
By pinkmatter7

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Cast/ 1 .


1.8K 38 14
By pinkmatter7


I wake up to my phone dinging, I slowly unwrap my arms from around Mariah being careful not to wake her before grabbing my phone and checking it.

It's a couple missed calls from some clients, so I pick up my other phone, my personal one with the number I gave Mariah. The time reads "11:05AM" damn what time we went to sleep?

"good morning," Mariah says softly since she just woke up.

I still can't believe all this happened so fast, i said I was gonna meet her though.

I kiss her ear. "good morning beautiful."

she smiles before turning around and wrapping her arms around me, her eyes slightly open.

I chuckle softly, I kinda feel bad that I gotta go but I got hella things to do today.

"mariah," I say smiling.

"yes?" She finally sits up and looks me in the face.

"I gotta go baby." I explain slightly frowning.

mariah nods, "okay, I'll walk you to the door."
she sighs softly and slides out of the bed and I do the same, grabbing my stuff.

as Mariah walks out of the room I follow behind her and when she stops at the door I turn her around and hug her.

"I'll call you when I get home, can I see you later?" I tell her before I ask.

she looks up at me as she wraps her arms around my neck so I put my phones down before sliding my hands under her thigh and picking her up.

"yes, you can." She says before we kiss.

She looks at me with a soft but sultry look in her eyes, tempting me. But I can't right now, especially knowing that we can get attached too fast.

I smile before kissing her lips softly again.

"alright, get down baby." I laugh knowing she doesn't want me to leave.

"you'll be back?" She asks getting down.

I nod before rubbing her back. "yeah, pinky promise." I say sticking my pinky out.

she wraps her pinky around mine, smiling as we let go and she opens the door letting me out. I walk outside the door, but I turn around one more time to kiss her lips.

She kisses me back.

"don't get too bored without me!" I say laughing as she rolls her eyes.

I don't hear the door close until I get further down the hall. I laugh knowing she watched me walk all the way down here.

I go get into my car in the parking garage and as soon as I get in, kehlani pulls into the parking garage.

I roll my eyes knowing she's here for Mariah. Hopefully they don't do anything. I really like Mariah. I wanna stay but I drive off, I should be trusting and give her privacy.. you know, practicing for our relationship.


I lock the door before playing some music, I play solange and turn it up as loud as it goes before going into my room and picking out some clothes for the day.

I wanna hang out with myself for a bit before anyone else. I go into the kitchen and smile at the roses that gio got me, I sit them up in my living room.

It's crazy she knew that I liked red and black, the flowers match my apartment.

I open the gift she got me, grabbing the box out of the basket and taking the ribbon off, my eyebrows raise at the box that says Cartier. I'm excited to see what's in it, but also shocked gio would buy me something like this and we barely know each other.

Its a gold Cartier bracelet. I smile as I look at it. I gotta thank her, but for now I'm gonna shower and get ready then I'll put it on.

I take the box and put it all back into the basket before going to sit it in my room. I dance back to the kitchen as the music flows.


Then I hear a knock so I turn my music down and go to open the door.

I open the door and see kehlani so I try to close it right back but kehlani catches it.  

"whats wrong with you?" She asks pushing the door open and coming in.

"what are you talking about? I should be asking you that." I say back to her.

"what you mean?" Kehlani asks. "I should be asking you who brought you these flowers." She says pointing the the roses gio brought me.

"Kehlani, where were you last night." I ask her.

"surfing with tashi, I litterally told you." she says with an attitude.

I grab my phone off the counter and laugh slightly. "you were surfing with tashi?"

"yes ma ma." Kehlani says getting nervous

I find my screen shots and look back up. "Are you lying to me kehlani?"

she doesn't hesitate to lie, "no I'm not."

I nod and turn my phone around. "I don't know, this looks like you kehlani."

she just sits there staring at the pictures. "Where'd you get those?" She looks back at me.

I laugh. "Is that really what you're worried about right now?"

"are you mad at me?" Kehlani asks with her  eyebrows raised.

"no, I'm so, so proud of you kehlani." I say sarcastically.

She shakes her head. "I'm sorry ma ma, I swear. I had gotten drunk and just started doing anything." She stands up walking over to me.

