Heaven' s Angel TAEKOOK FF

By Ramii_Rajpoot_007

166 13 1

"I liked YOU. I craved YOU. I wanted more and I will took it. you know you are my angel who came from heaven... More



18 3 1
By Ramii_Rajpoot_007

I Just hope you're liking my story..... just  comment to let me know ..........  okkkk i wont waste your time on my childish talk. you keep going.


J-hope was searching for taehyung everywhere. Meantime, jimin called him. J-Hope picked the call.

"Hyung where is tae. He isn't picking my call. Please, pass the phone to tae I wanna talk  to him."

"Minnie I don't know where is he? I searched whole airport, waiting area everywhere. but Tae is nowhere to found"

"What do you mean HYUNG. Where is my tae? Hyung you told me, you will manage everything. Where s he?

" I don't know minnie. I reached airport on time but he is not here. The airhostess i hired told me that Tae already left from there. But he is not here. Minnie I am very scared. What if something happened to my Pumpkin. N-NNO n-no I will search for him" J-Hope was at the verge of crying. His voice was shaking.

"Hyung I am coming. I Can't risk with my bear's safety. It's all my fault. I should never let him go there alone. its all my fault. Fuck millions deal I am Just coming there by myself." Jimin was Grunt and cut the call.

J-Hope searched there for half an hour with his dizzy mind and lots of thoughts. Meantime, he met the boy who was about to deliver jungkook documents. He met him and explains him whole situation. The other male also promised him to search for tae with him. After an hour jungkook called him and informed him about Taehyung. J-hope sigh in relief and runs towards his car with other male. They were already near the office.


ON    THE    OTHER   SIDE......

Jungkook was looking at Taehyung  who was glaring at the cold floor. Jungkook shook his head and called his PA. His PA came there immediately and bowed towards Jungkook who just nod.

"Mark bring me a cup of Frappuccino with no Sugar and" He looked towards Taehyung who was still looking at floor" would you like to have something?"

Teahyung just blink his Eyes thrice and than nod his head as 'no'.  Jungkook just nod his head and gesture Mark to go from there. Taehyung was hungry but he was not trusting any stranger with something to eat. He was just waiting for his hyung to come. Soon the door was opened again with a worried J-Hope and an another male. Taehyung looked towards J-hope and his eyes filled with fresh tears. He run towards his hyung, hug him tightly and start crying softly. 

J-hope was also shedding tears of worriedness and imperil. He was also Afraid to lose Taehyung. He hugged Taehyung very steadfastly. He always treat Taehyung like his own child. After there parents death, He never left Taehyung and jimin's side. Jimin was strong and can protect himself but Taehyung was a fluff ball. he kissed Taehyung's whole face. He was rubbing his back and patting his head. He wiped Taehyung's tears off and kissed his for-head.

"My Pumpkin, My Baby, My Love are you ok. You didn't hurt yourself anywhere right. let me see if you are hurt or not. You know, How much I was scared when i didn't find you there."

Jungkook was looking at them with blank face and shook his head ' Both brothers are same crying babies and afraid.' he thought and stands up from his chair and sign the other male to come towards him.

 " Are you Kai?"

"  Yes sir, I am Kim Jong-in. You can call me kai. I am 30 years old"

" OH so you are the one who was about to deliver our documents and files." Jungkook said while looking at the male named as Kai. Kai nodded his head and forward his hand.

" Yes sir and here are your files and documents." Kai handed him the files.

Jungkook open every file and read with full concentrate. After reading, He nod his head and looked at Kai then speak" ok that's fine and you can join our team after 2 days. Till than just make yourself comfortable with new surroundings. you're my very trusted man's son. I just hope, I can trust you just like your father who is no more between us. You are on your's father place now "

" I will try my best to prove my self and be trustable."

"OK That's good to hear and you can go now. My PA will guide you to your new apartment." Jungkook said and glance towards  J-Hope and Taehyung who was still standing there and  hugging each-other, talking in soft voice with tears glittering in their eyes. Taehyung was not ready to leave J-hope for even a second and hugging him like a koala. His legs were on j-hope waist and arms around his neck and face buried in his chest. He was cutely sniffing and talking in slow tune. 

