Never leaving my side!! (YIZH...

De LinYizhan237

17.5K 1K 220

MATURE RATING!! Wang yibo, 25, Xiao zhan, 23, Wang yibo was a incredibly Wealthy Businessman, and had horribl... Mais

🔰💠 001 : FIRST LOVE💠🔰
🖤🔱 002 : LOVE TO HATE ME..🔱🖤
🕸️🕷️003 : Just a Friend..🕷️🕸️
🪬🎭004: ANGER ISSUES..🎭🪬
🍹🤍005: PROBLEM?🤍🍹
💍💔006: ANYONE BUT HIM..💔💍
🌹🥂007: The "Wedding"🥂🌹
💮🐇008: This B😡tch...🐇💮
🔥⚡️ 010: WHERE ARE YOU!!!!⚡️🔥
💚❤️011: Found You, Baby Bunny🔞🔞🔞⚠️⚠️⚠️.❤️💚
⛓️💔012: SUCH INSANITY..💔⛓️
💚⚡️013: MY PLAN EXACTED..⚡️💚
💉🪦015: WANG ZI XUAN!🪦💉
🦁🪦016: ALREADY?...🪦🦁
😈🕑020: REVENGE...🕑😈
😨❤️021: NOT FEELING SO GOOD...❤️😨
Please view
👶 022: Where is Sean? PART ONE👶
🔞🔪🪬023: Torture🪬🔪🔞(GRUESOME!) PART 2/5
❤️‍🩹🧸024: MERCY, APOLOGY?🧸❤️‍🩹(PART 3/5)

🔥💙 018: TRAITOR...(PART1)💙🔥

503 33 5
De LinYizhan237

Everyone in the room immediately went silent...the sound of silence was was completely pitch black in the room now, nobody could see anything, there was no light at all. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of Ziyi's sharp inhale of breath.

"Guys...stick close together." Haikuan said.

"Yeah, it's really dark, we can't risk getting separated in this kind of situation. Let's just all stick together and stay as close to each other as possible." Xiao Zhan said, he was already starting to feel a little uneasy in the darkness, he always hated being in the dark like this......he was really hoping that the power would come back on soon.

"I could have been going shopping right about now, hmph, now im going to die with these damn idiots..." zhuo cheng said irritatedly.

"Hey, just chill, we're not going to die, we'll figure out what's going on and we'll fix this, we just have to stay calm and stick together." Xiao Zhan said, he was trying to remain positive and he was trying to keep everyone calm and was easier said than done, though....he was also starting to get a little worried himself, he couldn't help but wonder what had caused the power to just suddenly go out.

The power came back on, but ZhuoCheng was gone.

Everyone looked around, but there was no sign of Zhuo Cheng....he had completely disappeared without a trace...and that was strange, because he would have had to pass right by everyone to get out without being spotted....where could he have disappeared off to?

Once again, the entire room was shrouded by utter darkness, and the only noise that could be heard was the sound of everyone's breathing, which seemed louder in the silence. "What the hell's going on?" Zhan whispered, his voice barely audible in the dark.

Xiao Zhan was suddenly grabbed by was so suddenly that he didn't have time to react...a strong hand clamped down on him and pulled him away from the group.

Something was injected into xiao zhan's neck.

Xiao Zhan felt a sharp sting in his neck and he tried to pull away from whatever was grabbing him. His vision started blurring, he tried to fight back against whatever was holding him but his limbs started feeling numb....they were holding him so tightly and he couldn't even fight back...was this the end of the road for him?

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Xiao Zhan's vision blurred and his thoughts slowly began to become more and more disorientated, he tried to fight but he couldn't resist....he knew there was no chance of escaping, that he would pass out soon....

His thoughts slowly faded and he felt himself falling into unconsciousness...

Xiao Zhan's eyes slowly opened and he looked around, he was still in a state of disarray but he was aware that he was tied up....alongside him, he saw Zhuo Cheng, who was also bound and tied up next to him. They were in a small, cramped, empty shed, and there wasn't much else in the room apart from the two of them.

Xiao Zhan tried to shout and scream, but the gag prevented him from making a single peep...all he could do was stare at Zhuo Cheng and try to convey his frustration at their current situation.

Zhuo Cheng, on the other hand, remained eerily quiet and calm, he just looked at Xiao Zhan with a completely neutral expression, he didn't seem bothered by the fact that he was bound and gagged at was like he was waiting for something to happen.

Someone came in, CiCi Lu and Wang Zi Xuan, along with the rest of the group including yibo, but the group and yibo were all tied up and thrown in.
Once everyone was inside, the person who had walked in closed and locked the door behind them, sealing everyone inside the shed.

