Put on a Smile | Yandere! Smi...

By Crossover42

14.7K 313 131

Cover art is not mine, all credits belong to: Skirszay {Your art is amazing :)} 10 years after the Playtime C... More

Information (Plz Read)
Ch. 1 - Train Crash
Ch. 2 - Baby steps
Ch. 4 - Take a rest

Ch. 3 - Welcome to Playcare

2.8K 67 25
By Crossover42

Yay, chapter 3 is here! 🎉🍾 Yay! ...That's...all there really is to say. Enjoy!


((Y/n)'s P.O.V)

KickinChicken: What the hell? What's a phone doing ringing all the way down here?

(Y/n)'s thoughts: I think the better question is: How is there any cell service down here if we're underground??

I could question that later, I needed to find that phone. A working phone means that I can call for help from the outside world! I could save everyone so much easier! The phone ringing sounded like it was coming from upstairs. I used my green hand to unlock a metal door and bolted upstairs and into another room, KickinChicken was close behind me.

KickinChicken: Holy s**t! (Y/n), slow down! How the hell are you so fast!?

I ignored him and looked around the room in search of the ringing phone, to my pleasure, I spotted it hanging on the wall. I let out a quick and simple "yes!" and ran over to it, answering the call. It phone itself was kinda of like a pay phone and it had this adorable face as the receiver.

I put the phone close to my ear and answered whoever was possibly calling.

(Y/n): Hello?

???: Hey... Hey, can you hear me?

The voice on the other side sounded like...a child? Is there another kid down here with me? KickinChicken and I looked at each other, the giant plush probably wondering the same thing as me. I went back to the phone and replied.

(Y/n): Yes, I can hear you...

???: *Sigh* That's good! I was worried that the receiver wouldn't be able to reach you!

(Y/n): Okay...I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but, who is this?

???: Oh! My name is Ollie, nice to meet you! And don't worry about it, you're fine!

Okay: 'Ollie' I now have the name of this person, that's good. That's progress.

(Y/n): Okay then, 'Ollie'. My name is (Y/n), and the tall rooster behind me is KickinChicken. Nice to meet you too.

KickinChicken walks up behind me and glared at me.

KickinChicken: Hey! I'm a chicken, not a rooster!

I felt a sense of satisfaction and decided to tease him a bit like he did to me.

(Y/n): Mmm...are you sure? You kinda look like one to me. (Smirks)

KickinChicken: The word 'chicken' is literally a part of my name!

(Y/n): That can't possibly mean anything. You sure it's not a surname for rooster?

Ollie giggled through the phone at my joke as Kickin groaned and playfully shoved me. Hah, take that, Kickin! Consider it payback for pranking me earlier! You know what they say: Revenge is a dish best served cold...

(Y/n): (Thinking evil thoughts...)

Ollie composed himself and before speaking through the phone again.

Ollie: Anyways, nice to meet you both! (Y/n), you and your friend look kinda lost. I don't want you both to die- so I'm gonna help you!

(Y/n): Really?

Ollie: Yep!

(Y/n): Sweet, thank you so much! You don't know how much this mean to me!

Ollie: No problem, I'm happy to help!

Kickin suddenly poked my shoulder.

KickinChicken: Umm...kid, can I talk to you for a sec, alone?

(Y/n): Uhh, sure. (Turns back to the phone) Please excuse me for a sec, Ollie, Kickin has something he needs to tell me!

Ollie: Okie dokie, don't take too long.

I snorted and gently put the phone on a table before turning back to my new friend, who looked at the phone suspiciously.

(Y/n): Something wrong, dude?

KickinChicken: I don't trust that kid, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Huh, you talking about Ollie? Why?

KickinChicken: He just seems a little...suspicious...

(Y/n): I'm sure that it's just your imagination, Kickin'. Ollie doesn't seem like a bad person to me. If anything, it seems like he just wants to help us.

