Steven Universe Group Chat (...

By Lesbinsanity

137 21 11

Steven Universe group chat. Its gay. What more do you want from me? More

1 ( Alt title : Pearl learns about gay )
2 ( Alt Title : Blue )
3 ( alt title: Lapis looses her mind, Peridot looses her life )
5 ( Alt Title: Opal's Phone )
6 (Alt Title: She Likes You )

4 ( Alt Title: Pearl The Disaster Lesbian )

18 3 0
By Lesbinsanity


Bismuth - bismuth
Pearl - pearl

Pearl: Hey Bismuth

Bismuth: Pearl! Whats up?

Pearl: oh, you know! Just pearling it up! Everything is perfect! No weird feelings towards other gems!

Bismuth: ?

Pearl: Hows Jasper?!

Bismuth: She's good. I'm trying to get her to be more open and comfortable with her emotions, but it seems like she just prefers punching stuff. But she has been letting her gaurd down, at least around me. I really think she's starting to trust me.

Pearl: Ah yes! I knew pairing you up with her would help!

Bismuth: now, circling back, pearling it up?

Pearl: Yea!
Pearl: Ok Bismuth I need your advice

Bismuth: Alright, hit me.

Pearl: I want to hug Amethyst.

Bismuth: ...Alright? Then hug Amethyst.

Pearl: No, but I mean, like forever.

Bismuth: I think im a little lost here.

Pearl: Like, I want to be with her for every second of every day for eternity. I want to hold her and make her smile and look at her face forever.
I want to protect her and keep her safe and kill or shatter anyone who's ever even rolled their eyes at her. I want to look at her cute face for the rest of our lives.

Bismuth: Ok, theres a lot to unpack here.

Bismuth: Pearl, I think you may have a crush.

Pearl: I know.

Pearl: What do I do?

Bismuth: Maybe you could talk to her about it?

Pearl: ?

Bismuth: Talk to her about how you feel

Pearl: This is Amethyst! She'd hold this over my head for litterally all of eternity!

Bismuth: Orrr maybe she feels the same way?

Pearl: I don't know.

Bismuth: Okayyy lets backtrack here, when did you realize you liked Amethyst?

Pearl: I dont know I guess there's always just been something there.
Even when we first found her I remember an odd feeling upon seeing her. Something that filled me with warmth.
But I guess while Rose was around, I didn't really question it.
I still didn't understand it for awhile After Rose died I guess my instincts kicked in and I got deffensive and offensive.
Its only just recently that I realized the things I feel for Amethyst are real and may even be stronger than what I felt for Rose.

Bismuth: Damn! Really?

Pearl: Well I guess she just stole my heart

Bismuth: She's really got you whipped

Peral: Haha yes I guess you're right.

Bismuth: And how did you realize you liked her?

Pearl: Well I used to watch Steven when he slept to make sure he was safe, but he asked me to stop, so I guess I didn't really know what to do with my nights.
I knew garnet could handle herself and don't really sleep so I guess I just thought y'know I didn't want anything to happen to Amethyst so i decided to watch her.
She looks cute when she sleeps too.
And I realized that during these nights with Amethyst I started to feel something new

Bismuth: Love?

Pearl: No, sleepy.
Pearl: I would find myself dozing off. This was something that had never happened before.
I mean, I've been tired, but the kind of tired that can be fixed by reading a good book on the beach.
I've always been so on gaurd around everyone, but I guess I just started to feel so comfortable around Amethyst that my body sorta just naturally relaxes around her.
And looking through all the facts I realized there were three possibilities.
Either Amethyst had some kind of rare ailment that I had caught, some gem was somehow using some kind of sleep magic on me... or I was... developing feelings towards her.

Pearl: And with Rose it was always on gaurd, be ready, protect.
But with Amethyst I feel like I can relax.
Like I can let my gaurd down and everything's gonna be ok.

Bismuth: Awwwwwww that's adorable

Pearl: I just don't know if she feels the same way.
How could she?
I'm just a Pearl.

Bismuth: Are you kidding me?
You're one of the toughest gems I know!
You were the original crystal gem!
You've been through so much and came out the other side!
In fact, if it were'nt for you, the crystal gems probrably would'nt exist!
Back on homeworld you were a legend!
The terrifying renegade pearl!
Stories passed around of how fearsome you were, and still are.
I don't know why you feel like that means nothing.
Your purpose may have been a low level servent, but that means nothing to anyone on this planet!
And I'm certain it means nothing to Amethyst.

Pearl: Bismuth I don't know what to say.

Bismuth: Say kinder things to yourself

Pearl: yoooo, amethyst here, why is pearl crying?
Pearl: wait, were you guys talking about me?
Pearl: whats going on?

Bismuth: Amethyst these are private messages!

Pearl: yo chill dude

Pearl: i just wanna seernrirlowmti3i749wlnf9fpwow

Pearl: It's me, that was close
Pearl: She's so nosey!
Pearl: It's adorable

Bismuth: Wow, you really are whipped
Bismuth: Oh shoot! It's almost time for my appointment with Jasper
Bismuth: I gotta go, talk to you later!

Pearl: Good luck!

Pearl pressed her lips together, switching off her phone and pulling her knees into her chest.
'Terrifying renegade pearl'
She used to chuckle at the nickname, but now it just sat there, roominating in her mind.
She didn't know how to feel about it.

"Yo, P, you ok?" The concerned voice of her favorite quartz interrupted her thoughts.

Amethyst stood in the doorway of the small cabin they built off of the temple.
Pearl smiled softly, wiping her eyes and trying to fight off the blue dusting her cheeks.

After noticing Pearl's distress, Amethyst had been lurking, making sure she was alright, and that if she wasn't, she would be able to appear again and be there for the gem who made her world spin.

" Yes Amethyst, I'm fine." She responded.

" You... want some company?" Amethyst asked, suddenly a little shy as she fidgeted with her fingers.

Pearl looked up at the gem, noticing her unusually hesitant demeanor.
Her smile widened.
" Ok."
Amethyst met her gaze and smiled, her cheeks darkening a bit.
She approached the couch where Pearl lounged and sat next to her.
There was a sort of silence, not an uncomfortable one, but a noticeable one nonetheless.
Shyly, Amethyst leaned against her teammate, resting her head against her shoulder.
Before she knew what she was doing Pearl had her arm around her.
Suddenly the silence shifted, now filled with closeted happiness and slight giddiness.
Pearl didnt have a heart to flutter.
Amethyst had no breathing to slow or sigh happily.

But they did both have gems.
Gems that glowed slightly, shining at the closeness.
Neither, however, noticed.
As their eyes were closed.
An unspoken feeling fell over them.
It felt warm.
It felt calm.
It felt like a promise almost.
It felt like everything.
It felt right.

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