Ex-Doctor Of Rhodes Island(Bo...

By zero252

546K 15.4K 10.1K

The Doctor of Rhodes Island is a good man, but even good men can be broken. He tried to endure the loneliness... More

He's Had Enough
What Have We Done
Welcome Home
For the Greater Good
Silver Bell Tolls
SuperNova Prevention
Know Your 'Enemy'
Have we Angered A God
Living Saint
Farsight Enclave
Trial By Fire
Making An Entrance
Terra's Reaction
Farsight Will Rise
Hello Ch'en
Strategic Value Absolute
Maiden Heart
Flawless Victory!
Can We Survive What's Comming
Enemy Of My Enemy
We Will Fight In The Streets.
Ride Of The Valkyries
Battle Won
The Next Arc
Emotionally Compromised
Prelude To Diplomacy
Underhanded Diplomacy
Angry Lung Noises
Farseer Agenta
The Darker Side Of Reunion
Sleep Easy At Last
Preserve Us
Purge Them!
Stand With Me
White Wolf
Lord of Fiends
I Hate/Like you!
Back In Your Arms
A Good Morning
Broken Too
Lupo's Mischief
Don't Panic
A Life Forever Changed
Running Away
The Law
Amnesia vs Love
Caught Pt1
Caught And Shattered
Calm Before The Storm
First Moves
I'm Done Playing
Enclave vs Rhodes Island
Lost & Gained
Already Broken
A Spark Of Hope
A Lupo's Secret Exposed?
Familiar Stranger
Anomaly Containment Corporation
Angel Of Death
The Begining of a Downfall
The Call
Manipulate Fate!
Artillery spam
Harem Assemble
Over The Top
Lascannon or Bolter
Return of the King
Questions and Answers
Our Duty Ends with Death
Safe and Sound
Guerilla Tactics
Kal'tsit and W Confrontation
Kalina's path
Small Talk
Your Eyes
Father & Daughter
Mostima's Choice
False King
Going Solo

Heroic Ursus Girls

1.7K 68 33
By zero252


Let us get back to it!


"Any idea where they're taking us?" Agenta panted as she was pulled onward by a rusty red chain attached to a collar. Behind Agenta, Theresa was in the same situation. These red creatures surrounding them led the two women to an unknown destination.

"I don't know, but I don't think I want to find out," Theresa spoke quietly, trying not to draw attention to themselves and was just exhausted.

Agenta looked around hopelessly, she could use her powers, but there were too many of them to handle. It would take time for such a power to charge up. She was weak, injured and hungry. Agenta had no idea where they were or what direction they had moved in.

So how quickly would she be captured if she did escape, assuming they wanted to capture her again?

Looking at the monsters with contempt, the large sacks some of them carried were the decapitated heads of her people. She could do nothing but sit and watch as her comrades got defiled in such a disgusting manner.

Theresa showed no signs of anger or disgust. She must have seen this before. Theresa was filthy and half-starved, so she must have been in this situation for some time.

Another problem Agenta had discovered was the monsters lacked any need for sleep or rest. These monsters didn't know what taking a break was. Agenta was scared to look at her feet, knowing they would be bloody and sore.

Just as Agenta thought about her poor feet, she had no time to complain further as they all came to a sudden halt, and relief washed over her when her legs could rest, even briefly.

Theresa and Agenta looked around, worried, not understanding why the sudden stop, but the creatures looked startled, sniffing the air quickly and gripping their swords tightly.

That's when Agenta heard faint sounds of fighting further down the horde of monsters. Agenta and Theresa looked at each other with worry and hope. 

Had someone come to rescue them?

The sounds of fighting got louder and louder. It wasn't a single combatant fighting outside their view. It was a large skirmish between many.



A loud, distinctive cry of voices followed a single feminine shout, which was heard throughout the surrounding area, making Agenta and Theresa smile. 

Ursus soldiers!

The monsters around them roared in anger, pushed the two women to the ground, and dropped the large sacks of heads, charging forward at the sounds of the battle cries, eager to add skulls to their trophies.

