Spider-Man: Injustice Year One


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You guys already know I'm writing a story of Spider-Man in the DC Universe. I figured it'd be fun to have him... More

Chapter 2: Joker's Last Laugh

Chapter 1: The Fall of Metropolis

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Jimmy and Lois were by the docks of Metropolis, watching a shady operation to take place. Jimmy was taking photos, while Lois noticed something odd about the colour coding of purple and green for some of the guys suits. They felt too familiar.

Lois: Something's wrong. Let's go.

Jimmy: Just one more shot.

Jimmy turns to take another shot, but to his surprise, his camera lands on a gun, pointing in his direction. Before he could react, he was shot through the camera lense, straight through his eye-ball and brain, instantly killing him, as he landed in a puddle of his blood. Lois is to horrified and confused about what's going on to even mourn him, as she becomes frantic, falling to the floor.

Lois: Jimmy!

She then hears a malicious, evil laughter from the shadows, where the shot came from. It was raspy, but very familiar.

???: Well, well, well! Imagine meeting you here, Lois.

Joker walks out of the shadows, with the same villainous smile he carries everywhere he goes. But Lois forgot that's not the only thing he brings, as while she tried to run, Harley snuck up from behind her, knocking her out with a smack in the face from her hammer.

Harley: Vacation is so fun, Mr. J.

Joker: Only the best for you, Harley.

Suddenly, Joker reels in disgust, as he wipes his foot.

Joker: Ew. I got some Jimmy on my shoe.

Joker then begins to cackle and wicked, cruel, evil laughter. He had pulled many jokes before. But this one was gonna be his best one yet.


Back in Gotham City, Peter woke up, as he turned to see his wife, Barbra, sleeping peacefully beside him. Peter smiles at her, kissing her forehead, before he gets out of bed.

(A/n: For their marriage and other romances, I'm not going to write anything beyond the limits that have been placed in my religion. I hope you understand.)

He changes and begins to make breakfast for him and Barbra. Just as he was finished, he placed toast and eggs on the table, before grabbing his bag and heading to his job. He changes in his costume, as he swung out the window. A short while later, Barbra was awake, as she strolls her wheel chair towards the table. You see, a few months back, during a mission, she was shot and crippled by the Joker, and has had to use a wheel-chair ever since. She strolls all the way to the table, and she sees breakfast with a note beside it. As she picks it up, she sees it read:

To My Red-Headed Bat-Babe

Sorry I couldn't join you at breakfast.
I have an early shift at EMF today. Hope you enjoy breakfast. I don't know if I made it properly, but if it doesn't manage to turn into a blob-monster like it did last time, I'm counting this as a win.

Love, Your Lovable Spider-Dork

Barbra chuckles at the note, before sighing and shaking her head. She takes a fork and grabs a bite from the eggs. Once she tasted it, she made a face, which obviously said, "It does not taste good", as she gags.


Spider-Man swings from building to building, until he receives a transmission from Batman on his coms.

Batman: This is a priority call to all Justice League members and reserve members. I need as many eyes, ears, and minds as we can spare in Metropolis. A woman is missing.

Green Arrow: Wait, you need the entire League for a one person search party?

Batman: Absolutely. We believe she was taken by the Joker.

Spider-Man: ...Yeah, that's a League threat.

Cyborg: Who's the woman, Batman?

Batman: She's one of us. That's all you need to know. Her name is Lois Lane.

Spider-Man stops swinging, as his lenses widen in shock and he lands on a building.

Spider-Man: (concerned) Lois?

Batman: Wonder Woman. Ms. Lane was last seen at the Metropolis Docks. Head there and find out if anyone has seen her or the Joker.

Wonder Woman: I'm on my way!

Batman: Flash-

Flash: I'm in Metropolis. What do you need?

Batman: Search every inch of Metropolis. Superman is scanning the city from above, so start with everywhere he can't see: underground facilities, sewers, basements, anything lined with led.

Flash: On it!

Batman: Spider-Man, I need you to search every possible place in Gotham. Robin and Nightwing will aid you.

Spider-Man: No problem. I'll have Miles look throughout New York.


After a long while of searching, Spider-Man, Robin, and Nightwing met on a rooftop.

Spider-Man: You found anything?

Nightwing: Nope. Nada.

Spider-Man then calls Miles on his coms.

Spider-Man (Peter): Miles, did you find anything?

Spider-Man (Miles): Nothing here. I'm starting to think this is leading us to a dead end.

Spider-Man: We'll find them.

Robin: And when we do find, I'll be sure to show Joker a world of pain he won't ever forget.

Spider-Man: Okay, Little-Stabber. Just remember our little "No-Killing" rule, and you can do whatever you want to him that's legal, okay?

Robin: We can't keep defending this tyrant! Have you ever thought about the fact that every time we beat him, we put him in jail, only to have him cause havoc all over again.

Spider-Man: I'm not denying that the world would be better without him, Robin. I mean, he crippled my wife. But we need to be better than that.

Robin pouts, as Batman calls up the League.

Batman: Me and Flashed searched through a Star Labs facility. We found Scarecrow, and apparently, Joker got some fear toxin from him.

Spider-Man: (concerned) Is he...?

Batman: Yes.

Spider-Man sighs in sadness. Meanwhile, Robin, while he didn't show it, was relieved that Crane was disposed of, as he should've been long ago.

Spider-Man: Joker, Scarecrow. How many more people are in on this? And why?

Wonder Woman: Don't worry. I'm at the Docks and I have a lead. As soon as I showed up, someone ran.

Batman: And?

Wonder Woman: Tell them!

