willow (ON HOLD)

By lanalover666

51K 1.8K 1K

Willow Anderson is a model who is childhood friends with Alexander 23 he introduces her to the singer/songwri... More

lights, cameras, action!
clubbing and kali
face of an angel
bros and hoes
playing matchmaker
don't cry willow
cigarettes and kisses
close to you
pasta and potatoes
the willow tree
i need to go
so this is it?
new characters!!!!
i wish
did you miss me?
and the winner is...
she loves you
friends it is
snow angel the album
"willow" the song
i love you too
the game
so this is awkward
new story!!!
dumb bitch

serial flirt

2.1K 71 61
By lanalover666

*the next day*

reneé's pov:

i had about an hour before i needed to be at the studio today so i decided to go to sweet green and get some lunch i was driving whilst on the phone to my best friend alyah (yaya) talking about alex and how it's like working with a new producer.

i park my car and then finish my conversation with yaya before getting out. i was meeting my manager at sweet green because i can't stand going places by myself as i waiting for him i look across the road and notice a massive billboard with willow on it.

*this is the billboard*

"reneé??? RENEÉ!!" adam screams at me snapping me out of my trance.

"huh? (🦆) oh fuck hi sorry i was just daydreaming" i said to him still looking back at the billboard every five seconds.

"mmhmm" he says knowingly "come on let's go get you some lunch" he says giving me a one handed hug as we walked.

*time skip 1 week*

willow's pov:

i just got home from a shoot for dior, it's crazy how fast they worked, i thought it was going to be months until i actually got in front of the camera for them but they got me in and ready after only a week. i think we got some good shots and everyone on the team were lovely, i feel very lucky. my phone starts buzzing and i see who it is and pick it up.

big bro is calling..

"hey will what you doing right now?" alex asks

"nothing i just got back home from a shoot and i was going to go to the gym and i really have no motivation to oops" i say chuckling at myself whilst stroking suki who is purring loudly.

"well if you're not going you could come hang out with me and reneé (nae) at the studio" he offers.

"YES!" i clear my throat "i mean yeah that would be cool i'm not too busy" i say.

i can hear him laughing from the other end of the line "okay will, well i'll see you in a while and i'll send you the adress" i hang up the phone.

i am the most embarrassing person in the world what the fuck is wrong with me?????

i call kali straight away and she awnsers after 2 rings.

"hi willow, u okay" she asks

"alex invited me to the studio and reneé's going to be there help me" i say slightly freaking out, i've never felt like this in my whole life not even with my ex girlfriend or girls that i had a crush on, this was new territory, i can't tell wether it's a good thing or a bad thing. all i know if that i have spoken 2 sentences to that girl and she's made me feel like this, imagine what I'm going to be like after today.

"okay mami hang on i'm on my way" kali ends the call before i can't even say no.

i decided to search up reneé on instagram just to see what would come up, i know i sound like such a stalker but you would do the same right?

i catch myself smiling at her photos until kali comes bursting through the door.

"GLOW UP TIME BITCHES!" she says making her grand entrance as always.

"it's just me and u kali no need for the plural" i say sitting up to walk over to her.

"shut up and let me make you look hot" she says grabbing my hand and smiling before violently dragging me upstairs to my closet/makeup desk. i feel like she's more excited than i am, wait what why am i excited it's not like it's a date and basically my fucking brother invited me why am i being such a weirdo.

*willow's makeup*

after kali does my makeup i get changed into a backless long sleeve top that's this light pink colour and i pair it with some grey distressed baggy jeans, i give kali a kiss on the cheek as a thank you and she smacks my ass playfully, when i leave, i turn around to confront her but she just gives me a wink and then pushes me out of my own house.

*time skip to alex's studio*

as i enter the studio i text alex telling him that i'm here because i don't know my way around this place and he comes to get me straight away.

"hey will" he says giving me a smile and a one armed hug "you're gunna love this song that me and reneé have been working on it's coming along great" he walks away and motions me to follow him which i do without word.

"i'm excited i've never heard her sing before, what kinda music does she make?" i ask him trying to find out more about the blonde.

"she makes pop music but there's a lot of different genres mixed in with it, just give it a listen and you'll understand" he says ass he opens the door to the studio room he's in, i take a deep breathe and set inside.

"hey baby you came to watch me sing?" reneé says to me with her signature smile. i try not to melt at the nickname.

"uh yeah if that's okay? alex invited me but i can leave if you want" i reply.

"what no don't be silly you can be my judge, just don't be to harsh tho i am extremely sensitive and will probably remember what you say until i die" she says laughing but i can tell she's not joking.

"constructive criticism only and don't worry, i doubt you will need any" i say smiling at her as i sit down on the coach in the back of the studio.

"okay come on nae, we don't have all day you can flirt with willow when you're done" alex says laughing, my face goes bright red and my eyes widen as reneé just gives him a huff and goes back into the recording area of the studio.

i open my phone to text kali that i got here okay and that i'll call her when i get home to which she replied with a bunch of winky faces, i chuckle until my breathe hitches and i look up to see reneé singing in the booth.

"never know who you're gonna get
we're in love or we never met
sour lemons or cinnamon
every day i'm different"

holy fuck, are you kidding. no way she fucking looks like THAT and can sing that well. life isn't fair. i zone out at her voice and listen to her lyrics they're so beautiful and so fucking relatable, i think i've just found my new favourite artist.

"i bet you're sick of it
believe me so am i
always the problem kid
i could never pick i side
i bet you're sick of it
i could blame the gemini moon
but really i should just be better to you"

i'm convinced this girl is an angel or like a fucking siren because the way she sings just draws me in, i can't take my eyes off of her as she sings so effortlessly. she's incredible.

after the song comes to a close, she steps out of the booth smiling and plops down on the couch next to me, her thigh is pressed against mine and i get that warm feeling in my stomach.

