MARIA ★ aot one-shots

By jeanbies

190 16 0

❝ DEDICATE YOUR HEARTS ❞ ⏤⏤ uploaded from tumblr (jeanbie) ★ 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐒 all rights reserved ©... More

lessons in love (m)
lana (m)
lovely pt.2
lovely pt.3
love game
everything looks different (now that i see you)
moonlight in your hands
silver bullet
if i lay here (would you lie with me?)
sweet unwind (m)
love and war
ghostface (m)

acts of love

11 1 0
By jeanbies


fluff/crack content, modern/uni au ★ 7.4k ★
no warnings (outdated humour, i wrote this in like 2020)

As long as you've got a good group of friends, anything is possible. Thankfully, you've got the best group you could ever ask for.

(01) taking pics of ur friends without them asking u to bc they looked so pretty in that exact moment

"Well, at least the views not so bad. Honestly, I thought it would be a lot worse."

Beside you, at the top of the bleachers that surround the large football pitch below, Eren huffs and kicks his feet up onto the empty row in front of him. It would be easy to just move rows, considering the game's due to start in ten minutes time, and there's plenty of empty seats closer. But, he's bought these seats, and by the looks of things, Jean and Connie are already comfortable where they are, sharing a big bag of sticky popcorn between them. 

Casting a look to the right, you notice that Historia and Sasha are making their way up, dressed in jerseys and caps, and you suddenly feel very out of place.

"Tell me why I came again?" you ask, not looking away from the pitch below. The grass is bright green, and every wandering body down on the pitch is just a small speck.

"Because," Eren starts, unlocking his phone and checking his messages. You snoop — one missed text from Mikasa and two off his Mom, which makes you smile. Eren's always been a Mommy's boy. "You love me, and you know that I worked my ass off for two whole months saving up for these tickets. And, since Armin's sick and couldn't come, you decided to be a good friend and take his place."

With a frown, you look back towards Eren. "I don't know shit about football."

"Cheer when we do," Eren suggests honestly.

Jean perks up, patting your arm roughly. "Do what I do, and cheer for the team with the prettier uniform."

"Don't!" Eren hisses, grabbing you back. "The other team have a prettier uniform, but if you cheer for them on this side of the stadium, you're going to get mobbed. Hey, Jean, don't tell her that, she doesn't know any better."

"Just football," Jean shrugs.

"Just football..." Eren scoffs and shrinks back down in his seat.

You laugh quietly, petting Eren's leg with faux sympathy. As you move your body to glance around the stadium, strangely anticipating the start of the match, a flash out the corner of your eye makes you look over in Connie's general direction. Connie holds his phone up, taking a photo, and then smiles as he checks it on the screen.

"Connie Springer, delete it now!" you gape, realising what he's done. "Oh my God, I bet I look so could have warned me."

"Sorry," he laughs sheepishly. He then shows you the screen, "you looked pretty! And it's your first live match ever, we had to document it. Jean, look. Wow...I'm sending this to Armin for proof that you're having fun."

"What if I'm not having fun?" you ask.

He glances up, "you are."


(02) randomly giving tiny gifts (a comic book that ur friend likes, a heart-shaped piece of paper with a sweet message on it)

"Can anybody here share the exact chemistry behind Elephant Toothpaste?"

Chemistry is the absolute bane of your life. It's only been a few weeks, and you're already regretting taking additional classes in it. Technically, it was Reiner's fault you were here in the first place. If it wasn't for the fact that he was too much of a pussy to enrol into classes alone and therefore had guilted you into taking advanced chemistry with him, then you wouldn't be here. You sigh for the fourth time in the last ten minutes and shove your chin into the palm of your hand. The clock above Professor Han's head seems to be still, taunting you with zero movements.

Can boredom kill you? You wonder about that, letting your mind wander as Professor Han continues to quiz the front two rows on the exact chemical formula of the affectionately named Elephant Toothpaste. You're so close to finding the answer when you feel somebody poking your upper arm. The finger that pokes belongs to Reiner, and you angle your head to look at him with a questioning glare.

Reiner smiles. Like you, he rolled out of bed this morning and tried his best to look semi-presentable; if you counted borderline pajama wear and a serious case of bed-head to be presentable and acceptable for a 9am lecture. Reiner says nothing, just smiles and pushes something towards you with two fingers. 

The sound of the paper sliding towards you brings your gaze down, and as you look away to stare at it, he returns his attention to Professor Han. Bare in mind, his notebook is empty, save doodles of someone on the front row, occasionally losing focus and staring around the room for long periods of time.

