𝔏𝔲𝔠𝔦𝔣𝔒𝔯 𝔡 π”―π”’π”žπ”‘π”’οΏ½...

By ValerieWinks777

29.3K 747 819

Imagines and oneshots of our favorite duck obsessed, king of Hell, Lucifer Morningstar himself! Requests are... More

Imagine 1: There Is No Heaven Without YouπŸ’” (Pt. 1)
Imagine 2: Caught In The Rain🌸
Imagine 3: There Is No Heaven Without YouπŸ’” (Pt. 2)
Imagine 5: His FaithπŸ’› (Pt. 1)
πŸ₯Lucifer ASMRπŸ₯
Imagine 6: First Woman, Y/N🏡
Imagine 7: His FaithπŸ’› (Pt. 2/ Finale)
πŸ₯Date with Lucifer ASMRπŸ₯
Lucifer pics (πŸ‘‘ Pt. 1)
Imagine 8: Set Up Date🐞
Imagine 9: Heaven In HellπŸ’ž
Dating Lucifer Would Include...πŸ’
Imagine 10: Ballroom DancingπŸ’ƒ
Lucifer pics (πŸ‘‘Pt. 2)
Lucifer's Serenade (🎢 Pt. 1)
The End

Imagine 4: There Is No Heaven Without YouπŸ’” (Pt. 3/Finale)

1.9K 75 59
By ValerieWinks777

Pairing: Fallen Angel! Y/N x Lucifer

*summary: After Lucifer and Y/N reunited--and after some explaining Lucifer had to do to help with Charlie's confusion--Lucifer offers Y/N a place to stay at his palace until she gets back on her feet. During there, Y/N learns more about what happened to Lucifer after he was banished, and he talks about Lilith. Which...Y/N knew all along she was in Heaven.*

*Y/N's POV*

The reunion--in your eyes--ended far too soon. Though it had last for over an hour, until Charlie came into the room, only to be confused as to why both you and her dad were crying.

It was at that point Lucifer had to take his leave to discuss the details of yours and his relationship from before he was a fallen angel to help Charlie have a better understand as to why Lucifer was a mess of tears, as were you.

After everything had been explained--as best as Lucifer could-- Lucifer offered to take you to his home for you to stay, which you accepted without an ounce of hesitation.
You wouldn't want to be anywhere else, all you wanted was to be close to him after going so long without being near his presence.

He looked a bit different since the last time you saw him. His eyes had red pupils instead of gold, and his teeth weren't teeth anymore, they were pearly white fangs. Pretty looking, in your eyes.

But still...he possessed that beautiful, childlike nature from when he was in Heaven, that same presence you loved to the fullest. Though underneath it...you could sense that Lucifer was using it to mask something deeper. Something like... a pit in his chest that he can't quite fill.

It made you sad. You never wanted someone as beautiful and amazing like Lucifer to be depressed or in pain.
You couldn't help but wonder...what was it that dug that hole within him?

And that's when...you notice the golden wedding ring on his finger.
Your eyes widened upon seeing it glint against a flicker of lighting...and once more, you felt your heart shatter.

He's married. Of course, it makes sense. He told you that Charlie was his daughter and yet...you had hoped that maybe he wasn't married.
Seeing the wedding ring...any possibly chance of him becoming yours...is ruined. Why does it always feel like there are forces conspiring against you?

You walk in silence behind him as he leads you forward the stone pathway and up the few steps to the front door of his house--well, palace, so to speak. A grand white and red painted palace with two peaking towards and many small to large, tinted windows displayed.

Shyly, you cross your arms, before you speak, feeling it's important to ask. "Are you sure your wife will be okay with my presence here?"

"Huh?" Lucifer looks at you, causing him to halt from fumbling with his keys to unlock the door. Wife? What do you mean--
Ohhh...Lucifer glances at his ring bashfully. "Oh," he chuckles, "you mean this? Well, uh," he clears his throat, "my wife, Lilith...left...me. Seven years ago, in fact," he says quickly, eyes glancing everywhere but at you. "And I uh...never got the urge to take my ring off."

The name Lilith sends a wave of heavy realization flooding you, leaving you a little breathless. He was married to Lilith? LILITH? The first wife God had made for Adam, the one who was banished alongside Lucifer that day, centuries ago?

The one who right now...sits in Heaven on a beach chair with a sunhat and glasses in front of an ocean, in her own world and own universe, sparing not a single second for anyone or anything else.

The name makes your breath hitch--though thankfully, Lucifer didn't notice. He was too distracted mumbling to himself about which key is it that unlocks his door. While his back is facing you, you can't help but stare at him in pain.

