By Diauthorgeorgia

73.6K 4.9K 1.4K

BEWARE: Strong sexual content and explicit language. Inseparable; people love being together, It's not that t... More

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Not an update
๐ŸฅฐAppreciation to y'all๐Ÿฅฐ


1.1K 68 7
By Diauthorgeorgia

Glimpsing on the time, I decided to turn the tv off and go to bed but as one episode of The Rookie finish, I get even more intrigue to watch the next episode.

Last on dhis...

Drawing the blanket more onto my lower body, I shift into the sofa to gain more comfort. It has been me alone here since Kacian and her boyfriend left for dinner and it's a bit bored here.

My heart beat against my chest as I jump up in the sofa knocking the remote to the floor. knowing that I am here alone scared me but then my heart slowly calms down when I see who it is.

Reaching for the remote, I look up at Kacian and Sanjay making out as they enter the house. My presence wasn't even vivid to them as they carried on, with one foot Sanjay kick the door shut while kissing the living hell out of her.

"Oh Samantha, think yuh did a sleep" Kacian giggles as she notice me watching them.

"Not yet, unu look like unu have fun thou" I smiles base on their carrying on, it's evident that they are both tipsy.

"We did" She giggles and stare at Sanjay who's busy planting kisses on her shoulder, cheeks then to her lips again.

him nuh see mi...

He then whispers into her ears causing her to giggle even more, waving me bye, they kiss their way to their room and then I heard the slamming of the door. Laughing to myself, I notice how much of the show I have missed and I try to put it back to where it was.

Afta dhis episode, mi ago sleep..... eyes dhem a burn but di movie nice..

"Jay! mhmm!" My eyes shift to their room door as I heard Kacian loud scream.

Scream after scream cause me the turn the volume down on the tv, these people are such animal just hear them behavior like a them one in here. Laughing escape me as I kick my foot up in the air listening to her begging him to slow down.

Like shi did a talk truth mhon, shi must a hoarse up after that...

No sa, mi a cum go a mi bed thou... too much distraction fimi..

My eyes shift to the person coming from the other side of the house and I sit up straight while making sure that the blanket is covering me up properly. I've glimpsed him since evening but I didn't know he was still here, he's evening looking more attractive close up.

He's sporting a black and white track suit with a pair of white Jordan's sneakers that fit his feet really well. His diamond earring bling in his ears, around his neck is a silver chain with a cross pendant and on his left hand a really nice silver watch is resting.

Da cologne deh smell like Valentino.... eh bad yf, trang tuh...

His eyes shift to the room door where the festive couple is preforming porn then back to me with a grin on his face, shyly I smile while looking away from him.

"How ya watch show in a dhem noise ya?" He chuckled, as he move around the center table.

"Very distracting" I sigh lowly. "I'm going to bed though, it's too much for me" I giggles and he looks at me with a slight smirk.

A wah him a think bout...

"Mi ago on di road, yuh wah cum and give dhem di space?" He asked staring down on me.

Mi? Ina Nite? wid tranga?


"What's your name?" I asked as I switch the T.v off.

"Really? mi a di boss bredda Rojay and nuh fret yuh self, yuh in a gud hands" He chuckled and I take a minute to think about it.

"Jay! Oh my God!" Comes from Kacian again and Rojay and I's eyes made four.

"Mek mi go change" I dropped the remote on the table and rush to the room that I'm staying.

Not to look too extra and thirsty, I jump into a Demin rip jeans, a blue crop top and a pair of blue fuzzy sandals.

Pulling off the bonnet from my head, I make sure my edges are still slayed then I search for my back grab clip and pin up the back of my hair. I simple add in a pair of stud earrings, sliver neckless, little lip gloss and cologne then meet Rojay back into the lounge room.

"I'm ready" I breath out for him to notice my presence as he was busy down into his phone, he smile up at me then step aside for me to lead the way. Shyly I walk pass him tense as we walk towards the door.

mi juss a feel him eye dhem a stare pon mi suh


My eyes fly open when I feel the emptiness of the bed beside me, a dizzy feeling takes me over as I try to sit up to quick. Holding on to my pounding head, I call out Sanjay's name with my hoarse voice but hear nothing. Swinging my feet off the bed, I settle back on the bed as I feel a nagging pain in my abdomen and coochie.

Mi need fi tap mek Jay deal wid mi suh hard.... it's all fun and nice in the moment until di afta effect..

Light knocking coming from the door catches my attention then a laugh came from me when I heard Samantha loud voice.