What Reiner has pushed before you is a small little piece of paper, smoothly cut into a heart shape. Now the sound of scissors makes sense... It's just scrap paper from the back of his notebook, decorated with tiny stars and circles, a pathetic hand drawn galaxy on the front like a book cover. You slowly pick it up, more interested in this than the lecture. You turn it over curiously, your heart thumping endearingly and a smile picking up on your face as you read what he's written on the back.

you and me have some serious chemistry.
love u

Reiner refuses to make eye contact again. He'll say something along the lines of, "you're taking it too seriously" when you'll no doubt ask him about it later, but really, Reiner's just a softie, with the sudden need to tell his friends that he loves them. You're not complaining.


(03) handwritten letters with cute stickers

Something's been left in your shared kitchen, something with your name on it and closed in an envelope with a small Gudetama sticker. You set your cup of tea to the side, sliding up onto a stool near the breakfast bar to read it. The front is in a bold font, in handwriting you don't really recognise. Careful of the time and effort put into the appearance, you carefully open the envelope and take out the contents.


Good morning. I hope you slept okay  when I came by last night after judo to see Annie, you were actually passed out on the couch in the common room so I piggy backed you up to your room. Hehe, your room is so dirty though...I think I definitely tripped over a plug that connected your fairylights, so sorry if that doesn't work anymore. Anyway. I left this morning and left you some nice tea and some tablets (Annie said that I should put them in your bathroom, so I literally just left them on your sink). I know you haven't been having a fun time with midterms and you need to take care of yourself! If you get too sick and can't do anything, then how will we eat?? You're our uni mom!!! We need to live too!!!!! D:

I also rented out Harry Potter for later. I know you get really sad and lonely when you're stressed out, and so we can watch it together when I'm home after my shift at work :D

Hehe, feel better <3 Just remember that your bestie loves you!!!

Drink tea and stay warm :)

Lots of love, Armin :D

The paper is signed with Armin's messy handwriting, like he ran out of time as he was writing it. The page is littered with tiny Gudetama stickers and the sight of it makes you smile. Along with other little notes people have left for you over the last few months, this one earns a spot on your cork board above your desk.


(04) remembering what ur friend likes or dislikes

You were so late.

Almost getting run over by a bus in the process, you sprint across the small road that separates your flat and the University central campus, missing a deep puddle as you step up off the road and onto the pavement. It pours, your hair soaked and makeup no doubt running and staining your cheeks. Holy fuck, you were so late.

Every Friday, without fail, Flat 6 (aka the large flat you share with your best friends) host an annual movie night, inviting literally all of your extended friendship group which definitely is not allowed, but who cares? You noticed Ymir's car pulled up in the car park next door and curse again, knowing you're the last one to arrive to a movie night you're technically hosting.

You rush up the stairs, since the elevator is still down for maintenance, and burst into the flat with an announcing groan. From somewhere in the living room, Sasha looks up with happy surprise and jumps up off the couch, approaching the hall.

"Y/N! You made it."

You wince, smiling as you hang up your coat to drip dry on the mat near the door. "Yep. I made it. To my own movie night. That I'm technically helping host."

"No sweat," Sasha shrugs. "It's okay. Here, I'll dump your bag in the closet. Get changed, I think they're still preparing snacks, anyway.. Annie was in the kitchen a minute ago."

"Okay. Thanks, Sash."

She gushes, smiling and raising her shoulders cutely. "It's okay, Y/N."

Sasha swiftly takes your bag from your clutches, faking the weight with the droop of her knees just to hear you laugh, and then she turns to shuffle down the hall to quite literally toss it into the shared storage closet. You're not too worried; on days like today, in which you have one 1 hour seminar to attend at 5pm and nothing else, there's nothing inside your bag worthy of being broken by Sasha throwing it to the ground. As she does this, you shudder out of your shoes and make your way to your bedroom, to change into something warm and comfortable for the movie.

The sound of laughter makes you hurry to change, one leg out of your damp and cold jeans whilst simultaneously fishing for some old jogging bottoms out of your bottom draw, a jumper from Annie that she thought she lost left for you to grab on your bed. What she doesn't know and will find out in five minutes won't hurt her. (Annie also doesn't care, because she's a whipped best friend who lets you do what you want, including steal clothes she actually needs and can't really afford to replace. Oh well, sharing is caring!).

Your hair is still soaked, and you move towards the single bathroom squeezed between two bedrooms to ring it out in the sink. Once you're done, and your hair is thrown up into a scrunchie-decorated pony, you pace back towards the kitchen where, rightly so, Annie stands with her back facing you, filling up a glass with Pepsi.

