In The Rough

By oof12boogaloo

448 9 0

Coming back to raise his baby wasn't something John Dory believed he would ever do, but he's going to do his... More

Chapter 1: Where It All Begins
Chapter 2: Eggs and Promises
Chapter 3: Come Home
Chapter 4: Rosiepuff
Chapter 5: The Escape
Chapter 7: Therapy and Progress
Chapter 8: Coming Out (In More Ways Than One)
Chapter 9: Injuries
Chapter 10: Legs

Chapter 6: Birthday Joys

43 1 0
By oof12boogaloo

Finding a good spot was the easy part. They walked through the trees and flowers for about twenty minutes until they found a nice little area near a tree trunk that was clear. There was a nice canopy of leaves over it so it will already be decent shelter when they start digging.

Thank god I kept all my hiking stuff. I should have my shovel and pick in here somewhere. John Dory digs through his backpack while Branch explores the area behind him. Then John comes across a wrapped box and tries to keep it hidden. He forgot he has Branch's present in here.

His son's birthday is tomorrow and John is so excited. It's his first birthday since JD came back and he wants to make it special. His baby is turning five! It makes John's heart ache, seeing his boy getting so big. Everything that's happened recently too makes him more determined to make it great for his angel. He deserves it.

"Ah hah!" John pulls out a folding shovel.

"Dory! Look!" Branch says, getting John to look back at him. He's got John's goggles on his head, the straps and lenses way too big for him as they keep falling while he giggles.

"Well, well, it looks like I've got a little thief on my hands," John smirks. He stalks closer to Branch as the boy runs away. John chases and catches him, wrapping him up in his arms.

"Doryyy!" Branch squeals, giggling up a storm as John Dory squeezes him in a hug.

The goggles fall in front of Branch's eyes and John fixes them back on his head, smiling. "Looking good, Bitty B!" He teases, booping Branch's nose. "Like a certain cool older brother I know." Branch's colors brighten the teeniest bit and his ears perk up. John wants to cry seeing how happy he looks. "Are you excited for tomorrow, angel?"

"Yeah! I can't wait to start the bunker!" Branch says, pulling out a little drawing from his oversized vest. "Me and Floyd drew this too. It's gonna be so cool!"

John chuckles, "I'm glad you're so excited, bug." He looked at the drawing and raises an eyebrow. "Is that a waterslide shower?"

"Yeah! Cool, right?" Branch's eyes sparkle.

John rolls his eyes internally and grins. "Hell yeah, buddy! Sounds awesome," he says. "I don't know how easy it'll be to do that part, but we can try it. Can't promise it'll work, though." He doesn't want to get Branch's hopes up too high.

"I know," Branch says, embarrassed. "I made this when I was super small, so it's a little silly."

"It's not silly, bug." John kisses his cheek. "It's cute."

"JD!" Branch whines, pushing him away.

"Someone's getting cranky," John snickers. "I think it's almost someone's bedtime." Branch yawns and rubs his eyes. "Oh, yeah. Bed time for the baby." He sets Branch back on his feet, the boy protesting being put down as he pouts sleepily. "Gotta make our beds real quick, buddy." He kisses Branch's forehead and goes to grab their sleeping bags and blankets from their backpacks. He also puts a tarp up with a few sticks to cover them and their supplies.

After securing their stuff, John turns back to Branch and smiles softly. The boy is curled up on John's vest, his little tail wrapped around himself as he snuggles into the fur collar. Oh my god, he's so cute. Gently, John picks him up, trying not to wake him, and carries him to their makeshift beds. He wraps Branch up snuggly in his sleeping bag before getting into his own and laying Branch's bundle on his chest. Kissing Branch's forehead, he whispers, "I love you, baby. Sweet dreams." Then, John closes his eyes, and tries to get some sleep too.


John Dory wakes up groggily, the sun just barely peaking through the trees as it rises. Branch had moved out of his sleeping bag at some point in the night and is now curled up in John's hair. He's still wearing the goggles, now sideways on his head and making his own dark hair look crazy.

John chuckles and gently lifts Branch out of his hair, sitting up and laying the boy back down in the nest. He cuddles under a blanket as John Dory stands up and stretches. His blue caterpillar plushie is held tightly in his little paws and his tail twitches in his sleep, making John squeal internally. He's so cute! My baby!