"so how was that?" she asks both me and alexander.

"perfect, i think we're done for the day" alex says, she turns to face me waiting for my answer.

"you were fucking incredible, holy shit how the fuck do you sing like that" i say trying not to sound like a desperate fan, but in reality after that, i might be her number #1 fan.

"thanks baby" she says chuckling i think i see her blush a little but i choose to ignore it because she's definitely not i'm just fucking delusional. "well i don't wanna go home yet why don't we all get drunk maybe that will help us think of a couple more lyrics? plus willow just got here and i wanna get to know her more" she says nudging me slightly whilst smirking.

"yeah i've got some drinks over there go grab them" alex says to reneé, she gets up and grabs a bottle of gin which looks expensive and a mixer while alex grabs cups from his bag.

"why the fuck do you have cups in your bag bro?" i ask alex laughing.

"hey! i like to be prepared" he says pushing his chest out in a confident stance. i just laugh at him. reneé makes me a drink first and then herself before passing the bottle to alex.

"thank you" i say taking the drink from her and sipping it slightly. this is definitely a bad idea, especially because i drove here and i don't know how i'm gunna get home but try saying no to that face. okay? you just can't.

"your makeup is so pretty" she says talking a large sip of her drink.

"thank you, i had a shoot today and couldn't be asked to take if off" i lie, i had taken the makeup off from my shoot and kali had spend an hour and a half to make sure i looked hot, but reneé didn't need to know that.

the three of us spend 2 hours chatting about random shit like work and music until alex says "okay i'm gunna head home before i get wasted, you two can stay here if you'd like we've got the booth booked for the rest of the day" he gets us and grabs his bag.

"okay bye alex" reneé says answering for me.

thank you alex because now i can finally be alone with this angel.

"bye bye alex get home safe love you" i say sounding way drunker than i meant to.

"bye will love you too" he says chuckling and he leaves, shutting the door behind him.

reneé turns to look at me in the eye, i would probably melt at her looking at me if i was sober but i'm far from that now , it's like she's studying me, i feel exposed in some way.

"you wanna know something?" she says finishing her drink and immediately poring another one.

"go ahead" i say turning my body towards her and propping up my elbow on the back of the couch holding my head up.

"i saw you're billboard the other day, you looked so fucking hot" she said smiling at me and then copying my body language.

"oh my god that's so embarrassing" i hide my face in my hands "thank you though" i say laughing drunkly.

"what do you mean it's embarrassing, i said you looked hot, plus its literally your job, own that shit" she says crossing her arms over her chest and leaning her back against the couch before taking another sip of her drink.

"yeah i guess, i don't know i just feel like it's such a big photo, so everyone can see literally every tiny detail" i say.

"okay and? you're flawless let those ugly bitches be jealous" she says chuckling and then turning back to face me.

i narrow my eyes at her whilst i decided what to say "so you think i'm hot huh?"
i smile at her.

"i think you're perfect" she says looking at me with intense eye contact.

being a model a lot of people have told me that i look perfect but i never believed them, coming out of her mouth though it sounded so real.

"thank you" i say blushing and breaking the eye contact, she grabs my chin gently to make me face her.

"don't look away, you're too beautiful to look away" she says in just above a whisper.

"you're gorgeous" i blurt out stupidly. why. she was complementing me on my fucking work and i just had to say that. fuck i'm so un smooth it's criminal.

she pushes my hair out of my face and strokes my cheek with her thumb slowly leaning in, i lean in aswell putting my hand on her thigh, our lips are just centimetres apa-.

*ring ring ring*

fuck. i lean back quickly out of fright and i can see the hurt on her face. i look at my phone to see who's calling me "sorry i've got to take this" i say realising that it was kali, she knew i was with reneé so she wouldn't call me unless it was something important.

i pick up the phone.

"hey kali you okay?" i say until i hear sobs on the other end and my eyebrows furrow.

"no i got into a stupid fight with don about something fucking stupid and now he's left the house and i don't wanna be by myself" she chocked out through sobs.

"okay okay mami i'm on my way over right now, okay?" i say to her "i love you i'll be there in 15"

she says a quiet "okay" and then ends the call.

i turn to reneé "i'm so sorry but my freind got into an argument with her boyfriend and i need to get to hers, are you okay to get home?" i ask her remembering that we we're both drunk.

"yeah that's fine my manager adam will pick me up, you go see if your friends okay" she says with a small but warm smile.

"okay okay good i'm going to go get an uber now i had a really fun time" i say gathering my stuff as i'm about to leave i hear

"wait willow, let me get your number" she says to me holding out her hand for my phone.

"uh yeah sure" i say a little too happy but she's drunk so hopefully she won't notice, i pass her my phone and she types her number in.

"thanks text me later okay baby?" she says handing me back my phone.

"i will bye" i say leaving the booth and heading outside.

i get into the uber and wait until i'm at kali's house and i look at her number on my phone.


i smile at the use of the emoji and stare at her number on my phone until i realised i've arrived at kali's, i quickly exit the uber and head straight for her bedroom because i know that when she's upset she will be hiding underneath her bed covers.

"hey kali are you okay" i softly say going up to her and pulling the covers off her head.

"thank god you're here" she says before pulling me into a hug.


thank you guys so fucking much for all your comments and stuff you are are the best. my updates will probably be irregular but you are getting FED today cause i've got nothing to do.

anway hope you guys enjoyed don't forget to vote love you xxx

also you can thank SlutForRenee
for this chapter coming out today love u queen 💞

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