Much to the monster's and the two women's surprise, an axe flew out of the forest beside them and found a home in the nearest monster's skull, dropping it to the floor instantly before it vanished into ash.

Everyone turned to look at the attacker/saviour and were surprised to see a young woman in her late teens staring at the creatures angrily. She was a Ursi girl with the iconic bear ears, dark brown shoulder-length hair and blue eyes.

What's happening? This wasn't an Ursus soldier.

Without wasting any time, the young women rushed forward and attacked the approaching enemies without fear or self-preservation. Two of the monsters had already fallen to her axe by the time the rest reacted.

Agenta knew this girl and smiled internally. So, this is what happened to the Peterheim Middle School students in Chernobog during the Reunion attack? They escaped the city before the Enclave arrived and fled deeper into the Ursus wilds.

That is a fascinating new development.

Agenta was watching the girl slaughter her enemies with brutal efficiency. This girl doesn't seem fazed by the monsters, so this mustn't be their first encounter with them.

With only a slight struggle, the rest of the monsters soon started to lose when the girl's companions emerged from the forest in numbers superior to theirs, but the monsters were no pushovers. Agenta saw more than a few Ursus people cut down mercilessly.

She was paying particular attention to the first girl and another shorter Ursi girl with a large vault door as a shield and a frying pan as a weapon.

"Ura!" Shouted the frying pan-wielding girl adorably. It was the same feminine voice from earlier that shouted.

Agenta watched the large group of Ursus schoolgirls and boys fighting, eager to be rid of these creatures once and for all. She looked at Theresa, who could not help due to her current state. Agenta stood up shakily amongst the chaos as her eyes started to glow white.

The air around her started to crackle with electricity and power, which wasn't unnoticed by the fighting sides, but neither could do anything other than kill the other.

The Ursi girl with the axes decapitated her larger, monstrous opponent and turned to the crackling sound. She saw a beautiful but beaten woman slowly rise into the air with glowing eyes.

Her eyes narrowed before shouting, "Gummy!"

The red-eyed, blond-haired Ursi turned to her with a blood-chilling smile, "Da?"

"Knock that b*tch out before she does something!" 

"Hee, Da, Zima!"

Gummy rushed towards Agenta, who was now floating higher, Dodging the individual fights around her and going for the knockout on the unsuspecting Agenta.

Agenta hadn't tried this attack before due to the number of enemies and the time it took to charge, but with all the beasts distracted, she had a chance to wipe them all out in one go.


Agenta winced as something cold and heavy smacked at the back of her skull. In the cold atmosphere, she could feel the warmth of her blood trickle down her cold skin. She turned sharply to face her attacker, eyes still blazing with power, only to see nothing...

"Wa, Wa! Down here!"

Agenta looked down, seeing a girl smiling bashfully at her, holding her frying pan up.

Agenta didn't know what to think. The tiny Ursi girl wielding a cooking utensil assaulted her.


If Farsight heard of this, he would laugh at me!

"Ummm... Sorry, Heehee."

Gummy looked up at the scary woman fearfully. From behind, she was not scary at all, but now the floating lady glared at her angrily. She wasn't like those angsty Ursus soldiers or the red demons!

She backs up slowly and cowers behind her shield, but everyone says it's a vault door. Which it isn't! The scary lady screams, piercing the eardrums of all present. Most of the Ursus crumbled to the floor, holding their fluffy ears.

Zima grits her teeth and growls, ignoring the pain in her ears as she hacks another demon into the dirty ground. Zima turned and was about to order Gummy to smack her again, but bolts of pure energy, which looked like lightning, shot out of the floating bound woman's eyes to her hands and spread across the battlefield.

Zima wanted to scream in horror, watching the bolts of light hit everyone, monsters and friends alike, but any noise caught in her throat when the demons withered and howled in agony while her friends looked around in shock, seemingly unharmed by the attack.

Who the hell was this woman?!

The Demons never stood a chance against her attack; now, the only ones remaining were her friends and her, standing in a now quiet, cold forest. The only sounds were the mumbles and panting of the Ursus.


