Rwby AU x male reader

By LordOf_Crimson

4.1K 71 11

Y/n was taken in by the Summer Rose and Tai xiao long he was the youngest of their kids, younger than Ruby an... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12

chapter 3

274 7 0
By LordOf_Crimson

Y/n woke up and fell out of his bed.

Y/n " Daaaw fuck. "

Y/n put his hands on his bed and hoisted himself up, he looked around to see his room, It had a mini fridge cause of course he had one :

he also had an evidence board he was using to try and track down his sisters and mother, on the board there was a picture of Ruby, Yang and Summer with the dates of their disappearance and what they did before they did disappear. It also had a picture of Weiss and Blake with a red string connecting them to an image of Junior's bar with a message under the string saying :

' Usual hang-out place, place to regroup or using it to hide? '

Ruby's, Yang's, Summer's, Weiss's, and Blake's pictures were tied to a picture of Roman by some red string and more red string from Roman to a picture of a shadow. Under the red string, it said :

' Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Blake and Summer are tied to Roman who works for Salem. '

There was more red string connecting the picture of the shadow to pictures of dust stores that were robbed with a message saying :

' Salem either needs dust or Roman is acting alone in that area. '  

Y/n then checked the time on his scroll :

to see that he woke up at 6 am.

Y/n * OK work out, then eat and go to classes. Hopefully, I can think of what Roman could be doing next and stop him so I can find Ruby, Summer and Yang. *

Y/n then got dressed into some workout clothes :

Y/n then jogged around Beacon's grounds and then found Beacon's gym :

The gym had weights, bench presses, treadmills, punching bags, and speed bags it basically had every workout machine ever.

Y/n * I'm gonna assume Yang spent a lot of her time in here. *

Y/n then started to work out and did so for an hour and a half, he had used almost every machine until it was half-seven Y/n checked the time on his scroll to see the time.

Y/n * Well I need to get ready for classes now It was a good workout though. *

Y/n then stopped working out, cleaned the machines he had used and jogged back to his dorm room. When he opened the door he saw Winter looking at his evidence board, Y/n entered his dorm and closed the door causing Winter to look at him.

Y/n " You know you could have asked to come and see that, right? "

Winter " Hmm this isn't a bad evidence board. "

Y/n " Thanks so why are you here? "

Winter " I wanted to see if anything had changed about you're room since last time and as I can see there isn't anything. "

Y/n " OK is there anything else I can do for you? "

Winter " Yes tell me how fast can you run with your semblance? "

Y/n " 200 mph if I push myself but if I stop then multiple muscles will tear apart, I can safely run at 100 mph though. "

Winter " That's faster than Harriet another special operative ... I'll see you later when I have a lead and tell me when you've got one I'm not letting you deal with this alone. "

Y/n " Alright I will. "

Winter then leaves and Y/n walks into the bathroom of his dorm and takes a shower, after he is done he gets dressed in his uniform :

Y/n then looks at himself in a mirror and straightens his tie.

Y/n " Looking sharp. "

Y/n looks at his scroll to see It's 7:40 am.

Y/n * Time to get some food. *

Y/n then leaves his dorm room and locks the door, Y/n then walks into the cafeteria :

Y/n grabs some food and sits down then starts to eat as he is almost finished he sees a team walk in one he had heard from Ruby and Yang :

Team CRDL, the members are ;

Cardin Winchester,

Russel Thrush,

Dove Bronzewing,

and Sky Lark.

Y/n had heard from his sisters that they were bullies and massive ones at that, they mainly picked on people who were a Faunus, a Faunus is a person with animal features. They looked around and stopped when they saw Y/n, they walked up to him with Cardin standing next to him to his right, Russel sat on the table to the left of Y/n and the other two stood behind him. The other students there including first, second, third and fourth years looked at what team CRDL was going to do.

