MyStreet Phoenix Drop High Se...

By YaboiPizzaCrown

1.7K 40 31

Y/N the guard dog of the Underworld now in his second year of Pheonix Drop High on the surface. He's learned... More

First Things First
First Day Of Sophmore Year
Lover Boy | Phoenix Drop High S2

Clubs. Again.

323 10 9
By YaboiPizzaCrown

Y/N was in the hallway standing over someone cracking his knuckles

Y/N: Alright punk, I'll give you one more chance. Where's the money?

He said towering over a boy

???: Uhg Y/N I already told you, I'll have your $5 tomorrow, I just forgot my wallet.

The boy Y/N was talking to was Travis who was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed

Y/N: Come ooooooooooon T-dog! I need that money nooooooooooow

Y/N said in a whiney manner. He slumped down 

Travis: Why do you need that $5 so bad anyway?

Y/N: Uh, duh!

Y/N then took out his phone showing Travis a picture of Little Caesars Little Caesars' Hot-N-Ready pizza for only $5

Y/N: A pizza! A whole pizza for only $5 dude! All to myself! So I need that money!

Travis looked at it and then at Y/N

Travis: You know they took that down like 3 years ago right?


Travis: Yeah dude it stopped being $5 a long time ago sorry.

Y/N stared at Travis then at his phone and then at Travis

Y/N: $5 pizza...?

Travis: No $5 pizza, sorry bud


Y/N then slouched down 

Y/N: No $5 pizza...

Y/N then turned around in a depressed state 

Travis: Y-You good bud...?

Y/N: Keep your's useless to me now...

Y/N said while walking away

Just then a teacher came up to the boys

Teacher: What do you think you're doing? There's an assembly about to start and you're just here doing what? Goofing around?

Y/N: No...$5 pizza...for me...

Y/N said while his head still down

Teacher: W-What?

Travis then got in front of Y/N and looked at the teacher

Travis: Sorry about him, he's just a bit upset about some news he just found out about. We'll get going now. Come on Y/N

Travis said while pulling Y/N along

Y/N: $5 pizza...gone

Y/N mumbled again as he was dragged away

Teacher: *Sigh* kids...

The teacher said before walking away

Sometime later Y/N and Travis walked into the auditorium where the rest of the students were. They were all sitting down facing a stage where a few teachers were sitting on top of it.

Travis: I see a few open seats over there

Y/N: Mmm...

Y/N grumbled

Travis: Uhg, if you stop being such a baby I'll buy you a pizza myself!

Y/N: Really?

Y/N looked at Travis

Travis: Yup, all for you, any topping you want

Y/N: Promise?

Travis: Promise.

Y/N then bent down and got closer to Travis

Y/N: I'll hold you to your promise T-dog

Y/N said before backing up and putting his fists on his hips

Y/N: Alright let's go!

Y/N said before walking away

Travis: He changed his mood quickly and he smells like burnt wood. (Thoughts)

Travis thought before following Y/N to a seat and sitting next to him

Y/N had his arms crossed leaning back in his chair

Travis: I wonder what this assembly is going to be about. 

Y/N: Maybe it's about spirit day or something

Travis: An assembly for spirit day?

Y/N: You never know.

Just then a teacher walked up to the microphone. He cleared his throat before speaking.

Teacher:  Testing, testing, uh, one, two, three. Good. (clears throat again) Students. Welcome to a new year at Phoenix Drop—

???: Excuse me, but I believe that's my line.

A blonde-haired woman then walked up on the stage

Teacher: Huh? Oh, uh, right, uh, sorry, I, uh,—

???: Move aside, Jerry.

She said as Jerry stood to the side of her

???: Welcome, students, to a brand new year at Phoenix Drop High.

Random person 1: Who is that?

Random person 2: What about Principal Chad?

Random person 3: Hmm, I don't know. Who is that?

Random person 4: I don't know. I've never seen her before.

Random boy: Damn, she's hot!

P. Layla: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ms. Layla, and I am the new principal here at your school. Now, I'm sure you've all noticed the changes made to the school this year, in terms of classes, uniforms, and other activities. I can assure you all that these changes were made to better your education and your school. As your principal, I am looking out for everyone here. My office is always open to students in need. Now, I'll keep this assembly short, since I know you're all looking forward to meeting the clubs out on the field. Remember, if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask a mentor on-site. Thank you all for your time. Let's go, Flame Talons! Whooo! 

She said as she waved to the student and accidentally punched aside the teacher standing right next to her as she raised her arm.

After the assembly, everyone got out of their chairs and walked to the field where the clubs were.

Travis: Hey I'm gonna go check out something real quick

Y/N: Yeah go ahead, bro

Travis: Thanks 

Travis walked away and Y/N turned towards the clubs. He made his way towards them and checked out the booths.