"Just cut the act, there is no use to stay silent, untie yourself...(_____)."

There was a moment of silence as everyone tried to process the situation......and then, a voice suddenly spoke up, it was a familiar and well known was Zhuo Cheng's voice.

"You're all very smart, I have to give you that. And you're right, there's no need to stay silent." Zhuo Cheng said, his voice was calm and cold, but there was a hint of cruelty in his eyes....he didn't seem like he had any intention of letting them out.

"This is nothing personal, wang yibo." He said, untying himself and grabbing the gun that was badly tossed to him by the terrified Wang Zi Xuan because she saw yibo's deadly glare at her.

He then Shot Yibo in the chest, Yibo instantly fell flat, unresponsive...Xiao Zhan screamed, crying, Zhang Bai Jia and Haikuan were panicked and calling yibo, but they were tied up, others were also panicked and freaking out.

Xiao Zhan was devastated, he was crying and screaming in utter despair...Wang Zi Xuan was paralyzed in absolute hysteria, and Zhang Bai Jie, Haikuan, and all of the other investigation team members were utterly panicked and freaking out....they were in utter shock and couldn't be true, Yibo couldn't be dead....could he?

Zhuocheng then shot at xiao zhan, but it didn't hit xiao zhan...instead it hit Xuan Lu, who had untied herself with a lighter in her pocket, she had burned her rope and rushed over.

Xuan Lu had succeeded in untying herself and she had rushed to Xiao Zhan's side, trying to shield him from Zhuo Cheng's shots.....but in the process, she had ended up taking the bullet for him instead....she had fallen to her knees, her life slowly drifting away....she was slowly dying.....

"JIE!!!!" Zhuo cheng screamed in a panic, rushing to her and throwing the gun, holding her in his arms, his big sister was dying..

"SHIJIEE!!!" Xiao Zhan screamed out sobbing, leaving yibo and shaking Xuan lu, sobbing and trying to take her from Zhuo Cheng.

Xiao Zhan was sobbing and panicking, he was trying to take Xuan Lu from Zhuo Cheng but he couldn't, Zhuo Cheng's grip was too strong...he was hugging Xuan Lu tightly and he didn't want to let go....he couldn't lose her too!

Then CiCi Lu grabbed the gun and Shot Zhuo Cheng in the Stomach.

"good for nothing.." she muttered.

Zhuo Cheng shouted out in pain as the bullet hit him in the stomach, it wasn't a fatal wound but it certainly was very painful....he loosened his grip on Xuan Lu after being shot, allowing Xiao Zhan to pull his sister free of him....Xuan Lu was unresponsive in Xiao Zhan's arms, she was already beginning to bleed out...

"SHIJIE! NO! PLEASE! NOT YOU TOO!!!" xiao zhan cried out.

Xiao Zhan was hysterical, he was sobbing and crying out, he couldn't lose her, he couldn't lose Xuan Lu too....he was holding her in his arms, desperately trying to keep her alive...but he knew that it was no use....she was fading away fast....he had never felt such a deep sadness and despair in his entire life....

Meanwhile Zhang Bai Jia was screamed and slapping yibo to wake up while pressing on his chest to stop the blood loss.

Zhang Bai Jie was desperately trying to revive Yibo, she was slapping him and pounding on his chest, all to no avail....She was so desperate to save him, but she couldn't, she had no medical knowledge and she had no idea how to help him....she was sobbing and crying as she continued to pound on his chest.

And Xiao Zhan was completely devastated, he was holding Xuan Lu in his arms, trying desperately to stop the bleeding...

Zhang Bai Jie was desperately trying to revive Yibo, she was slapping him and pounding on his chest, all to no avail....She was so desperate to save him, but she couldn't, she had no medical knowledge and she had no idea how to help him....she was sobbing and crying as she continued to pound on his chest.

Haikuan was absolutely flabbergasted at the situation, On one, His Lover was the traitor, His Little Brother was Probably Dead, and his brother's sister in law (Xuan lu) was dying in his brother in law's (Zhan's) arms.

And all he could do was watch hopelessly as the situation unfolded around him, he was frozen with disbelief and fear....he had no idea what to say or how to feel....he just wanted all of this nonsense to be over, and for everyone to be okay.

Xiao Zhan had a similar reaction....he was so stunned by everything that had happened, and he was starting to lose hope that Xuan Lu was going to make it through this....he couldn't bear to lose anyone else......

Haikuan got up, everyone looking at him as he walked slowly by all the tragedies happening at once, he went of to ZhuoCheng, his lover...grabbed him by the collar, and slapped him hard, causing the other to tear up.

