GRIMM: The Tale of a Hunter

By XxLegacy214xX

5.3K 210 61

This is the tale of Jason Burkhart a newly awakened Grimm, a bloodline of warriors who defend the human world... More

Seeing Red S1:E1

A Grimm Beginning

1K 48 5
By XxLegacy214xX

March 15th, 1994

As rain poured down over the darkened streets of Rhinebeck, New York Police could be seen cordoning off the scene of a gruesome car accident where their are two fatalities, but there was a woman who was unresponsive and being wheeled onto an ambulance. This woman is Kelly Burkhart mother to Jason and Nick Burkhart, but also a Grimm, a hunter from a bloodline of warriors whose purpose is to protect a species called Wesen and kill those who cause Chaos and murder humans.

Rhinebeck Memorial Hospital

  After Kelly was wheeled into the Hospital the doctors got to work trying to help her, but the damage Kelly took was severe.

One Hour Later...

   "I'm sorry Ms. Burkhart, but your sister's state was too severe so we were forced to place her in a medically induced coma." A doctor stated as Marie Burkhart, Kelly's sister and a fellow Grimm could be seen with her two Nephews Jason and Nick, but Jason started to notice a patient whose face morphed into that of a supposed monster.

   "M-Monster..." the boy muttered causing Marie to quickly look down at her nephew before she followed his line of sight and saw a Wesen causing her to quickly grab her nephews hands and quickly exit the hospital while glancing at her oldest Nephew with sadness.

Two Weeks Later...

Age: 12 years old

    "Why do I have to go?" Jason asked as his Aunt Marie kneeled down to his height while Jason's brother played in the floor.

   "Jason you're a very special boy. You can see things that nobody else can and because of that a lot of people will want to hurt you, but that's why I'm sending you away to get strong." Marie stated as Jason looked at his little brother.

   "Can't Nick come with me?" Jason asked as Marie laid her hand against Jason's cheek and sighed.

   "I wish he could my beautiful boy, but your brother is still too young and he can't see or do the things you can at least not yet and that could make him a target if he goes with you." Marie stated as tears welled up in Jason's eyes as he looked over at his brother.

   "Then I'll get strong and I'll come back and protect both of you." Jason proclaimed as Marie smiled before she pressed her forehead against Jason.

   "I have no doubt you will my little warrior, but until then you listen to your teachers okay?" Marie pleaded as Jason nodded before a horn was heard outside.


   "It's time Jason." Marie stated as Jason nodded before he went to his brother and hugged him and with Nick hugging him back.

   "What's this for Jason?" Nick asked confused but happy nonetheless.

   "I gotta go away for awhile Nick and I'm going to miss you little brother." Jason stated as Nick gripped him tighter before Jason stood up and walked out with his Aunt Marie while Nick sat on the ground pleading for his brother not to leave.

   "I know this is hard, but it will keep Nick safe okay?" Marie said as she put Jason's luggage in the trunk of the car.

   "I love you auntie." Jason said as he hugged his auntie while Marie smiled as she wrapped her arms around her oldest nephew.

   "And I love you Jason." Marie stated as they let go of each other before Jason climbed into the backseat with Marie closing the door and as the car drove away Jason could be seen staring back at his waving Aunt with tears welling up in his eyes.

Five Years Later...

Age: 17 years old

   It's been five years since Jason was sent away to be trained in the ways of a Grimm and though he didn't agree with everything he was taught he was still seen as a prodigy by his teachers and now here he stands with a headless Wesen at his feet.

   "I'm sorry, but I couldn't let you hurt anyone else." The boy muttered as he looked down at the corpse before he turned and walked away with his axe hanging over his shoulder while his teacher held a proud smile on his lips.

"Very good Jason, but remember that your axe is just a tool, you are the weapon." Vladimir, Jason's Grimm teacher stated as Jason nodded.

   "Understood Old man." Jason stated as he put his axe in the trunk of the car before him and Vladimir drove off leaving the Wesen corpse behind as a warning.

   "You've come a long way in the past five years Jason. You should be proud." Vladimir stated as Jason silently stared out the window.

   "I'll be happy when I can return to my brother." Jason stated making Vladimir sigh before the rest of the ride was silent with Jason thinking back to moments with his family causing a rare soft smile to etch its way onto the boys lips.

Grimm Academey

  "Can I ask a question?" Jason asked Vladimir as they sat in the lounge hall, just the two of them.

   "Go ahead." Vladimir stated giving the young hunter his full attention.

   "Why are we in this big ass castle when it's just the two of us?" Jason asked as Vladimir chuckled.

  "Well in a few hundred years ago this place was filled with Young Grimms being trained like you, but nowadays Grimms don't come into the powers until their adults." Vladimir stated as Jason nodded.

   "Then how come I'm different?" Jason asked making Vladimir sighed.

   "The only way for a new Grimm to awaken is for the previous Grimm from his bloodline to die, in which for you would be your mother." Vladimir lied as Jason dropped his head in sadness.

   "Okay." Jason said lowly before he got up and walked off to his room without another word being said.

Two Years Later...

Age: 19 years old

   It's now been seven years since Jason left his family behind to become strong and today is finally the day he gets to return home.

June 18th, 2001: Portland Airport...

   "Congratulations Jason you have learned everything I could teach you. Now it's up to you to find your own path." Vladimir stated as Jason smiled before Vladimir placed his hand on Jason's shoulder.

   "Every Grimm has made their own path through life now you must find yours, but know that no matter what path you take you have made me proud to call you my student." Vladimir said making Jason smirk before he wrapped his arms around his teacher.

   "Goodbye Old man." Jason said as Vladimir shook his head amused before he threw his duffel over his shoulder and walked out of the airport where his Little brother Nick Burkhart could be seen standing.

   "Jason." Nick muttered before he ran at his brother and hugged him tightly with Jason returning the hug in earnest while silent tears made their way down his cheek.

   "Happy Birthday Little brother."

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