Remember Me (BBANGSAZ)

By hanjibbangforever

41K 2K 160

They met for the first time in a foreign country. They were both young and made a cute mistake and then back... More



1.4K 73 3
By hanjibbangforever

~Author's P.O.V~

The last few days Minji had been very cheerful that made everyone curious. She would talk in a gentle manner, reply to everyone's greetings and not get angry easily even when someone made a mistake. In fact, her whole aura took a one eighty degrees turn.

Meeting Mj everyday was now her daily routine. The little kid also enjoyed hanging out with Minji, that looked like a Cute bear when she smiled. Minji was cautious enough to keep a low profile, when she would go to meet Mj.

Finishing the lunch, Hanni returned to her desk, when she was called at Mrs Choi's office. "Ma'am, did you call me?"

"Miss Hanni, I've been told to give you the rest of the day off. And the CEO wants to see you," Mrs choi replied.

Hanni got hella confused hearing the news. So she asked, "B- but why?"

"Don't you think, I'm the one who should be asking you that? However, I don't want to interfere in your personal life. So, just go now," Mrs Choi said and then got busy in her work.

"Did you ask for me, ma'am" Hanni asked politely entering her room. Though internally she was a bit irritated.

Minji was locking up her files in the drawer and then spoke up, "Take Mj from the kids center and wait for me in the parking lot. I'll be there in a minute."

"Do you care to explain, why exactly should I do that," Hanni asked being confused. "Oh, my bad! Sorry for the sudden plan. We're going to the amusement park," she replied with a smile.

"Are you out of your mind? Do you even think before doing anything! Is that why you told my boss to give me a day off!! She probably thinks, there's something going on between us," Hanni yelled getting frustrated. She was complaining just like an angry wife.

Minji didn't mind her yelling. In fact she found it cute. Her smile got wider and said, "Then she thinks absolutely right. Please hurry, Hanni. We don't have all day." Hanni was so done with her. She just rolled her eyes and stomped out of the room.

Minji was driving the car. Hanni sat on the passenger seat and Mj was eating chocolates on the backseat. As Hanni was fuming with anger, she didn't say a word and kept looking outside the window. But the moment she heard Mj, open another package of chocolate, she snapped at Minji.

"Just how much chocolates have you bought him!!! If he keeps eating like that, he's gonna get sick!! Do you realize that!!" Hanni yelled with all her might. Minji gulped and kept driving looking straight ahead. She had no idea, how to calm an angry mother.

But the little one didn't even budge at her mother's yelling. He just kept on eating the chocolate to his heart's content.

This time Hanni turned her head back, to look directly at Mj's eyes.

"PUT-THOSE-JUNKS-DOWN," she said, putting emphasis on each word. Mj recognized those dark eyes, if he didn't listen to her now, he was a dead meat. He just threw the chocolate out the window and sat like a gentleman.

"Do you have to be so hard on him? He's just a kid!" Minji tried to explain.

"No, she's wight! I shouldn't eat so much choco. I'm sowwy mommy!" Mj said from the back and a tear drop left his eyes. Hanni regretted yelling at him, the moment she saw tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, baby! I was just concerned. It's not your fault. Tell me what you want! I'll buy you anything, except chocolates," Hanni said trying to calm the kid.

"You said you'll buy me a daddy!" Mj said still sobbing. Hanni didn't expect that he would still remember it. She was now out of options and looked at Minji.

"I'm your daddy, Mj," Minji said looking at the little figure, through the rear view mirror.

~Time skip~


We were having lunch on the cafeteria, when a girl came running to our table and sat beside Rei. She was probably from another department.

"Did you see the new picture in the group! It's the best one ever!" She exclaimed looking at Rei being all excited.

"Of course I did! Those six packs, god!! Poor bear! Got exposed like that!" Rei exclaimed back, while pouting.

"Who's Bear!" I asked casually.

"You don't know? It's the CEO, Kim Minji!" The other girl said being surprised.

I was just drinking my water and hearing her reply I spilled all of it and started coughing. "You guys call her bear! For real!" I asked.

"Well, all the girls in the fanclub call her that!" She said waving her hand in the air.

"She has a fanclub!! Why don't I know about that?" Minho asked cutting in our conversation. Then the girl leaned on the table and replied, "It's just a Facebook group. And you don't know about it, cause you're a guy. It's only for girls."

"Don't I look like a girl? Then why am I not in the group?" I asked looking at them.Then rei narrowed her eyes and looked at me to say "Just how many times have I invited you to that group and how many times you rejected me saying that I was stupid!!"

I gulped seeing her angry face. "Well, sorry for that. Can you invite me now?" I requested. I didn't know why I suddenly got interested in those silly things.
Rei started humming and then looking at her phone she said, "Check your phone, I've already sent the invitation."

Then literally after five seconds she exclaimed, "Ah, she's so hot! But where do they manage to get these pics from?"

"Probably her stalker classmates from her college took these. Only if there was a pant-less pic of her!" said the other girl being lost in her imagination. This time Minho started coughing feeling cringed.

"Whoa! Hold your thoughts. Don't you think you guys are going a bit far?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Why? Are you jealous, Miss Hanni?" Rei asked mocking me.

The other girl suddenly got out of her trance and looked at me with widened eyes. "Hanni? You're Hanni, the rumored girl!!

That's why you looked familiar. You're the one whom she dragged ou...!" She couldn't finish. I saw Rei giving the girl a nudge, signaling her to stop talking.

Minho and Jangmi also looked at me awkwardly. I knew what rumor that girl was talking about. So, I just kept quiet.

That girl just stood up and walked away. Now the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

"Have you guys heard the news about BC Corp's scandal?" Minho asked all of a sudden. Then Jangmi spoke, "Yeah, it's trending now. The CEO had an affair with his secretary.

Some nasty photos of them sleeping together, were leaked."
"Don't you think it would be cute, if our CEO has a scandal too!" Rei chimed in smiling sheepishly. At this Minho made a disgusted face and said, "Have you seen the photos? How can this be cute!"

"I'm not talking about that one, you fool. That CEO is an old hag and he is married too." Rei said scrunching her face and then in the blink of an eye she changed her expression and said, "But our CEO is single and hot, you know! So it'd be cute as hell!"

Her silly expressions made the other two laugh. But I was having a mental breakdown internally, thinking about the word 'scandal'.


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