Before you were banished, you knew that Lilith came to Heaven. It had surprised you. How did she even MANAGE to get in Heaven, especially when she disobeyed God's order and was banished with Lucifer. You didn't understand it, and no matter how many times you tried asking, and tried to ask if Lucifer was okay, she would deny any answer.

She claimed that your infatuation with Lucifer was sickening to say the least, and that the best thing to do was let him go, because he had never cared for you in the beginning. Quite an ice-cold bitch, not only to you, but everyone else.

But still, you never once believed that it was because of infatuation that you wanted to know Lucifer's whereabouts, or how he feels, or if he's okay. It was because you LOVE him. Probably more than Lilith ever did...that even is IF she loved him.

After a moment, the door opens and Lucifer grandly steps inside, holding the door for you before closing it. Inside the room you stepped in was a grand staircase with polished wooden railings in front of you, a red velvet rug running down the steps and to the door you just walked through.

Candelabras are displayed on the two small tables with drawers that stand on each corner of the staircase, red little flames flickering, and a smell that resembles vanilla wafting the air around you.

With a pleased exhale, Lucifer comes to your side, two hands smoothing out his white coat. "Well, uh, home sweet home!" He laughs, slightly awkwardly, before beginning to point. "Over there is the kitchen if you're hungry at all. I got some leftover pancakes if you want some! Or even apples, or some imported chocolates from up there," he points at the ceiling, in reference to the mortal realm.

"Up the stairs to your left is the bathroom if you want to get cleaned up or take a bath at all," he looks at you, and your dirt ridden angelic robes that are stained from your blood. "I uh...don't really HAVE any lounging clothes for women but...I could loan you one of my shirts and shorts. They might be a bit baggy, so fair warning."

You couldn't help but giggle. He's so cute right now, shyly offering you some of his clothes and claiming that they might be baggy, when in reality, they'll most likely fit like a glove.

Though as of right now, a bath is exactly what you need. To feel clean, and somewhat relaxed from this whole ordeal. Everything still is a little overwhelming. Becoming a fallen angel just hours ago, discovering that Lucifer is King of all Hell, was married to Lilith who sits up in Heaven at a beachside, and that it's your first meeting with Lucifer after going centuries without seeing him.

You barely know what to say, or even do, afraid that one wrong word or move will end badly.

So, with a soft nod, you turn towards the stairs that'll take you to the bathroom. "I think I'll take a bath," you respond. "Can you give me twenty minutes?"

"Take as long as you like, seriously, no rush whatsoever. Just, make yourself at home," he smiles softly, unaware that what he said made a tingle pulse through you, and your cheeks flood with a little warmth. He still manages to do that to you, and he still has no clue that he does it. It's hilarious as it is annoying.

With a smile, you wave softly at Lucifer, and begin to walk up the steps, one hand on the railing, your palm feeling the smoothness of the polished oak railing.

As you disappear down the hall, Lucifer exhales deeply. Well, this certainly has been...an interesting day. Not a bad one of course, just...out of nowhere.

Lucifer is still in disbelief that you--the one who to HIM didn't have any urge to disobey God in any way--was down HERE of all places. Though you did explain to him that the reason you were banished was because you began to lose the passion and will that angels are supposed to have, he didn't think that was enough to be banished. There had to be something else--something said or even done--for you to be down here.

Shaking his head, Lucifer goes into his bedroom, which he flinches at when upon seeing the dozens of rubber ducks just laying everywhere on the floor, desks, and even the bed itself. Oh dear...he hasn't been in here for a while. If he's being honest, he passes out in his office most the time these days when he reaches the point of sleepiness.

It's mostly because he's lazy and doesn't want to leave his office--which he turned into a rubber duck workshop over the years after Lilith left and Charlie moved out. Less walking on his part, and when he wakes back up, he can get right back to working on ducks.

Lucifer begins to grab armfuls of the rubber ducks, stuffing them in drawers, under the bed, and in the closet, thinking maybe he'll get all of them cleaned up before you come back from the bath.

And as the closet door--which is overflowing to the point where any moment it could explode--is shut forcefully, you walk into the room upon hearing the commotion, simply wearing a white and red bathrobe with the cursive initial L on its chest.

A sudden blush forms on Lucifer's cheeks when his eyes saw you standing in the doorway. You're wearing his bathrobe...you look good in it, if he's being honest. Wait, why is he even thinking that?!

"Ohh hey," he straightens his posture, clearing his throat, "I hope the bath went well?"

"It was fine," you reply, curiously glancing around his bedroom. A grand, red colored walls with golden trimming, bedroom with a king-sized bed by the large window that overlooks all of Pentagram city.

A room fit for a king, practically.

When a moment of silence passes, Lucifer goes over to his drawers, pulling out each and every one to search for some clothes suitable for you to wear.