"I thought we threw that shit out," you announce as you walk in. "You know this flat is Team Coca Cola, those are the rules."

Annie sighs, not looking up. "Yeah, I know, but Erwin is a monster."

"He's so annoying...why can't he just admit that Coke is better?" you sigh, moving towards Annie to see the small bowls of snacks she has ready to be taken into the living room. It's full in there, people stuffed onto the sofas and the floor where a bed of blankets lies like a mattress.

Annie's outdone herself; the bowls are neatly organised by colour and ingredient, and you smile. Annie was a lot of things, one of them a secret perfectionist. Even when it concerned bowls of snacks. God, you love to love her.

"Erwin's a man of unpopular opinions, I mean, he really thinks the live action of The Lion King is good, like, who actually thinks that?" Annie rants, and then she glances to the side towards you, is silent for a moment, and then asks, "is that my jumper?"

You look down at it with a smile. "Yep. It's comfy."

Annie hums, like she's bored. "Whatever, looks better on you than it did on me. Who the fuck lied to me and told me dark green was my colour...?"

"Every colour is your colour," you say, patting her back and reaching for the bowls. "Should I take these in?"

Annie then nods, humming again. "Yeah. Yellow bowl is for you, by the way."

You look to it. "And why is that?"

"Cause I know you don't like the barbecue flavour chips that are in the red bowl, but everyone else does, so I went out and got you the salty ones. Oh, and there's a bar of Galaxy in the fridge. Don't tell Reiner, cause he'll get pissy about how I didn't get him something."

As Annie tells you this, your heart flutters. You had told her that when you first met, after she offered you some of her chips noticing you were the only person not eating.

"You remembered that?" you wonder, and Annie looks at you like you've lost your mind.

"I'm a good friend," she states, as though it were obvious. "Don't get it twisted, though. I only did it because I don't want to hear you complaining about it all night."

You're sure that's a lie, but if it makes her feel better, you'll accept it. You'll also ignore the embarrassed tinge of red on her cheeks.


(05) inside jokes

[15:16PM] eren: alright fuckers 🔪😡
[15:16PM] eren: who left the kitchen window open all damn night
[15:17PM] eren: there's three spiders in the sink and it rained so the work surface is all wet
[15:17PM] eren: [1 Image Attached] not happy rn
[15:23PM] ymir: i dont even live with you why are you asking the gc this
[15:24PM] eren: levi has the flat gc muted and idk how else to yell at him
[15:28PM] y/n: blame me,,,,i have failed u,,,,,,,im sowwy
[15:29PM] eren: hehe its ok ❣️💘💕💓 i'll clean it up 🥰
[15:32PM] jean: wtf...she doesnt even live with us
[15:39PM] connie: guess what TF just happened in my maths class
[15:41PM] connie: i forgot that on one of my assignments me and y/n had drawn a camel in the library on the back and he saw and asked me 2 stay behind after class so he could have stern words with me or smthn.....anyway so i go to the front of the class at the end and he's like "mr springer what the hell is this camel doing here"
[15:42PM] connie: and i said sir thats not a camel
[15:42PM] connie: thats my WIFE
[15:43PM] y/n: HA HA HA...
[15:45PM] jean: STOP for fucks sake


(06) long phone calls

[Incoming Facetime Call From: Ymir ]


"Hey. Y/N, are you sitting down because I have some major tea on Thomas and Mina and I'm not supposed to be saying anything and it's killing me."

"Oh shit." Audio shuffles. "I'm lying down now, bitch. Tell me everything."

"Okay. So..."

[Five Hours Later]

"I'm still in shock about Mina and Thomas."

"Me too. What's Mina gonna do, lie and say she had heat rash on her titties?"

"Hopefully she doesn't get them out for people to see."

"Literally. God, I hate how our life has resorted to class gossip. Are we those people?"

"Yup. Two students bitching about group project partners ...midnight?"

"Oh, shit, it's midnight already??"


(07) facetiming while ur both doing something else (study dates like that are on another level of intimacy)

Bertholdt's had the same cold for about two weeks now, and nobody knows what the hell's up with it. He walks around his flat, according to Jean, wrapped up in a blanket and surrounded by a necklace of matted tissues. To be honest, it's not as bad as he's making it out to be, but he's a guy, and so anything that involves a slight stomach pain and a blocked nose instantly translates to man flu, which is almost as bad as the plague.

