Konoha's Red Dragon

By Winterteawolf

105 13 0

A cacophony of noise, heart beats like drums, the rushing of blood, the gentle exhales and inhales of the wor... More

Brief Glimpses
Graduation day
Bells sound funny
A little bit of ninja sign language
Violet embers
Violet flames
genin exam part 1


6 1 0
By Winterteawolf

Aki's head tilted as she watched curiously as she paced. The boys were struggling on the small pond by the bridge, trying to walk on water.

Sasuke, despite only being visually ticked off, smelled disappointed and angry that he couldn't get it as fast as Sakura, who was prancing around on top of the water completely dry.
Naruto at this point was just having fun splashing in the water whenever he fell and his face lighting up in both glee and annoyance.
Aki was walking around, not as steadily as Sakura was, but she was getting there.
Kakashi was on the shore, on his back with his legs crossed and his book in hand, interested in the book, but still watching over his genin.

It had been a week since they got back to the village, they were given a week break by their sensei and Hokage and had just started up team training again.

She sighed, watching Naruto fall in for the umpteenth time. She walked over, eyeing Sasuke warily as she passed.
She whistled for his attention, grabbing Naruto above his elbows gently. He turned and blinked at her, before grinning, bright and wide and it made her a little more comfortable.
"What's up, Aki!"
He exclaimed, looking at her with his eyes open for once, and she huffed.

She signed slowly, waiting for Naruto to understand and he huffed.

"I don't know what ya' saying,"
He grumbled and Aki sighed, giving him a look. She would've thought he'd learn some signs, or at least signals.

She looked over and whistled, grabbing Sakura's attention, and Aki waved. Immediately Sakura came over, steps quick and hurried as she started to work on actually running on the water.
"Yeah, what is it, Aki?"


Sakura nodded, understanding what Aki meant, she focused intently on Aki's hands.
"Aki's saying: focus, Naruto. It's like tree... walking... feeling for shifts in the water and waiting to see what you nee to do... and how to shift your Chakra."
Sakura had to pause a few times to fill in the gaps that Aki couldn't sign.
She laughed quietly when Aki signed again and she looked at Sasuke.
"That goes for you too, Sasuke-kun-!"
Sakura chirped, cheeks blushing. Sasuke looked away, a blush coming to his cheeks based on the heat radiating from his face.

Aki takes a step back and nods, waving to Naruto as Sakura bumps her hip against Aki and takes her hand.
"C'mon, Aki, I'm gonna help you get started on running!"
She turned and grinned at Aki and Aki grinned back, trotting along happily, if carefully.

They ended up racing each other a few times, with Aki sprinting on the water, trying to catch up to Sakura with a joyful glint in her eye.

Aki had been in the library -the books smell nice- when a certain cover had caught her interest.
It was a dull purple, like dying lavender, or the colour of a just healing bruise, it's binding was black and the pages smelled a little older than some of the other books. It smelled dustier too.
Aki set down the book she was reading, some sort of history book, and carefully pulled out the purple boo look from the shelf.
She flipped it so the front cover faced her and she read over it quickly, before she blinked.

Poisons, remedies and cures.
That sounded fun.
This was something Sakura might be into. Maybe. Hopefully.
Aki hummed and put the book down, putting away the history book that she wasn't all that interested in, she decided to snoop around a little more in this section.
It almost seemed a bit... forgotten in a way.
She found two more books.

All were made by the same person, a Shinobi most likely. Aki hummed, piling the books on top of each other and started making her way to the till.
Until she stopped, a small tug in her gut making her pause.
She blinked and turned to her left, eyes finding another book, black and grey and she stared at it.
"It will interest you. But it"
The voice chimed and that was all Aki needed. She picked up the book and put it on her pile and walked back to the till.

The librarian raised an eyebrow at the little girl carrying the books, odd ones at that, but didn't say anything.
Young, aspiring Shinobi minds were needed in this village after all.
"Come again!"
She called, waving Aki out of the store with a small smile.