"Hmm, um...oh! Here," he tosses you a white short-sleeve T-shirt that has a...animation of a rubber duck which is smiling. "And here," he then throws you a pair of black shorts that will reach your knees in length. "Sorry if it's not really your style. But I guess one can't be too picky huh?" he tries to laugh, though each and every time he makes a joke, he always finds himself feeling awkward afterwards.

The one thing that caught your eye, was the fact that it was a RUBBER DUCK cartoon photo on his shirt.

"It's...perfect," you smile softly, lost staring at the rubber duck on the shirt, being reminded of all those times when Lucifer would invite you to go to Heaven's pond to try and hand feed ducklings, or Lucifer excitedly showing you one of his latest rubber duck creations. And the moment when Lucifer was being banished, he gifted you the first duck he ever made, for you to remember him by.

A little tear forms in your eye, and quickly wiping it away with a clearing of your throat, you ask Lucifer where you could get dressed.

"I'll just step outside the room," he begins to walk towards the door, "just knock when you're done, okay?"

You nod, and he shuts the door behind him to give you some privacy for changing.

Standing outside, he exhales once more, running a hand over his face. "Damn it, Lucifer. Get a hold of yourself," he mumbles to himself, beginning to pace. "Ugh this is the first time I've seen Y/N in years. Decades! CENTURIES!" he throws his hands out, before crossing his arms and pouting much like a child during a tantrum.

With a soft shake of his head, he lets himself lean his back against the door that separates him from you, two fingers slowly rubbing the wedding ring on his finger that he's refused to take off for years, out of hope that maybe one day Lilith would come back and that...Lucifer wouldn't feel so alone anymore.

But after seven years, the hope is starting to become empty and foolish. She isn't coming back...if she was, she would have done it long ago, instead of waiting seven years to randomly come home and yell surprise!

That chapter of Lucifer's life--as much as he wants to deny it--is over. And now, these past few chapters of his life, he's spent doing the same thing over and over again. Making rubber ducks, isolating himself from the depressing, dark, sinful world outside, and merely talking to his shadows or servants.

Lucifer hears the faint knocking on the door from the other side--his cue to come back in. When he does, he squeaks from trying to contain his laughter. His shorts go down to your knees, while his shirt hangs past your hips.

It's adorable, really. And a little funny to think. When he was your friend before he had fallen, he never imagined that this is what the future would have in store for the two of you.

Him getting banished and becoming King of Hell itself, you becoming banished centuries later for lacking ambition to be an angel, only for the two of you to stand in his bedroom, while you wear what he considers his PJ's.

What a funny twist of fate, both your paths overlapping once more after centuries of going one direction only. A twist of fate that he's...thankful for, in all honesty. At least with you here--until you one day decide to go and find your way in this realm--he won't feel so lonely.

He smiles softly. "You look good in my clothes, Y/N," he remarks, teasingly, chuckling a little at himself when he sees the sudden blush forms on your cheeks. Well, looks like he's still got it. Take that, awkwardness.

Glancing around the room, he begins to speak in a more casual tone, though it quickly escalates into a ramble. "So, there's a spare bedroom down the hall on the right. I think there's a TV in there. If there isn't, I'll have one of my servants get one for you. That is even if you want to watch TV, if you want to just go to sleep, that's fine with me. I don't really watch too much TV, scrambles the brain," he makes weird scrambling noises with his tongue while waving his fingers around.

Whenever he talks, he always uses his hands or makes sound impersonations. No one else in Heaven did that...it was only Lucifer. Another thing you loved so much about him.

"But yeah. If you want, I have a library as well with...somewhat interesting books. I don't know if you'd be into history that much, or How to Make Rubber Ducks for Dummies sort of books. Although--"

"Why did Lilith leave you?" you ask softly, causing Lucifer to hitch his breath, as if you're question was a slap to his face. You feel a little bad for asking, but deep down, you can't help it...you need to know.

"Why did Lilith leave someone as...amazing as you are?" you state, staring at him with a look in your eyes Lucifer hasn't seen in years. The look of deep...care. For him.

Swallowing a gulp of saliva, Lucifer sighs. Should he even be honest, though it's embarrassing? Or should he lie to you and give you a more understandable explanation? Like Lilith left him because he was selfish, or didn't treat her right, something of that caliber. At the same time though, you're his friend. His BEST friend, the only one who truly understood him on a deeper level that others were unable to.

The only one who had the same dreams and visions as he, the only one who cried for him the day he was banished, who WANTED to go with him...

He inhales a soft breath. "Because I..." shutting his eyes, his head hangs low. "I let myself fall into a pit of depression."

Lucifer turns, going to pick up a rubber duck that slipped out of the closet door a moment ago, bending down to pick it up, cradling it in both his palms as he continues speaking with a melancholy tone.