After a minute of walking around Y/N spotted a certain type of booth. On top of it spells out Potions & Magic Club

Y/N looked to see Lucinda sitting at the booth talking to a freshman. 

Y/N: Huh, it's Lucinda...unsuspecting, unperturbed... unexpecting...


***With Lucinda***

Lucinda was talking to the student in front of her

Lucinda: It was great talking to you! Thank you for joining the Potions & Magic Club!

She said as the student in front of her walked away. She then picked up her clipboard

Lucinda: Alright, that's 6 members. I'm doing pretty good so far...

As Lucinda continued to look through her clipboard a certain hellhound was slowly and quietly creeping closer and closer to her. In a few seconds, Y/N was now behind her. He slowly stood up with his arms raised with a wide smile on his face. He began to open his mouth and was going to go in for the scare

Lucinda: Don't even think about it.

Y/N: Pllssssshhh

Y/N deflated and put his chin on Lucinda's shoulder

Y/N: How did you know I was behind you?

Lucinda: You smell like firewood. I could recognize your smell anywhere.

Y/N: Is, that a good thing?

Lucinda then placed her hand on his cheek while still looking at her clipboard

Lucinda: Of course it is

She said with a smile, enjoying the warmth Y/N was emitting 

Y/N: So, you're running a club now? How many members you got?

Lucinda: Six right now, might not seem like a lot but it's still pretty good for me

Y/N: Wait I thought you were one of those Helping members or something?

Lucinda: I am but they allowed me to run a club while I'm out here while still being a mentor

Y/N: Oh well that's cool. I'm glad it's turning out good for you Luci

Lucinda: Thank you. Oh by the way have you told Aphmau or Travis about you yet?

Y/N sucked into his teeth as he stood up and rubbed the back of his neck 

Y/N: No, no not....yet...

Lucinda: Do you think you'll ever tell them?

Y/N: I will! ...Eventually...

Lucinda: How long is eventually?

Y/N: few years...?

Lucinda: Y/N, you said you would tell them before graduation. You told me.

Y/N: Well, you kinda found out yourself

Lucinda: Well not you get to tell them yourself, like you said you would

YN: *Sigh* I know, I'm just...nervous you know? What if they think of me like some sort of monster or something? The media does not do a good job of representing my character.

Lucinda: Y/N we live in a world full of magic, cat people, werewolves, and more. 

Lucinda then grabbed his hand

Lucinda: You have nothing to worry about. You've been friends with those two for a whole year now. You trust them and they trust you. I promise you'll be fine alright?

Y/N took a deep breath before smiling

Y/N: Alright, thanks Luci. I needed that.

Lucinda: No problem Y/ shoo

Y/N: What?

Lucinda: You heard me. Shoo! You'll scare off the freshman with your size and gaze!

Y/N: Uh, ouch? I'll have you know I am a very approachable person!

Y/N then turned to, two freshmen walking in front of the booth

Y/N: Hey. You two!

The freshmen turned to Y/N only to see him staring down at them

Y/N: Wanna join the Potions & Magic Club?

He said with a toothy grin while holding up a piece of paper and pointing at it as his eyes glinted a a fiery red, orange, and yellow as the rest of his face was covered by the shadow of his hood

Y/N: I promise it'll be fuuun~

The freshmen began to shake as they looked up at Y/N

Freshmen: AAAAAAAHHHH!!!

The Freshmen then ran away screaming while Lucinda and Y/n watched them. Y/N turned to Lucinda who had her arms crossed and her eyebrow lifted

Y/N: Yeah I'll go

Y/N said before rushing away. While Lcinda watched him go she just shook her head with a smile

***With Y/N***

Y/N walked up to them

Y/N: Hey guys, whatcha doin'?

Aphmau turns around a smiles

Aphmau: Oh hey Y/N. I just happened to run into Kacey when I was walking around

Kacey: H-Hi Y/N

Y/N: Sup K-dude. How's it goin?

Kacey: I'm fine, I guess, now that you two are here. I'm still just a little—

Katelyn: Hey there, little bro!

Katelyn said as she walked up to him

Kacey: NAH! K-Katelyn! You startled me!

Katelyn: He heh, still jumpy, I see. Wow, you look so grown up in that uniform!

Aphmau: I know, right?

Katelyn: This little dork here slept in this morning, so I didn't get a chance to see him before I left! Man, I'm glad you're finally here, little bro! Now, what sport are you gonna join?

Kacey: Uh, S-Sport? I, uhm,

Aphmau: Heheh! I see you two need a little family time. We'll leave you guys be. Good luck, Kacey! Come on Y/N

Y/N: Peace Kacey

Kacey: See ya.

Katelyn: You gotta check out the baseball club, you'd be perfect for it!

