Shadows Of The Phoenix

By anonymous_donor

6.3K 316 209

In the seedy underworld of Thailand, two rival mafia groups clash for dominance. Amidst the chaos, a chance e... More

Rise and Shine
The Great Heist
Pranks and Suspension
Undercover Mischief
Phoenix mafia & Unanswered Questions
Morning teasing and Art exhibition
Family Bonds and Rival Bonds
Mafia Madness: Prelude to Bangkok
Stylish Entrances and Sassy Remarks: Preparing for the Exhibition
A Grateful Farewell
"Echoes of Unfinished Tales: A Farewell Tribute"

Preparation Banter & Unveiling Genius

348 20 9
By anonymous_donor


Inside the opulent halls of the Black Dragon mafia mansion, Sonic and Charlie meticulously prepare the suits and attire for the upcoming important meeting.

Their attention to detail is evident as they fold and arrange each garment with precision.

Kenta, Scratching his head: "Why do we always have to go through this whole ordeal?"

Alan, Chuckling: "You know why, Kenta. It's because of these two perfectionists."

Pete, Grinning:" Yeah, they've got an eye for detail like no other."

Sonic and Charlie exchange a knowing glance, their dedication to their craft unwavering.

Dean, Entering the room: "What's all the fuss about?"

Kenta ,shrugging: "Just the usual. Sonic and Charlie are at it again, making sure we're dressed to impress."

Alan, Nodding: "Can't argue with them, though. They've got an uncanny knack for style."

Pete, Smirking: " And you can never disagree with them. Trust me, I've tried."

Sonic and Charlie share a playful grin as they continue their work, their attention to detail unmatched.

Dean, Chuckling: "Well, in that case, I guess we better do as they say. Wouldn't want to disappoint the fashion babies."

Kenta, Rolling his eyes: "Fine, fine. But can we at least skip the runway show this time?"

Alan, Laughing: " No chance, Kenta. You know how they are about presentation."

Sonic and Charlie chime in with a mischievous twinkle in their eyes, their camaraderie evident in every interaction.


onic, Grinning: "Don't worry,  phi Ken. We'll make sure you look like a million bucks."

Charlie, Teasing: "And if you're lucky, we might even let you borrow one of our ties."

With a round of laughter and good-natured ribbing, the members of the Black Dragon mafia embrace the camaraderie that binds them together, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

Sonic and Charlie meticulously present the suits they've prepared for the upcoming meeting, their eyes gleaming with pride as they showcase their handiwork.

Sonic, Beaming: "Gentlemen, your attire for the evening."

Charlie, With a flourish: " May it bring you luck and success."

Kenta, Grinning: " Ah, our fashion gurus have outdone themselves once again."

Alan, Taking his suit: " thank you, Sonic. Thank you, Charlie."

Pete, Accepting his suit: "Indeed, we appreciate it."

Dean, Smirking: "You two never cease to amaze us."

Sonic and Charlie share a satisfied smile, their efforts recognized and appreciated by their comrades.

Kenta, Teasingly: "So, lil Sonic, when are you starting your own fashion line?"

Sonic, Laughing: "Maybe after we've conquered the underworld, phi Ken."

Charlie, Chuckling: "Always dream big, right?"

The room fills with light-hearted laughter as the Black Dragon mafia members embrace the playful banter, their bond stronger than ever.

Alan, Patting Sonic's shoulder: "Well, if anyone can pull it off, it's you two."

Pete, Grinning: "That's right. Watch out, world. The dynamic duo babies of fashion and crime is coming for you."

With a final exchange of playful jabs and heartfelt gratitude, the members of the Black Dragon mafia prepare to embark on their next venture, confident in their unity and determination.

As the members of the Black Dragon mafia don their sleek suits, the atmosphere in the room shifts to one of focused anticipation.

Dean, Excitedly: "Alright, time to pick our weapons!"

Kenta, Grinning: "Finally, the fun part!"

Alan, Serious: "Let's not forget the purpose of tonight's meeting. We need to be prepared for any scenario."