Cardin " So you're Ruby and Yang's adopted brother? "

Y/n " Yep. "

Russel " Must be hard having a family abandon you twice. "

Y/n " Yeah it was ... [stands up ] so are you gonna keep making me feel like shit or are we going to fight? "

Team CRDL just laughed at each other then Cardin threw a right hook at Y/n but Y/n ducked it and then hit Cardin with a left hook, this caused Cardin to fall to the floor and hold his jaw.

Cardin " OW that hurts. "

Y/n " It's a left hook of course it would hurt. "

Sky then wrapped his arms around Y/n's waist from behind and lifted him, Y/n could see that he was about to be slammed onto the table so he headbutted him before he could slam Y/n into the table. Sky let go of Y/n and he fell back to the ground but landed on his feet, Russel and Dove then tackled Y/n onto the table they were about to punch Y/n but he moved his head out the way and then headbutted Dove making him stumble away from Y/n. Y/n then punched Russel making him stumble away, and then Y/n stood up and kicked both Russel and Dove knocking them out. Sky recovered from the headbutt and saw Y/n knock out his two friends.

Sky " Hey we didn't mean it I'll just [ picks up Dove ] take my friends and go, ( whisper yelling ) Cardin grab Russel this kid is good. "

Cardin then stands up and picks up Russel and then with Sky runs away, Yn just sits down and continues eating his food when he does he sees team JNPR walking up to him. They sit down next to him.

Nora " That was amazing. "

Jaune " Are you OK? "

Y/n " Yeah I only got hurt when Dove and Russel tackled me onto the table. "

Ren " You handled the fight well and how did you know they were going to fight you? "

Y/n " They were looking for someone to pick on and saw me sitting and eating alone, they knew my sisters and mother disappeared so they wanted to pick on me. "

Pyrrha " That's a good skill to have being able to see what someone is about to do. "

Y/n " Thanks Pyrrha. "

Then the school's intercom was turned on.

Glynda " Can Y/n please report to Ozpin's office. "

Y/n " Ahh shit well time to explain myself see you guys later. "

Y/n stood up and walked to Ozpin's office to see Ozpin sitting on his chair behind his desk with Glynda standing at the right side of the desk, Y/n saw a chair on the other side of Ozpin's desk so he sat down on it.

Ozpin " I saw what you did to team CRDL can you please explain why you did that? "

Y/n " Easy they came to pick on me and thought I wouldn't do anything so I fought them. "

Ozpin " They brought up your sisters and mother didn't they? "

Y/n nods.

Glynda " That is no excuse to fight someone. "

Y/n " What them wanting to bully for a traumatic event I had to go through twice in one life isn't a good excuse? "

Ozpin " Please don't fight ... Y/n you won't be punished this time but don't make this a commonly accruing event. "

Y/n " I won't sir. "

Y/n stood up, walked out of Ozpin's office, and checked the time to see he had ten minutes to get to class, so he started to make his way there and was the first to arrive. Y/n opened the door to see the classroom :

and the teacher :

Y/n " Ehhh hello Sir is this class for the first years? "

??? " Yes, it is you must be Y/n. "

Y/n " Yes, that's me. "

??? " Excellent I'm Professor Port I used to teach your sisters. "

Y/n then walks into the classroom.

Y/n " Yeah I heard stories from them about you. "

Port  " Oh all good I hope. "

Y/n * Ruby drew you in a silly manner not really dude *

Y/n " Yeah they said you were a good teacher. "

Port " Ahh great now please take any seat you'd like. "

Y/n then sits at the back right corner of Port's classroom after a couple of minutes the other first years arrive and class begins, just like how Yang and Ruby told Y/n all Port did was talk about his old adventures.

small time skip

Y/n walked back into his dorm room wearing his combat clothes but left his weapons back in his locker, since all his classes for the day were over when he walked into his dorm room he saw a note on his bed, so he walked up to it opened the note then read it. It said :

' Nice fight with team CRDL but you should be more aware of your surroundings. ', Y/n could tell that it meant that someone was in his room. Y/n then looked around and saw someone hanging on the ceiling they looked like :

The person dropped down and landed in front of Y/n a couple of metres away from Y/n, the person studied him then she put her right hand on her chin and left palm on her right below.

