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Da WeeaboFreak

5.3K 153 4

You are a deer sinner and Vox's assistant. He casts you away while you are in heat and you end up stumbling u... Altro

My Abusive Boyfriend Threw Me To The Dumps
My Abusive Boyfriend Hates Radio
My Abusive Boyfriend Will Not Be Happy
My Abusive Boyfriend Wants Me Back
My Abusive Boyfriend Manipulates Me
My Abusive Boyfriend Is In For It Now
My Abusive Ex-Boyfriend Can't Chain Me Down

My Abusive Boyfriend Is Infuriated

602 16 0
Da WeeaboFreak

     Vox sighed, tilting back in his chair. He hadn't been able to find you on the thousands of cameras he had around the city, and it was starting to get to him. The workload had become rough without you to manage his schedule and sign paperwork meant for him, but no one could replace you because you were the only one who knew the system to get shit done. The only place he didn't have cameras currently hanging around was that stupid hotel as, Lucifer weeded out every one he found while rebuilding the damn thing; however, Vox refused to believe you have been captured by those frilly butterflies and rainbows people. He had put off going to the dry cleaners since you went missing, but he needed that suit for a meeting that day so unfortunately he'd have to haul his ass there.

     He stood from his chair and left the room filled to the brim with monitors. Making his way to the door of his workhouse/penthouse, he jolted from a sudden call incoming; Valentino was ringing him. He groaned but quickly accepted, not wanting to piss Val off this early in the morning.

     "Voxxy~!" He cooed. Vox rolled his eyes but made sure his voice didn't show his annoyance.

     "Val! How goes it?" He asked.

     "Ugh! Terrible! Angel is being more of a bitch than usual and you won't pay attention to meee," Val whined, "I know you're mad your hoe is gone but you've got better things to worry about."

     "Val, she is not just a 'hoe,' she's my fucking assistant. I need her here to do her job... the sex is just a benefit," Vox opened the front door of his penthouse, walking out near the elevators. An employee rushed to him, handing him his suit in a clear garment cover bag. He scurried off as soon as he came when Vox entered the elevator.

     "That sounds like a hoe to me, she should work for me, what do you think? Those heats would make for delicious scenarios. 'Deer sinner gets caught in heat by burly men,' 'Sinner's heats make demons go salvaje on her,' 'Sinner in heat needs a sexy mate to—"

     "Shut the fuck up Val, she belongs to me. I am not letting you defile her with your gross porn stars," Vox growled.

     "Ooh~ someone's feisty today, me encanta," Val chuckled. The elevator dinged; he had reached the bottom floor.

     "What do you want, Val? I'm kind of busy today," he stepped toward the front of the building, digging in his pocket for his car keys.

     "Hmm, I need you to pick something up for me."

     "If it has anything to do with your atrocious fetishes, leave me out of it," pushing the double doors open, Vox made his way outside and to his car. It still looked as beautiful as the day it was made, a gorgeous electric automatic car painted a deep gray with blue detailing.

     "Of cooourse not, I just need some relish."

     Vox paused, his mouth hanging slightly open for a moment as he processed what he just heard.

     "Relish, you say," he repeats, fishing for Val to confirm the statement.


     Vox blinked. He popped the door to his car open, sliding in to take a seat. He placed the suit in the passenger seat and pulled the door closed.

     "Yeah, no. That sounds like some weird fetish thing."

     "Noo! It's not!! I'm having a hotdog party for my employees after they worked tirelessly for 2 days straight on the best porno I've done so far: 'City of gangbangs.' Nearly half of them want relish on their dicks—-DOGS, I mean hotdogs, and my lousy assistant didn't pick any up. So funny how useless mine is yet yours could easily run the tower in your absence, haha.." He explained. Vox wasn't very convinced, but he didn't want to argue any longer.

"Okay, Val, I'll pick up relish. Happy?"

"Very," Val hummed, "Thanks, baby~."

     Vox hung up, finally starting his car. Just another thing to do today. Had you been here, he would've made you take his suit and pick up the 'relish' to make you atone for your previous slip-up; thinking of you only made him more upset though, forcing him to remember you still had not been found. Were you dead? Were you hurt? Were you scared? Why did he care? When those thoughts came, it was better for him to not dwell on his feelings in the matter. He had Val, and although they weren't official boyfriends, they were as close as one could get in this kind of industry; he didn't need you to fill the hole in his heart when it came to this. Backing his car out of the driveway, he began the drive down to the dry cleaners.

