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By mvdaraa

2.6K 180 24

"๐ˆ ๐€๐Œ ๐€๐๐’๐Ž๐‹๐”๐“๐„." - ๐—œ ๐—ฎ๐—บ ๐—ป๐—ผ ๐—š๐—ผ๐—ฑ. ๐—œ ๐—ณ๐—ฒ๐—ฒ๐—น ๐—ฝ๐—ฎ๐—ถ๐—ป, ๐—œ ๐—ณ๐—ฒ๐—ฒ๐—น ๐—ณ๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—ฟ, ๐—œ ๐—ฐ๐—ฎ๐—ป ๐˜€๐—ฒ... More

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272 18 1
By mvdaraa


Just two days later, Sae Itoshi stood at the front door of Adonis Saint's shared home, his eyes glued to the pavement.

This man was his best friend, yet there was so much shame in him asking such a thing.

When really, Sae just still felt the shame of what he said during that game. He knew he was in the wrong.

But he never wanted to lose again.

He replayed the shot again, again, and again in his mind, constantly reliving that disgusting moment where he lost.

He never wanted to lose again. He never wanted to feel like this again.

"uhh.. sure I guess?"

Sae and Rin were already an uncontrollable duo, but when you add the man that rivaled Itoshi Sae to that mix, they'd be guaranteeed victory over every team they beat.

And that's exactly how it was.

With Sae and Rin on the team, Adonis never really had to...well, he never had to try.

He was bored, winning every game and blowing every team out. It wasn't any fun at all to Adonis.

It was just like when he played on his own team, but instead he had teammates that could do the work for him.

Over time, Adonis slowly replaced Rin, taking a majority of Sae's passes and turning them into Goals.

It felt like no matter where Sae passed it to, Adonis was always able to turn it into a Goal.

The two easily became the best youth strikers in the country of Japan, they would be the players to save Japanesse soccer.

Yet, it was all so undesirable to the Saint, all of it, the fame, the recognition, not being able to go to the store without being noticed.

He just wanted to play soccer, to play against an opponenet that would actually give him a challenge.

A challenge like that championship game, a challenge that forced Adonis to become greater.

There was no feeling comparable to the one he felt at the end of that game, the pure ecstasy that consumed his brain when he saw the defeated face of Japan's Genius.

In that moment, at the end of the game, Adonis wanted nothing more in his life than to win.

His mind became a blank slate that desired only for victory, his desperation fueling his actions.

There was no player that could force that out of him, not in Japan, not after he joined up with Sae.

As a result, he began restricting himself, holding back on his ability, bringing himself down a few levels.

After all, what type of predator goes all out on their prey?

Not many people realized Adonis playing down to his opponents, because they still effortlessly won.

But Sae did, it was a fact that infuriated him.

He kept training, pushing himself endlessly and over and over, all to match Adonis Saint, but he could never match the man's skill as a striker.

Adonis became a different person on the pitch, he became ruthless, emotionless, evil. He had the ideal mindset of a world-renown striker.

Every time Sae stepped onto a pitch with Adonis, his own dream broke apart, withering into the back of his consciousness as he realized the diffence between the two.

He couldn't ever be the best striker...not in this lifetime. Sae now knew this, because of Adonis Saint.

"Adonis... what do you think about when playing soccer?"

Adonis turns to Sae and Rin, the three sat upon a ledge looking off into the sunset, icecream in their hands.

"nothing really, but—I guess I wonder," he pauses to continue eating his ice cream, looking up to the sky while finished the snack, answering the question, "If I destory this team and shatter their dreams... in those moments, will my strength really be tested?"

Both the Itoshi siblings react, each showing their shock at the statement.

Rin's jaw was slightly ajar, his eyes widened as he processed what Adonis had really said.

Sae looked at the man out the corner of his eyes, keeping a demeanor that contrasted his mind, in which Adonis's words ran rampant.

This is a different mindset entirely.

Adonis looks over to the siblings, a nervous smile forming on his face when he sees them looking at him.

He strached the back of his head as he spoke, "ah- well- I mean, I can score from anywhere...so I don't really have to think about goals."

Sae looks forwards again, sighing as he smiles.

"You must have the genetics of some exceptional striker." Sae says, looking forwards again and sighing, a small smile covering his face.

"Nope, not that I know of."

Sae looks over to Rin, "So then, Rin, how about you? What do you think about when you play."

Adonis Saint was simply too good, it was impossible to match. Not even kids above his age could best him.

The conversation between the two confirmed it for Sae. It showed him the ego of a true striker.

The Itoshi could always become a world-class striker, but that isn't what he wanted. He wanted to be the best.

So he abandoned his dream, he realized his limits, he realized that he could best 1000 strikers, but Adonis Saint would always remain the one he couldn't.

Itoshi Sae would become the worlds greatest midfielder.