"My Head is hurting Hobi hyung and i am also hungry."  Taehyung said in tiny voice but enough to hear for J-hope. Jungkook's total focus was on them, He also hear what tae said.

"Aw my Pumpkin is hungry. Let's go, we will kill the monsters in your tummy and throw them away like shuuuu. And than i will massage your head ok." Taehyung giggle at his Hyung's funny faces and nod his head. 

"Where are you going Hyung?" Jungkook asked in demanding voice sending shivers to Taehyung's spine. 

" Ah Boss, we are going to my apartment. Taehyung is hungry and he had slight fever. i will take my leave from office today." J-hope said with Taehyung in his arms who was just blinking his eyes cutely with a cute pout on his cherry red lips.

"No Need, Jin Hyung is waiting for you and your brother. He especially told me to inform you to take your brother with you to our Home." Jungkook said with plain voice and blank eyes.

 J-hope just nod his head without arguing, Because he know there is no need to argue with Jungkook's decision and Jin's order.

 "Who is Jin hyung" Taehyung asked Jungkook looking at him with his wide Blue eyes being curious.

"You will come to know very soon." Jungkook said softly with a short glance towards Taehyung who just nod is head and walk towards door. "Let's go breakfast will be served in few minutes and Jin hyung will be angry. If, we will reach there late."

Three of them walk towards their cars. Jungkook sit in his car. J-hope was about to sit in his own car but  He was having difficulties while caring Taehyung and drive car like this will create a problem. Jungkook noticed and stop him. "Hyung you can come with me"  

J-hope was shocked at first, Because The Jeon Jungkook never allowed anyone in his car, not even his parents. "But taehyung-" 

Jungkook cut his sentence and spoke" of-course he can also come with us"

It was second shock for him but he nod his head and looked down at Taehyung who was sleeping peacefully in his arms without any fear and difficulties. J-hope smile at his bear and sit in the car with Taehyung on his lap.

 Jungkook looked at Taehyung and a deep sigh escape from his mouth.

"JUNGKOOK POV" I don't know why i am feeling strange seeing this boy. The way he pout, blink his beautiful blue sparkling eyes, speak slowly, The way he was trembling in my arms, his long eye-lashes landing on his pink cheeks, His dark brown hairs falling on his face. What are these strange feelings?  I never felt anything like this for anyone before. Then, Why him? What are you doing with me Kim Taehyung. I just want him on my lap, stare at him and notice his every feature very closely. ahhhh Jungkook what are you thinking. You can't think like this. Its very cheap.)

Jungkook was in is own thoughts while looking at Taehyung. J-Hope noticed him and his brother mode activate. He calls Jungkook 3-4 times but got no reply. At last he shook him really hard.  

"Why are you staring at him?" J-Hope asked him with an eyebrow raised.

"NO-NO I was not staring at your brother, I Just zone out. I was thinking about something else." J-Hope just Nod his head and covered Taehyung's face. 


They reached home in 8 to 9 minutes. J-hope  wake Taehyung up. Taehyung rub his eyes with the back of his hand just like babies and pout at the disturbance, sitting on J-Hope's lap. Jungkook was just looking at him. J-hope clear his thought. Jungkook just roll his eyes and came outside. He walk inside with J-hope and Taehyung following him. 

Taehyung was looking here and there in AWE. He came outside the car and his jaw dropped at the view of huge mansion and 50-60 guards were standing in a line on the both side of the entrance. There was huge garden around the whole mansion. There was a huge swimming pool with clear blue water on the backside of the mansion. There was 25-30 rooms with mirror windows on view  from outside painted in white and dark blue color. 