"eh safe fi mi cum in? Yuh naked in deh?" She shouted out causing me to laugh then tell her to come.

Slowly the room door opens and she peek her head inside with one eye open before pushing her full body inside. Dying of laughter, I shift back on the bed and wait for her to reach where I am.

"Mawning, mi think yuh neva did ago wake" She said as she sit on the bed trunk.

"Mi did tiad enu" I let out a wide yawn while stretching.

"Mi know, afta weh yuh and Sanjay galong wid in ya lastnite, yuh wud a muss tiad.. all yuh throat suppose to sore" she goes on.

"Really? Yuh hear we?" My eyes widen at her.

"The ole ochi hear unu miss" She exaggerate. "No mhon, a wah mek yuh did a scream suh like him did a murda yuh" she looks at me.

"He was but in a good way" I blushedas I reminisce on my night.

I really did enjoy dinner with him, then the walk on the beach before coming home and doing what we both enjoy the most. Speaking of such, It's been a while since I am up and I haven't seen or heard from Sanjay.

"Yuh see him from mawning?" I asked her shutting down what she was about to say.

"Yes him and Rojay gone out fi go look pon some property" She said, moving to the iPhone box on the night stand. "Rasshole! a fi yuh dhis?" She create excitement as she spin around to face me with the box into her hand.

"Yes and mine yuh drop it out enu becaz mi nuh change ova mi chip yet" I told her.

Wen mi settle good dhen mi sort it out..

"Raaaay! Who fa man nuh spend dhis big pon dhem fi valentines a bat" She sings as she observe the phone. "Like mi self" she added, flipping it back and front for good view.

"A hate yuh" I playfully hiss as I reach for my old phone to call Sanjay but saw it text apologizing for leaving me in bed.

"it nice mi like eh" she said as she set it back and place it where she got it from. "Go ready, di drive suh cum" she said and I look up at her puzzle.

"Which drive?" I asked her.

"Hear ya... Nuh fi carry wi go in a di town and beach, nuh dhat we talk bout lastnite before yuh lef" She stepped back and glare at me.

"Oh, girl mi nuh hunde-

"No bada wid dhat, wi a guh beach todeh todeh as plan" She boss me up. "Yuh shudn't use all di energy lastnite, mi ago ready" She added.

"Mi nuh like yuh enu and mi have yuh up fi trick mi!" I shouted at her before she reach the door.

"Lie dhat, see yuh enjoy yuh self deh" she grin before walking out of the room.

I rolled off the bed and head to the bathroom to get a early morning shower maybe after that I will feel much more better and with a cup of coffee.


To the beach was the plan but Sanjay didn't want us to go without them so that will be for tomorrow before we head back to home.

So for the day Samantha and I decided to just go out and have lunch then have the driver drive us around town before going back to the villa.

Our Lunch spot for today is Sharkie's seafood restaurant in runaway bay, I think it's a good chill spot for us girls and the ambiance is giving relaxation and comfort. After we finish browsing through the menu, we made our order and shortly after we were serve shrimp soup until our order is ready.

"Dhem soup nice and likkle most mi nuh order it enu but tru mi know a dun to order bizniz and by the food go cum, gas pack mi up" Samantha spoke as she sip on her soup.

"Mi a tell yuh, dhem place ya yuh cah cum hungry" I replied as I look around the restaurant for nothing in particular but just looking around.

"Mi neva know seh a yuh bredda in law own di villa weh wi deh" Samantha said and I turn my attention to her.

"How yuh know dhat?" I asked as Sanjay never said anything to me.

"Him tell mi wen wi go on the road lastni-

"Wah? Yuh and Rojay go out? and yuh nuh tell mi" I asked surprisingly while reaching across the table to slap her.

"Yes wi cudn't stay in a di moaning and screaming so wi go drive out and him a tell mi bout him business move and this is the staat up" she finish off then sip on her soup.

"Eh suh wah gwan? Weh unu go? Yuh like him?" I get even more intrigue into the conversation.

"Girl slow down, fuss mi a see di guy and out a all mi seh a dhat yuh have question bout" she laughed out. "Mi find him attractive yes but base pon how mi see him phone a hotline and a pure female, mi nuh think mi ago a like stage" she looks down on her soup then take the shrimp out and place it inside of her mouth.

"Suh wah if him like yuh?" I asked her as I do the same thing she did.

"well mi nuh know" she shrug with a sigh.

"Seet deh yuh like him" I laughed out, it's obvious.