Being extra quiet, John sets up a few fairy lights around their shelter and a few colorful streamers as decoration. He doesn't have any balloons but he has a cupcake he'd made before they left and a wrapped gift. John sets them both on a short mushroom like a table.

He kneels down beside Branch and gently shakes him, waking him up slowly. "Hey buddy. Good morning," John whispers as Branch yawns and sits up, rubbing his eyes with his fists. "Happy birthday, Branch."

Branch perks up and gasps seeing the lights and streamers. He jumps up and hugs John, bouncing excitedly. "Thank you, Dory!"

John hugs him back. "You're so welcome buddy," he says, kissing his forehead. "Gonna let me have those back today?"

Branch giggles and shakes his head. "Nuh uh. I wanna keep 'em!"

John ruffles his hair. "Well, okay. I guess I'll just keep these to myself then," he says, grabbing the present and cupcake.

Branch gasps. "No! Wait," he rushes, pulling off the goggles and almost tripping on the blankets. John pretends to go to take a bite and Branch tackles him, hanging onto his arm. "Please, Dory!" He gives John puppy eyes again and the older troll instantly melts.

"Calm down, B," he says, setting Branch down and holding out the cupcake. "Fluffleberry for the birthday boy."

"Yay!" Branch takes it and hugs John's leg. "Thank you, JD!" His tail is wagging excitedly behind him as John hops around with Branch still clinging to him.

"You're welcome, you little monkey, now lemme go," John laughs, picking Branch up by the back of his shirt, the boy kicking his feet as he holds onto his treat. John then deposits him in the nest and joins him, watching contentedly as Branch munches on his cupcake. He offers little pieces to John here and there, which he happily takes.

After Branch finishes, he makes grabby hands at the blue wrapped gift next to John. John rolls his eyes and hands it to him, snickering as the kid tears into it. Opening the box, he gasps.

He pulls out a pair of goggles, closer to his size and white instead of green. The lenses are the same pink color as John's which makes Branch run a finger over them in wonder. He immediately puts them on his head, grinning as they fit almost perfectly. John helps him adjust them the slightest bit and then he tackles John in another hug. "Thank you, Dory. I love them," he says, snuggling into JD's shoulder.

John hugs him back. "You're welcome buddy. I'm glad you like them, I figured since you like mine so much you'd like to have your own. And they're big enough for you to grow into them later." He pulls back and smiles. "Not to mention, I know you're really looking forward to the bunker and everything so I bet you'll need a good set of goggles to help with that."

Branch smiles widely. "Totally! I can use them when I build stuff too. And I can look like you! Awesome!" John blinks back tears as Branch's colors flair as he says that. He pulls the boy into a hug, squeezing him as Branch giggles and hugs him back.

John pulls back after a minute, fixing Branch's new goggles on his head with a chuckle. "Do you wanna do anything special today? It's your day, B, you get to pick what we do."

Branch thinks for a second and then blushes. "Do you think we could go see Mister Peppy and Poppy? I wanna play with her," he says quietly.

John snickers at him. "I don't see why not. Let's go see if they're busy." John stands up and picks Branch up by his armpits, swinging him around and making him laugh before holding him on his hip. "To the village!" John says, marching out of their shelter as Branch giggles.

Walking through the trees, they come up on the clearing they'd found the day before. There are several trolls walking about, trollings with their parents and the beginnings of pods all around. It looks like the market is getting set up too, so that's good. John can get more food supplies later.

Walking up to where John saw Peppy go, he sees the king with his daughter, the little princess running around him and talking excitedly. John walks closer and waves, getting Peppy's attention. "Ah! John Dory, good to see you this morning," he greets John, nodding towards Branch. "And you too Branch."

"Hi Mister John!" Poppy yells, running up to him and bouncing up and down to wave at his son. "Hi Branch!"

Branch waves back shyly and John huffs a laughs. "Someone wanted to see if you'd like to play, Miss Poppy," John says, Branch glaring at him.

Poppy gasps and looks at her dad. "Can I, Daddy? Please please please?" She begs.