     Vox pulled into the parking lot, nabbing the suit as he maneuvered out of the car. Pressing a button on the fob, he made sure it was locked before turning to enter the dry cleaners. When he walked inside, he flinched. It smelt exactly like you. And it smelt like you were happy. His TV whipped around, scanning distressedly for your presence. His eyes halted when he saw a familiar red pinstripe suit and giant poofy ears. It was Alastor. Vox stood in shock for a moment, before stomping over. What business does this prick have being here—wasn't he dead?! He witnessed Alastor slink away after extermination day, how was he still able to function??

Wait a minute...

It was him, he smelled like you. He smelled like he pleased you. He smelled like—

     "You fucker!" Vox yelled. Alastor spun to meet Vox's gaze, his eyes glinting with mischief—almost like he knew exactly what he was doing. Vox clenched his hands hard, nearly drawing blood from his palms.

     "Vox, old pal! To what do I owe the pleasure?" His smile only seemed to grow. Vox grabbed his lapels, slamming him into a nearby wall. The sinners still there scattered hastily, not trying to die as part of an overlord scuffle.

     "What. The fuck. Did you do to her," Vox snarled. He pressed Alastor further into the now-destroyed brick as the demon laughed.

     "I do not understand, my good fellow! I would never associate myself with anyone pitiful enough to work under you!" He grunted as the sharp edges of the wall stabbed into his back.

     "You can't fucking lie to me when you so obviously reek of her."

     "Clearly your technology needs an update, and you question why I stay in the past," Alastor scoffed. Vox was at his wit's end as he lifted Alastor just to smash him into the floor. Alastor's smile remained strong, however, a small stream of blood ran from his lips.

     "You're gonna tell me where she is or I'm raiding that stupid fucking hotel until you give her up," Vox's left eye swirled, even though he knew it didn't affect Alastor.

     "I don't see why you care this much, was it not you who dumped her on the streets?" Alastor inquired, but it only enraged Vox more. One of his hands left Alastor's lapels to throw a heavy punch to his face; Alastor didn't react much, however. "You better be fucking ready, I will blow that shitstain hotel to the ground," Vox shoved his TV in Alastor's face to punctuate his threat, then picked himself from the floor. He needed to prepare to storm the palace, he didn't have time to dawdle with the radio demon. He hopped in his car once more, speeding off towards the tower.

     Alastor cursed himself. He should've known better than to ignite the wrath of Vox. He knew the little gremlin couldn't do much to the hotel, with it now being under Lucifer's protection, but he could hurt the people living there by catching them by themselves when they were most defenseless. He couldn't believe he told you he wouldn't let Vox take you, what an empty promise. He'd have no choice but to give you up to protect everyone he had come to care about. He shouldn't even care for you, why did he care? It was an idiotic question, even if he did have the answer, he probably wouldn't like it. Maybe he needed to see Rosie, she might have the solution. For now, he needed to return to the hotel and warn its residents of the oncoming 'threat.' He sunk into the shadows, quickly routing to the hotel.

     "Charlie, as much as I love the idea, I just... I—ahm.. uhhhhh—" Lucifer was attempting to reason with his daughter. She wanted to implement an outside play area for all the sinners to have fun and bond, but Lucifer knew better that sinners would not want to play like children. Vaggie was also trying to convince Charlie to not do it, however, Charlie was very firm on her position. She was just about to explain her plans for the play area when Alastor formed from the shadows in the living room. They all glanced over at him, Charlie being the only one to gush and worry over the dark spot on Alastor's cheek from where Vox had punched him.

     "Oh my Hell, Al are you okay?? What happened???" She fretted. Alastor waved off her concerns, citing the multiple injuries covering his back and face as mere 'incidents.'

     "We have much more important matters to discuss, Princess, as Vox is now aware we are holding his most prized employee hostage," Alastor mentally prepared for the brutal verbal beat-down he was expecting from Vaggie any moment now.

     "Alastor, I gave you ONE fucking job, how do you fuck it up?! Do you know what this means for the hotel?? He's gonna start a war with us—you are SO unbelievable!" She shouted. Charlie sprinted to her side to hopefully cool her down, but it did little to calm her seething anger.

     "Al, what do you mean Vox knows?" Charlie asked.

     "What do I mean? Well, my dear, I mean he is aware that she is here and has threatened to raid this hotel until we give her up!" Alastor gleefully said despite the meaning of his words. Charlie's face sank, and Lucifer looked rightfully pissed at Alastor.

