
By niwrhes

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If romance is easy , then fate is a game.. Is she his soulmate? Or is he her destiny?.. More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

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By niwrhes

Surprised and confused , Phoebe find herself sitting along with Nero and his older sister , Vanica in his office. It was very awkward and nerve-wracking for her as she finds Nero's sister very intimidating. Nero on the other hand , is busy explaining to her sister about their "not so normal relationship". To which Vanica is amusingly enjoying her brother's candid remarks on Phoebe.

' Ahh... Can I ask why I'm here? ' , she can't take it anymore and bravely cut off Vanica and Nero's conversation. Although , she already have a hint as to why she is summoned or rather forced to be with them.

' Ahh... Before I answer your question darling , I believe I haven't formally introduced myself to you. I am Vanica Eleonora Dixon Vega-Dion ; Nero's only sister! ' , Vanica took the initiative to introduced herself and forcefully hugged Phoebe , which surprised her.

' Ate! You're scaring her! I am sorry Phoebe if my sister came unannounced. You see , she really wanted to meet you and I was supposed to tell you about her but this happened.. I apologize if that surprised you! ' , Nero politely apologized to Phoebe although it wasn't a big deal to her. It just caught her off guard!

' Ahmm.. I—it's fine!!.. Ahh.. ca—can you please let go already , I can't breath! ' , she exclaimed as Vanica's hug seems a bit too much.

' Oops!! My bad... Okay , Let's back to the reason why I am here.. ' , Vanica immediately let go and sat down as her face turns from playful to serious mode.

' If it's not too much to ask.. You see , I already know about your unusual relationship with my brother but it seems to me that the two of you are not yet a couple , right?! ' , Vanica uttered as she sips through her tea while waiting for answers.

' I like her Ate!! I mean I love her already!! But we are not yet a couple and I respect Phoebe so I'm patiently waiting for her honest and clear reply! ' , he uttered as he looked at Phoebe's startled face while he's speaking.

' Ohh!! Neat! I like your honesty as always Nero! What about you Phoebe , do you like my brother? If you don't mind answering. ' , All eyes are on Phoebe now as the siblings are waiting for her response. She really admires Nero's frankness but she still get flustered everytime he says he likes her or love her.

' Ahh... I— I don't know if I have the right to love your brother but... As time goes by and his persistence really did moved me. I know this is may be too much but I— I also like Nero!! ', Phoebe uttered while looking entirely towards Vanica. Meanwhile, Vanica is still speechless after Phoebe let out her true feelings. Nero on the other hand , is on cloud nine and it is evident to his smile while staring at Phoebe.

' Hhmm... I like you! I like your honesty. We should hang out some other time. ' , Vanica uttered as she stand up and smile at Phoebe. She then once again hugged her. Much to Phoebe's awkward self towards Vanica.

' I better get going already. Nero , no need to see me out. Ahh... I know that Nero already invited you to his birthday party but I really wished you could come. We can talk more and I really want to know you more. Okay darling?! ' , Vanica uttered as she smiled towards them although Nero feels like her sister is plotting something or what.

' Of course Ate Vanica , she will be there. ' , Nero replied to his sister's invitation to Phoebe meanwhile , Phoebe is awkwardly smiling as Vanica leave the office.

' Are you okay Phoebe? I'm sorry I should have told you about my sister coming here but I didn't know she moved her schedule. ' , Nero immediately tended Phoebe who is still a bit flustered.

' I— I'm fine... It's just that... I was just maybe scared? I don't know , your sister is quite intimidating isn't she?! ' , Phoebe uttered as she tries to sink it in her mind about what happened.

' By the way... When did you realized that you really love me? ' , Nero suddenly asked her as she is caught off guard by him.

' What??.. Wha—what are you talking about?? ' , Phoebe is embarrassed and attempted to walkout again but before she could anything , Nero immediately held her hand and push her towards him. At that moment , their bodies are so close to each other that they could already hear their heartbeats. And their faces leaning towards each other that they can already gasps their breathes.

' I know you're afraid about what's the future holds between the two of us but can you at least believe in me! No matter what happens , I'll only love you and no one else!! ' , Nero uttered as he looked at her and hoped that whatever Phoebe's thinking , he could at least put some assurance to her that he will never back out of his words.