The waiter came with our food, on our table lies garlic lobster, shrimp alfredo, brown stew fish with steam bammy, mash potatoes and two glasses of sex on the beach. We didn't waste anytime to dig in and just as how attractive it look the taste matches it, It's my first time ordering lobster somewhere and actually like it.

After eating what our stomach can hold, we asked for containers to bring home out left overs as the bill was high so I am not wasting a dine of Sanjay's money. Sam and I then walk down to the beach, we slide our slippers off and allow the water to run over our feet as we enjoy the cool sea breeze.

"Hello beautiful ladies, beg unu a buy nuh" A skinny, tall black man approach us with a white candy box in his hand.

"Wah dhem deh?" Samantha asked as we broke our necks off to see what he have.

There are different types of candy, cookies and chocolate that I haven't seen before but they look really nice. He go a head and explain to us that they are call edible which have us confuse at the names until he tell us about the weed inside of it that will make up feel a little high. Samantha and I exchange a look while smiling knowing we are about to try it when we get home.

"How much fi dhem?" I asked him.

" Everything a 500bills a bag except di cookies weh a fi 750 bills" He said as he points them out.

dhem dare bra fi such likkle bit but mi wah try eh...

"Ok give me 3000 worth of things" I told him as I dig into my purse.

"Make it 5000, see 2000 grand ya" Samantha said handing me a 2000 dollar bill.

He bag them up for us and tell us a million thank you before leaving to another group of people down on the beach. We decided to go home and try them out so we call the driver and in no time he come for us.

"Yuh cudn't wait till wi reach?" I glare at Samantha as she rip one of the cookies package with her teeth and start eating it. "Gurl, it nice yf, try it" She grin while handing me the other one.

"baxide, eh trange though Sam" I squint my eyes as I take another bite.

"Wi shud a buy more" She suggested as she takes out another package of it, the packages have two cookies in each.

They driver eyed us through the rare view mirror with as smile. Ignoring him, we continuing eating the edibles as the man said and it's like we couldn't stop.

It becomes so addicted that we want to turn back to get more, we reach back at the villa in no time and finish the remaining of them. Not long after, I started to feel high, horny and nice. I strip my skirt off first then my blouse leaving me in only underwear and bra.

"Gyal yuh hawt tuh?" Samantha laugh uncontrollably as she strip down to her underwear and bra too.

"Yes, turn down the AC, suh in ya get colder!" I shouted for no reason then starts laughing.

"We dhe rem- oh seet ya" Samantha said taking up a long black remote and turn it to the direction of the AC. "But how eh nah move?" She asked beating the remote on her hand then turn it back to the AC.

But if mi nuh wrong, dhat look like di TV remote but mi self nuh too sure eitha..

"Mabe eh mash up, lef it ya" I told her and she throw it back on the table.

The feeling was nothing like I felt before, at one point I feel like I am floating then I feel so much energy to jump around the house. Samantha take up here phone and we start recording some random tiktok video while jumping around the house and laughing out loud.

"Boss I not cuming to work today... I cah see, no nothing wrong wid my eyes, I juss cah see mi self cumming to work todeh..." we laugh our way through the video then turn to look at each other.

"Rass, we nuffi deh a work?" I asked out with my eyes widen then we both stifle a laugh.

"Not today Christopher!" Samantha laugh out and I did the same.

"Look how mi ago fly Sam!" I screamed out as I jump from the L-shaped sofa to the single heart shaped one.

She starts videoing me as I jump high, back on forth then she joins me. We jump trying to touch the ceiling while laughing away at the fun we are having.


My eyes slowly open as I feel the car came to a halt. Easing forward on the seat, I notice that Rojay stop at the stoplight. Slowly I pull the seat back up and rub my sleepy eyes that  didn't get enough sleep lastnight then waking up so early and I have been on the road since.

Checking my phone, I notice there's no messages or calls from Kay so I decided to check up on her but her phone went straight to voicemail.

"Look like Kay dhem style wi and gwan a beach lef we enu" I said to Rojay, as I randomly scroll through my phone then notice that Indiana haven't bother me since morning.

"Suh yuh vex?" Rojay chuckled as he keep his eyes on the road.

"How yuh mean, if a dhat gwan, wi a lef dhem tomaro wen wi a guh enu" I hissed lowly as I think of her on the beach in bikini while I am not there.

Shi betta have cover up enu...

"Rass, di man serious tuh claat... Di ooman dhem cah enjoy dhem self bro?" He asked in laughter.