"YOU BETRAYED ME! BETRAYAL! I CAN HANDLE SOME THINGS, BUT BETRAYAL I WONT STAND FOR, LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" And with that, he grabbed ZhuoCheng's face and forced it to look at Yibo who was laying maybe dead, and then Xuan Lu, who was dying in Xiao Zhan's arms.

The moment Haikuan slapped Zhuo Cheng, everyone in the room went silent, everyone was frozen in shock...the situation was already so heartbreaking, and this only added to it. As Haikuan forced Zhuo Cheng to look at Yibo and Xuan Lu, his expression was that of pure horror and betrayal, he looked utterly devastated.

"I had a reason!!! I had a reason my love! Hear me!!" Zhuo cheng begged.

Haikuan slapped Zhuo Cheng again, harder this time. "Don't you dare speak, there is no excuse for what you did. You betrayed us and killed one of our own! There's no excuse for what you did!" He yelled angrily, his eyes full of rage.


Zhuo Cheng lowered his head and looked away, as though he couldn't bear to look at the pain and anger on everyone's faces.....he was truly ashamed of himself.

"I...I had my reason....I...."

"Tell us the reason! Tell us! MY BROTHER IS DYING IN MY ARMS! MY BABY BROTHER!" Zhang Bai Jia screamed in tears, still clutching yibo and sobbing.

"The reason I did..... what I did....was simply because I had no choice....CiCi Lu threatened to kill my Xuan Lu and My Haikuan..If i Didn't kill Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan..but now my Jie is gone...My Zhan..there are...some things that I can't control....I had to do what I did..." Zhuo Cheng said faintly, his voice wavering with remorse.

"I would have rather them kill me than lose my brother! YOU HAD NO RIGHT! NO RIGHT!!" Haikuan Screamed out, Veins Protruding on his head and neck, as his grip on Zhuo Cheng's Neck got Scarily tighter.

Zhuo Cheng gasped for air as Haikuan's grip tightened around his neck, he was struggling to get air and breathe...

Zhang Bai Jia was still holding a lifeless-looking Yibo in her arms, desperate to try to save him, she was screaming and crying and sobbing.

Xiao Zhan was still cradled Xuan Lu's lifeless body in his arms, he was shaking and sobbing and crying hysterically, desperate to save her but unable to do anything.

All mess was happening at one time, 3 stories going on at once.

The room was pure chaos, with everyone yelling and screaming and sobbing and was a mess, it was all happening at once.

Wang Zi Xuan and CiCi Lu just watched this unfold in amusement.

However, everyone was so wrapped up in their own stories of grief and sadness that they didn't notice Wang Zi Xuan and CiCi Lu watching them from a distance....they were just sitting there, watching in amusement as everyone else's world fell apart around them.

Haikuan grabbed the gun from behind ZhuoCheng and held it to ZhuoChengs head.

"I Should never have trusted you, You will pay for what you did to Yibo, Xuan Lu, and anyone else you hurt."

"Please, don't kill me, Haikuan! I still want to live!! I still want to be with you! I know what I did was wrong but I had no choice!! You have to believe me!!" Zhuo cheng begged desperately, tears streaming down his faces as he begged for his life.

"Live? Be with me freely? You wish." He Chuckled...and with that, Haikuan fired, But it didnt hit Zhuo Chengs head, instead his leg.

"I am not like you, i will not Brutally kill someone, i am not a murderer, but i hope you can never forget this moment when you are in jail locked up—i HATE you." He said before throwing the gun out the shed far away and returning to Help Yibo and check if he is alive.

"Oh god.....oh god.....please....." Zhuo Cheng said, his voice was full of fear as he grasped the wound to his leg in anguish.

Zhang Bai Jia was desperately trying to revive Yibo, she was still crying and sobbing and yelling in despair.

Xiao Zhan was on his knees next to Xuan Lu's lifeless body, he was sobbing and crying, trying desperately to shake her awake, he was so desperate not to lose another person he cared about...

The Parents got here, Carman Lee, Crystal Zhang, Han Dong, and others.

The moment the parents arrived, they all rushed over to their kids, seeing the absolute chaos that had unfolded. Crystal Zhang pushed past everyone else and went over to Xiao Zhan first, she immediately started sobbing and crying when she saw her son cradling a lifeless Xuan Lu...

"A-LU! LULU!! MOMMY IS HERE! Look at me! My A-Lulu!" Crystal Zhang Cried out at Xuan Lu's Dead looking face.

" dear LuLu" Crystal Zhang cried, her eyes blurry with tears as she leaned down and pressed her face against Xuan Lu's lifeless body, her hands wrapping around her in a desperate attempt to salvage what she could....all she wanted was to save her daughter, but there was nothing she could do...

(2.55k words!)

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