They came inside and welcomed with a flying pink pan and a person's yelling

"YOU BRAT  TOLD YOU TO CAME EARLY, BEFORE BREAKFAST. HERE EVERYONE IS WAITING FOR YOU AND YOU-" Jin's shouting immediately stop looking at ethereal beauty who flinched and  was scared, blinking his tears away. Taehyung was looking at jin with teary eyes. Jin cooed at his cuteness and came towards them. Hearing jin's yelling everyone came there.

"oish, Who is this cute little baby? Hoba, is he your brother?" Jin said while looking at Taehyung who was scared and hiding behind His HYung. J-hope nod his head as yes .

" Baby, see He is Jin Hyung and he will not hurt you. Why are scared?" J-hope asked Taehyung lovingly.

" Hobi Hyung, Jin Hyung shout at  us" Taehyung said in tinny voice while gesture towards jin who was looking at him with loving eyes.

"aishh, No Baby i didn't shout on you. I shout on this brat who just came home late."

"But you were about to hit us with frying pan Right?" Taehyung said cutely with tilted his head towards jin. Everyone in the living room melts on his cuteness. Jin bite his lip in nervousness and jungkook was smirking at his misery.

"NO baby, I was not" jin said while glaring at Jungkook who was just  giving him evil smirk. Because no one can stop jin's shouts and After seeing Tae, jin just got on silent mode. 

"OK ..... I am Taetae and i am 20 years old." Taehyung said with his famous boxy smile and shinning eyes with excitement. Jin again cooed at his behaviour and hug the boy. He broke the hug and kissed Tae's for-head who just blushed.

"I am kim seokjin. you can call me jin Hyung. Com on everyone introduce yourself."   

"I am Kim Namjoon. 2nd child of this group, Yours Jin Hyung Husband and you can call me whatever you want" while showing his dimple smile. Taehyung nod his head immediately. "Can i call you Joonie Hyung" Namjoon nod his head showing his dimples again.

"Joonie Hyung You know you have two dimples." Taehyung said with shocked face and everyone laugh at bundle of Cuteness.

"Really, I have dimples. I don't know. Nobody told me that i have." Namjoon said also with same expression. 

"See i told you. I also want a dimple Joonie hyung. Please give on of them to me."   Namjoon just chuckled at Taehyung's cuteness 

"you can take my both dimples" Taehyung just pout because he can't take anyone's dimples.

"I am min-ho. I am their father. you can also call me Appa just like them." Mr. Jeon said while patting Taehyung's head.

"I am jeon yeri. their mother and you will also call me Mother just like kook" Mrs. Jeon said while showing his bunny smile just like Jungkook and kissed Taehyung's for-head.

  "I am not going-" Yoongi was about to speak next but taehyung cut him off 

" You are Min Yoongi and i will call you grandpa." Taehyung said with his bright smile and everyone laugh except yoongi who was looking boringly here and there.

"Listen kiddo, i told you not to call me Grandpa" yoongi's grumpy mode was On.

" And I also told you not to call me Kid--." Taehyung fight back with a huge pout on his lips.

"Baby what are you doing? You should not fight with elders." J-hope hold him back to fight more.

"But Hobi Hyung, I didn't fight. Right Grandpa?" Everyone cooed at his innocence and yoongi just nod his head as yes.

 There was silence for few minutes. Everyone turned their head towards Jungkook who just look at them confused and gave them ' WHAT ' look.

"You should also introduced yourself. I am sure you didn't introduced yourself till now" Mr. jeon said  while looking at Jungkook who just nod his head.

"I am Jeon Jungkook their youngest son. I am 28 years old. You better call me Hyung." Jungkook said with blank face and Taehyung giggle at this and said" I will call you Kook hyungie"  

Jungkook just nod his head." Jin hyung i am hungry"

Everyone nod and walked towards dinning table. Taehyung was looking at everyone with heart eyes. He always wished for a big family and here he received everything he wished for.   

 "Tae bear why are you standing there. Come have a breakfast" Jin hold his hand and walk towards dinning Table.

That's it for today ....... i just hope you guys are doing well

just take care of yourself and your family............

Remember me in your prayers and let me know if you like this part .........

Should i continue or not? 

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