The Sinner In the Pride Ring

By Icy-Writer

25 2 0

When a sinner teleports into Blitzo's (with a silent o) office, at first he didn't know what to do. Blitzo th... More

An... Interesting (Non-Normal) Day

25 2 0
By Icy-Writer

Blitzo (personal note from blitz to the author/readers- 'the O IS SILENT.') was just sitting in his office -looking at something for his latest case as well as doing some research for himself. He was casually going about his usual day, when all of a sudden someone poofed out of thin air into his office. He spit out his coffee In surprise (not that he particularly liked coffee and drank it regularly, he just had a long night last night.)

"Alright WHO THE HE** ARE YOU and HOW DID YOU GET IN MY OFFICE!?" he said In half-surprise and half-anger.

"Where am I?" she said, seemingly scared.

Blitzo (with NO O) just sighed with annoyance, "wE'rE iN tHe CiRcUs WhErE tHeY dO cLoWn ShOwS -NO,We're in HELL DUM**** WHERE ELSE WOULD WE BE!" he shouted. Blitzo then came to his senses and realized something, "wait, are you a sinner?" he asked, pointing at her with his eyebrows raised.

"I-I don't know. I only arrived here a minute ago" she stated.

"Oh- well... that makes a lot of sense now" he said. Although IMP city was in the pride ring level, he had never had an interaction with a sinner before, especially a new one. "but why did you end up here?" He asked. He was more talking to himself than he was talking to her. Then, he had the idea of the centry.

"So... Are you particularly good with a shotgun?" He asked.

"Ummm-" she replied.

"Great your hired!" He stated. "I'm sure you'll be a lot better than Moxxie, speaking of the guy, MOXXIE GET YOUR *** HERE NOW!" Blitzo (still NO O) said.

"Yes sir?" Moxie said, sticking his head in the  office.

"Moxxie, meet our new employee," - "(what did you say your name was" he asked.

"Annabel-"she started to say,

"Yes, we'll make sure Anna is comfortable here and show her the ropes of Hell, oh and make sure to teach her how to do her job, now GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE I REGRET HIRING YOU" he told Anna.

"But sir, my names not-"

"I don't care WHAT your name is, I just know that if you don't get out of my office in 5 seconds, I'm going to get angry, and trust me, you don't want to SEE ME WHEN IM ANGRY" he said with a growl.

"You don't," Moxxie stated as left with a very terrfied Annabelle.

"MOXXIE YOU SON OF A *****" he stated as Moxie closed the door.

'im so good at my job' Blitzo thought before returning to his work.

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