Aki huffed, having walked around the village for two hours now, just trying to find Sakura. For a girl with pink hair, she sure was hard to find.
She passed by a Dango shop, the smell making her nose twitch in curiosity but she continued to chug along, briefly glancing through the window-

She paused. Backing up a few steps and looking again.
There was Sakura! Finally!
She thought happily, entering the store and plopping down in the booth Sakura was in, putting her bag of books on the table as she did so.

Sakura blinked, before swallowing whatever sweet food she had taken a bite out of. "Hi to you, too. What's with the bag?"

She asked, poking it with a skewer and Aki gestured for her to look into it, finger spelling 'p-o-i-s-o-n," and then pointing at Sakura. Sakura just raised a brow and took another bite out of her Dango.

Aki sighed and just took the books out, leaving the one she wanted in the bag and giving the other three to Sakura.
She gestured to them and huffed, looking at Sakura pointedly.

Her eyes lit up and she smiled, taking the three books happily and squealing, "Aki! You didn't have to get me books! Thank you so much!" Sakura practically jumped over the table to wrap her arms around the little red head.
Aki flinched but smiled, returning the hug hesitantly.
"Thank you, thank you!"
Sakura chirped again, slightly lower now that she was right next to Aki,
"But... Why poison?"
She asked, leaning back slightly and keeping her hands on Aki's shoulders.

Aki shrugged, "p-o-i-s-i-o-n is good combat." she signed, letting Sakura fill in the gaps as Aki waited patiently.

"Oh! You think I should include poison when I fight?"
Aki nodded, a shy smile on her face. At least Sakura liked the books.

Sakura clapped her hands softly, a grin stretching her mouth so wide it looked like it would separate the two halves of her face. The strong scent of happiness, thank you, made Aki dizzy. "Aw, thank you so much Aki! I'll definitely look into it! I have been thinking my fighting is a little bland compared to the boys. Or even you, or that Pig. No offence,"
Aki flapped her hand and shook her head. None taken.


Aki liked Sakura. Simple as that.
Sakura was her first friend in the village, ever. If they were friends... Aki hoped they were. Sakura was pretty nice to her and she always managed to keep her voice down when the boys weren't around.

She also helped Aki with Chakra control. Which is what they were doing now. The boys were still working on water walking, while Kakashi had the girls getting used to switching surfaces while vertical or upside down.

And what better way to do that then tag?

Aki huffed, jumping from one wall to the next, reaching out and slapping Sakura's back. Sakura stumbled and yelped, Aki winced, a mumbled and signed apology was given.
Before Aki turned around and ran away from Sakura, who giggled and ran to catch up.

Kakashi kept watch over them -the actual Kakashi, a shadow clone was with the boys- and Aki could hear the soft chuckle of amusement from where he was crouched on a roof.

They continued playing tag, which had eventually developed into a game of cat and mouse, and wrestling each other on the side of a business establishment.
Kakashi sighed and shook his head, poofing beside them and scruffing the two, pulling them apart from each other like they were puppies.

They were sweaty and dusty and Aki was pink in the cheeks, but they both smiled up at him guiltily.
"Hi, Kaka-sensei!"
Sakura chirped, rubbing the back of her head and Kakashi clicked his tongue, shaking his head.

"Honestly, you two."
He muttered and Sakura looked down and Aki tried to kick her- her legs were too short. Damn her height.- and wasn't all that fussed. She knew he was amused and just trying to seem disappointed.
"If you two want to fight, then go to a training ground. Better yet, go find a lake or river."
They both lit up and Sakura kicked Aki back, making contact. Aki pouted.

"Alright, Kaka-sensei!"
Kakashi huffed and released them.
Sakura yelped, landing on her side as Aki landed in a crouch.
"Hey! What was that for?!"

"Move along you two! Wouldn't want two of my precious genin's causing a ruckus in town, would we?"

He commanded more so than asked and Sakura rolled her eyes, already standing up.

Aki shook the dust from her clothes, before sneakily tapping Sakura's shoulder and running off.
The sound of footsteps echoed behind her and Aki breathed out a silent laugh as she sped up.

Sakura was a good friend.

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