That being said, Bertholdt's set himself under "house arrest" and is therefore glued to his bed or desk chair, still managing to move his sore and aching joints to write a few words on his lab report. With the first round of finals creeping up, Bertholdt actually wants to go to the library, but, man, what with his man flu and everything, he just can't seem to do it.

On the other hand, he has you to set the mood for him. After snagging a corner table in the library near the big windows, you make a barrier out of your bag and books to watch the sunset, Mikasa opposite using minimal space with her laptop and headphones, watching a documentary she'll need to cite for her essay. Eren naps next to you, having exhausted himself from his shift last night that ran into the early hours and Historia secretly paints her nails, blowing them dry as she takes a break from writing.

Once you're settled and comfortable, you reluctantly peel away the slice of tape covering your webcam (because Black Mirror has forever scared you into thinking 4Chan are watching you and will hold your endless hours of Games2Girls dot com against you) and open up Facetime, ringing Bertholdt who waits patiently back home.

After a few rings, Bertholdt's bright and tired face pops up on the screen and you both silently wave. He has his mic muted, but yours is on, allowing the ambience of the library trick him into believing he's actually there. It's not quite like an ordinary study date, but for now, it'll do. He opens his textbook and starts to work, comfortable and happy now that he's listening to his friends discuss work, like he's there. He smiles, occasionally glancing up to see your face working or Eren unintentionally leaning into frame. It's comforting. He works well.


(08) cooking something for ur friend

"Merry Christmas, Reiner. Oh, wait, I have something for you."

Reiner is hosting a Christmas party this year, in the apartment he shares with some of the other people in your group. His flat is lit up with lights, draining the electricity, the tree sparkling like diamonds in the front living room that looks out onto the city. 

The sound of Michael Bublé sings out festively and Reiner leads you through to the kitchen, out of the loud madness of the party that's getting into full swing. In one hand, you have a big bag of presents that both Annie and Sasha kindly left for you to haul all by yourself to Reiner's flat, and in the other, you balance a box across your arm, the corner sharp on your inner elbow.

"Cool. Your gift is under the tree," Reiner says.

"Oh, yeah. No, this is an early gift."

"Just for me?" he asks.

You set down the box. "Well, you can share if you love us all a lot. But, it's for you."

Reiner wastes no time in opening the box, a smile widening across his face as he reviews the contents. The box is stuffed full with cookies, baked big and crumbly for his tasty pleasures. They're decorated too, because you love him so much and you know he liked them last year.

"Last year you ate nearly all of my batch, so I just decided to make you some of your own this year," you tell him casually. It's really no big deal, but Reiner feels like he might actually cry because the thought is so sweet. You notice this, "Ew, don't cry."

"I'm sorry, I'm touched!" he exclaims. Reiner turns on his spot and wraps an arm around your neck, pulling you in for a hug. With your arms wrapped around his torso, Reiner smiles with a thrilled sound and kisses the crown of your head. "Thanks, Y/N, you're the best."

"Yeah, yeah. I know."


(09) sending texts when u randomly think abt them

[11:15AM] historia: i stopped by at waterstones today and found a cards against humanity add on pack that was harry potter themed and i thought of u
[11:15AM] historia: i bought it for u btw 😊


(10) listening without judging

When the door slams shut, you know that something's wrong.

Having opted for sitting in the natural light of the common room to finish your lab report, the sound of the door echoes loudly throughout the empty common room. It's only you in here, since Levi has volleyball practise until six this evening, and everyone else has class, work or other plans. Only one person is free at this time, which means it's Jean who's here and apparently, not in a very good mood.

Jean doesn't realise you're in the room until he enters it, stopping suddenly in the doorway when he sees you cross-legged on the carpet near the coffee table. His eyes are red and swollen, his nose shiny from where he's been crying and sniffling. The sight makes your stomach churn with an indescribable feeling, and you immediately rise to your feet. There's a bag over his shoulder, as though he was on his way to the gym that's through another door in this room, but that can wait.

"Jean? What's wrong — did something happen?" you ask him, not stepping forward until you know he's okay.

Jean's sensitive and sometimes you forget to go easy on him. He sighs loudly and drops his bag to the floor with a thud. He drags his feet across the floor to get to the couch. He moves as if he's going to sit down and then stops, turning to you. His bottom lip curls like he's about to cry, and then he opens his arms for a hug. You immediately move forward.