??? " So you're their brother hmm they were right you are cute. "

Y/n " Who the hell are you? "

??? " I'm a friend of your sisters and mother you'll learn my name later. "

Y/n " OK whoever you are either tell me where my sisters and mother are or I'm sending you to jail. "

??? " Hmm Hahahaha kid you couldn't take me down, not now or ever. "

Y/n " Well you know my sisters so they'd probably have told you that well I make dumb decisions when it comes to fighting. "

Y/n then looks to his left and ??? does the same wondering what he is looking at, Y/n then uses his speed to run up to ??? and before she can react Y/n Superman punches her making her stumble back onto the dorm room door. Y/n then ran up to Cinder and pinned her down to the door.

Y/n " Tell me where they are. "

??? " ( cheekily ) Make me little blur~. "

Y/n * She works with Roman. *

??? then used both her legs to kick Y/n off her and Y/n strumbled back to the end of the bed, Y/n hit the bed with his side and looked away when it happened. Y/n looked back at where ??? was to see her gone. Y/n looked around his room but didn't see any trace of the woman, Y/n then looked at his evidence board to see a picture of the woman connected to Roman with a red string. Also, there was a note underneath it :

' So you didn't have to. ', Y/n recognised the handwriting it was from the other notes he had seen. Y/n then took the new note and picture then started to run to Ozpin's office to tell him what happened when he entered the office he saw him sitting at his desk, Winter and Glynda talking to him. They all turned to Y/n when he entered the office.

Glynda " Y/n what are you doing here at this time? "

Y/n " I was just attacked by someone who works with Roman she left these. "

Y/n handed over the note and image to Ozpin and he, Winter and Glynda looked at both of them.

Winter " This woman has been working with Roman we have seen her on cameras robbing dust stores and breaking into Beacon. "

Y/n " Why is she breaking into Beacon? "

Glynda " She has tried to get into our systems but she never succeeded her last attempt was before team RWBY disappeared. "

Ozpin " She may try again sometime soon with the Vytal festival coming up ...I'd like you Y/n close to the Vytal festival and other events to guard the security room. "

Y/n " Are you sure? "

Ozpin " Yes Winter will be there as well if she agrees. "

Winter " I agree. "

Ozpin " Perfect. "

Winter then got a notification on her scroll and when she looked at it she became shocked, she then showed Y/n and saw camera footage of Junior's bar with team RWBY, Summer, Roman and the woman from earlier sat down drinking. Y/n then made a fist with both hands and tightened them so hard his hands started to bleed, Y/n then used his semblance to pick up Winter and run out of the office but not in the normal way. He ran out the window and down the building shocking Glynda, Winter and Ozpin to see someone able to run up and down buildings, Y/n ran to Junior's bar and entered it but saw that it was empty. Y/n then let go of Winter and she stood up, at first she stumbled back and forth not being accustomed to Y/n's speed.

Winter " Warn me next time. "

Y/n " [ confused ] There's no one here. "

Winter " Hmm [ starts looking around ] you're right but we saw them here. "

Y/n * OK think who could alter the footage and can tell them where I am ... Oh shit. *

Y/n looks at Winter to see her on her scroll.

Y/n " Winter have you been telling them where I am? "

Winter " ... Finally you figured it out. "

Winter then used her glyph to stop Y/n from moving, he then looked around to see the same woman from earlier, Roman and Neo walk out from the shadows :

Roman " Ah Winter so you finally captured the little blur. "

Winter " Yes now where is my sister? "

??? " Don't worry you'll meet her soon enough. "

Y/n " Winter you bitch you're working for them. "

Winter " Yes to see my sister. "

Roman " Don't worry little blur we'll take care of you Neo knock him out. "

Neo then takes out her umbrella :

and knocks Y/n out with it then Roman picks Y/n up and takes him away as he does the screen turns black as this chapter ends

Author note :

I hope you enjoy

see ya next time bye

Words : 2761

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