KickinChicken: How can you be so sure about that? Come on, kid, think about it! You're telling me that you don't find it little bit too convenient that this mysterious kid that you just met thirty seconds ago, and have barely any idea who he is, is calling you from who knows where and is telling you he wants to assist you? You don't find any of that a little bit weird?

...Okay, I have to admit, when he puts it like that...Yeah that is a little bit sus... KickinChicken makes a pretty good argument.

(Y/n): I can't argue with that.

KickinChicken: Exactly.

But, I remembered that I gave him and Bubba Bubbaphant a chance and they turned out to be on my side, let's see if we can keep my streak going!

(Y/n): ...*Sigh* Okay, yes, I admit, that is a little suspicious. But what choice do we have right now? We might need Ollie's help to get to the Playcare and reunite you with your friends, if the others are still alive. We need all the help we can get.

KickinChicken: But what if Ollie is working with CatNap and the Prototype? How are you so sure that he won't try to double cross us?

(Y/n): ...I'm not...(takes a deep breath) ...But it's a risk that I'm willing to take. You just have to trust me on this.

Kickin sighed and place a feathered hand(?) to his forehead like an annoyed parent.

KickinChicken: You're so stubborn...you know that?

(Y/n): (Shrugs) Guess it runs in my family.

Then...Kickin slowly started grinning.

KickinChicken: Heh...I like that attitude of yours. You're remind me of me when I was younger, kid.

He knelt down to my level and ruffled my hair with his wing.

KickinChicken: Fine. If you really think we can trust this Ollie character, then you can count me in.

I sighed in relief and smiled softly.

(Y/n): *Sigh* Thank you, Kickin.

KickinChicken: But I will enjoy rubbing bragging rights in your face if he tries anything! (Smirks)

(Y/n): (Snorts) O-Okay, whatever!

*Knock!* *Knock!* *Knock!*

Me and KickinChicken turned our attention to another metal door that required a battery. Someone banged on it. Before any of us could say anything, I heard a familiar voice.

Bubba Bubbaphant: *Slightly muffled* (Y/n)? (Y/n), is that you?

(Y/n): *Gasp!* Bubba Bubbaphant!

KickinChicken: *Gasp* Bubba...?

(Y/n): (Runs to the door) Bubba! Yes, it's me! I'm here!

Bubba Bubbaphant: *Slightly muffled* (Y/n)! *sigh* Thank heaven, you're safe!

(Y/n): Yeah! And I'm not alone either! Guess what, you're never going to believe this!

KickenChicken: (Walks up beside (Y/n)) Hey, Bubba! Long time, no see!

Bubba Bubbaphant: *Slightly muffled* Wait, KickenChicken!? You're here too!? Oh my gosh, you're alive! I haven't seen any of my friends in so long, I thought you were...

KickenChicken: Yeah, me too. Good to hear that you're still going strong!

Bubba Bubbaphant: *Slightly muffled* Same goes to you, bud! (Y/n), how did you find him?

(Y/n): Actually, he found me. I was just trying to take a nap on a couch when he came in banging and scared the crap outta me!

KickinChicken: And the yelp I heard him make was pretty hilarious! Hehehe, oh Bubba, I wish you were there to hear it!

(Y/n): *Blushes* H-He doesn't need to know about that, Kickin!

KickinChicken: He was all like...(mock impersonates (Y/n)'s squeal).

(Y/n): Shut up! (Smacks KickinChicken's side) That's not even what I sound like!

Bubba Bubbaphant: *Slightly Muffled* (Chuckles) I don't know (Y/n), that sounds pretty accurate to me~!

(Y/n): *Flustered* Shut up! We're getting off track here, we have to open this door!

I run back to the table I left the phone on and hoped that Ollie was still on the line.

(Y/n): Ollie, are you still there?

Ollie: Yep, I'm still here!

(Y/n): Okay, good. Listen, I need your help. Me and Kickin's friend is on the other side of this door (looks at the electronic door), but there's no battery in here to open it! Think you can help?