"My dreams were too hard to defend. They were the cause as to why I was banished to this...world. This dark, sinful, eternal punishment for those who abused their free will before they expired. And over the years...I began to lose hope that my dreams would ever be more then thoughts in my mind. Because of that realization, I started to become depressed. That nothing GOOD could ever come from Hell, that everyone here would always remain the same, and never desire to reach for the sky!" He throws a hand upward, as if wanting to grab a handful of the sky.

"Because of this depression, Lilith believed that I was only hindering her from her full potential..." he exhales, tossing the rubber duck to the side. It quacks when it hits the floor, before laying sideways, it's black painted eyes staring aimlessly forward.

"So, there you go," his voice cracks when he turns, arms crossing while he faces his back to you. "Now you know the embarrassing truth..."


Slowly, you approach him, wrapping your arms around his waist and hugging him, your head resting against his back, as you begin to speak.

"Lilith never deserved you to begin with, Luci," you say, ignoring the sudden tense of his body in your arms, or his hitched breath. Even if this hurts or comes across as insulting...he needs to know the truth. He needs to see that Lilith was a woman who never saw the REAL him, only the surface part of him, and the parts that could bring her to success.

She never knew him like you know him. Never looked deep enough to see. Never loved him...like you love him.

Inhaling a breath, you continue. "If she really loved you, she wouldn't have left you. She would have stood by your side, and given you hope to continue trying, and to never give up. She would have HELPED you, instead of leaving you behind for her own selfish needs." You squeeze him tighter, "If I were her...I would have always been there for you. Done anything to make you feel appreciated, to make you feel like a man, to make you feel good enough." Burying your head in his back, you whisper to yourself, "I only wish that it was me who was banished with you..."

Lucifer's eyes widen, his heartbeat raising when he hears this sudden confession coming from the one who...deep down...Lucifer liked a lot back when he was an angel for God. Before he was banished, Lucifer does confess to himself, that he did like you more than a friend. Why wouldn't he? You're beautiful, a rare soul that always seemed to know just what to say or do that made Lucifer smile, or his chest fill with tingles.

After he was banished, it took him years to open his broken heart back up to the only woman who stood beside him. Lilith. Lilith...who over the decades, Lucifer found himself falling in love with, marrying her, having a daughter with her, witnessing her look at him like he was a nuisance, before standing by and watching her leave him behind to find something better.

Leaving him with a shattered heart...once more. Only this time, not opening back up for anyone else again.

Slowly, Lucifer looks over his shoulder at you, feeling the same warmth he used to whenever he was near you. He had forgotten what it felt like...he missed this. He missed YOU.

With one turn, Lucifer stands in front of you, one hand gently grasping your chin, as his arm wraps around your waist, while your arms still remain wrapped around his own waist.

Lucifer caresses your chin against his thumb. "Was that your love confession?" he whispers with a little smirk on his face. Appearing calm, though on the inside, he's shaking.

You nod. "Yes," you reply, licking your lips, bringing yourself to say the three words you've been wanting to tell him for centuries. "I love you, Lucifer. I've loved you since I first saw you centuries ago, when we were two young and ambitious angels, going to ponds to feed ducks, drawing constellations with our fingertips, and dreaming of something more than what we already had."

You swallow. "But...I understand," your arms slowly loosen, pulling away from Lucifer to take a step back. "If you--"

Suddenly, you're yanked back, a muffled gasp leaving your mouth when Lucifer's lips fall onto yours, both hands reaching to cradle your face.

The sudden moment of this happening causes your eyes to shoot open in surprise, before slowly, you shut them, allowing yourself to melt in his touch, his kiss that feels so hot yet so divine at the same time.

It was impulsive, yet, but...so long overdue. Lucifer pulls you a bit closer, deepening the kiss, his tongue dancing along yours, tasting the faint sweetness of an apple. He couldn't help but smirk a little.

When he pulls away for a breath of air--and to see your flustered, shocked, face--he smiles softly. "Love you too," he whispers, chuckling when he brings himself to kiss you once more, a simple peck this time, not as intense as the one that happened five seconds ago.

Deep down, he still does feel some sort of love for Lilith, but it isn't like what he feels for you--what he's felt for you since he first met you. What he feels for you is stronger, and deeper than anything he thought he felt for Lilith.

With a smirk, he replies. "Soooooo, wanna have dinner this weekend?"

Smiling, you nod. "I'd love too."

"Wonderful!" Lucifer spins you, and you giggle in joy, feeling as if everything from this point on will be brighter, and better than being God's angel.

He finally admitted his love for you...you finally confessed your love to him.

In his head, Lucifer can't help but giggle.

Charlie, say hello to your new stepmom.

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