The Dauntless | Peter Pevensie

By cxkane

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As World War II unfolds, five kids are sent to the countryside to escape the air raids of London. The four si... More

Chapter One: Just an Old Wardrobe
Chapter Two: Talking to a Lunatic
Chapter Three: We Can Beat a Beaver
Chapter Four: He is a Little Monster
Chapter Five: Happy Christmas
Chapter Seven: Change the Prophecy

Chapter Six: The Right Clara

103 5 0
By cxkane

As decided, we all kept going. For hours and hours. But it was different than the last day. We didn't have to wear those huge coats anymore, the ice was already gone. The air now was warm, and the fog was nowhere to be seen. The sky was blue like the ocean, we noticed several birds flying beside the white fluffy clouds and others chirping among the trees. We had already left the side of the river, Mr. Beaver said that we had to follow south into the wood. I silently thanked him for taking us to the wood, 'cause the icy river was already melting and starting to flood. We spent almost the whole time pointing different birds, smells and sounds. We wouldn't shut up for a moment, Mr. Beaver had even given up on asking us to close our mouths and joined the rest of us on talking and laughing, especially since he said that the Witch would no longer be able to use the sledge. Oh, how I missed spring.

— Look at those flowers! — said Lucy running in front of us.

She picked four yellow primroses and gave one to me, one to Susan, one to Mrs. Beaver and put the other one in her hair. I caught Peter's eyes going from the flower in my hand to the one Susan was putting on her hair and noticed his gaze going away once he saw I was looking.

— Are you jealous, Peter? — I chuckled — It's okay, you can have mine. — I stopped in front of him and put in his hair the primrose I had in my hands. He didn't even fight it, which made it all funnier.

— Look how sweet you look, Pete. — Lucy giggled.

— Oh, you look lovely! — Susan laughed — It really brings out the blue in your eyes.

He shook his head, trying not to laugh.

— Don't worry, Peter. — I said as we started walking again — We will make you a flower crown later.

— Very funny, Clara. — he said smiling.

Even though we made fun of him every time we saw another primrose, he didn't took the flower off of his hair. It just fell after some time.
After hours and hours walking, we all started to get quite tired, but we were so happy that the winter was over that we didn't even complain about it. As the hours were passing by, we got quieter and just enjoyed the warm weather and the beautiful sights around us. The sun was already lower, the sky's bright blue was no longer there, it was now golden and red, just like a painting.

— It's getting dark again. — said Susan.

— It won't take much longer now, dear. — said Mr. Beaver.

We followed him uphill, finding a place full of tall evergreen trees. We walked only a little bit further - thankfully, because I was so tired that I began to think I wouldn't make it -, and found an open space made of grass and little white flowers. The tiredness went away when I looked around and realised we could see everything from there.

— I can see the sea! — said Peter almost in a whisper.

We started walking to the middle, where the Stone Table was. It was a huge grey stone on top of four little stones. It looked just like a table, a very old table. The sides of the Stone Table had dozens of strange figures and lines that looked like another language.
The next thing we saw was a big pavilion tent on one side of the open place. The tent was yellow, almost golden, and had crimson cords and just above it was a flag, with a red lion on it. As we were walking closer to the tent, we found a centaur coming towards us.

— We came to see Aslan. — said Peter when the centaur was close enough to hear.

The centaur looked to our right, and, at the same time, we heard music coming from that direction, when we turned, we unexpectedly saw the Lion. Aslan.
He was standing there, in the middle of a crowd of creatures who had come to see us. We noticed that the music was coming from Dryads and Naiads who had some kind of stringed instruments. There were also four tall centaurs, a unicorn, a bull with the head of a man, some fauns, an eagle, and a huge dog. Right next to Aslan were two leopards, which made me worry a little bit.
When we led our eyes back to Aslan, I still didn't know what to do, and I'm sure neither the Beavers nor my friends knew. Aslan looked at each one of us. The Lion had these royal and solemn golden eyes.

— Go on! — whispered Mr. Beaver.

— No! — whispered Peter — You should go first.

— Definitely not! — whispered Mr. Beaver back — Sons of Adam before animals.

— Susan? — whispered Peter — What about you? Ladies first.

— You're the eldest. — whispered Susan

— I think you should go, Clara. — whispered Peter.

— What? — I said louder than I was supposed to — Why me? — I whispered, bringing my voice down.

— You're the Knight! — whispered Peter.

— It doesn't matter! You're the King. — I whispered back.

— Fine! — said Peter, thankfully. The situation was already becoming too awkward.

— Good luck, Your Majesty. — I whispered to him, happy it wasn't me.

Peter gave me one last look, drew his sword and raised it respectfully to the Lion.

— We have come, Aslan.

— Welcome, Peter, Son of Adam. — began Aslan in a very deep voice — Welcome, Susan, Lucy and Clara, Daughters of Eve. And welcome to you too, Beavers.

It didn't seem awkward anymore, and all the fear I once felt was gone by now.

— But where is the fifth? — asked Aslan.

— That's why we're here, sir. — said Peter — We need your help.

— We had a little trouble along the way, sir. — I began — Edmund has been captured by the White Witch.

— Captured? — said Aslan calmly — How could this happen?

— He betrayed them and joined the White Witch, Your Majesty. — said Mr. Beaver.