The king laughs. "Of course, sweetheart," he says. "What's the occasion, if you don't mind my asking? You seem awfully chipper this morning."

John puts Branch down and ruffles his hair. "This little man is officially five today," he says, snickering as Branch ducks away.

"Happy birthday, Branch!" Poppy yells, jumping on Branch and hugging him aggressively. Branch falls over, face almost navy as his tail wags furiously.

"Happy birthday, my lad. Five is a big number," Peppy says, smiling warmly.

"It is!" John sniffles. "They grow up so fast," he says, wiping a fake tear.

Peppy chuckles. "Very true." Then his smile turns a bit sad. "It really does go by so fast."

John gives him a sympathetic look and pats his arm. "I'm sorry for your loss, sir."

"Thank you, John," Peppy says quietly, watching his daughter run around with Branch, the greyed trolling's color brighter already than it had been a week ago. "Just seeing Poppy safe and happy is helping. And your boy there. It's good to see him so lively. I know it's been difficult for him."

John flushes slightly at Peppy calling Branch 'his boy'. "He's doing so much better. I still want to get him in to see a therapist after everything gets set up. And an actual doctor too, make sure he's okay."

"Dr Moonbloom is the best doctor we have and Dr Pepper is a great psychiatrist. She should have someone that can help with children." Peppy looks at him knowingly. "They'll have someone for you too."

John stutters. "I-"

"You've been through a lot, my boy, don't deny it." Peppy gives him a pat on the shoulder. "You've both lost too much, being so young. And I'm so sorry." John stares at the king in shock. "I'll make you a deal. Both of you see a specialist, and so will I and Poppy." He looks at his daughter again, guilt in his eyes. "I still haven't explained to her what happened and I have no idea how. I could use some advice."

John ponders it for a moment, looking at Branch, smiling and playing with his friend, and feels something tug at his heart. He wants Branch to go back to feeling like this everyday. He misses his happy baby boy, before he saw the horrors he never should've had to see, before he was abandoned by most of his family. And John knows he can't help him alone. He sighs. "Deal. I'll do it if you do." He holds out a paw to shake on it but Peppy pulls him into a hug, lifting him off of the ground. "Agh! Put me down, you old bastard!"

Peppy laughs and puts him down. "Sorry, lad." He brushes off JD's vest. "I'm just so glad you agreed. I really hope you and your son can find your peace."

John's eyes widen in panic. "H-He's not my son, I don't-"

Peppy gives him a look. "I'm not stupid, John Dory." He looks at Branch and smiles softly. "He looks just like you."

John blushes and whispers, "How long have you known?"

"A few months. After you dropped him off with myself, Poppy and Viva one day, he showed us the picture he'd drawn of you two for Parents Day." Peppy smirks at him. "You cried when he gave it to you. That's exactly how I reacted when Viva made her first for me."

John blushes bright teal and mutters, "Goddamnit."

"Don't worry. Nobody else knows as far as I am aware. That band of yours definitely convinced everyone you were all brothers, so they won't question you." Peppy gives him a sympathetic smile. "You're so young yourself, I understand why it's not common knowledge. And I know Branch doesn't know either."

John's eyes widen.

"I know it's up to you to explain it to him, hopefully both of you seeing a therapist will help you figure it out." Peppy leans closer and whispers, "I think it would make him really happy, if you asked me."

John sighs. "I want to tell him, believe me, I just-" He looks at Branch, the grey trolling climbing a mushroom as Poppy giggles watching him. "I don't want to stress him out more than he already is, Pep. It's honestly a miracle he wanted to come play with Poppy today. I half expected him to want to start our building right away." He runs a paw through his hair. "He doesn't need my mess on top of all of that."

Peppy pats his shoulder again. "John, he's your son. That's not a 'mess'. I agree that he's in too fragile of a state right now, but one day, he's going to ask questions. Just, please try to figure out how to tell him before it will hurt him."

John hugs him and Peppy holds the boy as he shakes a little. He's just a kid. He has a five year old and he's only twenty. Poor boy. I'll get you both help. Peppy looks at his daughter and Branch, the two still playing together and smiling. I'll help all of us. As King, I swear it.

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