Pete, Nodding: " Agreed. We can't afford any slip-ups."

Dean, Examining the arsenal: "Ah, decisions, decisions. So many toys, so little time."

Kenta, Playfully: "Don't get too carried away, Dean. We're not here to start a war... yet."

Dean, Laughing: "Just making sure we're ready for anything, Ken."

Alan, Handing out assignments: "Pete, you'll handle the negotiations. I'll oversee security. Kenta, Dean, ensure we have our backup plan in place."

Pete, Taking charge: "Understood. We'll make sure everything runs smoothly."

Kenta, Excitedly: "You got it, boss. Let's show them what the Black Dragon mafia is made of!"

Dean, Grinning: "Oh, they're in for a surprise, alright."

Alan, Firmly: "Remember, our priority is the success of the mission. Let's not lose sight of that."

As the team strategizes and prepares for the upcoming meeting, the air crackles with a mix of excitement and determination. Each member knows their role and the importance of their collective effort.

Pete, Solemnly: "This is it, gentlemen. Let's make sure we leave our mark tonight."

As the conversation among the Black Dragon mafia members unfolds, the room buzzes with a sense of purpose.

Suddenly, the attention shifts as Sonic and Charlie make their entrance, dressed impeccably in their suits.

Their appearance catches everyone off guard, their youthful exuberance contrasting sharply with the serious atmosphere.

Kenta, Teasingly: "Well, well, well, look at these two. Ready to charm the pants off anyone who crosses their path, huh?"

Sonic, Grinning: "You know it, phi ken. Gotta make sure we look good for the occasion."

Charlie, Playfully: "Besides, who wouldn't want to stand out in a crowd, right?"

Pete, Chuckling: "You two never fail to surprise us. But hey, if it works, it works."

Dean, Admiring: "I have to admit, you both clean up pretty nicely. Almost too nicely, if you ask me."

Alan, Smirking: "Let's hope your charm doesn't distract our guests too much, or we might have a problem on our hands."

Kenta, Grinning: "Ah, let them have their fun, phi. It's not every day we get to see our little princes in action."

Sonic, Mock-outraged:  "Hey, watch it, phi Kenta! We may be young, but we're just as capable as the rest of you."

Charlie, Nudging Sonic: "That's right! Don't underestimate us just because we're the rookies."

Dean, Chuckling: "Fair point. You two might surprise us yet."

Pete, Turning serious: "Alright, enough distractions. Let's stay focused on the task at hand. We've got a meeting to attend, and we need to be prepared for anything."

Alan, Nodding: "Agreed. Let's not keep our guests waiting."

As the Black Dragon mafia members stepped out of their mansion, the air crackled with anticipation.

Each member exuded confidence and determination, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them at the meeting.

Sonic and Charlie, despite their youthful appearance, walked with a sense of purpose, their strides matching those of their more seasoned counterparts.

Outside, their sleek black cars awaited, a symbol of power and authority.

Dean took the lead, his commanding presence setting the tone for the rest of the group.

Pete, Alan, Kenta, and the others followed suit, their expressions masked in professionalism and focus.

With one last glance exchanged between them, the members of the Black Dragon mafia got into their respective vehicles and set off towards the location of the meeting.

The streets of Bangkok stretched before them, bustling with activity yet oblivious to the covert dealings unfolding within the ranks of the city's underworld.

Inside the cars, the atmosphere was tense yet charged with anticipation. Conversations were kept to a minimum, each member lost in their own thoughts as they mentally prepared for the task ahead.

Sonic and Charlie, seated together in one of the cars, exchanged a knowing glance, their determination unwavering despite the gravity of the situation.

As they neared their destination, the tension in the air only intensified, each member steeling themselves for the challenges that lay ahead.

With the fate of their mafia hanging in the balance, the Black Dragon mafia approached the meeting with a sense of unity and purpose, ready to face whatever obstacles came their way.