' I know... I know what I'm going face the moment I realized how much I love you!! And I'm afraid but I'm scared more of not saying and letting you know about how I truly feel!! ' , Phoebe exclaimed as she is teary eyed while looking at him. Nero doesn't want anymore other than her words and her love. He is smiling and she is smiling as the two shared a very romantic hug that lasted quite a while.

A few days later... It's Nero's birthday party already as well as his welcome party after staying abroad for many years. It was all fancy and elegant as the venue were filled with decorations and other . The V&D Hotel is a five-star hotel and is one of the properties of Nero's family.

' Where the hell is he already? ' , Hanz is already on edge as the party will begin in just 20 minutes but Nero is still no nowhere to be found.

' He texted me earlier that he will gonna be late. ' , Vanica uttered as she suddenly appeared from behind which startled Hanz.

' I thought you're in Paris until weekends? That's very unusual for you to miss the fashion week.. ' , Hanz nonchalantly uttered towards his sister who is obviously someone he can't get along with.

' My brother's birthday is more important than anything else! ' , Vanica coldly replied as she smile towards Hanz before leaving him. Hanz really felt so distant towards his sister as the two have a very contrasting personalities and views in life and even in business.

' Sir , the chairman has already arrived sir! ' , Hanz was interrupted as one of his staff informed him about his father's arrival as well as his mother and other relatives of them.

Meanwhile , Nero hasn't been home since last night as he is so busy tending other things after he went full blast yesterday. A decision he made not just for himself but also for Phoebe as he tried to make sure his mother won't be able to do anything when they meet again.

' Are you out your mind???!!! ' , Jena went berserk after he heard the words that came from her little sister's mouth.

' Ate , can you please keep your voice down. Mom and dad might hear us! ' , Phoebe is so scared as to what her parents will do if they found out what she and Nero did yesterday.

' Where the hell is that idiot? I'm really gonna break his neck!! ' , Jena is already furious as she is flabbergasted and surprised at the same time.

' H—he went somewhere. He said he has something to get before we go to his birthday party. ' , Phoebe uttered as she tries to get away as far as she could to her sister who is anytime might explode from anger.

' Ahh... I know your mad Ate Jena but can you please hear us out? I promise I'll explain everything to you after the party bye!!! ' , Phoebe uttered before storming out of the house or else her sister might kill her.

' Wait!!! PHOEBE!!! ' , Jena couldn't believe what she just heard. Her little sister who is usually timid and soft-spoken and indecisive has changed. Her little sister has changed and it's all because of love. That idiot really made her sister do something outrageous like that. She came back to the kitchen to finish off her chores.

' I wish you all well Phoebe!! My little sister is all grown up now!!! ' , she exclaimed as she is happy and sad at the same time.

' How did it go? ' , Nero immediately asked Phoebe about her talking with her sister. The two are on their way to the party after Phoebe had her makeover as Nero doesn't want he to go to that party looking shabby although he told her countless times that she is always beautiful no matter what she wears.

' Well , she is not happy about it when she heard it but I know my sister will understand me. She always take my side and I know deep inside , she's happy for me. ' , she uttered as she looked herself in the mirror in the car as she is not used to wear make ups and wearing clothes like the one she is wearing. But because she love him very much , she listened to him as she also wants to experience wearing hose kind of clothes even just once.

' Are you nervous? If you want , then let's not go to that party anymore? ' , Nero felt it as she looked antsy and worried.

' What are you talking about? If you don't go there , your father will be mad at you and your mother will definitely hate me more even though we haven't meet yet! ' , Phoebe uttered as she is now definitely worried about his mother and other people around them.

' You don't have to worry about that , no matter what happens... This hand is the only hand I'll gonna hold on to for the rest of my life! No one else!! ' , Nero uttered as he kissed Phoebe's hand as sign of assurance of his love for her. And the two smiled it off as they are almost at the hotel already.

' Where is your brother Hanz? I thought you went to his apartment? Why can't you do a simple thing I asked you to!! ' , Theresa who is their mother is already angry as she is venting it out to his oldest son who have no idea about where the hell his brother is.

' Mom , he never went back to his apartment last night. He knows your gonna drag him somewhere just to be here. Looks like he got the best of you Mom!! ' , Hanz sarcastically replied to his mother and his mother gave him the "look" and it really terrified him as his mother went back to his father who is now talking to some of their partners and relatives.

