10 Daily Habits for Self-Resp...

By Venus_healthylife

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Unleash your inner strength! 10 daily habits for self-respect to nurture mind, body & spirit. Bloom into your... More

10 Daily Habits for Self-Respect

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By Venus_healthylife

Unleashyour inner strength! 10 daily habits for self-respect to nurture mind, body& spirit. Bloom into your best self.

Self-care. The phrase is invoked so casually these days – yet it can feel more like smoke. We nod when we hear it, we know we 'should' do it—but how? Self-respect – the foundation of self-care – is not about Epsom salts and mud masks (though those can be lovely!). It's about harvesting any moment each day to create habits that sustain mind, body and spirit.

Think, for a moment, of yourself as an elaborate garden. Self-respect is the compost and the gentle rain and the warm light of the sun, all those things that allow you to grow into your most flourishing self. But gardens have to be tended. Let's consider some daily habits that can help to create a garden of self-respect, a space where you can grow and bloom.

The Seeds of Self-Awareness

before we talk about habits, there's something else to point out: the value of self-knowledge. This is like becoming more familiar with the topography of your garden. What makes you tick? Where are your strengths and weaknesses? I think of journaling as a way of mapping the personal landscape. Ideally, all it takes is a freewriting session of five or 10 minutes each day. It's elegant, free and you don't need to filter or censor. Just write what your fingers are saying.

Listen to Your Body's Whispers

With each beat of our heart, each swallow of our windpipe, our body is sending messages. The problem is that we're usually too busy to notice these messages. Is your energy level chronically low? Is your craving for sugar higher after a stressful day? Take note of these symptoms. Perhaps you are in need of more sleep or perhaps learning how to manage stress would be in order.

Challenge Your Inner Critic

That little voice in your head that reminds you how much you suck, how ugly you are, everything you're not and won't ever be? Ugh. That's not a friend. Follow that nasty little voice with something counter: 'And I attended four Ivy League schools. I'm a mother of four strong children. I baked those brownies alone last week.' Next time your mean little self-speak cycle starts, challenge that voice! Would you call one of your besties and tell them that they suck and are incompetent and don't look half as good as you do? Hell, no! Instead, follow up your insults with your list of positive qualities.

Sprouting Habits of Self-Nurturing

Now that you've explored your inner landscape, let's plant some seeds for growth!

Nourishing Your Body

Move Your Body: Exercise is not about punishment; it's about fun. Moving your body is an opportunity to celebrate what it can do, so play to your strengths. Go to local dance classes, dancing in your living room, go for a brisk walk in the woods, or sign up for a yoga class.

Fire Your Engine: By eating whole foods your body will provide you with the the right fuel you need to power through your day. Ever put cheese whiz in a race car? No! So why put crap into the only car you're ever guaranteed to have.

Sleep is Holy: Good sleep is important. Seven to eight hours of unbroken rest, every night, is very important.

Tending to Your Mind

Find Stillness: Make sure to set aside a few minutes each day for quietude, even as little as five; maybe you can try a mediation; breathing exercises.

Pick Up A Hobby: Relieve boredom by learning how to cook, play an instrument, paint – whatever you like! Finish An Unread Book: Boost your critical thinking skills by finishing that unfinished novel tucked on your shelf. Learn Something New: Stay mentally alert by learning a new skill from YouTube, an online class, or an interesting book you've been meaning to read.

Purge your mind: To-do lists are great. I have one right next to my computer. The problem is, they can be daunting. Cull your list down to only what you can reasonably do today.

Cultivating Your Spirit

Stay Connected to Loved Ones: Social connections are critical to maintaining mental health. Cultivate relationships with friends and family who value and strengthen you.

Create art with your life: paint, write, sing or play any musical instrument. Create life itself.

Give Back: Providing support to others is good for your sense of meaning, and also connects you to a larger sense of collectivity outside of your personal circle. Donate your time or money to something you believe in.

Embrace Imperfections

Remember: your garden will not always be in its prime. You will have withering leaves and the unexpected storm will blow in. But that's all right. It's life. Be gentle with yourself. Self-compassion should be as important as respect for others.

Conclusion: Blooming with Self-Respect

Learning to appreciate yourself – the persistence needed to earn the reward that is self-respect – is something you'll do for a lifetime. But if you ever succeed in gathering the above seeds of growth and cultivating the accompanying habits, you'll also reap a once-in-a-lifetime reward and accumulate the building blocks of a longer, happier life. Your garden is different. Your path is different too. But there is a path, and you are walking on it. So enjoy the weeding. Give yourself a watering. Take in the flowering.

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