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By Smmrz_

18.8K 154 79

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416 2 2
By Smmrz_

this is basically the last chapter but instead of spider x ant it's a different out come.

"Hey Spider!" Ant ran up to spider trying to catch up. "You doing owt tonigh?" he got no response. not even a look his way.

"spider?" nothing.

"spider" ...
"spiderrrr" ...
"spider!" ...
"spider?" ...
"spencerrr.." ...
"spence?" ...
"Did i do something?" still no response. "please can you stop ignoring me.."

"Are you mad at me?" Now in truth spider was not mad at Ant at all. He could never be mad at Ant. Last night Dusty and spider were playing games at Spiders and Dusty was making fun about how Spider could not go one day with out Ant. Saying how Spider drops everything he's doing as soon as Ant there.

Ofcourse Spider denied it all saying he doesn't.

"You wanna bet on that one bro?" Dusty smirked

"Go on then." Spider paused the game looking at Dusty with one eyebrow raised

"$100 for you to go one day fully ignoring Ant. Like he's not even there at all" Dusty offered.

"Nah man atleast 200 yk how Ant can be."

"150." Dusty lowered

"Hmm. Yk what fine 150. Deal" And they both shook hands to seal it.

So now here Spider is not even glancing Ants way once. Ok maybe once.. or a couple times while Ant wasn't looking.

"Spider why are you ignoring me?" Ant stepped infront of him to stop him walking while Spider just simply looked over his head like Ant was invisible to him.

"Spider come on man!" Then spider just stepped around Ant and made his way over to Dusty where he fist bumped him and started talking to him.

It was like that the whole day Ant kept trying to ask spider what was wrong and to speak to him and got no response which only stressed him out and ofcourse Spider felt bad for him but once he got the money he could explain it all to Ant and share some of the money with him. So win win right?

By lunch Ant was sick of trying to get spider to talk to him. He was stood alone until Malakai came up to him

"Heyy Ant you okay?" Malakai said putting his arm around Ants shoulders. Ant just looked down at first which Malakai noticed he looked sad so he gave him a hug not realising that Spider was staring right at them.

"What's up Ant?" Malakai pulled away abit to ask.

"Fucking Spider. He's been ignoring me since this morning and won't even look at me. It's been stressing me out since because i don't know what i've done wrong!"

"Spiders a prick. Sorry Iknow your friends with him but he's probably doing some stupid bet that he's got going on with Dusty" Malakai shrugged stepping away abit to let Ant have his space.

"Shit yeah why didn't i think of that? Thats so fucked up who ignores their best friend for abit of money!"

"Yeah Iknow. If you want tho just come with me for the rest of the day. Promise i won't ignore you" Malakai laughed which made Ant smile abit.

"Yeahh okay! Thanks Malakai" Ant and Malakai decided to walk around together. Laughing and smiling away.

Ant and Malakai was together for the rest of the day. Even in sluts Ant just went and sat next to Malakai and they chatted away for the rest of the lesson. Even getting shouted at a few times by Miss Obah. The 2 couldn't feel the way Spider was staring them down all of the time they was there. The way he stayed after everyone left except from him and malakai.

"Right I'll wait for you outside Ant" Malakai got up and rested his hand on Ants shoulder for a sec before he let go and walked outside the room. Accidentally making abit of eye contact with an angry spider.

Ant got up to leave not even realising Spider was there before he was pulled back and the door was locked behind him.

"Spider what the fuck man?" Ant said abit startled at what spider had done.

"What's up with you going and hanging out with Malakai all day?"

"What's up with me? What's up with you! You've been ignoring me not speaking to me at all so when Malakai came over and actually spoke to me i thought i'd just hang out with Malakai!"

"Right listen" Spider put his hands on ants shoulders " It was a bet i had with Dusty. If i ignored you the whole day i'd get £150 and then i would tell you and give you some of the money but i can't stand seeing you going off with him.."

"What's wrong with Malakai?" Ant questioned ignoring everything else.

"Well he's clearly into you. He's been hugging you and shit like that all day i don't like it." Spider said rolling his eyes

"Well Malakai's not been a prick to me and ignoring me all day! I knew it was a stupid bet but that was just stupid." Ant knocked off spiders hands and walked out of the room to be met with Malakai.

"Ant what's up?" Malakai put himself in the way to stop Ant from angrily walking away

"Spider! He actually annoys me so much!" Ant just stood there annoyed looking down which gave Malakai the chance to step closer and just hug ant. As they was stood there hugging spider walked out looked at Malakai and walked off.

"Hey hey it'll be okay you have me now." Malakai let off and held Ants face getting him to look up at him. Why was Ant so pretty? Wait he shouldn't think think. But.. He was.

He didn't realise how long they was stood just staring at eachover both leaning their faces closer to eachover until there lips finally met in a kiss.

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