Random Accomplice: Joker's not in Metropolis. Him and that clown lady hijacked a submarine.


Superman flew down, flying above the ocean, scanning through it with his X-Ray Vision, until he finally spotted the submarine.

Superman: I see it.

With full desperation, Superman flies into the ocean, carrying out the submarine from underneath. As he lands it on the beach of Metropolis, he tears the sub open with his bare hands. And as he looks in front of him, he sees Lois Lane lying down, being operated on by the Joker and Harley Quinn.

Superman: Lois! What did they do to-

However, before Superman could touch her, he drops to the floor, weakened by Kryptonite gas.

Joker: Yeesh! Supes is feeling a little under the weather, don't you think Harley?

However, as Joker turns to Harley, she seems rather conflicted. Sure, she and Joker pull a lot of plans that involve the threatening of someone's life, and a super would always come to stop them. But this time, she isn't sure if this is going too far. She doesn't want to put Lois in jeopardy, especially after finding out that she's pregnant. But her delusion that the Joker was more stronger than her will to fight him for doing the wrong thing.

Harley: (conflicted) Y-yeah...For a Man-of-Steel, you sure look wobbly.

Superman's mind begins to slightly clear up, only for him to hear a familiar, yet haunting voice. A voice he thought he heard the last of.


Superman: ...No.

Superman turns to see his worst nightmare, back to haunt him.

Doomsday: SUUU-PER-MAN!!!

Superman: Doomsday! No! I will not allow you to hurt anyone here! Especially Lois and my child! Stay away from them!

Doomsday roars at Superman, only to have the Man-of-Steel grabs him and flies both him and the monstrous beast out of the atmosphere and into space. Meanwhile, Joker and Harley just watch from above. The two hop out of the sub.

Joker: Time to go, Harley. Good guys are coming and they tend to get a little punchy. Say goodbye to the sub.

Harley: Goodbye, Gunter!

Spider-Man: Gunter? Really?

The Joker and Harley Quinn look up to see Spider-Man, who is flying in the Bat-Wing.

Spider-Man: Personally, I would've gone for something like "Gary," or maybe "Pattrick."

Joker: Spidey? Since when did Bats allow you to ride in one of his vehicles?

Spider-Man: Yeah, well, no. It was kinda an emergency so I pretty much took it without asking.

Joker: Oh, and I'm the villain.

Spider-Man: ...You literally kidnapped a woman...who is married...and pregnant...

Joker: ...Touché.

Spider-Man: Oh, and by the way, I'm still ticked off about you paralyzing my wife.

Joker: Oh, Spidey, come on! Is there any way you can forgive me for that?

Spider-Man: I guess...if you spend time in jail like you're supposed to. But considering you're not that type of person-

Suddenly, a large, green hand was placed over Harley and Joker, trapping them in place, as Green Lantern and Wonder Woman arrive.

Spider-Man: Hey! I had him!

Wonder Woman: It looked like you were wasting your time talking with this maniac, rather than being useful.

Spider-Man: I get it! You don't like my jokes. You don't have to be a Cranky Karen about it.

Green Lantern: Did Batman give you permission to-

Spider-Man: No, he didn't give me permission to use this thing! Deal with it!

Suddenly, Flash and Batman arrive to the scene, as Batman looks up in surprise to see the Batwing here. He then growls, as he knows who's inside. Spider-Man lowers the jet, as he walks out.

Spider-Man: (awkward) Batman! Uh...how you been?

Batman: We'll talk about this later.

Joker: Bats. Wait a minute. Did Flash carry you here? Ha! Putting fear in the hearts of criminals...while his bright red friend carries him through the night!

Spider-Man: Hey, my scanners are detecting a lot of fear toxin from that sub.

Batman: Where is she, Joker?

Wonder Woman: My lasso of truth will-

Spider-Man: Nah-hah-hooo! Anyone but Joker.

Batman: Spider-Man's right. Anything could spit out of that twisted mind. It wouldn't be the truth.

Joker: Oh, come on! Use that little pointy eared head of yours, Batsy. You can see the truth. You just don't want to look at it too hard.

Batman: What did you do to her?

Joker: You know what I did. I operated on her. She's the trigger.

Spider-Man: Trigger? You mean for a bomb?!

Joker: More of a nuclear warhead. So, I'll give you an A-, Spidey. And don't bother looking inside the sub. It isn't there. When her heart stops, every heart in Metropolis stops.

Flash: But why would her heart stop?

However, the Dark Knight is able to put all the pieces together in a second.

Batman: The Kryptonite. It was mixed with Scarecrow's fear toxin so it could enter Superman's bloodstream.

Spider-Man: (slowly realising) But that still doesn't answer what happened to...Lois.

Batman: We need to call him down now!

Spider-Man: Superman! Stop what you are doing! Whatever you are seeing, it's not real!


Superman doesn't hear the transmission, as he is focusing on Doomsday. But slowly and slowly, he begins to feel something strange, as he notices Doomsday slowly changing shape. Then as Clark lest go, he holds his head in pain, before looking back at Doomsday. But what he saw in front of him...was not Doomsday.


Joker: Did you know she was pregnant, Bats? Who am I kidding? Of course you did. Batman always has to-

Batman, enraged by the Joker, punches him in the jaw, as blood spews on the ground. Meanwhile, Spider-Man continues to call down his friend.

Spider-Man: It's Lois, Superman! It's Lois!


But it was too late, as Superman watched Lois drifting into space, as tears welled up in his eyes. He tried to carry her back in time...but it was too late, as her heart stopped beating.


Joker: Boom.

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