"Oh, Jean," you coo, stroking his hair and moving to sit on the sofa. Jean comes down with you and you rest his head on top of your breasts, granting him this once in a lifetime opportunity and he doesn't even register it. He just cries, loudly and comfortably, his arms around you as he sobs. "Oh, my lovely. What happened?"

Jean hiccups. "Doesn't matter. It's dumb."

"No, it's not. Something hurt your feelings, and your feelings aren't dumb," you tell him seriously. Stroking the hair out of his face, you peer down at him. "Come on. Tell me, I won't judge or tell anybody else. You can trust me."

He sniffs loudly, but you don't cringe. He blinks, tears falling and he embarrassingly wipes the tears away, nodding. "Okay." And then the words come out like vomit.

"I just. You know how I liked Emma, right? Cause Mikasa's like my sister, and I stopped liking her a lot when we met Emma and her friends. You know that. Anyway... Well, we were talking — everyone knows we were, but still, we were talking, and I just really liked her and wanted her to like me. I did all this stuff for her, planned all these dates and got her flowers. I thought she liked flowers, girls like flowers. I know we joke that you're one of the guys, but even you liked those flowers I got for you. So, I got her this pretty necklace with an E on it and was going to give it to her and so I went to her practise room. She does dance, you knew she does dance, right? Yeah. And so I went to the room and was in the room talking to her when the door opens and this guy comes in and he comes up to her and they kiss and I just. She. She told me she didn't want to rush into dating and that she liked me, and then she suddenly started dating someone else and I'm just really hurt and confused. Did I do something wrong? Am I ugly? Am I annoying, I just...I don't know what I did. I really liked her."

You don't say anything as he talks. You just listen intently, nodding against his head with a low hum and stroking his hair gently.

"I know it's silly and stupid that I'm crying over a girl, it's just..." He sighs. "It hurts."

You sigh, too. "It's not silly and stupid. What she did was really shitty and it's natural that it hurt your feelings. You did absolutely nothing wrong, though. The flowers were pretty, and you didn't force her into anything, and you were so kind and patient. Any girl would be lucky enough to have you as a boyfriend. Emma missed out! You're so good, Jean, one of the best guys I know. And you're not ugly! That's an insult to actual ugly people! If you're ugly, then what are we?" He laughs shyly and you smile, "Huh? What are we?"

"Okay, sorry," Jean laughs, pressing his cheek into your torso with a wide smile. His hands loop together behind your back, meek and timid, and he sighs, this time less sadly. "Maybe I'm destined to be alone forever..."

"You're being dramatic now," you sigh. "The right person is waiting for you. Just give it some time."

Jean thinks about that for a moment. "Wanna date me if I end up alone and single aged thirty?"

Loudly, you let out a laugh. "Yeah right. You know what, fine. Even though I know you won't be, if we're both single by thirty, I'll marry you. How about that?"

Jean hums. "Cool. Is it safe to have kids after thirty?"

You let out a wheeze, taken aback by Jean's question. "Woah there. I said I'd marry you, not birth your children! Besides, you're acting like thirty is ancient! Lots of women have kids aged thirty."

"Okay, sorry, I didn't know! My Mom was only young."

"I can't believe you just asked me to have kids with you when we're thirty..."

"Might as well make our marriage interesting," Jean shrugs.


(11) making someone laugh so hard that their whole body shakes

"Ow — stop! I'm going to pee!"

You don't think you've seen Eren laugh at a joke that's not his own in quite some time. Tonight, across the table in the retro diner that's been converted and opened in town, he has surprised you. The entire booth shakes with laughter, from all sides and directions. 

Eren leans up against the window, clutching his side with Mikasa, Armin and Sasha all stuffed next to him on the skinny one seater. Next to you, on either side, is Connie and Jean, with Marco and Bertholdt at the counter ordering more drinks.

"What?" you ask, laughing. You're not laughing because it's funny, but more so because you have no idea what it is you did to make him laugh so hard. "What did I say?"

Eren can hardly get his words out, choking halfway on air and having to reach for his drink which shakes in his hand. He sips and gasps for air: "Just — your...face!" Then he cracks up again, like it's the literal joke of the century. You just don't get it.

"What did I do?" you ask. "What's so funny?"

Eren can't breathe.

"Oh my God," Mikasa comments, smiling with disbelief and covering her mouth as she laughs. Sasha's french fries are stone cold as she laughs and leans into Armin's side for support.

"Fuck. Y/N, you're so funny, I love you so much," Eren cries. Cries, literally; there are tears pooling out of his eyes, and he wipes them, sighing loudly as he laughs a few more times.

You're going to take the compliment happily, and move on. To this day, you never found out what was so funny...