Zima looked to see Gummy dive and catch the floating woman who fell from the air. The attack must have cost quite a lot of her energy; the bound woman wasn't even moving now, and the other pink-haired Sarkaz in the corner was trying to stay awake.

"Hmmm... Rosa!"

Another beautiful Ursi girl with flowing white hair and mismatched eyes came out of the forest behind the leading fighters.

"Da, Zima?" Rosa responds politely with a smile.

"Those two," *Zima points at the unconscious Agenta and Theresa* "are under your care until they are well enough to answer our questions." 

"Eeek, You sure, Comrade? She was pretty powerful" *Points at Agenta* "If she wakes and attacks, I may be in trouble, Da?"

"If she wakes and attacks us, I'll split her skull in half with my axe..."

"So violent," Rosa smiles, shaking her head forlornly. 

"Just do it! We got an Emperor's blade and Reunion on our ass, and now these creatures from hell," Zima snapped at her friend.

"I doubt these two are with the creatures, Zima. Just look at them," Rosa looked at the two women with pity, chained, collared and beaten.

"..." Zima huffed but didn't say anything.

"Besides, that one saved a few lives, right?" Rosa winked at Zima, moving past her and kneeling beside Agenta and Gummy, tending to their wounds and the wound on the back of Agenta's head from Gummy's frying pan.

Zima looked away and stared at the battlefield, reaching out to stop a Ursi male student wearing Ursus soldier armour running past her and grabbing him by the collar, "How many?"

"Ah, nine dead, comrade. I'm sorry" She let go of him and watched him run off to somewhere she cared nothing for.

Is it possible to fight where nobody dies?

These weren't just people from her school. Students of many schools across Chernobog fled in mass. A few jumped-up infected Reunion with rusty pipes tried but couldn't stop the mass Ursus escape, that's for sure.

Zima clenched her fists. What a fool to think running into the wilderness was a great idea. Cold weather, which they aren't immune to, enemies on all sides hunting them and now demons from the stories.

Every fight is another student lost, a child dying!

Now, another nine had perished to these abominations. It was not the first time Zima lost people to them, and today was a rare occurrence of them getting the jump on them.

Hope was running out for all of them, and now they were scrounging for food and shelter in the tundra and snowy forests of the Ursus Empire expanse.

Zima looked at the two unconscious women, muttering to herself.

"Maybe one of them will have a way out for us..."




"Gummy? What are you doing."


"Gummy, stop hugging me!"

"You're sad, Comrade, so Gummy will make the sadness go away,"

"Rosa, help!"

Rosa hums to herself as she cleans Agenta's face, ignoring Zima entirely.

While Rosa tended to Agenta, she pulled out something from the unconscious woman's clothes and opened it in curiosity, "What's this?"

Rosa opens the small folded paper, staring at the image before her.


Rosa blushes and places her cold palm on her cheek to cool herself down.

"What the hell are you doing- Woah!" Zima snatches the picture from Rosa, greatly annoying the elegant Ursi.

"Her husband, perhaps?"

"Oh! That's Commander Farsight," Gummy chirped, peeking around Zima's arm and staring at the picture.

Zima and Rosa stare at her and say together, "Who?"

"Heehee, come sit around the campfire, Comrades! It's story time," Gummy cheekily replies before skipping off.

Zima and Rosa follow her, deeply interested in hearing about the man whose picture they're blushing at.

They don't feel any embarrassment from this, being stuck in a cold forest and surrounded by only fellow schoolers. The male schoolboys are simply that... boys.

When was the last time any hot-blooded Ursus girl in their group saw a man?



It Looks like the Peterheim Middle School girls are here now, but where is Frostnova?

Agenta, saved by High school girls, how embarrassing for her.

Ursus girls are cool, right? Zima, Rosa and Gummy are awesome.

They won't be a part of the Harem, but they might get some attention now and then, who knows.

Everyone is over eighteen!

I won no Art or Gif's

Thanks for the support and likes!


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