Ollie: You bet I can! Now, check this out. Do you see that pipe in the corner of the room?

You looked to the corner of the room and nodded my head.

(Y/n): Uh-huh.

Ollie: Okay, watch this. Ready? And...BA-BOOM!

Suddenly, the pipe made a rumbling sound and another one of those large batteries fell out of it, landing on the table perfectly.

Ollie: There ya go! One fresh battery, hot off the conveyor!

Kickin: Huh...

(Y/n): Sweet! Thanks Ollie!

I took the battery with my grabpack and put it into the socket, powering up the door. The door opened and Bubba Bubbaphant peaked his head in.

Bubba: Peek-a-boo!

(Y/n): Bubba!

I ran through the door and hugged Bubba Bubbaphant's torso, catching him by surprise.

Bubba: Whoa there, bud! Hehe, did someone miss me?

He smiled warmly and patted my head. KickinChicken came over and bumped fists with his long time friend before hugging him too.

KickinChicken: Good to see ya again, Bubba.

Bubba Bubbaphant: You too, KickinChicken. Thanks for watching over (Y/n) for me in my absence.

KickinChicken: No problem. (Smiles)

Bubba Bubbaphant: I hope (Y/n) didn't give you too much trouble.

(Y/n): *Offended* Hey!

KickinCkicken: (Chuckles) No worries, Bubba. If anything, he's the reason we're even back together now.

(Y/n): Hey, speaking of which, Bubba, how did you manage to find us so fast in the first place?

Bubba Bubbaphant: Magic~!

I stared blankly at the elephant, who had this little smirk on his face.

(Y/n): .........Okay then... Anyways, now that the three of us are together, we should get moving, I think the Playcare should be close by now. You two can catch up on our way there.

Bubba Bubbaphant: (Nods) Yes, good idea. Come on, follow me, I'll take us there.

(Y/n): Okay.

KickinChicken: Lead the way, nerd!

Bubba playfully glared at Kickin while the latter giggled. We left the room we were in and upon looking to my right, I caught the sight of something surprising yet also horrifying...the Game Station train I rode to get here...all up in flames

(Y/n): (Horrified) Whoa....

Seeing this made me have a horrifying revelation; if CatNap didn't pull me out of there before the train caught fire...then, I would be... Yikes, I can't believe I'm thinking this, but; I actually want to thank him for that later...if I find him that is.

Bubba Bubbaphant: *Shocked* Oh my....

KickinChicken: *Shocked* Jesus....

Judging by the looks on my new friends' faces they were pretty surprised too. Suddenly, my new phone buzzed and Ollie picked up once more.

Ollie: Whoa... (Y/n), did you do that?

Hesitantly, I answered with a reluctant nod, unable to find myself able to lie.

(Y/n): *Nods* Umm... Yeah, I did that...

Bubba/Kickin: What?!

Bubba and Kickin both looked at me, surprised/scared after hearing that and I flinched at their reaction, not that I could blame them. I would be horrified too. Bubba looked like he wanted to hug me and Kickin looked fiercely protective.

Bubba Bubbaphant: (Y/n), you did that?! What happened?!

KickinChicken: Yeah, kid, explanation please?!

I sighed and went into detail on how I arrived here from the Game Station in the first place. How I freed Poppy (who I'm rightfully pissed at right now btw) how Mommy Long Legs forced me to play her sick games, how I killed her, how I met The Prototype for the first time, yada yada yada. After I was finish explaining my story, Bubba and Kickin looked horrified for me.

Bubba Bubbaphant: *Horrified* (Y/n), I...I...have no words...I...

KickinChicken: *Horrified* Damn kid, you've gone through so much down here...

Bubba Bubbaphant: Kickin! Language! We're in front of a child!

KickinChicken: What?! I'm just telling the truth!

Bubba Bubbaphant: There are better ways to say it instead of cursing!

KickinChicken: Well, how would you have said it if you were me?!

Bubba Bubbaphant: I would've-!