I don't know what comes over me but all my anger turns into sadness.

I start to cry but I wipe the tears before they can fall. "did you fuck her?" I ask backing away from kehlani.

She's quiet for a second. "No." She respond.

I shake my head as the tears start to fall so I cover my face. "I can't even trust you kehlani."

I feel her wrap her arms around me.

"how can you just lie straight to my face, do you even love me like I love you?" I ask her still covering my face as I cry.

it's silent for a long time so I push her off of me and go to the bathroom wiping away my tears.

I sit on the floor because my chest starts to hurt.

She follows behind me and pulls me into her as she squats.

"please forgive me ma ma." She says kissing my head.

I shake my head. "I can't.." more hot tears stream down my face.

She's done this before and I keep forgiving her and giving her chances.

The tears blur my eyes as I keep wiping them away.

"I'm so sorry mariah," she says holding me tighter.

And I find myself leaning into her touch and she kisses my forehead as she rocks us back and forth.

I can forgive her, but that doesn't mean I have to trust her or ever even talk to her again.

I shake my head. "I forgive you kehlani." I say.

"thank you, I promise I won't do it again." She says.

I laugh as I get up. "Why, we're not even together."

Kehlani furrows her eyebrows as if she's confused. "what..?"

"we could've been. but look, the shit you do fucks it all up." I shrug as I wipe my face.

kehlani gets up and grabs my arm. "mariah, I apologized."

"you apologized all the last times." I say.

she shakes her head. "It's your fucking fault!" She yells then pushes me hard enough to make me take a step back.

"Kehlani, get out." I say as calm as I can.

she turns around and walks out and I follow her trying to keep my cool.

"I'm sorry Mariah, I didn't mean too." She says before turning around.

"you're sorry?" I ask getting closer to her and pushing her making her fall back into the flowers that gio got me.

"you're fucking sorry?" I say slapping her then repeatedly hitting her until she grabs my hands and holding them together.

"kehlani I fucking hate you! Get out!" I yell as I push away from her.

"I'm sorry Mariah." Kehlani says again.

"stop saying sorry like that's gonna fix something. just go!" I say feeling tears build up in my eyes again. But this time not because I'm sad but because I'm mad.

kehlani looks at me like she wants to cry or say something as we walk to the door. I open the door and let her out before closing the door and locking it.

I sit on my couch and think. I feel resentful, but I also feel like I want revenge.

Maybe I should try not to think about it and have a self day like I was at first.

I stand up and turn my music back up, luckily solange is still playing so it can set the mood.

I sway as I go into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I turn the music up as loud as it goes before grabbing my clothes and bringing them into the bathroom. I sit them on the counter before doing my skincare then taking my clothes off and getting into the shower. 

I decide I'm gonna wear my curly hair today so I'm gonna do a wash and go.

I sit down in the shower just ponder while listening to the music. Then I realize I've been doing it for two minutes so I get up start to bathe and wash my hair.


I smile as I look in the mirror, I like my outfit and the way my skin is glowing after I put on my body butter, I spray a little perfume and fix my hair .

I have a really bad problem of not checking my phone. So I check it when I come out of the bathroom. The girls have been blowing my phone all the way up.

I straighten up everything before grabbing my keys, my purse and my phone and putting them on the counter closest to my front door.

Then I choose to wear my cute heels that go with my dress. I grab my phone and take a cute video in front of my body mirror in the living room.

Then I turn the music off and grab my stuff before leaving my apartment and going into the parking garage.

I get into my car and play love drought by Beyoncé and I turn it all the way up before letting my sunroof back and my windows down. It's a beautiful day.

I sing along as I drive around.

I run a couple errands and end my day, i realize I forgot to talk to the girls so I text them I'm alive. Then I text gio for a rain check.

I spend the rest of my day having fun before going to the bar.


Once I get there I walk in and get a mixed drink, it kinda matches my dress.

I sip on my mixed drink before taking a couple shots.

my phone rings on my lap so I pick it up.

"hey, bitchh. I see you!" Jude yells into the phone.

I laugh slightly. knowing I wanna tell her everything that happened but I don't wanna mess up her fun, and Jude is crazy, she might even do something to kehlani.

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