Both Aphmau and Y/N walk back to Aphmau's Help Booth

Y/N: Aw you have your own little club, cute

Aphmau: Shut up, this is the Help Booth for all the Freshmen who need help and I am here to deliver!

Y/N: You truly are dedicated to this role aren't you?

Aphmau: I sure am! If I wasn't I wouldn't have this armband!

She said pointing a the golden band around her arm

Y/N: Oooh armband...

???: Kitty!

A voice called out from behind the two

Aphmau: Huh?

Aphmau quickly turned around to see an orange-haired meif'wa boy

Kai: So that is your name

Aphmau: What the—

Aphmau: How did I fall for that? (Thoughts)

Kai: Interesting. I've never met a human named "Kitty".

Y/N: *Snicker* Kitty

Aphmau: You. Shut your mouth! W-Where did you get my name from?

She said turning back to the boy

Kai: Your friends over there. 

He said before gesturing to Sasha and Zenix, who were watching them and laughing

Aphmau: Ugh, those aren't my friends! *Ahem* That isn't my name. Can I help you with something?

Kai: I just wanted to see if you'd gotten those books to the principal's office alright? Shortly after I ran into you, my teacher had me deliver papers there, and the door was locked so I wasn't sure if you made it.

Aphmau: I got them in, thanks for ask— Wait, you went by the principal's office? Did you see a phone, by any chance?!

Kai: A phone? No, I didn't. Why?

Aphmau: I, uh, lost it there.

Kai: Really? Well, I'm sure if someone found it, they would turn it in. In any case, I'll be on the lookout for it.

Y/N: Dude...this is a high school.

Kai: I...true...

Aphmau: Even so thank you for-

Just then Teony walked up to them

Teony: Aphmau, are you helping this gentleman?

Aphmau: No, we're just talking.

Teony: Good, because I need you right now. Pardon me, I need her. 

Teony said to Y/N and Kai before grabbing Aphmau's hand and dragging her along as she leaves

Aphmau: Ugh, Teony!

Kai: Uh, b-bye?

He then turned to Y/N who smiled at him

Y/N: Sup

***With Aphmau***

Teony: Here she is! My best mentor!

Aphmau: What?!

P. Layla: Perfect. Teony, are you sure you can't do this?

Teony: Positive! I've got five freshmen following me around, and aside from me, I can vouch that Aphmau is perfect for this job! Plus, she has expertise in this field.

Aphmau: Huh?!

P. Layla: Wonderful! It's a pleasure to meet you, Aphmau. I'm Principal Layla.

Aphmau: Nice to meet you.

P. Layla: I have a serious issue right now. You see that young man over there, the werewolf gentleman with the blue fur? 

She said while looking towards Ein, who was coming down the stairs and looking around

Aphmau: Yes?

P. Layla: He's a new transfer student from an all-werewolf school. He's getting used to being in a diverse school, and, well, we had a bit of an incident this morning, and a certain misunderstanding occurred.

Aphmau: What happened?

P. Layla: That's not important! What is important is that we need someone to make sure he feels welcomed, which is why Teony brought you to me! So, I'm leaving this job in your very capable hands.

Aphmau: Me?! But, I—

Teony: You can do this, Aphmau! She was the female alpha last year, you know.

Aphmau: TEONY!

P. Layla: Perfect. Then, you should go talk to him. Go on.

Aphmau: Ugh! Teony, I told you not to tell anyone about the werewolf thing last year! Ugh, fine. Here we go.

She then made her way towards Ein

 Aphmau: H-Hey! N-Nice to meet you. I'm Aphmau, and I'm here to show you around the place.

Ein then walked up to her and sniffed her, getting closer and closer, until he's super close to her close enough to touch

Aphmau: What the!  

She then punched him away 

Aphmau: What's the big deal?!

Ein: I heard rumors you were the alpha female. But you don't smell like—

Teony quickly made her way toward the two

Teony: Woah, woah! Is everything okay here? I saw you push him, and I—

Aphmau: He sniffed me!

Teony: Now now, let's calm down. I'm sure this was a simple misunderstanding and we can work through this. Pardon me one second. 

She said towards Ein before taking Aphmau aside

Teony: Remember, he's new, Aphmau! Sniffing is a thing dogs do, isn't it? To get familiar with their environment? (Whisper)

Aphmau: Ugh, Teony, werewolves aren't dogs.

Teony: Either way, just, please be nice to him, and see if you can communicate with him so we all understand each other.

Aphmau: *sighs* Alright.

Teony: Great! Come get me if you need me! 

She said before walking off. Aphmau walked back over to Ein

Aphmau: Okay, so... sniffing. When it comes to humans, just don't do that.

Ein: Uh— but, how would I know if you—

Aphmau: Just, try not to do it, okay? *sighs* Anyway, let me show you around. This way!

To Be Continued

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