     "We're not giving her up," Charlie stated. Everyone turned to stare at her in shock.

     "Charlie, we have to, it's the only way to keep this place safe—" Lucifer placed a hand on her shoulder but she slapped it away.

     "I can't let her go back Dad, Vox is terrible to her, and I feel like she could really be redeemed here. It feels like she doesn't even belong here, like she's too innocent for this hellscape, she could be saved, Dad!" Charlie pleaded. Lucifer sighed, before giving his attention to Alastor.

     "As much as I hate you, what do you think? Do you think Vox will leave quietly if I tell him to back off?" He questioned. Alastor thought for a moment, before coming to his conclusion.

     "No, I don't believe he would, but he is certainly not more powerful than you. There is not much he can do," he answered. Lucifer nodded and gave Charlie the go-ahead.

     "Okay, we can keep her, Sweetie," he smiled, and Charlie jumped for joy, trapping her father in a tight hug.

     "Alrighty, crew, we won't back down! Whatever he does, we'll be ready for it!" Charlie yelled, running upstairs to grab the missing members of their party. Alastor watched her go, feeling ever so slightly relieved he wouldn't have to relinquish you to that walking TV. He still didn't quite get the feelings stirring inside him, he'd have to make sure he met with Rosie tomorrow and take her guidance on the issue.

     "Do you, by chance, know when he's coming?" Vaggie asked, more tranquil than she was previously.

     "No, but if I had to guess as soon as he can. That will most likely be the afternoon tomorrow," he said absent-mindedly. His brain was now stuck on you, and your plush ears, your silky tail, your scarred body. Something about you was so tantalizing--Lucifer, he needed his old friend to help him understand.

     "I better see your ass here and warding him off, dickhead. You don't get to slack off like you have been, alright?" Vaggie demanded, and Alastor just hummed in return. Vaggie and Lucifer both got up to leave, following Charlie's path upstairs presumably to meet with her. Alastor decided: he had to see Rosie. Now. Forget holding off till tomorrow. Vox was sure to attack then anyway, so why not save him the heartache and see her now? No one would spot him leaving, so he had an easy out as he started the journey to Cannibal Town.

     In the tower, Vox exhaustively threw himself onto the chair in his penthouse. In his fury, he forgot to get his suit cleaned AND he forgot the relish for Val. He had to wear a significantly less stylish suit to his meeting and the baby was now pissy at him.

And on top of everything, he waged war against Lucifer.


     He had completely forgotten Lucifer was now a contributor of the hotel, and Alastor surely had already told the idiots living there that Vox himself wanted to raid the hotel. He sighed but hastily composed himself when he heard the door open. Velvette and Valentino walked in, both with equally grim faces.

     "I know what you two are gonna say and I do not give a fuck," Vox groaned as Vel and Val plopped down next to him.

     "Well, I don't care, because you are about to fuck everything up for us!" Velvette crossed her arms. "I mean, seriously! Lucifer? Have you gone mad?"

     "Vel, shut up! It was a heat of the moment thing!" Vox yelled. Electricity sparked around him, burning tiny bits of the couch. Velvette backed up, trying not to die.

     "Voxxy, baby, I know you hate Alastor but that's no reason to fuck US over," Valentino snapped. Vox glowered at him, standing from the couch to stomp over to the kitchen.

     "He has her," he said as he reached into the fridge full of VoxTech-branded energy drinks.

     "Hmm?" Val hummed in question.

     "He has my assistant," Vox repeats, clarifying a bit more. Pulling out a drink, he goes back to sulking on the couch.

     "Oh, shit. Well, that's something," Val said. Vel looked over in shock at Vox.

     "I thought you didn't shit your pants over anyone but yourself?" She confusedly asked.

     "I don't know what it is, okay? I need her to do her job, and I need her away from Alastor," Vox gripped at the sides of his screen in anguish.

"Sounds like you just pissed someone else touched your property."

"Maybe I am, can you stop asking?"

"Fine, whateva."

Vox took a large gulp of his drink.

     "Can you guys shoo now? I've got a lot of work to do and I still have to figure out what I'm going to do about Alastor," Vox stood from the couch, heading for his monitoring room. Velvette and Valentino gave each other an off look, before taking their leave. Once they were both gone, Vox frowned. He had no ideas for how to confront this. Should he just let Alastor have you? No. You belonged to him. You had a contract. That was out of the question. Had you not loved him? Surely all the time you've spent with him should've made you weak for him. If he showed up, would you come with him? Would you stay? Yes. You would. He would make you.

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