๐…๐„๐„๐‹๐’ ||

By deansvlr

7.8K 400 1.1K

Where two friends decide to overstep boundaries to get over their exes. ๐€๐•๐€ ( ๐๐Ž๐‡ ๐‰๐ˆ๐‡๐˜๐„) - After h... More

i. help
ii. comfort
iii. the pact - ky
iv. decision - ky
v. ex
vi. party
vii. struggles - ky
viii. fake bf (!!!)
ix. party monster
x. first time(!!!)
xi. passion - ky
xii. dancer
xiv. shower - ky(!!!)
xv. audition n hawaii - duo pov
xvi. fuck
xvii. caught up
xviii. practice
xix. haunting dream - ky
xx. turmoil
xxi. nightmare

xiii. wedding - ky

161 12 0
By deansvlr

The wind danced around us, tugging at our jackets as we strolled along the riverfront, the sky covered in heavy gray clouds. I nestled my freezing hands into my pockets, secretly relishing the coolness of the day even though I was shy to admit it.

Beside me, Nate, my older cousin, skillfully controlled the stroller, his daughter Yuna nestled inside, peacefully asleep. It was nice- having a moment of solace despite the chaos the everyday life brought.

Watching Nate, usually anything but mature and responsible, suddenly embrace the responsibilities of fatherhood was still something I had to get used to. The fact that he was now a dad still felt like a twist in the plot of our lives. I never expected him to become one, yet he proved us all wrong, being a good dad as well.

"This is the only time she ever sleeps," Nate's voice cut through the quiet, exhaustion evident in his tone as he maintained a steady pace.

"For real?" I couldn't help but smile, my heart warming at the sight of Yuna bundled up in her fluffy white bear onesie, a tiny angel in the midst of it all.

She was so beautiful, and as her uncle I couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility wash over me aswell.

Nate chuckled wearily, shaking his head as he guided us toward a worn bench nestled in a nearby garden.

"Yeah, it's like she's got her days and nights mixed up," he remarked, settling onto the bench with a little grunt and retrieving an energy drink from his bag. I joined him, sighing as I finally felt the comfort of sitting down.

"You know, I know you probably don't want to hear it, but please, take your time with kids," Nate advised, extending the drink my way, which I declined politely with a little shake of my head.

Leaning back against the bench, I let out a sigh.

"Don't worry about me, I don't even see myself in that position before thirty," I confessed, stealing another glance at Yuna, sleeping soundly. Nate chuckled, a hint of amusement in his tired eyes.

"Hey, just something to consider," he teased, a touch of warmth in his voice.

I released a breathy chuckle, casting my gaze over the riverside, where towering buildings loomed over the landscape, the sounds of car horns filling the air alongside the gentle hum of the river.

"I really don't," I admitted, the weight of my thoughts settling heavily on my mind.

"I mean, there's still a whole lot of years until I'm thirty, but the way life feels now just doesn't seem to accommodate a child, you know?" My words hung in the air, laden with uncertainty.

Nate suppressed a smile, his lips twitching slightly, prompting me to raise an eyebrow in question.

"I used to feel the same way," he confessed, meeting my gaze. Nate, being about four years my senior, had a career in the business world rather than the entertainment industry, making money like it was second nature.

"You can't compare us," I remarked casually, looking up at him. "You had money, I don't. It's different."

Nate's expression softened, a touch of empathy in his eyes as he weighed his response.

"You're right, it is different," he conceded gently.

"But you never know what life has in store for you. Yuna wasn't planned either, you know." Though not entirely surprising, I acted shock.

"Really?" I asked, stealing another glance at Yuna. She was so adorable; all I wanted was to hold her close.

Babies had a way of reminding you to cherish each moment, for they grew up in the blink of an eye.

Nate nodded, his gaze drifting fondly to his daughter, who slept soundly in her stroller.

"Yeah," he confirmed, a hint of nostalgia coloring his voice. "But she's the best thing that ever happened to me."

"She is," I agreed wholeheartedly.

Nate offered me a reassuring smile, his hand finding its way to my shoulder.

"Just take things as they come, and remember to enjoy the ride," he advised, his words carrying the weight of his own experiences.

Surprisingly wise words from Nate, but I took them to heart nonetheless.

"Anyway," I cut in, attempting to steer the conversation away from its seriousness. "Have you guys already picked out a wedding venue?"