(12) hanging out in furniture stores and testing every couch there is

"Take a picture of me so we can pretend this is our house for Instagram."

You sigh, taking out your phone and snapping a photo of Connie, lounging his legs apart across a lime green sofa that looks like it's been hauled out of a 70's magazine. One of the best things about Connie is that he's easy to please, and adventurous just like you. 

Connie could be taken to a junkyard for a first date and somehow he'd still find it fun. He didn't watch Bottletop Bill and his best friend Corky and leave not taking some inspiration on what to do with scrap junk.

It slowly became a tradition to go to the weirdest places with Connie as your date. On weekends or free weekdays you shared, you'd text Connie and get him to come with you to somewhere new. On today's list, IKEA. It's not totally crazy, or weird or wacky, just something you don't think you'd do with Levi for fun. Connie loved the idea.

Connie's making it a mission to sit on every bit of furniture he can find. As he takes a ride up the elevator to the first and main starting point of IKEA, he immediately notices the display couches and stares at you excitedly: "Let's pretend we're about to buy our dream house and test all the couches."

Your eyes light up. "Yes! We can pretend we're on a TV show reviewing them."

You don't think you've ever seen Connie more excited. "Oh my God, yes!" Then he grabs your hand, tugging you towards a cream themed living display. "Let's go! Time to review."

(You very nearly leave IKEA with a bright red sofa that looks like it's been handmade and the bottom pillows are patterned with tiny cherries. Sadly, you're both broke and you don't have a car to take it home.)

((Connie's devastated.))


(13) holding hands while jaywalking so that u Both get hit by a car


A squeal leaves your mouth as Eren grabs a hold of your hand and literally pulls you across the road. A car that speeds down the road presses the horn loud enough to turn a few heads and Eren grins boyishly, raising his hand as if to say sorry even though you're far enough away to not get hit. Erens motto for jaywalking is We Hold Hands, Because We Go Together Or We Don't Go Down At All, or something. You know he stole half of it from an All Time Low song, but it works, and the song slaps.

From across the road, on the side you and Eren are running towards, Annie scowls at the both of you .

"You two have a death wish!" she complains.

"But we lived!" Eren replies, raising a gang sign to which Annie pulls a face at.

"I literally cannot stand you," Annie seethes, walking away even though she's supposed to be going out for dinner with the both of you. You and Eren share a look that ends in a burst of laughter and run after Annie, capturing each of her arms with your own. She complains all the way to the restaurant, even though she loves it.


(14) randomly buying a flower for someone


Reiner's voice lifts your head. He stands behind the reception desk of your flat complex with a small bunch of flowers in his left hand. If he didn't already know that you were working your two hour shift today, then he's lucky he caught you. The sight of a bouquet of wildflowers makes your heart soar curiously.

"For someone special?" you wonder. Maybe he's delivering to someone in the complex. Reiner's a softie like that.

Reiner blinks. "Yeah. You." He holds the bouquet outwards, with a bright smile. "They were for sale outside as I got off my bus. Thought of you. Happy early birthday."

"My birthday's in, like, seven months," you say.

"That's why it's for your early birthday," Reiner replies.

You don't know what to say. "They're so pretty, thank you. Hey — can you go up to my flat and put them in a vase? I've still got an hour here, they might dry out if they're kept down here."

Reiner nods instantly. "Sure. Gimme your key?" You slide the key across the desk towards Reiner and he takes it swiftly. "Cool. Glad you like them. Enjoy your shift, Y/N."

"Unlikely," you groan. "Thanks, Reiner!"

He smiles as he reaches the door, sticking his tongue out to you as he prepares to climb the stairs. That elevator needs fixing urgently, and all you can think about is how much you love your friends.


(15) letting ur friends taste ur food and also tasting theirs to the point where u basically ate a fair amount off of each plate on the table

"What do you mean you've never tried a rare steak before?" Ymir sighs so loudly that it turns a few heads. "Okay. Take a bite, it's called charity and I'm generous. Come on."

Ymir even cuts you a slice and leans over the table to let you taste it. Beside you, Jean cringes when you close your teeth around the fork and pull the steak off, taking several bites and widening your eyes with wonder a Ymir. You have just unlocked a taste sensation!

"Like it?" Ymir asks.

"Mhm! It's so easy to eat," you observe. You look at Jean, "try this."

Ymir sighs. She willingly shares her food out. You glance down at your own meal, a pretty pasta dish that Sasha looks at from next to Ymir.

"What is that? It looks good," Sasha asks.