(Y/n): (Gets in between them) Children! Children! Come on, cut it out! Listen, I know this is a bit of a shock, but now is not the time for bickering, we need to concentrate on the task at hand: Getting to the Playcare!

Bubba and Kickin, at the sound of my voice, gazed at each other before taking a deep breath in an effort to calm themselves down. Bubba looked at me and nodded in agreement.

Bubba Bubbaphant: *Sigh* You're right, (Y/n), we should stay focused. Sorry about that, Kickin.

After saying that, Bubba wraps me up in a gentle hug. Kickin just stands there while the hug happened.

KickinChicken: It's cool, dude. No hard feelings.

I hug Bubba Bubbaphant back as much as I could due to our size difference. As we did... Wait...what's that smell? I gently sniffed Bubba's body, recognizing a sweet, flowery scent coming off of him. It smelled like...

(Y/n): Bubba...do I smell...Lemongrass coming off you?

Bubba pulled away from the hug and chuckled.

Bubba Bubbaphant: (Chuckles) Yep! You see, us Smiling Critters all have a difficult type of scent built into us to help children sleep. My scent is Lemongrass while KickinChicken's is Ylang-Ylang.

(Y/n): Really?

I walked over to Kickin and hug him too, sniffing his body. (Not in a weird way, get out of here weird people!) True to Bubba's word, KickinChicken's body (somehow still) smelled like Ylang-Ylang.

(Y/n): Mmmm! Wow, you both smell so nice, I'm surprised I never noticed before!

KickinChicken: Heh, why thank you, kid!

I couldn't help but really enjoy the scents, they were so calming to me and they were really helping me calm my nerves. I could keep doing this forever, until...

Ollie: (From the phone) ...So, are you gonna quit sniffing your friends soon (Y/n)? This is getting a little awkward for me.

Oh, right, Ollie. I forgot he was still on the phone. Sheepishly, I let go of KickinChicken and pulled the phone to my ear, smiling nervously.

(Y/n): *Flustered* Right...sorry.

Ollie: It's okay. Anyway, change of subject, it's about...Poppy. (Y/n), I get that you're probably mad at her for not letting you escape, but...

(Y/n): (Sarcastic) Gee, you think?

Ollie: Wait, let me finish! You don't understand, she needs your help, we need your help! Because you are our mission! With your help, we can save a lot of people, including you. Listen, the Playcare is just straight ahead. It's the home of CatNap, another one of the Smiling Critters. There's...eight of them? I think? I thought it was just him, but Bubba and Kickin showing up with you proved me wrong. The Playcare is CatNap's church, his hunting ground. Whatever he wants it to be. You three better get moving quickly... We'll keep in touch... Talk to you soon.

(Y/n): (Sighs before nodding) Okay, thanks Ollie. Talk soon. (Hangs up the phone and looks to the two Smiling Critters.) You heard him, let's get moving.

KickinChicken: Okay!

Bubba Bubbaphant: Hmm! Follow me, you two.

Bubba took the lead once again, and I decided to stick close to him to feel more secure. Although I'm not sure why, I have this nagging feeling that something bad might happen soon. But I'm determined to stay positive and focus on the present moment. But still...

(Y/n)'s thoughts: Relax (Y/n)...it's probably just your paranoia getting the better of you. You have Bubba and Kickin to protect you now! What's the worst that can happen?

(CatNap's P.O.V)

???: CatNap...

As I was making my usual rounds around the Playcare, I heard a sudden call from the shadows. It was the voice of The Prototype - my God. I quickly turned towards the direction of the call, straining my eyes to see through the darkness. Suddenly, there he was, his hand emerging from the shadows like a figure out of a dream.

CatNap: Hello, my lord. To what do I owe the pleasure of speaking to you?

The Prototype: That child you threw into the trash compactor...He managed to escape...

Hearing this made my eyes widen in surprise. That boy, he's still alive? How?

CatNap's thoughts: That boy is still alive? But, that's impossible. How did he survive the trash compactor?