I turned to Nate, who had a mischievous grin plastered on his features, his dimples visible, as if he had a very good idea already.

"Well," he began, a hint of pride coloring his tone, "we have, actually," he confessed, his excitement palpable.

Ever since we were kids, he had dreamt of marrying Lydia, his fiancée and the mother of his child. He had been in love with her from the moment he laid eyes on her at his first swim practice, at least he told me that.

Although I figured it might have been for a little longer- perhaps from the moment she moved into our neighborhood.

"Come on," I urged, playfully nudging his shoulder.

Nate took another sip of his energy drink, setting it down on the bench before finally divulging, "Hawaii."

My eyes widened. "Hawaii?" I echoed, astonishment lacing my tone.

"But wait, there's more," he declared proudly. "We're going all out," he continued, his smile evident even in his voice. "And if you happen to have a partner" he glanced at me knowingly, meaning Ava, which sent a jolt of nerves through me, "they're invited too, no matter our relations, because the hotel is kind of romantic- it's really nice."

I couldn't help but chuckle, Ava would go crazy. And even though we were fake, this- this was a offer we couldn't decline. I would not let her.

Hawaii. The mere thought was exhilarating.

Running my fingers through my hair, I looked at Nate. "This is..." I laughed, struggling to find the right words.

"That was my exact reaction," he said, his smile radiant. "I know," he added, reaching over to playfully squeeze my neck from behind before releasing me.

As the excitement of Nate's wedding plans began to fade, a concern crept into my mind like an unwelcome guest-money issues. Hawaii wasn't exactly cheap, and with my current financial situation, the thought of attending this wedding, which seemed by far the opposite of cheap, seemed daunting.

But I pushed the worry aside, reminding myself to live in the moment and deal with the consequences later.

Just as I was about to delve deeper into the wedding plans, a faint stirring from the stroller diverted our attention. Yuna was starting to wake, her tiny hands adorned with soft gloves fluttering as she stirred.

Nate's expression softened as he gazed down at his daughter, a tender smile gracing his lips.

"Hey there, little one," he greeted softly, bending down to scoop her up.

"She loves being held after waking up," he remarked, cradling the baby against his chest while carefully supporting her head. Then, he turned to me. "Want to hold her?"

I hesitated for a moment, a rush of uncertainty and nerves washing over me. She seemed so delicate.

"I mean..." I began, but Nate chuckled.

"If I can handle it, so can you," he teased. With a nod, he gently passed the infant into my arms. The moment I held her, I felt my heart swell. How could someone so tiny bring out such overwhelming emotions?

She made a soft sound, fully awakening, and as her large brown eyes met mine, framed by long, thick lashes, my entire felt like it melted.

"God, she's so small," I whispered, a wave of tenderness washing over me as I cradled her against my chest.

Nate grinned, pride evident in his sparkling eyes. "Yeah, she's a little miracle," he said, his voice tinged with emotion.

"She seems so calm in your arms," he observed, watching us closely.

"Really?" I asked, my voice catching unexpectedly. Nate burst into laughter.

"Oh wow, who knew you were such a softie, Ky," he teased.

"Cut it."


Everything still felt familiar-the crisp scent, the distant echo of music coming from the dance practice rooms, and the soft glow of natural light filtering in from outside. It was all the same. Stepping into the huge building,

I felt somewhat fresh, as if I had found my purpose once more. My footsteps echoed through the hall as I made my way towards the towering elevator, my destination already etched onto my phone-Practice Room 2B, as per Ava's text.

She had managed to secure a space just for us. She wanted to see if I still had what it takes, to help me refine my skills before I would audition to anything new. The audition. The mere thought sent a ripple of nerves through me.

I remembered the intensity of it all-the hours spent perfecting choreography, the nerve-wracking moments before stepping in front of the artists I would dance for and the competition. Every single person usually had the skills and talent.

It was so daring, yet so fucking exhilarating. There was something about the challenge, the constant push to ace, that fueled me. I felt alive because of it.

I glanced at the display telling me which floor I was on. Just one more to go. I hadn't set foot in this building for quite some time.

The last time I was here was the day before my parents convinced me to give up dancing and join their business-a decision that hadn't exactly ended well. I scoffed inwardly at the memory.

