In The Rough

By oof12boogaloo

448 9 0

Coming back to raise his baby wasn't something John Dory believed he would ever do, but he's going to do his... More

Chapter 1: Where It All Begins
Chapter 3: Come Home
Chapter 4: Rosiepuff
Chapter 5: The Escape
Chapter 6: Birthday Joys
Chapter 7: Therapy and Progress
Chapter 8: Coming Out (In More Ways Than One)
Chapter 9: Injuries
Chapter 10: Legs

Chapter 2: Eggs and Promises

59 1 0
By oof12boogaloo

John shuts his alarm off before it can go off. Nobody else is awake yet, so he gets up and finds a blanket to wrap the egg in. Quietly, he opens his door and tiptoes down the hallway to the front room.

He sets the egg down softly on the kitchen table before going to turn on the coffee machine and start breakfast, like usual. By the time he hears Spruce's door open, everything is ready and the egg is now on the couch next to John as he sips his coffee.

Spruce walks out, his tail dragging lazily behind him as he yawns, and his eyes are barely open. He looks over at John Dory for half a second before beelining to the coffee machine.

As he stirs his milk in, Spruce freezes. Then he whips around and stares at the egg in shock. He groans. "Fuck, again?"

John winces. "Looks like it," he says.

"God damnit, man!" Spruce complains. Then he sighs. "I really hoped Floyd was the last one. I'm so done with kids for, like, ever."

John chuckles a little. Clay comes out of his room, a book in his hands as he reads, not looking up until Spruce grabs the top of his head and turns him to look at John. His eyes widen.

Floyd comes up behind him, bumping into him and rubbing his eyes as he mumbles. "What's up, Clay?"

"Dude, there's an egg on the couch," Clay whispers in shock.

"WHAT?!" Floyd's eyes go wide and he looks at John and gasps. "Oh my god!" He rushes over and looks closer at the egg. "Where did it come from? Did you find it, JD? How did-"

"Hey, hey, dude, chill," John laughs, "I'm not sure where it came from, I found it outside on the stoop earlier."

Spruce scoffs. "Typical. Exactly what they did with-" John glares at him, shutting him up.

"Fuck," Clay whispers. "Another sibling. That's... cool."

John smiles at him. "It is cool! We get to be big brothers again and Floyd gets to join us too," he says, smiling at Floyd's big eyes full of excitement.

"Awesome!" Floyd yells, jumping up and down in excitement and his tail wiping back and forth. Then he stops and gasps. "Can I hold it? Pleeeaaase, JD?" He gives puppy eyes.

John shakes his head fondly. "Sure, come here, sit."

Floyd sits next to John and he shows his brother how to hold the egg, making sure he's got a good hold on it before he sits back. Floyd looks up at him in wonder. "It's so pretty."

John tries not to tear up. "It is pretty. Most eggs usually are."

Clay sits on the carpet in front of them, watching Floyd rock the egg back and forth, his own tail starting to wag. "Do you think it'll be another boy? I think it will."

"I do too! I can't wait to have a baby brother, it'll be so fun," Floyd says, hugging the egg.

"Nah, I say it's a girl," Spruce says, walking over and sitting on Floyd's other side.

"I agree." John grins. "How about a bet? Losers do the other twos chores for a week?"

"Bet, bros," Clay responds, raising a hand to fist bump. John meets him while Spruce and Floyd laugh.

Suddenly, the front door opens and Rosiepuff walks in. "Grandma!" Floyd yells excitedly, running over to her with the egg still in his arms. "Look, look, look! JD found an egg outside!"

Rosiepuff smiles down at him. "Did he now?" She looks up at John and he gulps. "Isn't that wonderful, Jonathan? Another little one running around." Spruce narrows his eyes at her tone while John Dory sweats nervously. "I hope you're ready to take care of them."

"Of course I am," John responds, his fists clenched.

"We'll be here to help, too!" Floyd says, bouncing on his toes while his tail wags.

"Yeah. Ain't no way you're doing this alone, Johnny," Clay smirks. "Five boys is gonna be a lot, so I know you'll need it, old man."