Hearing this made a part of me regret not taking the boy's grabpack away before disposing of him. But it's too late for regrets. What's done is done. I remained silent as I waited for the Prototype to continue.

The Prototype: I've been watching him, and saw that he's no longer alone. He's being accompanied by two old friends of yours: Bubba Bubbaphant and KickinChicken.

And...now I have my answer, the boy had help. And from two of my old friends, nonetheless. A tiny part of me was surprised that they even managed to stay alive this long, it made me wonder how they did it. Also, hearing this from my God confirmed one of my old theories about some of the Smiling Critters still being alive, aside from the Heretic imprisoned in the Playhouse.

CatNap: I see...is it just the three of them?

The Prototype: No...From what I've seen, the boy, who's name is Y/n, managed to free Poppy from her case, and she is now assisting him in trying to escape the factory, but I don't know where she is at this time. Kissy Missy is also helping him.

My God used the boy's voice when he mentioned his name. When I heard it, he sounded so young... I never got to hear him very well when I dropped him into the trash compactor. His voice made him sound...adorable... Wait...what?

CatNap: Is there...more?

The Prototype: No...for now at least. I will keep you updated if there's any more changes.

CatNap: I understand...

The Prototype: I expect the boy to be taken care of soon, CatNap. But be weary of him while you're at it, because although he may not appear like it, but he poses as a major threat. So far, he's managed to kill both Huggy Wuggy and Mommy Long Legs.

My left ear flicked in annoyance upon hearing this. This boy, this child managed to take down those two...all on his own? I could understand Huggy (I guess), but Mommy? Seriously?

CatNap: (Bows) Yes, my lord.

My God's arm stayed still for a moment before retreating back into the darkness. Once I was sure I was alone once more, I started making my way to the Playhouse. I have a little bit of time before (Y/n) and his new friends arrive, so I've decided to use this time to visit the heretic. I'm sure he'll be very happy to hear that his 'Angel' has finally arrived to save them all... Speaking of which...

CatNap's thoughts: I called (Y/n)...adorable... Why did I call him adorable?

((Y/n)'s P.O.V)

(Y/n)'s thoughts: Why does Playtime Co. have to make their puzzles so complicated?

I groaned in my head as Bubba, Kickin and I went into the power room to power up the cable car that will take us all to the Playcare. After a few minutes pass, I successfully manage to get the power working with my green hand. Sparks shoot and I can hear thing starting up upstairs. The lights then came on and I smiled to myself. Bubba came over to me and gave me a gentle pat on the back. Kickin came over too and ruffled my hair.

Bubba Bubbaphant: Good work, (Y/n)! You did it!

KickinChicken: Nice going, kid.

(Y/n): Thanks. Now we can finally get some work done. Come on!

We left the generator room and made our way upstairs. Once there, I could see the cable car that would take us to the Playcare. But then, my eyes trailed to another cardboard cutout, and this one looked very familiar.

I turned to KickinChicken and poked his side.

KickinChicken: Yeah, kid?

(Y/n): (Points to the cutout) Look! Look who it is! Look what I've found!

KickinChicken: (Looks to the cutout) Hehe! Well, what do ya know?

I ran over to the cardboard cutout and, just like last time, I pushed the button to see what it had to say, Kickin and Bubba walking beside me.


KickinChicken Cutout: Hey, I'm KickinChicken! Wanna go outside and hang out?


KickinChicken Cutout: It's looking pretty rad outside!


KickinChicken Cutout: I've...never been outside before...


KickinChicken Cutout: Will you come with me? I'm scared...


KickinChicken Cutout: Here, follow me. I'll step out first.


KickinChicken Cutout: (Screaming!!!)

The three of us cringed hearing the screaming becoming distorted before turning to static and cutting out. Just like before...The screaming sounded so violent like the critters in the recordings were being murdered in the most brutal way possible...

(Y/n): (Smiles innocently) Welp, that's definitely not traumatizing at all!