As they stepped out of the cars, Kenta couldn't help but tease Sonic and Charlie,

"You two look like you're going to a high school prom rather than a mafia meeting."

Sonic shot back with a smirk, "At least we know how to dress to impress, unlike some people."

Dean chuckled from the front seat, "Let's focus, gentlemen. We have a meeting to attend, not a fashion show."

Alan, always the strategist, chimed in, "Remember, everyone, stick to the plan. We need to make a strong impression today."

Pete, the leader, nodded in agreement, "We go in, we handle our business, and we get out. Simple as that."

Charlie leaned over to Sonic, whispering, "Bet we'll be the best-dressed ones there."

Sonic grinned, "Absolutely. We'll show them who's boss, even if we look adorable doing it."

With that, they stepped forward and headed towards their destination, ready to face whatever awaited them at the meeting.


The dimly lit room was filled with tension as the members of the Phoenix mafia gathered around a polished wooden table, illuminated by the soft glow of overhead lamps.

Winner stood at the right side of head of the table, a laptop open in front of him, displaying intricate diagrams and encrypted messages.

Winner: "So, as you can see, the transaction is set to take place at midnight. Our window of opportunity is narrow, and we need to act fast."

Way furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "But how do we ensure we get what we want without attracting unwanted attention?"

Babe leaned back in his chair, a contemplative expression on his face. "Yeah, last thing we need is to stir up trouble with the wrong people."

North tapped his fingers impatiently on the table. "I could take the sniper position, keep an eye out for any unexpected guests."

Jeff nodded in agreement. "And I can handle the negotiation aspect, try to smooth things over if they get dicey."

Kim sat silently, his gaze fixed on the laptop screen, his mind already strategizing potential scenarios.

Just as the discussion seemed to hit a stalemate, the sound of footsteps echoed through the room.

All eyes turned towards the open window as a figure gracefully entered, silhouetted against the moonlit sky.

It was Soul, the youngest unofficial member of the group, known for his unconventional methods and sharp intellect.

Way let out an exasperated sigh. "Soul, what have I told you about eavesdropping?"

Ignoring Way's scolding, Soul approached the table with confidence.

"Listen,  I got something hear me out. What if we leverage their internal conflicts to our advantage? Create a distraction that allows us to slip in unnoticed and secure what we need."

Babe raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "My boy got a point. Could work if we play our cards right."

North leaned forward, a smirk playing on his lips. "Not a bad idea. Sneaky, but effective."

Jeff nodded in agreement. "I like it lil soul. It's risky, but it just might work."

Kim nodded, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Alright, let's hear the details. How do we pull this off?"

Soul grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Glad you asked cutie phi kimmmm..."

As Soul outlined his plan, the room was filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement.

His eyes sparkled with intelligence as he spoke, his words flowing effortlessly as he detailed each step of their mission.

Soul: "Alright, listen up. The key to our success lies in exploiting the internal conflicts within our target's organization. We'll create a diversion that forces them to focus their attention elsewhere, allowing us to slip in undetected and secure what we need."

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in before continuing.

Soul: "First, we'll need to gather intel on their current internal dynamics. Who's at odds with whom, where their vulnerabilities lie. Once we have that information, we can manipulate the situation to our advantage."

Babe leaned forward, his interest piqued. "And how do you propose we create this diversion my boy?"

Soul grinned, a mischievous glint in his eye. "We play on their egos. We set up a scenario that pits one faction against another, something they can't resist getting involved in. While they're busy duking it out, we'll swoop in and take what we need."

North chuckled, nodding in approval. "I like it. Hit 'em where it hurts, right in their pride."

Jeff raised a skeptical eyebrow. "But won't they see through our ruse?"

Soul shook his head confidently. "Not if we play our cards right. We'll plant the seeds of discord subtly, feeding their suspicions and stoking the flames of their rivalry. By the time they realize what's happening, it'll be too late."

Way nodded in agreement, a hint of admiration in his voice. "You've thought this through, baby. I'm impressed."