Adonis and Sae quickly became the greatest Midfielder-Striker duo of the next generation

Their chemical reactions resulted in such specttcular plays that there was no choice but to recognize their skill, and the entire soccer world was prepared to do so.

The two were soon named to the New Gen XI, a group of international youth players selected and recognized by PIFA as the next generation of soccer stars.

Adonis was the ST/CF of the lineup, and Sae was a CM.

With this, came an offer to one of the greatest clubs in Europe, Re Al. Both were invited to participate in their youth programs.

Sae accepted.

Adonis did not.

He was at work when he first opened the letter, a 13 year old world class soccer player working the register at a small, empty, cornerstore.

It wasn't fun, and to be honest, it was underpaying. Still, he showed up everyday.

The sole reason for that, was his sister, Iris Saint.

He hated the fact she had to give up her future for his, he would do anything for her, anything to show how grateful he was, how happy he was that she acted so selflessly, and did so much for him.

He wanted to help out in anyway possible, she didn't want him to.

Each time, she told him, "you're thirteen, adon. you shouldn't worry yourself with stuff like that."

It's like she forgot that she only 9 when everything happened, when she was forced to dropout to be able to take care of him.

He would always stay by her side, he'd always support her, and if he could give her the world, he would. She was his hero.

Their compromise was this, his small job that paid 10.50$ an hour, anything to make it easier for her.

So immediately, his decision was made, easily too, actually.

A decision that both she and Sae resented.

She was the first one he told about the letter the next day, opting to first show her when he was on the way to work his shift.

He didn't fail to see her eyes immediately sparkling with Joy at the opportunity her brother had received, elated upon seeing the letter.

Who wouldn't be? Her brother was a world famous youth football prodigy, she couldn't be more proud.

That's what made it all the more confusing.

"But- you don't look very happy about this..."

"I'm not going, Iris. I'm staying here with you."

She looked at him, the pure shock displayed on her face contrasting her previously overjoyed expression.

"Wha- but- It says they'd cover all the costs....You've loved this sport for forever, why would you pass on this opportunity?"

He stood up from the table, sticking his hands in his pockets as turned away, speaking.

He'd be late if he stayed any longer.

"I just told you. I'm passing because I'm staying with you."

He opened the front door, his back turned to her as he silently dreads the night shift he's about to work.

Small, silent whimpers reached his ears, his neck snapping behind him as he looks at his sister with wide eyes.

There she sat, tears running down her cheeks. the grief present on her face.

"Why...why are you so obsessed with this idea of 'paying me back!?' I did what I did becaause I wanted to, but you've spent your childhood burdening yourself with work because of me!"

Adonis felt his heart crumple watching his sister cry, it was always the same way he felt everytime he saw it.

Everytime he stayed up past his bedtime, he could always hear the sniffling from the next room over.

He hated when it happened. He never wanted to hear or see her cry again.

Her head was in her hands now, as she continued crying, constantly wiping away at her eyes.

"This is such a good opportunity, and you refuse to take it because of me! Why can't you leave me behind!? Everything I've done has been so you can succeed...why won't you just do this!?"

"Because I don't want to, Iris. I don't care about soccer If you can't be there to watch every game I play."

A shaky sigh escapes Adonis's lips as he speaks one more time before exiting the house.

"and plus... soccer isn't that much fun anymore."

Sae didn't take the info too well either, but Adonis found his complaints much easier to deal with.

"These are the first steps towards being the world's best...you hear me?" Sae's hands gripled Adonis's shoulders as he spoke urgently, with wide eyes. "We could be the greatest duo in the world!"

"That isn't why I played."

"But..." Sae had let him go by now, opting to just look at him crazily, shocked at his resolve. "I can't understand why someone of your skill would just give up."

"Because soccer isn't all I care about, Sae."

With that, Adonis walked away from Sae, ending their conversation, and in effect, ending Sae's hopes.

It didn't stop Sae from trying, nor did it stop Re Al, or Bastard Munchen, or PxG, or any of the clubs.

Not even Sae was this sought after.

However, Adonis's mind was already made up. There was no changing what he wanted to do.

Would it be a choice he may soon come to regret, yes. He didn't care.

Adonis Saint was described by PIFA as a striker that could steal the title of worlds best from Noel Noa, a truly exceptional striker that could change the game as we know it.

The only striker in this generation that received any type of praise alike that was Julian Loki. Who quickly fell into a role as Adonis's rival.

So when it became public knowledge that the Adonis Saint, declined an offer from not just one, but all the major clubs, and was giving up soccer, the entire soccer world erupted.

Immediately, they turned to Sae for answers, but there was nothing Sae could tell them.

It was just the decision that Adonis decided to make, thats all he could say. Because that's the extent of what he actually knew.

Not even Iris truly knew.

Nobody knows what really and truly goes on, in the mind of Adonis Saint.

1900 words


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