Bubba Bubbaphant: Why are those clips even in those recordings anyway?

(Y/n): I don't know. Let's not try to think about it too much. Let's get going.

Bubba Bubbaphant: Agreed.

KickinChicken: Yeah, let's go.

As soon as we reached the cable car, Bubba Bubbaphant and KickinChicken dashed to opposite sides of the room and pulled down two levers to power it up. The door of the cable car opened with a soft hiss, and I quickly stepped inside, feeling the cool metal of the carriage beneath my feet.

I looked back just in time to see KickinChicken struggling to push BubbaBubbaphant inside the car due to his massive size. Bubba glared at me, and I couldn't hold it in anymore before I finally burst out laughing. KickinChicken soon managed to hop inside, and as soon as the door closed, we began our slow descent down the passageway, taking us to our destination.

As we descended, Bubba and KickinChicken talked animatedly, making jokes and quickly catching up on how the other has been doing. I, on the other hand, felt a wave of sleepiness wash over me. I had wanted to take a nap earlier, but KickinChicken quickly shot that down by announcing his existence to me. I couldn't help but think how comfortable it would be to curl up and snooze in the quiet darkness of the cable car. But I fought the urge, knowing that our destination was just around the corner.

Bubba Bubbaphant: (Notices (Y/n)'s tired state) Hey, (Y/n), are you alright?

I lazily turn my gaze to my elephant companion, blinking tiredly. KickinChicken was now looking in my direction too. They both looked at me in concern.

(Y/n): Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just (yawns)...tired. That's all.

Bubba Bubbaphant: Would you like to take a nap? We don't mind if you do.

(Y/n): Where would I even sleep with so little space?

Bubba Bubbaphant: You can lay against my side, I don't mind.

Before I could even protest, Bubba Bubbaphant wrapped an arm around my body and pulled me into him, his soft, plushy body felt so relaxing to the touch, and just the smell of Lemongrass radiating off his body made me even more sleepy. I let out a yawn and KickinChicken chuckled at this.

(Y/n): *Flustered* Bubbaaaaa! Cut it out, this is humiliating!

Bubba Bubbaphant: Hmm, let me think about it... (Pretends to think) Hmm, no, no I don't think I will~

(Y/n): Bubbaaaa!

Bubba Bubbaphant: (Y/nnnn)!~

(Y/n): Don't mock me!

KickinChicken: (Snorts)

(Y/n): This isn't (Yawns)...funny, Kickin...

Bubba chuckled and relented on his teasing, just resorting to holding me close.

Bubba Bubbaphant: (Smiles softly) Get some sleep, (Y/n). You're going to need it before we get to the Playcare. Just get some sleep.

As much as I wanted to fight it, I could resist the call of sleep anymore. My eyes slowly fluttered shut and I finally passed out then and there, snoring softly.

(3rd Person P.O.V)

Bubba Bubbaphant gently adjusted his posture to make sure that (Y/n) was comfortable in his arms. With the snoring boy resting peacefully against his chest, Bubba held him close and pressed a tender kiss to (Y/n)'s head. As he did so, he ran his good foot through the boy's hair in a soothing and loving manner. KickenChicken, who was watching the tender scene unfold, couldn't help but let out a snort of amusement at the sight.

KickinChicken's thoughts: I didn't know Bubba had a bit of a papa bear side to him. Oh man, if Bobby Bearhug is still alive, I'll be sure to let her know about this.

Kickin smirked to himself.

KickinChicken's thoughts: I am so gonna tease Bubba about this!

As Kickin thought about this, the tv in the cable car suddenly came on, bringing the two plushies' attention to the screen. On there, a censored face of Elliot Ludwig, the founder of Playtime Co. appeared.

Elliot Ludwig Recording: Hello. My name is Elliot Ludwig. When you look around at the world today, what one thing do you think it needs more of? I asked around once: "Money, I never have enough." "Understanding, I can never get any." "Faith, the common man has lost it." Each answer was different... and I could perhaps see some little truth in each. But I think each was also missing something. Something... simple.