' Where the hell are you Nero? You even turned off your phone and managed to destroy my tracker in you?!! ' , Hanz can't help but just smile as he is just amazed by his brothers ability to be bold and brave at the same time.

It's already 20 minutes passed since they waited for his arrival and the guest have already arrived. The executives and selected employees of the V&D Group are already present. All of Nero's family and relatives are already present already even Anica and her family. After a few minutes of waiting , Hanz received a text from his brother Nero that he is gonna be a little late and to tell his brother to start the party already.

' Ahh... Mic test one two... Ahh... you see , my brother Nero who is the birthday celebrant for today texted me that he will be a little late so he said that we can start already the party. ' , he uttered infront of everyone in the venue.
Meanwhile , his mother doesn't like what she heard as she is still trying to contact her son and Vanica is just smiling in the corner. Marcus doesn't care much about the party as he is just playing with his phone. Their father on the other hand , is quite not pleased but remain calm and composed as he talked to the investors and partners about certain things.

It's been a few minutes already since the party began and everyone is completely settling in when Nero suddenly arrived with his plus one — Phoebe!! Everyone is gossiping as to who is the girl he is with when everyone knows already that Nero is supposed to be engage to Anica who is the daughter of Arnolfo's friend and also one of the V&D Group's long standing partner. Nero felt like everyone is staring at them or to be precise , they are staring towards Phoebe.

' Don't worry Phoebe... ' , He comforted her as  he know that she is already worried and shaking.

' Ok—okay!!! ' , Phoebe reluctantly said as she is quite overwhelmed by the people and the pressure she is feeling right now.

' Where the hell have you been Nero? Do you know that it's your birthday party today? Where are your manners huh?? ' , his mother immediately confronted him who is already pissed off.

' Mom , I know you're angry but you can yell at me or whatever it is to me after I clarify my side okay?!! I love you mom!! ' , he uttered as he hugged his mother and immediately went on to the stage. Alongside him is Phoebe who is now regretting about her actions as she is now feeling a little bit anxious as to what will be the consequences of whatever Nero's gonna say. She tried to look at the people in front of them and she immediately recognized Nero's sister who is smiling towards her. She even saw Yuki who is quite surprised as she is. Then she had an eye to eye contact to Nero's mother and she is sure that if looks can kill , she'll be dead by now.

' Okay... First of all , I would like to apologize if I am late in my own birthday party but honestly I don't really like this kind of stuff. Secondly , I would like to formally introduced myself for those who don't know me yet ; I am Nero Dixon Vega-Dion , the second son of Arnolfo Vega-Dion , the Chairman of V&D Group. I am also the current Director of the Marketing Department of the main company. As you all know , I just came back from being away from the country a few months ago and I am still adjusting myself to my work. But rest assured , I'm not slacking or fooling around at work as I really gave my all and worked hard for it. As you can see , this may sound imposing but allow me to report to you our departments activities and current trend. ' , Nero continued his sudden report as he explains his outlook and closed deals so far in a few months. He also mentions his aspirations and his 10 year plan for the company. And everyone is impressed as he was able triple it's current revenue specially his father who seemed to be impressed by him. As he continues his impromptu presentation, someone interrupted him as his annoying little brother looks like have something to ask.

' Okay... Why did you raised your hand Marcus? Do you have something to say? ' , Nero is trying to be calm as he know his brother is up to no good again.

' Ahh... Who is she? ' , Marcus asked as he pointed his hand towards Phoebe who is still in the corner beside Nero.

Nero already anticipated and all he knows that of there's a perfect place to declare it , then it will be today , with this lots of people and infront of all of his clan...

' Ahh... I know some of you are wondering who is this beautiful woman beside me... Well , she is actually my secretary and....
My WIFE!!!... ', Nero just calmly dropped a big one infront of everyone as all of them are shocked and surprised by what they just heard.

' What????!!!! ' , his mother shouted so hard that it echoes around the venue..

' And here comes the our biggest hurdle!! ', he mumbled in his self as he hold Phoebe's hand so tightly as the two of them will start a new chapter of their life together as new married couple against all possible odds!

To be continued...

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