Soul beamed at the praise, his chest swelling with pride. "Thanks, mom. But we're not out of the woods yet. We'll need to move quickly and decisively once the diversion is underway. Every second counts."

With that, the room erupted into a flurry of activity as the members of the Phoenix mafia set to work, each one fully committed to the success of their mission.

As they made their final preparations, their confidence grew, fueled by the knowledge that they were a formidable force when united in purpose.

With Soul's plan as their guide, they embarked on their mission with determination and resolve, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

For them, failure was not an option. They were the Phoenix mafia, and they would rise from the ashes stronger than ever before.

" Maaè.... Can i practice with bb on my shooting skills with guns? " Soul cutely asked, while pouting.

As Soul finished his request, Way couldn't help but catch onto his son's underlying motives.

With a knowing smirk, he teased, "So, all this brilliant planning was just to get your hands on some guns, huh?"

Soul's cheeks flushed slightly, but he couldn't suppress his cheeky grin. "Maybe," he admitted playfully.

Way chuckled at Soul's cheeky request, shaking his head in amusement. "Nice try, kiddo. But you're not fooling anyone."

Soul grinned unabashedly, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Aw, come on, Mom. You know I'm a quick learner. Besides, I've gotta be prepared for anything, right?"

Way's heart softened at his son's earnestness, realizing that Soul's desire to learn stemmed from a genuine desire to contribute and protect his family.

"Alright," he relented, "but under one condition: you listen to everything Babe says and follow his instructions to the letter. NO EXCEPTIONS."

Soul's face lit up with excitement, nodding eagerly. "I promise, mom! You won't regret this!"

With a resigned chuckle, Way shook his head. "I hope not, kiddo. I hope not."

As Soul bounded out of the meeting room, the rest of the group turned their attention to Way, marveling at Soul's ingenuity.

"Man, that kid's a genius," Jeff remarked, shaking his head in disbelief.

"He's definitely got his father's brains," Babe added with a smirk.

North chimed in, "And way's stubbornness."

Way couldn't help but smile at the praise for his son. But felt sad about it too.

"He's something special, that's for sure," he agreed, his pride evident in his tone.

Kim nodded in agreement. "He's going to be a force to be reckoned with when he grows up."

As they continued to discuss Soul's remarkable abilities, Way couldn't shake the feeling of lost but as well as gratitude for having such a remarkable son by his side.

As the meeting with the Phoenix mafia members concluded, Way retreated to his room, a sense of urgency gripping him.

With a determined expression, he dialed a number, the tension palpable as he waited for it to connect.

Finally, a voice answered on the other end, and Way wasted no time in getting to the point.

"Hey, it's me," Way greeted, his tone urgent.

The anonymous contact picked up on the urgency in Way's voice and inquired, "What's the matter?"

Way hesitated for a moment before replying, "I need you to stop the research."

There was a brief pause on the line before the contact asked, "Why? Don't you want to know who the father is?"

Way's voice was resolute as he responded, "No, I... I can't risk losing my son."

Confusion clouded the contact's voice as he probed further, "What do you mean?"

Way took a deep breath, steeling himself before revealing, "The way Soul is... the way he behaves... it doesn't align with the idea of his father being just anyone. I can't bear the thought of him being disappointed or hurt. So, for now, I don't want to know the truth."

Understanding dawned on the contact, realizing the gravity of Way's decision. "I see," he murmured softly.

Expressing his gratitude, Way thanked the contact for understanding.

However, the contact's response struck a chord with Way, emphasizing the depth of their bond.

"It doesn't matter," the contact reassured. "I'll do anything for my brother."

With a heavy sigh, Way ended the call, the weight of his decision lingering in the air. It was a moment of vulnerability, revealing Way's deep love and protectiveness towards Soul, and the complexity of their relationship.


Author's note: Sorry if it's boring.... Please show some support naa   I hope you liked it... Please show some love bubbly pumpkins... I'll see u guys in next episode till then take care of yourselves and I love you all💕✌🏻

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