The Elliot on screen paused as the cable car brings the three through a large cave system area with the cable car bringing it's guests to a large dome coming into view.

Elliot Ludwig Recording: You see, not one of them could muster a smile...  smile is hope. A smile is love. A smile is understanding. And there is nothing more gratifying to my soul than being the reason for a child's smile. To be the spark that ignites all their hopes and dreams. For it is only through hopes and dreams that we may create a better world. One where our children need not be afraid. One where they are protected. After all, this company and its toys are nothing without them. These children deserve to smile, they deserve to love, and they deserve a safe... home.

The cable car soon enough enters the dome, passing through some red smoke as it does. When the smoke clears, Bubba Bubbaphant's hold on (Y/n) tightens slightly as he and KickinChicken finally take in the view of the sight below them: The Playcare.

This was it, they've finally made it here, at last. Turning back to the tv, the two continued to listen to what Elliot had to say as the cable car circled them around the Playcare.

Elliot Ludwig Recording: That is why it is with enormous pleasure that as the founder of Playtime Co., I announce... PLAYCARE! Our very own onsite orphanage. But it's not only that. It's a school, a playhouse, a place to belong. Our very own ecosystem beneath the surface, dedicated in every inch and detail to ensuring a child's smile. It's teachers and counselors, mothers and fathers, until such a time they have all of that in you. May Playcare bring joy, inspiration, and smiles to all who enter these doors! For what gives life its meaning, if not a smile?

The cable car then finally touched the ground as Elliot finishes his monologue, coming to a complete stop in it's station before slowly opening the door.

Bubba Bubbaphant: Welp, here we are...

KickinChicken: (Sighs) Yeah...

Bubba Bubbaphant: I'd never thought that I would ever come back here....Especially after...you know what...

KickinChicken: The Hour of Joy?

Bubba suddenly tensed and hushed the chicken Smiling critter, covering (Y/n)'s ears.

Bubba Bubbaphant: (Whisper) Shh, don't mention that out loud! We don't want (Y/n) to hear about that.

KickinChicken: (Whisper) Bubba, dude, the kid's already asleep, I doubt he would hear!

Bubba Bubbaphant: (Whisper) Still, we don't want him to question us about it! He doesn't need to know about that awful day!

KickinChicken: (Whisper) And what if he does?

Bubba Bubbaphant: (Whisper) We'll...we'll cross that bridge when we get there, but for now, let's just let (Y/n) sleep. He's been through enough.

KickinChicken: (Whisper) *Sigh*...okay,...fine...

Bubba Bubbaphant: (Whisper) ...Here. Can you take him for a minute so I can properly get out?

KickinChicken: (Whisper) Sure.

Bubba nodded and handed the child to his friend, once again struggling to get out of the cable car. Once he was out however, he made room for KickinChicken to get out. Now that they were all out, the two plushies stood at the top of the staircase, taking in all of the sights before them and how much the Playcare has been let go since their last time here. 10 years away from this place, and now look at it...

If they haven't been so focused on looking at their old home however, they would've noticed a certain purple cat watching them before disappearing into the Playhouse, intent on paying a visit to a certain sunny dog...

End of Chapter 3


A/n: This is by far the longest chapter yet, sorry if I made the ending short. I didn't want to make it too long because I want to get started with chapter 4. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed....Btw I hoped the sniffing scene didn't weird you guys out or something. Please don't take it there wrong way.


Credits: Bubba Bubbaphant & KickinChicken art by - Yuki_arts or Yukiarts7 on X (aka Twitter).


EDIT: Forgot to mention this the first time. Fanart for my story is welcome to be made and shown here. So if you guys wish to create some fanart and show it to me, go right ahead, I'm not stopping you! :D If you wish to show me your fanart, you can message me on either my Instagram or my Email. Anyways, hope you enjoyed:

Instagram: Crossover42Official

Email: Mi4acul0usl3y0742@gmail.com

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