As I caught sight of my reflection in a nearby mirror, I took in my fit-simple sweatpants for ease of movement, a hoodie for comfort, and a blue cap that added a finishing touch to the look. Smooth dance moves were essential, but so was aura.

Even as a background dancer, your presence could make all the difference. And what drew attention more than anything? Clothes. That's why they were so damn important, especially for auditions.

When you were up on that stage, performing alongside the artist, all background dancers usually wore the same or similar outfits. You didn't want to steal their spotlight, after all. Unless your name happened to be Ava.

Ava didn't steal anyone's spotlight because she felt like it; she just had this allure that drew everyone's attention to her. She had this captivating presence that effortlessly made her stand out from the rest. It was odd yet so addictive to feel.

Even with a mask covering her face, making only those doe eyes of hers visible, she remained unmistakable in the crowd, and I found myself drawn to her each time.

I couldn't help but hold so much pride for her and next to that feel so grateful for the opportunities she had opened up for me.

I pressed the button for the elevator, feeling a flutter of anticipation as I ascended to the designated floor. Stepping out, I walked through the familiar corridor towards practice room 2B, my heart quickening with each step.

The faint strains of music drifting from inside helped me to know that Ava was already there.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door and entered the room. There she was, gracefully warming up in the center, even her warm up smooth. It only served to heighten my nerves; I for sure wasn't so confident in my own dance skills as I was before with her in the same room.

Ava had a certain aura, a natural elegance that seemed to come from her very being. Her dark hair cascaded in soft waves around her face, framing features that gave off confidence and charisma. The passion in her slanted eyes was unmistakable, mirrored by the comforting warmth of her smile, which instantly put me at ease.

As she stretched, I couldn't help but admire her.

"Are you stalking me?" she teased, catching my gaze in the mirror's reflection. I cleared my throat, averting my eyes before making my way to a corner to place my bag next to hers.

I chuckled softly to myself as I settled my bag down. "Hi to you too," I greeted, glancing back at her over my shoulder.

"Hi," she responded warmly, tilting her head invitingly. "Join me. I'm warming up right now," she offered, her voice filling the room with a comforting echo.

"Yeah, just give me a second," I replied, tugging my hoodie down and noticing my shirt riding up slightly before settling back into place as I pulled it over my body. Knowing that I might sweat, I had decided for a simple shirt with a subtle motif on the back.

Ava stretched her knees, her upper body leaning gracefully to one side as the music offered a rhythmic backdrop. There was something so fucking alluring about watching her move through her stretches- it was odd how she made something so simple look this sexy.

Sometimes, I couldn't help but question the wisdom of our friends-with-benefits arrangement. "Regret" might be too strong a word, but it had changed our dynamic in ways I hadn't fully expected. Anyone who claimed that sex was just sex clearly hadn't experienced what Ava and I had.

If it were truly that simple, I wouldn't find everything she did so irresistibly captivating-especially not after our last encounter. It was as if she were a different person entirely and I found myself still thinking about it every now and then.

"Earth to Ky?" Ava's voice pulled me from my reverie, a knowing little smile playing on her lips.

"My bad," I chuckled nervously, shaking off my thoughts as I joined her in the warm-up routine.

Despite the lingering insecurities, a small spark of happiness enveloped me. I knew I could light up her world with the news about Hawaii. However, I wanted to wait until I had enough money saved up before sharing it with her.

"We're going to start with a simple RnB song, an old choreo of mine," Ava explained, her focus fixed on the mirror as she continued her warm-up routine, while I followed suit, doing my own stretches.

"What choreo?" I asked, knowing I probably had some familiarity with it. After all, I had learned half of her choreographies myself. I was always the first to learn them-it was my way of showing support.

"Heat," she replied with a playful giggle.

"Heat," I repeated, the choreography already playing out in my mind. "Shouldn't be too challenging," she added, and I nodded in agreement.

"Let's not pretend I'm a novice when it comes to dancing," I reminded her, to which she raised her hands in playful surrender.

"Just tryna help," she said, stepping back to take a long sip of water. I couldn't help but release a breathy chuckle, my gaze lingering on her momentarily before I looked away and moved closer to her.

"And I truly appreciate your assistance," I said, teasingly looking down at her.

She scoffed playfully, squatting down to search for the song in her playlist, signaling that we were about to begin. And as the beat filled the room, I suddenly felt so ready- ready for this fresh start. Humble beginnings, they say.

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