"Spaghetti Al Pomodoro," you quote from the menu. Connie laughs, because who goes to a restaurant and orders spaghetti? "Stop, I don't know the menu, I played it safe!"

"Lemme try," Sasha invites herself to try the taste, twirling her fork around the pasta and sucking it up like a scene in Lady and the Tramp. This sets off a sequence around the table, something you can't help but snigger at. 

Mikasa lets you try some of her curry and Ymir tries Jean's burger. By the time everybody on the table has tried everybody else's meals, you finally look back at your plate and notice that literally half of the meal's now gone. Ymir has about one bite of steak left, and Jean could easily finish his burger in one bite.

"I hope everyone enjoyed my meal," Ymir says sarcastically, and she angrily chews her last piece of steak.

Connie looks up with a bright smile. "Yeah I did. Thanks!"


(16) "give me that I'll carry it for u"

Sometimes, Mikasa stops by at the reception to help out, especially during finals or midterms when you could really use those two hours of monitoring an empty email inbox to study. Today, one of the newer residents, Floch, is on the desk and is playing Club Penguin on the computer, and you're shoved into the back storage room with Mikasa, filing everybody's mail and parcels.

It's so messy in here, and looks like it hasn't had a good clean out since it was first built, which might sound ridiculous, but have you seen all of this dust?

"Can you guys take out the trash?" One of the other workers, Rico, pokes her head into the back room.

"You only just asked us to do this, though," Mikasa points out.

Rico shrugs, "Okay. And? Get to work."

She turns and leaves as Mikasa gives her the middle finger, groaning as she arches her back to relieve pain that's developed from being hunched over for too long. The trash bags are enormous and bulky with weight, shoved into a single room that absolutely honks. Mikasa grimaces as she opens the door and drags some bags out, deliberately ignoring a suspicious juice leaving a trail behind one of the ones she's just brought into the back room.

"That literally stinks," you complain.


While Mikasa continues to haul bags out of the trash room, you take it upon yourself to drag the bags out to the back, towards the giant tip that's collected by the bin-men the following day. After two or three trips, Mikasa steps out of the room and notices you struggling to pick a big bag up off the floor over your shoulder, like Santa's sack.

"Give me that, I'll carry it for you," Mikasa offers, already stepping forward.

"No!" you protest stubbornly. "I've got this."

"You're so full of bullshit," Mikasa howls. She ignores you and snatches the bag out of your hands. You'll never admit it, but it feels good to not have the twisty material burning your fingers. "Sit down. You've worked hard."

"Don't patronise me," you scold.

She giggles, "sorry. Keep filling in those forms, kill two birds with one stone?"

You wait until Mikasa's out of the room to cradle your fingers. Fucking hell, that hurts.


(17) helping ur friend decide what to wear while also reminding them that they look amazing no matter what

"You're not going to the Met Gala, Jean. Just wear jeans, my dude."

"No. No, no, ignore him." You throw a glare in Eren's direction and shift on your stomach, watching Jean frantically search through his wardrobe. "This is important. This is serious. He's going to see a potential employer, Eren."

"Yeah," Jean taunts, "so go be jobless and broke somewhere else."

Eren snorts, "I have a job, though..."

"Okay, get out of my room. Y/N, help me."

"You looked good in the last four outfits," you say to him honestly. "What's wrong with this one, hm?"

You stand up, moving to one of the outfits laid out on the floor. It's a pretty combination of clothes; a patterned white shirt that's both formal and casual, with black trousers and brown shoes.

"I don't like the shoes," Jean mumbles, continuing to search.

"Okay... Why don't we just..." You crouch, moving a pair of black shoes from outfit number three to outfit number two. Now the shoes are black, and the outfit looks great. "Do that? What do you think?"

Jean looks down at it, biting his bottom lip. "Is it good?"

"Yeah, totally," you nod with enthusiasm. "It shows your personality whilst also remaining professional. And you looked super handsome in it." Jean faces you with a shy face, "Trust me. It's the one."

It takes some reluctance and convincing, but Jean eventually settles on outfit number two. All it took was some convincing and abuse of his praise kink.

(And he got the job.)


(18) being involved in every bad hair decision (dyeing ur friend's hair grey in between playing with their switch)

Three games into Mario Kart, you realise that you urgently need to email Nintendo and play I'm-Karen-Let-Me-See-The-Manager. Nintendo Switches are so dangerously addictive that Sasha has you watching her play as grey hair dye bleaches her scalp. You can't help but watch as she wins race after race, a streak of ten to beat tonight with King Boo as her racer every damn time. Y

ou blame Connie for this impulsive hair decision, but at least his was done professionally. Across the room, Historia watches apprehensively, her lit review on her lap as she studies.