"Mi nuh seh no but mi nuh wah mi ooman pon nuh beach in a bikini fi man a look look" I hissed loudly. "and mi nuh dhe deh" I added as I try to get her phone again.

"Lowe eh ooman mhon, shi gud as deh a yaad a sleep or supm" He waved me off.

"Yuh nuh know betta enu becaz yuh nuh know wah relationship is like" I glare at him before turning to my phone.

"and mi nuh wah know, mi nuh wah be like yuh... mi cah see dung a meds one ooman in a mi young age ya... yuh mad!" He laughed out, hitting the steering wheel.

"Oye mine yuh ram up mi cah in a ntn enu" I sit up and glare at how near he is to the car infront of us.

"Worry less bro" he said before overtaking it.

With his super speed driving, it didn't take us long to reach back at the villa and I was more than happy to take a few minutes sleep before touching back the road later. Rojay and I's exchange a bewilder stare as qe reach at the door and hear the noise inside before walking in.

My eyes widen as I see Kacian and Samantha jumping across the room, half naked while laughing out loud. It takes me a little while to unfreeze and grab her as she tried to make another jump while Rojay stand there eye raping Samnatha.

"Grab her nuh bwoy!" I hissed at him.

"Baby!" Kacian Squealed, wrapping her hand around my neck, squeezing the living hell out of me. "Mi miss yuh bad enu and mi horny" She giggles as her hold gets tighter.

"B! Babes! Kay!" I slap her hand a few times to get her to let loose off of me.

"Ouch! why ya beat mi up Jay?" She pouted, trying to get out of my shield but I move with her.

Not knowing what's happening with Samantha and Rojay behind me, I grab Kacian up and bring her to the room. I try to get her on the bed but she grab on to my shirt, ripping all button off then move to my belt abruptly.

"Kay stop that" I grab her hand as I try to figure out what the fuck is going on with her.

Di ooman eyes dhem wild yf and shi juss nuh seems har self...

"Jay mi horny" She whined, twisting her hands from me to reach for my pants.

"B mi seh stop" I grab both her hands again. "Wah yuh tek B?" I asked her as I examine her body.

"Mi tek sumpm nice and eh mek mi feel nice and mi wah yuh mek mi feel nicer" she grin, twisting out of my arms like a possess person.

A weh di bloodclaat dhis!.

"B wah yuh tek?" I started to get worried as I shake her to calm down.

"Big buddy what's up?" She sing with laughter between each words. "I got supm dhat yuh can fuck...." She continue as she move her lips to mine.

"a wah di fuck dhis pon mi mhon! Kacian weh yuh tek?" I shouted at her in frustration.

"Mi nuh tell yuh aready" Shi hissed her teeth. "Tap question mi nuh and gimi, mi things" She grab her hands from me and grab my belt, forcing it to unbuckle.

"Mi seh no" I lift her up and place her on the bed, she pull me down on her and lap her feet tightly. Her tongue reach into my mouth and aggressively she kissed me while grinding on me.

"Kacian stop behaving like this and tell mi wah yuh tek" I said pulling myself from her but she lap me tighter.

"If yuh nuh wah dweet, mi will mek yuh bredda dweet enu" She looks up me with her wild eyes.

"A slap yuh, yuh fuck, betta go sleep ere" I roughly pulled myself from her but she lap me again before I could make it off the bed.

Freeing myself from her hold, I try to reason with her to calm down but she insist on me fucking her in the state that she is in which will not happen. After hours of tussling, she knocked out cold and I get a breath of relief then left to see how Samantha is doing.

"Shi a sleep?" Rojay breath out as he exit her room with his shirt half rip.

"Wa gwan?" I asked him as we walk to the lounge room.

"Shi try rape mi" He chuckled and I slap him in the back of his head. "weh dhat fa?" He hissed.

"Ya joke and si a serious thing a gwan.... mi nuh know weh tf dhem tek enu but dhem a move possess and a pure fuckery Kay chat" I sigh as I drop myself in the sofa.

"fi real bro, like dhem high or sumpm" he joined me.

"High? Dhat pass high bro.. mi affi a wonda if a molly dhem go tek but mi nuh think Kay wud a really do dhat... No sa" I shake my head in denial.

"Real talk dhat enu bro becaz d B nuh know mi like dhat and mumma a rip up mi clothes fi deh wid har" he was about to chuckle when I glare at him.

"Mi know no weh fi think" I hissed my teeth.

Trapping my head between my palms, my mind think of every possible thing that could cause these woman to be acting out like this.

MI Juss hope and pray seh dhem back to normal wen dhem wake..



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