"Oi! You little-" John Dory goes to grab him but Clay moves out of the way, giggling. "We don't even know what they're going to be yet."

"I still say it's a girl," Spruce chuckles. "I, for one, do not wanna live in a house with four other dudes. Three of you is enough already."

"Hey!" Clay says, offended while Floyd giggles.

Rosiepuff laughs softly and ruffles Floyd's hair. "Well, I'll leave all of you to it. Just wanted to check on you after yesterday." She gives John Dory a look and he flinches, which Spruce notices. "Grandma's going to go spend time with some friends. Come by if you need anything," she says, waving goodbye to them as she leaves again.

Spruce scoffs and mutters, "'Friends'. Sure. Gambling buddies, maybe."

John elbows him. "Dude."

"You know I'm right, man," Spruce responds, crossing his arms.

"Well, yeah, but you don't need to say it, bro," Clay says, glaring at him.

"Guys!" Floyd loudly interrupts them, getting their attention. His eyes are wide as he stares down at the egg. "It's moving!"

John's own eyes widen too. "Bring it here, let me see." He motions Floyd over. He takes the egg carefully and sure enough, it's wiggling vigorously. Putting an ear to the shell, John Dory listens and then gasps. "I think it's hatching."

"Holy shit, already?!" Clay yells, gaping at the egg as it starts moving more.

"We don't know how long it's been detached, so it's totally possible," Spruce whispers, not taking his eyes off of it.

They all gasp as it suddenly cracks down the middle. "Oh my god, oh my god." John quickly sets it down on the coffee table while they crowd around it.

It rattles a little more. "Come on, you can do it," John Dory whispers encouragingly to the egg.

Another crack forms and a hole is punched out of the shell, a tiny blue foot kicking out and making them jump.

"Holy crap, what a little fighter," Spruce says in awe. Then another foot kicks out, finally cracking the shell fully open. A little blueish teal trolling rolls out onto the coffee table and blinks up at them with beautiful eyes, one light blue and the other a much darker shade.

Sapphire hair waves wildly as the baby looks around at them before giggling and making grabby hands towards John.

"Hi, hello, oh my gosh, hi little one," John Dory coos, picking them up and holding them to his chest as his eyes tear up. They have Thistle's hair, oh my god. And both of our eye colors, it's so beautiful.

Spruce, Clay and Floyd all crowd around him, smiling and cooing at the baby as it plays with John's fingers. "They're so cute," Floyd whispers.

"I know, right?" Spruce says, just as quiet. "I love their eyes. It looks so cool."

"They're gonna have an attitude, I can tell. Did you see those kicks?" Clay comments, grinning as the baby's tail wags.

Just like their daddy. John grins and lifts them up, snickering as the baby grabs its own tail and starts nomming on the fluffy end of it.

"So who won?" Clay says and Floyd elbows him. "Ow! What? I'm just saying, I wanna know if I've got more chores this week."

John Dory rolls his eyes and checks the baby as they giggle at him. Then he groans halfheartedly. "You win. He's a boy."

"YES!" Clay rejoices, John and Floyd laughing as he dances in place.

Spruce groans, "God dangit, I really hoped it was a girl."

"What are you gonna name him, JD?" Floyd asks, giggling as he watches the baby shove his foot in his mouth.

JD looks surprised. "Me?"

Clay grins. "You found him, so you should name him, bro!"

John ponders for a second and then remembers the name Thistle had suggested. He smiles softly. "Branch. His name is Branch."

"I like that!" Floyd says excitedly. "Baby Branch!" Branch makes grabbing motions towards him and Floyd squeals. "Can I hold him, John? Please?"

John chuckles and gently hands Branch to him, making sure he's holding him right. John then sits back as his little brother coos down at the baby. "Hi, Baby Branch, I'm your big brother, Floyd. We're going to have so much fun together!"

Branch pats Floyd's cheeks with his little paws, giggling as they all 'aww' at him.

Looking at his brothers cooing over his son, John makes a silent promise. I will never leave you, firefly. Never. Daddy will always be here for you.

-Two Years Later-

As John Dory runs away from his family's pod, backpack on his back and tears in his eyes, he can't help but think, I'm such a fucking liar...

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