— That was partly my fault, sir. I was angry with him and I think that helped him to follow the wrong path. — said Peter.

— We all were. — said Susan.

Aslan said nothing. He stood there looking at Peter with his serious golden eyes.

— He is my brother, sir. —  said Lucy — Can we do anything to save Edmund?

— That makes the betrayal worse, Lucy. — said Aslan and I noticed Susan looking down —This may be harder than you think. — a sad expression came to his face.

And then he was quiet again for some time. Suddenly that sad expression was gone. The Lion looked to all of us and said:

— Meanwhile, let the feast be prepared. — he ordered.

When we started our way to the pavilion, Aslan stopped me.

— Come with me, Clara. — he said — We've got plenty to talk.

I looked back to the Pevensies, who stopped for a couple seconds to see if everything was okay, and then went with him to the eastern edge. The sun was setting behind us, making the view even more beautiful than it already was.

— Is everything alright, sir? — I asked.

I could see everything from up there, from the forest and the great river we had passed before to the ocean miles away. And that's what caught my attention. Right where the land met the sea was something on a hill, shining brightly. It was a castle reflecting sunlight.

— That, Daughter of Eve —  began Aslan — is Cair Paravel. The castle of the four thrones, in which your friends must sit as Kings and Queens. — I just nodded. I didn't want to have that talk. Not now, not ever. — While you, Clara, will be beside them, protecting them at all costs. Protecting Cair Paravel and all the Narnians. They all will need you there.

I said nothing, just kept my eyes on the shiny faraway castle.

— Are you doubting the prophecy? — asked Aslan.

— No, sir. — I said — It's just... I'm not who you think I am, Aslan. I am not a warrior nor anything like that. I'm the wrong Clara.

— Clara Dugray, formerly of Finchley. That's who I think you are. — he said — A bird also mentioned that you like flower crowns, and that you and your friends planned on turning Beaver into a hat and a scarf.

I chuckled while shaking my head.

— Clara, there is a Deep Magic that rules over all of Narnia, and it's more powerful than any of us. — said Aslan — It defines right from wrong and decides all our destinies. Even mine.

— But I'm not a hero, Aslan. I won't be able to protect them.

— You've brought them safely this far. — he said — I've also heard how you helped Lucy on the way, and how willingly you were to help save Edmund, even though you said he wasn't very nice.

— He is just a confused kid, he doesn't deserve any of this.

— I'm glad that you feel this way, Clara. And that thought is why I know you're the right Clara Dugray. — said Aslan

When I was going to answer him, a strange noise suddenly began. I looked at Aslan confused, wishing he would tell me what that was.

— It's Susan's horn. — said Aslan almost whispering.

I didn't understand it right away, why would Susan blow her horn? Only when I saw all the other creatures running I realized what was going on.

— Oh, no. — I said before I started to run as fast as I could to the pavilion.

For some reason, all the other creatures stopped. Then I saw Peter running almost beside me. When we got there, Lucy came running towards us as fast as she could, and her face was as white as the snow we saw before. Then I saw Susan, she was climbing a tree, followed by a huge grey wolf. His front paws were against the tree, and he was loudly snarling. One of Susan's legs was hanging down, and the wolf was jumping trying to bite her foot.
I didn't know what to do, and when I turned to Peter I noticed, from the look on his face, that he didn't know either. I saw him going for his sword and thought of what Aslan had told me a few minutes before. So, before Peter could finish his move, I grabbed my saber and rushed straight up to the wolf.
I tried to slash his side, but the sword didn't even touch him. The wolf moved so quickly that I felt dizzy. It was now looking at me, his mouth was wide open, and I could see all the anger in his eyes. I heard Peter's sword coming out of the sheath so, without hesitation, I yelled:

— Stay back, Peter!

Almost in the same second, the wolf came towards me, I had barely dodged it when I saw him jumping towards me again. I raised my sword just before it pushed me down to the ground, hitting its chest.
It all happened so quickly that no one knew what had occurred. I started to hear the Pevensies' screams calling my name the moment I touched the floor. Peter came running to me and helped to push the huge wolf off of me. The wolf was still moving, but barely. I stabbed him again and again until he had stopped moving, until his blood was all over me. I looked around, shaking, trying to find Lucy, and was glad to know that she didn't see any of that. I dropped my saber to the ground and fell to my knees. Susan came down from the tree and swiftly ran to me. I closed my eyes, soon feeling her arms around my blood-soaked gown and her tears falling on my skin. I felt like screaming and crying, but I refused to drop a single tear in front of her.

— Quick! — I heard Aslan shouting — Centaurs! Eagles! There's another wolf there! Go after him, all of you! Go find the Witch and rescue the fourth King.

And that's what almost all the creatures did, disappearing into the darkness.

— Are you hurt? — asked Peter's voice beside me, I still had my eyes closed.

I shook my head — None of this is mine. — I said calmly, looking at the blood.

I grabbed my saber from the grass, cleaning it on one of the few clean parts of my dress. When Susan was helping me get up, I realised that Aslan was coming towards us.

— Hand it to me and kneel, Daughter of Eve. — said Aslan. And I did exactly as he told me. — Rise up, Dame Clara Wolf's-Bane, the Dauntless Knight of Narnia. — and, again, I followed — And, whatever happens, never forget to clean your sword.

I nodded.

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