"Fuck, your hair!" You must have said that so many times that Sasha's bound to get sick of it. She glances up at his reflection and eyes the sight on her head.

"Looks fine," she shrugs.

"Let me remind you that it looks fine because the colour's okay at the front. It looks kinda...patchy at the back." You reach for the dye, "We're low. Sasha, we're in trouble."

She shrugs again. "Whatever. We can make a new trend."

"Hell no. If it looks shit, I'm paying for you to get it done professionally ...which, you should have just done in the first place. I'm not a hairdresser!"

"And thank fuck for that!" Connie steps into the living room and laughs nervously. "That looks hideous!"

This time, Sashia's eyes raise nervously.

"It's not that bad..." you mutter. "It's okay. I'll fix it."

"The only way to save your hair is to just sacrifice it all," Jean sighs, following behind Connie with a frown. "You know what, I've got a razor in my cupboard downstairs, let's bring forward bald Sasha."

"I'll take the patchy scalp," Sasha threatens.

"It's really not that bad," you pout quietly, attempting to fix the mess at the back of her head.

Okay — you're lying. It's awful. It's a total disaster. But when Sasha gets a good look at it, and she does take a good long look, she just shrugs and puts down the mirror.

"It's a trend," she decides. Mario Kart resumes and you're rendered absolutely speechless.


(19) looking stupid in public together (singing loudly in ur car)


"So everyone can hear!"


"Oh, baby, I don't care."


Both of your voices: "You wanna be, you wanna be, A LOSER LIKE ME!"

In the backseat, Annie shrinks further down until her bum is hanging off the chair, in the footwell where her knees are. "Please kill me."


(20) hugging people when u say hi and goodbye to them

Historia is one of the best friends you could ever ask for. One, she's friendly. Two, she's funny. Three, she's cute. Four, she hugs you when you arrive somewhere and again when you leave, and you absolutely love it.

"Y/N, hi!" Her voice is the first to call out to you when you walk into the Open Day fair at your Uni. You look awful, overslept and still half asleep, but she comes towards you with a smile and engulfs you in a hug. "You look cute. Sleep well?"

That's not to say the other guys don't hug you, because they definitely do. But, Historia's always the first.


(21) being there for someone even if u can't help them

"Go ahead. Laugh at me like everybody else."

Mikasa and Sasha are the ones who are unfortunately tasked with dealing with a tragically grieving Y/N. It's unfortunate to you, but they don't mind one bit. The last thing they expected to see when they came back to Sasha's apartment to watch more episodes of Mindhunter on Sasha's TV, was you curled up on the window seat with red eyes and a runny nose.

"Why would we laugh at you, honey?" Sasha asks, rubbing your back. She's sat next to you and Mikasa is by your feet, rubbing them and your legs with her soft hands.

You sniff uglily, but none of them say anything. "Cause. Cause it's just a fish, I guess."

"It was still your pet," Mikasa points out sadly. "Susan was a great fish."

You sniff again, crying some more. "I just feel like a bad owner. Maybe the bowl wasn't big enough, and maybe I didn't feed her enough...I don't want her to have died because of me."

"Hey, now," Sasha assures softly, "I'm sure she died peacefully. You were the best fish Mom ever. Susan's in a better place now." She glances over at Mikasa nervously, "Like, fish heaven?"

For a moment you don't say anything, and Sasha thinks maybe that was too much. But then you turn to her with a hopeful expression. "You really think so?"

"Yeah, of course," Mikasa adds.

"Mikasa's still with you in your heart," Sasha says. She's not too great at the comforting thing. "You were so good to her. If I was a fish, I'd want you to be my Mom."

Mikasa looks at Sasha with a deadpan face. Maybe that was too much, but you smiled, and that's something to her. Even if she doesn't know what to do to help, the least she can do is be there for you.


(22) "this reminded me of u"

[03:15AM] sasha: hehe
[03:15AM] sasha: this reminded me of u ^__^
[03:16AM] sasha: [1 Image Attached]

[03:20AM] y/n: what the...


(23) allowing people to be human, with everything that this entails

University truly has been the best years of your life. There've been rough spots financially and mentally, but your key support system has been the circle of friends you're proud to love and live with. Even when they're a little bit chaotic, sometimes really annoying and loud and tiring, you still love them, and every quality that comes along with loving them.

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