Kronos is. I am his son. Of course he's gathering strength, of course he's coming."

The way Zeus was now walking towards us was not at all a good sign to me. His words were getting faster and louder. The clouds in the sky started to gather and get darker. A flicker of anger was starting to show on his face. I slightly stepped in front of Percy and pushed him gently behind me.

"That's what we do," Zeus continued, "We snap and plot and strive. It was only a matter of time before he did again," He stopped in front of us and sighed, "Thank you for the news. It's the only reason I'm letting the two of you leave alive."

Percy nor I moved.

"I have a war to prosecture now so when I say you may go, it means be grateful. It means be gone. Cassidy Paige, you should know this from the last time we met."

"Percy," I pushed him back a little more while my eyes stayed on Zeus, "Let's go."

But Percy wasn't satisfied, "But the war can't continue-"

"Boy!" Thunder boomed along with Zeus's voice. It calmed down before he continued, "The war proceeds. It ends with victory. You two escape with your lives. That is your prize. What did you think that you and I would negotiate? That this would all be over because you returned me the bolt?"

"I thought you might listen. Kronos wants you to fight our father," Percy said.

"He wants you both to be weakened. He would see it as an optimum time to strike," I chimed in.

"I will not be weakened by my brothers."

"You already are. Your family is a mess," Percy said.

"Percy," I put a warning into my voice.

But as per usual, he ignored it, "They don't support you because they love you. They obey because they're afraid. Ares, your son. He turned on you the moment someone stronger showed up. Do you really think he'll be the last? How afraid do you think they'll be when your dad shows up looking to put you back in your place?"

"Percy!" I said again but it was already too late.

Zeus was absolutely livid now. He raised the bolt into the air. I grabbed Percy by the shoulders and turned the both of us away from him. I tried my best to shield Percy's body with my own so I would take the brunt of the hit. Sure, he was the one who had mouthed us into this situation. But he was my brother and I was ready to give my life for him. But the hit never came. The lightning bolt was still crackling with power but Percy and I still stood untouched.

I looked back to see my father, Poseidon, standing in front of us with his hands stopping Zeus's arm. He simply said, "I surrender."

"What?" Zeus hissed.

"I surrender," Poseidon repeated.

Zeus turned off the bolt and took a step back.

"Take your victory," Poseidon said with a deep breath, "Just spare my children."

"Your Forbidden Children? Who should've never been born?"

"The same as your Thalia. Whose bravery still inspires all demigods."

The two stepped closer to each other and started discussing at such a low volume that I couldn't catch anything.

"Very well," Zeus said, "Then I will go and tell the other gods that the war is off due to your... surrender. We will set a meeting, the whole council. And... make sure I never see these two again."

And with that, the king of the gods disappeared.

Poseidon took a second before turning to us. The first thing he said was, "Cassidy, would you give Perseus and I a moment alone please?"

Ouch, that kind of hurt. At least we know who the favorite child is, "Sure. Yeah, okay."

I ended up slowly walking around the throne room, taking a look at each and every throne. It was quite easy to tell whose was whose. Athena's was etched with owls while Aphrodite's had doves. Hephaestus's had gears, Ares's had spears. My father's had waves. The craftsmanship in them was incredible. I wouldn't have been surprised if Hephaestus himself had created each and every one of these.

I avoided listening to Percy's and Poseidon's conversation. It was for them to have. They were talking too quietly for me to make out what they were saying anyway. I'd glance over every once and a while to see their expressions. There was such a mix on Percy's face that I couldn't tell if the conversation was going well or not.

"You can come back over here Cassidy," Poseidon finally called out.

I did as he said. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked me over, "You're a lot more grown up than the little girl I led to camp so many years ago. You have made me proud."

I looked down with a small smile, "Thank you Father."

"I see you found the sword that I'd left for you."

I drew the sword gently, "So it was you who gave it to me?"

"Of course. Who else could've planned that kind of placement? I figured you might like a new weapon since you've used that camp-issued one for so long. I hope you've found it to your liking. There is a special surprise that comes with it but I suppose I'll leave that for you to figure out on your own."

"Thank you Father," I looked into the eyes we shared and grinned.

"You're very welcome, my daughter. Now, both of you gather close. It's time for you to return to camp."

Camp. Luke. The hardest conversation that I might ever have to have. Was I even ready for it?

I didn't have time to debate that because Poseidon took a pearl out of his pocket and dropped it to the floor. In the blink of an eye, we were no longer on Olympus.

We were on Half-Blood Hill, next to Thalia's tree.

Author's Note:

We are almost done with The Lightning Thief. Buckle up for this next chapter folks!

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